예제 #1
    def test_relative_position_mover(self, ):
        """ Test the RelativePositionMover """
        log.info("test RelativePositionMover")
        fn_rec1 = self.get_input_file_name("1suvA_xlinked.pdb")
        fn_rec2 = self.get_input_file_name("1suvC_xlinked.pdb")
        fn_lig = self.get_input_file_name("1suvE_xlinked.pdb")
        fn_tr1  = \
        fn_tr2  = \
        m = IMP.kernel.Model()
        sel = atom.ATOMPDBSelector()
        h_rec1 = atom.read_pdb(fn_rec1, m, sel)
        rb_rec1 = atom.create_rigid_body(h_rec1)
        rec1_coords = [core.XYZ(l).get_coordinates()
                       for l in atom.get_leaves(h_rec1)]
        h_rec2 = atom.read_pdb(fn_rec2, m, sel)
        rb_rec2 = atom.create_rigid_body(h_rec2)
        rec2_coords = [core.XYZ(l).get_coordinates()
                       for l in atom.get_leaves(h_rec2)]
        h_ligand = atom.read_pdb(fn_lig, m, sel)
        rb_lig = atom.create_rigid_body(h_ligand)

        Ts = get_relative_transforms(fn_tr1)
        Tis1 = []
        for i, T in enumerate(Ts):
            V = get_internal_transform3(T, rb_rec1, rb_lig)
        docked_refs1 = get_docked_reference_frames(Ts, rb_lig)

        Ts = get_relative_transforms(fn_tr2)
        Tis2 = []
        for i, T in enumerate(Ts):
            V = get_internal_transform3(T, rb_rec2, rb_lig)
        docked_refs2 = get_docked_reference_frames(Ts, rb_lig)

        mv = em2d.RelativePositionMover(rb_lig, 10, 20)
        mv.add_internal_transformations(rb_rec1, Tis1)
        mv.add_internal_transformations(rb_rec2, Tis2)

        for i in range(2):
#            prob_random = 0
            ref_before = rb_lig.get_reference_frame()
            ps = mv.propose()  # _move(prob_random)
            ref_after = rb_lig.get_reference_frame()
            found = False
            current_coords = [core.XYZ(l).get_coordinates()
                              for l in atom.get_leaves(h_ligand)]
            # check all possible reference frames where the ligand could be
            for r in itertools.chain(docked_refs1, docked_refs2):
                docked_coords = [core.XYZ(l).get_coordinates()
                                 for l in atom.get_leaves(h_ligand)]
                rmsd = alg.get_rmsd(current_coords, docked_coords)
                if rmsd < 0.1:
                    found = True
            self.assertTrue(found, msg="the proposed move is not "
                            "in the relative solutions")
예제 #2
def get_center_coordinates(ps):
    x = []
    for p in ps:
        p = IC.XYZ(p)
        x.append([p.get_x(), p.get_y(), p.get_z()])

    return x
예제 #3
파일: buildxlinks.py 프로젝트: sirusb/imp
 def get_residue_coordinates(self, h, ch, res):
         Get the coordinates for a residue in a molecular hierarchy
         @param h atom.Hierarchy object
         @param ch The chain id
         @param res Residue index
     p = self.get_residue_particle(h, ch, res)
     return core.XYZ(p).get_coordinates()
예제 #4
def get_residue_coordinates(h, chain_id=False, res=1):
        Get the coordinates of a residue (the coordinates of the first particle)
        @param h Hierarchy
        @param chain See help for get_residue_particle()
        @param res See help for get_residue_particle()
    p = get_residue_particle(h, chain_id, res)
    return core.XYZ(p).get_coordinates()
예제 #5
def apply_transformation_to_hierarchy(prot, T, fn_write=False):
        If fn_write is different from False, write to file
    R = T.get_rotation()
    t = T.get_translation()
    xyz1 = [core.XYZ(l) for l in atom.get_leaves(prot)]
    coords = [p.get_coordinates() for p in xyz1]
    newvs = [R.get_rotated(v) + t for v in coords]
    for i in range(len(newvs)):
    if (fn_write):
        atom.write_pdb(prot, fn_write)
예제 #6
def create_simplified_dna(dna_hierarchy, n_res):
    """ Gets a hierarchy containing a molecule of DNA and simplifies it,
        generating a coarse representation of spheres. The function returns
        a hierarchy with the spheres.
        n_res - Number of residues to use per sphere.
    chain = dna_hierarchy.get_as_chain()
    if (not chain.get_is_valid(True)):
        raise TypeError(
            "create_simplified_dna: the hierarchy provided is not a "

    model = dna_hierarchy.get_model()
    ph = IMP.kernel.Particle(model)
    simplified_h = atom.Hierarchy.setup_particle(ph)
    atom.Chain.setup_particle(ph, "0")

    residues = atom.get_by_type(dna_hierarchy, atom.RESIDUE_TYPE)
    l = len(residues)
    # print "the DNA has ",l,"residues"
    for i in range(0, l, n_res):
        xyzrs = []
        equivalent_mass = 0.0
        residues_numbers = []
        for r in residues[i:i + n_res]:
            rr = atom.Residue(r)
            # print "residue",rr.get_name(),rr.get_index()
            residue_xyzrs = [
                core.XYZ(a.get_particle()) for a in rr.get_children()
            xyzrs += residue_xyzrs
            #            print "residue",r,"mass",get_residue_mass(r)
            equivalent_mass += get_residue_mass(r)

        s = core.get_enclosing_sphere(xyzrs)
        p = IMP.kernel.Particle(model)
        xyzr = core.XYZR.setup_particle(p)
        fragment = atom.Fragment.setup_particle(p)
        atom.Mass.setup_particle(p, equivalent_mass)
    #    print "simplified_h is valid:",simplified_h.get_is_valid(True)
    return simplified_h
예제 #7
def get_coordinates(hierarchy):
    xyz = [core.XYZ(l) for l in atom.get_leaves(hierarchy)]
    coords = [x.get_coordinates() for x in xyz]
    return coords
예제 #8
def get_drms_for_backbone(assembly, native_assembly):
        Measure the DRMS ob the backbone between two assemblies.
        @param assembly The DRMS is computed for this assembly
        @param native_assembly The assembly that acts as a reference

          1) The components of the assembly can be proteins or nucleic acids
          2) If a protein, the c-alphas are used for calculating the drms
          3) If a nucleic acid, the backbone of C4' atoms is used
          4) The chains are treated as rigid bodies to speed the calculation.

        WARNING: if the function fails with a segmentation fault, one of the
        possible problems is that IMP reads some HETATM as calphas. Check that
        the chain does not have heteroatoms.
    log.debug("Measuring DRMS of the backbone")
    begin_range = 0
    ranges = []
    backbone = []
    h_chains = atom.get_by_type(assembly, atom.CHAIN_TYPE)
    for h in h_chains:
        atoms = representation.get_backbone(h)
        for a in atoms:
            print "atom ===> ",
            at = atom.Atom(a)
            hr = at.get_parent()
            res = atom.Residue(hr)
            ch = atom.Chain(h)
            print " - ",
            print " - ",
            print ""
        end_range = begin_range + len(atoms)
        ranges.append((begin_range, end_range))
        begin_range = end_range
    log.debug("Ranges %s number of atoms %s", ranges, len(backbone))
    xyzs = [core.XYZ(l) for l in backbone]
    native_chains = atom.get_by_type(native_assembly, atom.CHAIN_TYPE)
    names = [atom.Chain(ch).get_id() for ch in native_chains]
    native_backbone = []
    for h in native_chains:
    native_xyzs = [core.XYZ(l) for l in native_backbone]
    if len(xyzs) != len(native_xyzs):
        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot compute DRMS for sets of atoms of different size")
    log.debug("Getting rigid bodies rmsd")
    drms = atom.get_rigid_bodies_drms(xyzs, native_xyzs, ranges)
    if drms < 0 or math.isnan(drms):  # or drms > 100:
            "len(xyzs) = %s. len(native_xyzs) = %s",
        log.debug("drms = %s", drms)
        atom.write_pdb(assembly, "drms_model_calphas.pdb")
        atom.write_pdb(native_assembly, "drms_native_calphas.pdb")
        raise ValueError("There is a problem with the drms. I wrote the pdbs "
                         "for you: drms_model_calphas.pdb drms_native_calphas.pdb")
    return drms
예제 #9
def get_rmsd(hierarchy1, hierarchy2):
    xyz1 = [core.XYZ(l) for l in atom.get_leaves(hierarchy1)]
    xyz2 = [core.XYZ(l) for l in atom.get_leaves(hierarchy2)]
    return atom.get_rmsd(xyz1, xyz2)