예제 #1
파일: test_Nicer.py 프로젝트: mjuvela/ISM
from ISM.Extinction import *
from ISM.Extinction.Nicer import *
from ISM.FITS.FITS import MakeEmptyFitsDim

# Select a target cloud
ra0  = HMS2RAD( 15, 39, 42.0)
de0  = DMS2RAD( -7, 10,  0.0)
box  = 60.0*ARCMIN_TO_RADIAN   # map size in radians
pix  = 0.5*ARCMIN_TO_RADIAN    # pixel size
fwhm = 3.0*ARCMIN_TO_RADIAN    # fwhm of the Av map
npix = int(box/pix)            # map size as number of pixels

# Read 2Mass stars for a reference field (OFF field)
coo, mag, dmag = read_2mass_www(ra0, de0+box, box_size=0.5*box, filename='OFF.2Mass')

# Read 2Mass stars for the ON field
COO, MAG, DMAG = read_2mass_www(ra0, de0    , box_size=box,     filename='ON.2Mass')

# Make a template FITS image for the extinction map and the error map
F  = MakeEmptyFitsDim(ra0, de0, 0.5*ARCMIN_TO_RADIAN, npix, npix)
dF = MakeEmptyFitsDim(ra0, de0, 0.5*ARCMIN_TO_RADIAN, npix, npix)

# Choose extinction curve
EX_AV = get_AX_AV(['J', 'H', 'Ks'], Rv=3.1)

# Calculate extinction and save the results to FITS files
NICER_with_OpenCL(F, COO, MAG, DMAG, mag, dmag, EX_AV, FWHM=3.0*ARCMIN_TO_RADIAN, CLIP=3.0, GPU=0, dF=dF)
F.writeto( 'test_Av.fits' , overwrite=True)
dF.writeto('test_dAv.fits', overwrite=True)

예제 #2
        for i in range(1000):
            K = 4.0 * log(2.0) / (clip(2.0 + 1.0 * randn(), 2.0, 99)**2.0)
            G[0].data += 98.0 * rand() * exp(-K * ((J - N * rand())**2.0 +
                                                   (I - M * rand())**2.0))
        G[0].data = clip(G[0].data, 1.0, +100.0)
        G[0].data[0:3, :] = 0.0
        G[0].data[-3:, :] = 0.0
        G[0].data[:, 0:3] = 0.0
        G[0].data[:, -3:] = 0.0
        if (1):  # rotate the input image
            rot = 30 * DEGREE_TO_RADIAN
            G[0].header['CD1_1'] = G[0].header['CDELT1'] * cos(rot)
            G[0].header['CD1_2'] = -G[0].header['CDELT2'] * sin(rot)
            G[0].header['CD2_1'] = G[0].header['CDELT1'] * sin(rot)
            G[0].header['CD2_2'] = G[0].header['CDELT2'] * cos(rot)
        G.writeto('g.fits', overwrite=True)

        # Run montage.reproject
        A[0].header.totextfile('ref.header', overwrite=True)
        A = pyfits.open('A.fits')

        # Run the OpenCL routine
        Reproject(G, B, GPU=GPU, cstep=cstep, shrink=1.0)

        # ignore the borders .... note that pixel values may be very small for the last pixels
        #  on the edges of the area covered by the input data
예제 #3
파일: test_drizzle.py 프로젝트: mjuvela/ISM
    J, I = indices((N, M), np.float32)
    for i in range(30):
        K = 4.0 * log(2.0) / (clip(2.0 + 1.0 * randn(), 2.0, 99)**2.0)
        G[0].data += 100.0 * rand() * exp(-K * ((J - N * rand())**2.0 +
                                                (I - M * rand())**2.0))
    G[0].data[0:3, :] = 0.0
    G[0].data[-3:, :] = 0.0
    G[0].data[:, 0:3] = 0.0
    G[0].data[:, -3:] = 0.0
    if (1):  # rotate the input image
        rot = 30 * DEGREE_TO_RADIAN
        G[0].header['CD1_1'] = G[0].header['CDELT1'] * cos(rot)
        G[0].header['CD1_2'] = -G[0].header['CDELT2'] * sin(rot)
        G[0].header['CD2_1'] = G[0].header['CDELT1'] * sin(rot)
        G[0].header['CD2_2'] = G[0].header['CDELT2'] * cos(rot)
    G.writeto('g.fits', overwrite=True)

    # Run montage.reproject
    if (
            N < 10000
    ):  # laptop tmp directory was running out of space for larger images...
        )  # sleep before and after Montage, to avoid (reduce) CPU throttling
        t0 = time.time()
        A[0].header.totextfile('ref.header', overwrite=True)