def display_equation(idx, symObj): if (isinstance(idx, str)): eqn = '\\[' + idx + ' = ' + latex(symObj) + '\\]' display_latex(eqn, raw=True) else: eqn = '\\[' + latex(idx) + ' = ' + latex(symObj) + '\\]' display_latex(eqn, raw=True) return
def pprint_matrix(data, digits=3): """Print a numpy array as a latex matrix.""" header = (r"\begin{{pmatrix}}" r"{d}\end{{pmatrix}}") d = data.__str__()[1:-1] d = d.replace(']', '') d = d.replace('\n', r'\\') d = re.sub(r' *\[ *', '', d) d = re.sub(r' +', ' & ', d) display.display_latex(display.Latex(header.format(d=d)))
def pprint_matrix(data, digits=3): """Print a numpy array as a latex matrix.""" header = r"\begin{{pmatrix}}" r"{d}\end{{pmatrix}}" d = data.__str__()[1:-1] d = d.replace("]", "") d = d.replace("\n", r"\\") d = re.sub(r" *\[ *", "", d) d = re.sub(r" +", " & ", d) display.display_latex(display.Latex(header.format(d=d)))
def pprint_matrix(data, digits=3): """Print a numpy array as a latex matrix.""" header = (r"\begin{{pmatrix}}" r"{d}\end{{pmatrix}}") d=data.__str__()[1:-1] d = d.replace(']', '') d = d.replace('\n', r'\\') d = re.sub(r' *\[ *', '', d) d = re.sub(r' +', ' & ', d) display.display_latex(display.Latex(header.format(d=d)))
def callback(r,m): from IPython.display import display_latex print "appy rule: %s" % r lt = pc.latex(,evaluate=False)),\ pc.latex(r.replacement.subs(m,evaluate=False)),\ r"\;\text{ if }\;%s" % pc.latex(r.condition.subs(m,evaluate=False)) if r.condition is not None else '' display_latex(r"$$%s \rightarrow %s%s$$" % lt,raw=True)
def callback(r,m): from IPython.display import display_latex import sys print("appy rule: %s" % r) lt = pc.latex(,evaluate=False)),\ pc.latex(r.replacement.subs(m,evaluate=False)),\ r"\;\text{ if }\;%s" % pc.latex(r.condition.subs(m,evaluate=False)) if r.condition is not None else '' display_latex(r"$$%s \rightarrow %s%s$$" % lt,raw=True) sys.stdout.flush()
def print_equation(theta): """Displays a LaTeX equation for the polynomial with coefficients `theta`, where theta[-1] is the lowest order coefficient (the constant) and theta[0] is the highest order coefficient. Parameters ---------- theta : numpy array with shape (k+1,) The coefficients of the polynomial, ordered from highest-order to lowest-order. """ display_latex("$${}$$".format(format_equation(theta)), raw=True)
def report_use_latex(self): """使用LaTex格式化报告 """ try: from IPython.display import display_latex, Math from sympy import init_printing init_printing() except ModuleNotFoundError: return self.__str__() for k, v in self.stats_result.items(): if k not in self.report_filters: print(k) if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): display_latex(Math(latex(Matrix(v)))) else: print(v) print() return "repr"
def concat_latex(exprs: typing.List[sympy.Expr], labels: typing.List[str] = None, label_names: typing.List[str] = None, display=False): latex_exprs = [ unwrap_latex(full_simplify(e)._repr_latex_()) for e in exprs ] if labels is not None and label_names is not None: label_strs = [ '({})'.format(', '.join( '{}={:d}'.format(name, value) for name, value in zip(label_names, label))) for label in labels ] else: label_strs = len(exprs) * [''] combined = '\\begin{{split}} {} \\end{{split}}'.format(' \\\\ '.join( '{} &: {}'.format(label, expr) for label, expr in zip(label_strs, latex_exprs))) tex = wrap_latex(combined) if display: _display.display_latex(tex, raw=True) return tex
def ovb_minimal_reporting(self, format = 'html', digits = 3, display = True): """ ovb_minimal_reporting returns the LaTeX/HTML code for a table summarizing the sensemakr object. This function takes as input a sensemakr object, the digit to round number, one of the format type "latex" or "html", and a boolean whether to display the output or not. The default is round 3 digits, 'html' format and display the table. Parameters ---------- format : string Either "latex" or "html" (Default value = 'html'). display : boolean Default is True, to display the table. digits : int Rounding digit for the table (Default value = 3). Returns ------- string LaTex/HTML code for creating the table summarizing the sensemakr object. Examples --------- >>> # Load example dataset: >>> import sensemakr as smkr >>> darfur = smkr.load_darfur() >>> # Fit a statsmodels OLSResults object ("fitted_model"): >>> import statsmodels.formula.api as smf >>> model = smf.ols(formula='peacefactor ~ directlyharmed + age + farmer_dar + herder_dar + pastvoted + hhsize_darfur + female + village', data=darfur) >>> fitted_model = >>> # Runs sensemakr for sensitivity analysis >>> sensitivity = smkr.Sensemakr(model=fitted_model, treatment = "directlyharmed", q=1.0, alpha=0.05, reduce=True) >>> # Gets HTML code and table >>> result=sensitivity.ovb_minimal_reporting() # doctest: +SKIP >>> # Prints raw html code >>> print(result) # doctest: +SKIP """ if(format=='latex'): result='\\begin{table}[!h] \n\\centering \n\\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrr} \n'+\ "\\multicolumn{7}{c}{Outcome: \\textit{"+str(self.model.model.endog_names)+"}} \\\\\n"+\ "\\hline \\hline \nTreatment: & Est. & S.E. & t-value & $R^2_{Y \\sim D |{\\bf X}}$"+\ " & $RV_{q ="+str(self.q)+"}$"+ "& $RV_{q = "+str(self.q)+ ", \\alpha = "+str(self.alpha)+ "}$ " + " \\\\ \n"+ "\\hline \n"+\ "\\textit{"+str(self.treatment)+ "} &"+str(round(self.sensitivity_stats['estimate'], digits))+ " & "+\ str(round(self.sensitivity_stats['se'], digits))+ " & "+\ str(round(self.sensitivity_stats['t_statistic'], digits))+" & "+\ str(round(self.sensitivity_stats['r2yd_x']*100, digits-2))+ "\\% & "+\ str(round(self.sensitivity_stats['rv_q']*100, digits-2))+ "\\% & "+\ str(round(self.sensitivity_stats['rv_qa']*100, digits-2))+ "\\% \\\\ \n"+\ "\\hline \n" + "df = "+str(self.sensitivity_stats['dof'])+ " & & "+"\\multicolumn{5}{r}{ "+( "}\n"+\ "\\end{tabular}\n"+\ "\\end{table}" if (self.bounds is None) else "\\small"+\ "\\textit{Bound ("+str(self.bounds['bound_label'][0])+ ")}: "+\ "$R^2_{Y\\sim Z| {\\bf X}, D}$ = "+\ str(round(self.bounds['r2yz_dx'][0]*100, digits-2))+\ "\\%, $R^2_{D\\sim Z| {\\bf X} }$ = "+\ str(round(self.bounds['r2dz_x'][0]*100, digits-2))+\ "\\%""}\\\\\n"+\ "\\end{tabular}\n"+\ "\\end{table}") if(display==True): from IPython.display import display_latex display_latex(result, raw=True) return result if(format=='html'): result="<table style='align:center'>\n"+"<thead>\n"+\ "<tr>\n"+\ '\t<th style="text-align:left;border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;border-top: 1px solid black"> </th>\n'+\ '\t<th colspan = 6 style="text-align:center;border-bottom: 1px solid black;border-top: 1px solid black"> Outcome: '+\ str(self.model.model.endog_names)+'</th>\n'+\ "</tr>\n"+\ "<tr>\n"+\ '\t<th style="text-align:left;border-top: 1px solid black"> Treatment </th>\n'+\ '\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> Est. </th>\n'+\ '\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> S.E. </th>\n'+\ '\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> t-value </th>\n'+\ '\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> R<sup>2</sup><sub>Y~D|X</sub> </th>\n'+\ '\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> RV<sub>q = '+\ str(self.q)+ '</sub> </th>\n'+\ '\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> RV<sub>q = '+\ str(self.q)+ ", α = "+\ str(self.alpha)+ "</sub> </th>\n"+\ "</tr>\n"+\ "</thead>\n"+\ "<tbody>\n <tr>\n"+\ '\t<td style="text-align:left; border-bottom: 1px solid black"><i>'+\ str(self.treatment)+ "</i></td>\n"+\ '\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">'+\ str(round(self.sensitivity_stats['estimate'], digits))+ " </td>\n"+\ '\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">'+\ str(round(self.sensitivity_stats['se'], digits))+ " </td>\n"+\ '\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">'+\ str(round(self.sensitivity_stats['t_statistic'], digits-2))+" </td>\n"+\ '\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">'+\ str(round(self.sensitivity_stats['r2yd_x']*100, digits-2))+ "% </td>\n"+\ '\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">'+\ str(round(self.sensitivity_stats['rv_q']*100, digits-2))+ "% </td>\n"+\ '\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">'+\ str(round(self.sensitivity_stats['rv_qa']*100, digits-2))+"% </td>\n"+\ "</tr>\n</tbody>\n"+\ ('<tr>\n'+\ "<td colspan = 7 style='text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black;border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;font-size:11px'>"+\ "Note: df = "+str(self.sensitivity_stats['dof'])+\ "</td>\n"+\ "</tr>\n"+\ "</table>" if (self.bounds is None) else "<tr>\n"+\ "<td colspan = 7 style='text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black;border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;font-size:11px'>"+\ "Note: df = "+ str(self.sensitivity_stats['dof'])+ "; "+\ "Bound ( "+str(self.bounds['bound_label'][0])+ " ): "+\ "R<sup>2</sup><sub>Y~Z|X,D</sub> = "+\ str(round(self.bounds['r2yz_dx'][0]*100, digits-2))+\ "%, R<sup>2</sup><sub>D~Z|X</sub> ="+\ str(round(self.bounds['r2dz_x'][0]*100, digits-2))+\ "%"+\ "</td>\n"+\ "</tr>\n"+\ "</table>") if(display==True): from IPython.display import display_html display_html(result, raw=True) return result