def haul(event): if event.sim.get_status().rain: raise Manager.RetryLater() g = ActionsGraph(event.sim) b = Block(g, lambda x: isinstance(x, Aquifer)) b1 = Block(g, lambda x: isinstance(x, Well)) t = Action(g, "take", lambda x: isinstance(x, Aquifer), param={"well": lambda x: isinstance(x, Well)}, after=[,], condition=lambda x: not x.get_status().rain, on_false=Aquifer.rain) f1 = Free(g, lambda x: isinstance(x, Well), after=[]) b1 = Block(g, lambda x: isinstance(x, Tank) and not x.is_full(), sort_by=lambda x: x.full.level, after=[]) t = Action(g, "drop", lambda x: isinstance(x, Aquifer), param={"tank": lambda x: isinstance(x, Tank)}, after=[]) f = Free(g, lambda x: isinstance(x, Aquifer), None, after=[]) f1 = Free(g, lambda x: isinstance(x, Tank), None, after=[,]) bh = Branch(g, after=[], condition=lambda x: < 5000) GenerateEvent(g, Event(sim, None, "haul"), after=[], return g
def empty_tank(self, event): g = ActionsGraph(event.sim) b = Block(g,, sort_by=None) e = Action(g, "empty",, after=[], condition=lambda x: x.find_res_by_id(, free=False). full.level != 0) Free(g,, after=[]) Event(sim, + 1000, "empty_tank" + str( return g
def implement2(task, channel_id, sim, parameter) -> ActionsGraph: assert isinstance(task, Task) assert isinstance(sim, Simulation) assert isinstance(channel_id, int) assert isinstance(parameter, SimulationParameter) r = ActionsGraph(sim, task) channel = sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id) lift = sim.find_performer(lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift) and x.position. section == channel.position.section, free=False)[0] if task.order_type == OrderType.DEPOSIT: block_channel = Block(r, block_sat = Block( r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite) and x.position.section == channel.position.section, after=[], sort_by=lambda x: distance(x.position, Strategy.bay.position, sim.get_status().parameter)) block_shu = Block( r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle) and x.position.section == channel.position.section, after=[], sort_by=lambda x: distance(x.position, Strategy.bay.position, sim.get_status().parameter)) # take sat to 0 move_sat = Action( r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": 0}, after=[,], condition=lambda x, y: len( sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id, free=False).items ) != sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id, free=False).capacity, on_false=Strategy.ab) # take shuttle to satellite level security_drop_shu = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), after=[,]) move_shu = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": 0}, after=[]) # condition check branch_sat_shu_lf = Branch( r, after=[,], condition=lambda sim, taken_inf: lift.content is None or lift. != list( filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), taken_inf))[0].id or list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), taken_inf))[ 0].content is None or list( filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), taken_inf))[0] .content != list( filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), taken_inf))[0]) # lift the shu block_lift = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift) and x.position. section == channel.position.section, after=[,], branch=branch_sat_shu_lf) security_drop = Action( r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[,,], branch=branch_sat_shu_lf) move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[,], branch=branch_sat_shu_lf) pick_up_shu = Action(r, ActionType.PICKUP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[,], branch=branch_sat_shu_lf) move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto_sat": 0}, after=[,], branch=branch_sat_shu_lf) drop_shu = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[], branch=branch_sat_shu_lf) free_lift = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[], branch=branch_sat_shu_lf) # shuttle take sat move_shu = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"auto": 0}, after=[], branch=branch_sat_shu_lf) pick_up_sat = Action(r, ActionType.PICKUP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"auto": 0}, after=[,], branch=branch_sat_shu_lf) # to zero and lift pick_up move_shu = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": 0}, after=[,], branch=branch_sat_shu_lf) block_lift = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift) and x.position. section == channel.position.section, after=[,]) security_drop = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[], branch=branch_sat_shu_lf) move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[], branch=branch_sat_shu_lf) pick_up_shu = Action(r, ActionType.PICKUP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[,], branch=branch_sat_shu_lf) # go to Strategy.bay take and go to level move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"level": Strategy.bay.position.level}, after=[]) get = Action(r, ActionType.GET_FROM_BAY, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"item": task.item}, after=[]) # go and drop move = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"level": channel.position.level}, after=[]) drop_shu = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[]) move_shu = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": channel.position.x}, after=[]) drop_sat = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), after=[]) move_sat = Action( r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": channel.capacity - len(channel.items)}, after=[]) drop = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"channel_id":}, after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Channel), after=[]) else: block_channel = Block(r, block_sat = Block( r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite) and x.position.section == channel.position.section, after=[], sort_by=lambda x: distance(x.position, channel.position, sim.get_status().parameter)) block_shu = Block( r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle) and x.position.section == channel.position.section, after=[], sort_by=lambda x: distance(x.position, channel.position, sim.get_status().parameter)) # condition check branch_sat_shu_lf = Branch( r, after=[,], condition=lambda sim, taken_inf: lift.content is None or lift. != list( filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), taken_inf))[0].id or list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), taken_inf))[ 0].content is None or list( filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), taken_inf))[0] .content != list( filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), taken_inf))[0]) branch_sat_shu_on_level = Branch( r, after=[,,], condition=lambda sim, taken_inf: list( filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), taken_inf) )[0].position.level != channel.position.level or list( filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), taken_inf))[ 0].position.level != channel.position.level, security_drop_shu = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), after=[,], move_shu = Action( r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": 0}, after=[],, condition=lambda x, y: len( sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id, free=False).items) != 0, on_false=Strategy.ab) # grab shuttle block_lift = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift) and x.position. section == channel.position.section, after=[,, ], security_drop = Action( r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[,,], move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[,], pick_up_shu = Action(r, ActionType.PICKUP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[,], # take shuttle to sat level move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto_sat": 0}, after=[,], drop_shu = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[], free_lift = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[], # sat to zero move_sat = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": 0}, after=[,], # shuttle takes sat and go to x 0 lift grab them move_shu = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"auto": 0}, after=[], pick_up_sat = Action(r, ActionType.PICKUP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"auto": 0}, after=[,], move_shu = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": 0}, after=[], block_lift = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift) and x.position. section == channel.position.section, after=[,]) security_drop = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[], move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[], pick_up_shu = Action(r, ActionType.PICKUP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[,], # lift take shu and sat to channel level move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"level": channel.position.level}, after=[]) drop_shu = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[]) free_lift = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[]) # retrival move_shu = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": channel.position.x}, after=[]) drop_sat = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), after=[]) move_sat = Action( r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": channel.capacity - len(channel.items)}, after=[]) pick_up = Action( r, ActionType.PICKUP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"channel_id": channel_id}, after=[], condition=lambda x, y: len( sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id, free=False).items) != 0) move_sat = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": 0}, after=[]) pick_up_sat = Action(r, ActionType.PICKUP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"auto": 0}, after=[]) move_shu = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": 0}, after=[]) block_lift = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift) and x.position. section == channel.position.section, after=[,]) security_drop = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[]) move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[]) pick_up_shu = Action(r, ActionType.PICKUP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[,]) move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"level": Strategy.bay.position.level}, after=[]) drop = Action(r, ActionType.DROP_TO_BAY, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={}, after=[]) # take all to Strategy.bay and finish free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Channel), after=[]) return r
def implement0(task, channel_id, sim, parameter) -> ActionsGraph: assert isinstance(task, Task) assert isinstance(sim, Simulation) assert isinstance(channel_id, int) assert isinstance(parameter, SimulationParameter) r = ActionsGraph(sim, task) channel = sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id) if task.order_type == OrderType.DEPOSIT: block = Block(r, block1 = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite) and x.position. section == channel.position.section, after=[]) block2 = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle) and x.position. section == channel.position.section, after=[]) block3 = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift) and x.position.section == channel.position.section, after=[]) fork_move = Action( r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": 0}, condition=lambda x, y: len( sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id, free=False).items ) != sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id, free=False).capacity, after=[,,,]) move = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"level": Strategy.bay.position.level}, after=[]) move1 = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": 0}, after=[]) pick_up = Action(r, ActionType.GET_FROM_BAY, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"item": task.item}, after=[,]) move = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"level": channel.position.level}, after=[]) move1 = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": channel.position.x}, after=[]) fork_move = Action( r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": channel.capacity - len(channel.items)}, after=[,]) drop = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"channel_id":}, after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Channel), after=[]) else: block = Block(r, block1 = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite) and x.position. section == channel.position.section, after=[]) block2 = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle) and x.position. section == channel.position.section, after=[]) block3 = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift) and x.position.section == channel.position.section, after=[]) fork_move = Action( r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": 0}, after=[,,,], condition=lambda x, y: len( sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id, free=False).items) != 0, on_false=Strategy.ab) move = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"level": channel.position.level}, after=[]) move1 = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": channel.position.x}, after=[]) fork_move = Action( r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": channel.capacity - len(channel.items)}, after=[,]) pick_up = Action( r, ActionType.PICKUP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"channel_id": channel_id}, after=[,], condition=lambda x, y: len( sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id, free=False).items) != 0) fork_move = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": 0}, after=[]) move = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"level": Strategy.bay.position.level}, after=[]) move1 = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": 0}, after=[]) drop = Action(r, ActionType.DROP_TO_BAY, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={}, after=[,]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Channel), after=[]) return r
def implement1(task, channel_id, sim, parameter) -> ActionsGraph: assert isinstance(task, Task) assert isinstance(sim, Simulation) assert isinstance(channel_id, int) assert isinstance(parameter, SimulationParameter) r = ActionsGraph(sim, task) channel = sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id) lift = sim.find_performer(lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift) and x.position. section == channel.position.section, free=False)[0] if task.order_type == OrderType.DEPOSIT: block_channel = Block(r, block_sat = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite) and x.position .section == channel.position.section, after=[]) block_shu = Block( r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle) and x.position.section == channel.position.section, after=[], sort_by=lambda x: distance(x.position, Strategy.bay.position, sim.get_status().parameter)) block_lift = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift) and x.position. section == channel.position.section, after=[]) branch_shu_lf = Branch( r, after=[], condition=lambda sim, taken_inf: lift.content is None or lift. != list( filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), taken_inf))[0].id) # go and take shuttle fork_move = Action( r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": 0}, condition=lambda x, y: len( sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id, free=False).items ) != sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id, free=False).capacity, after=[,,], move_shu = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": 0}, after=[], security_drop = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[], move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[], pick_up = Action(r, ActionType.PICKUP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[,], # go to Strategy.bay and take move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"level": Strategy.bay.position.level}, after=[]) get = Action(r, ActionType.GET_FROM_BAY, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"item": task.item}, after=[]) # go and deposit move = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"level": channel.position.level}, after=[]) drop_shu = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[]) move_shu = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": channel.position.x}, after=[]) fork_move = Action( r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": channel.capacity - len(channel.items)}, after=[]) drop = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"channel_id":}, after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Channel), after=[]) else: block_channel = Block(r, block_sat = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite) and x.position .section == channel.position.section, after=[]) block_shu = Block( r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle) and x.position.section == channel.position.section, after=[], sort_by=lambda x: distance(x.position, channel.position, sim.get_status().parameter)) branch_shu_on_level = Branch( r, after=[], condition=lambda sim, taken_inf: list( filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), taken_inf))[ 0].position.level != channel.position.level) branch_shu_lf = Branch( r, after=[], condition=lambda sim, taken_inf: lift.content is None or lift. != list( filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), taken_inf))[0].id, branch=branch_shu_on_level) # go and take shuttle fork_move = Action( r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": 0}, condition=lambda x, y: len( sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id, free=False).items ) != sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id, free=False).capacity, on_false=Strategy.ab, after=[,,], move_shu = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": 0}, after=[], block_lift = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift) and x.position. section == channel.position.section, after=[], branch=branch_shu_on_level) security_drop = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[], move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[], pick_up = Action(r, ActionType.PICKUP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[,], # go and drop shut to level move_l = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"level": channel.position.level}, after=[], branch=branch_shu_on_level) drop_shu = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[], branch=branch_shu_on_level) free_lift = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[], branch=branch_shu_on_level) # take from channel and return to 0 move_shu = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": channel.position.x}, after=[]) fork_move = Action( r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": channel.capacity - len(channel.items)}, after=[]) pick_up = Action( r, ActionType.PICKUP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"channel_id": channel_id}, after=[], condition=lambda x, y: len( sim.find_res_by_id(channel_id, free=False).items) != 0) fork_move = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={"z": 0}, after=[]) move_shu = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), param={"x": 0}, after=[]) # the lift take shu and return to Strategy.bay block_lift = Block(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift) and x.position. section == channel.position.section, after=[]) security_drop = Action(r, ActionType.DROP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[]) move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[]) pick_up = Action(r, ActionType.PICKUP, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"auto": 0}, after=[,]) move_lift = Action(r, ActionType.MOVE, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), param={"level": Strategy.bay.position.level}, after=[]) drop = Action(r, ActionType.DROP_TO_BAY, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), param={}, after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Satellite), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Shuttle), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Lift), after=[]) free = Free(r, lambda x: isinstance(x, Channel), after=[]) return r