예제 #1
def imageFFT(image, show=False):
    FFT de imagem
        image: imagem original para ser passada para o dominio da frequencia
        show: parametro para exibição da imagem no domínio da frequencia (padrão: False)
        fftimage: imagem no dominio da frequencia
        fftshift: shift do dominio da frequencia
        absfft: módulo da fft para exibir em imagem
    import numpy as np
    from ImageMedicalLib import info, changeFormat
    fftimage = np.fft.fft2(image)
    fftshift = np.fft.fftshift(fftimage)
    absfft = np.abs(fftshift)
    absfft = changeFormat.imNormalize(absfft)
    if show:
        images = {'absfft': np.uint8(255 * absfft)}
        info.showImageStyle(1, 1, images, ['absfft'])
    return fftimage, fftshift, absfft
예제 #2
def LeeFilter(image, kernelLength, show=False):
    import numpy as np
    import cv2
    from ImageMedicalLib import changeFormat, info

    if image.dtype == 'uint8':
        image = changeFormat.uint2double(image)
    rect = cv2.selectROI(image)
    c1, c2 = rect[0], rect[0] + rect[2]
    l1, l2 = rect[1], rect[0] + rect[3]
    stdRect = np.std(image[l1:l2, c1:c2])
    newImage = np.zeros(image.shape)
    w = np.zeros((kernelLength, kernelLength), dtype=int)
    w_center = int((w.shape[0]) / 2)
    for indexrow, frow in enumerate(image[:-(w_center * 2)]):
        for indexcolumn, fcolumn in enumerate(frow[:-(w_center * 2)]):
            maskLocal = image[indexrow:1 + indexrow + w_center * 2,
                              indexcolumn:1 + indexcolumn + w_center * 2]
            meanMask = np.mean(maskLocal + w)
            k = np.clip(1 - (stdRect / (0.001 + maskLocal.std())), 0, 1)
            newImage[indexrow + w_center,
                     indexcolumn + w_center] = meanMask + k * (
                         image[indexrow + w_center, indexcolumn + w_center] -
    if show:
            1, 2, {
                'I1': changeFormat.im2uint8(image),
                'Imean': changeFormat.im2uint8(newImage)
            }, ['Original', 'Lee Filter'])
    return newImage
예제 #3
def idealfilter(m, n, fc, filterType='LP', show=False):
    Filtro ideal para dominio da frequencia
        m: número de linhas
        n: número de colunas
        fc: frequencia de corte (0 a 1)
        filterType: Passa baixa ou passa alta (padrão = LP passa baixa)
        show: parametro para exibir filtro criado
        H: filtro ideal 2D
    import numpy as np
    from ImageMedicalLib import changeFormat, info
    H = np.zeros((m, n), dtype=int)
    centerX, centerY = int(m / 2), int(n / 2)
    Do = fc * (0.5 * (centerX * 0.5 + centerY * 0.5))
    for i in range(H.shape[0]):
        for j in range(H.shape[1]):
            D_uv = ((centerX - i)**2 + (centerY - j)**2)**0.5
            if D_uv <= Do and filterType == 'LP':
                H[i, j] = 1
            elif D_uv >= Do and filterType != 'LP':
                H[i, j] = 1
    if show:
        images = {'H': changeFormat.im2uint8(H)}
        info.showImageStyle(1, 1, images, ['Butter Mask'])
    return H
예제 #4
def butterFilter2D(m, n, fc, nPoles, filterType='LP', show=False):
    Filtro butterworth para dominio da frequencia
        m: número de linhas
        n: número de colunas
        fc: frequencia de corte (0 a 1)
        nPoles: número de polos para filtragem
        filterType: Passa baixa ou passa alta (padrão = LP passa baixa)
        show: parametro para exibir filtro criado
        H: filtro butterworth 2D
    import numpy as np
    from ImageMedicalLib import changeFormat, info
    if filterType == 'LP':
        H = np.zeros((m, n))
        H = np.full((m, n), -1).astype(float)
    centerX, centerY = int(m / 2), int(n / 2)
    Do = fc * (0.5 * (centerX * 0.5 + centerY * 0.5))
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(n):
            D_uv = ((centerX - i)**2 + (centerY - j)**2)**0.5
            H[i, j] = np.abs(H[i, j] + (1 / (1 + (D_uv / Do)**(2 * nPoles))))
    if show:
        images = {'H': changeFormat.im2uint8(H)}
        info.showImageStyle(1, 1, images, ['Butter Mask'])
    return H
예제 #5
def imageIFFT(imageFFT, show=False):
    IFFT de imagem
        imageFFT: imagem no domínio da frequencia
        show: parametro para exibição da imagem no domínio espacial (padrão: False)
        Ifft: imagem no dominio espacial
        IfftABS: valor absoluto da imagem no dominio espacial
    import numpy as np
    from medImUtils import info, changeFormat
    Ifft = np.fft.ifftshift(imageFFT)
    Ifft = np.fft.ifft2(Ifft)
    IfftABS = changeFormat.imNormalize(np.abs(Ifft))
    if show:
        images = {'IfftABS': np.uint8(255 * IfftABS)}
        info.showImageStyle(1, 1, images, ['IfftABS'])
    return Ifft, IfftABS
예제 #6
squarePulse = imageio.imread(r'ImagensAulas\PulsoQuadrado1.pgm')
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.canvas.set_window_title('Square Pulse')
plt.imshow(squarePulse,cmap='gray',vmin = 0, vmax=255)

#%% 3 - FFT2 Pulso quadrado
fftsquarePulse,fftshiftsquarePulse,absfftsquarePulse = filters.imageFFT(squarePulse)
logFFT = np.log(1+fftshiftsquarePulse)
logFFTABS = np.abs(logFFT)
logFFTABS = changeFormat.im2uint8(changeFormat.imNormalize(logFFTABS))
info.showImageStyle(1,3,{'fftsquarePulse': changeFormat.im2uint8(changeFormat.imNormalize(np.abs(fftsquarePulse))),

#%% 4 - Filtro passa baixas de 10%
H = np.zeros(squarePulse.shape, dtype = int)
centerX, centerY = int((squarePulse.shape[0])/2),int((squarePulse.shape[1])/2)
filter_length = centerX*0.5
for i in range (H.shape[0]):
    for j in range (H.shape[1]):
        if ((centerX - i)**2 + (centerY - j)**2)**0.5 <= filter_length:
            H[i,j] = 1
Ffiltrado = changeFormat.im2uint8(absfftsquarePulse)*H
                         'Ffiltrado':Ffiltrado },
예제 #7
#%% 6 - Correlação matriz
for indexrow,frow in enumerate(f[:-2]): # enumerate para pegar indices e valores
    for indexcolumn,fcolumn in enumerate(frow[:-2]): # enumerate para pegar indices e valores
        corrValue = np.sum(f[indexrow:indexrow+3,indexcolumn:indexcolumn+3] * w)
        c[indexrow+1,indexcolumn+1] = corrValue

#%% 8 - Correlação com ndimage scipy
corr = ndimage.correlate(f,w) # Deu bom

#%% 11 - Correlação 3x3 mamografia
I1 = imageio.imread(r'ImagensAulas\Mamography.pgm')
w = np.ones((3,3)) * 1/9
C_3x3  = ndimage.correlate(I1,w) # Deu bom
images = {'I1':I1,'C_3x3':C_3x3}
info.showImageStyle(1,2,images,['Original','Corr 3x3'],title='Mamo Figure')

#%% 11 - Correlação 5x5 mamografia
I1 = imageio.imread(r'ImagensAulas\Mamography.pgm')
w = np.ones((5,5)) * 1/25
C_5x5  = ndimage.correlate(I1,w) # Deu bom
images = {'I1':I1,'C_5x5':C_5x5}
info.showImageStyle(1,2,images,['Original','Corr 5x5'],title='Mamo Figure')

#%% 11 - Correlação 10x10 mamografia
I1 = imageio.imread(r'ImagensAulas\Mamography.pgm')
w = np.ones((10,10)) * 1/100
C_10x10  = ndimage.correlate(I1,w) # Deu bom
images = {'I1':I1,'C_10x10':C_10x10}
예제 #8
kernelLength = 7
newImage = np.zeros(image.shape)
w = np.zeros((kernelLength, kernelLength), dtype=int)
w_center = int((w.shape[0]) / 2)
for indexrow, frow in enumerate(image[:-(w_center * 2)]):
    for indexcolumn, fcolumn in enumerate(frow[:-(w_center * 2)]):
        maskLocal = image[indexrow:1 + indexrow + w_center * 2,
                          indexcolumn:1 + indexcolumn + w_center * 2]
        meanMask = np.mean(maskLocal + w)
        k = np.clip(1 - (stdRect / (0.001 + maskLocal.std())), 0,
                    1)  # minimo é zero e maximo é 1
            indexrow + w_center, indexcolumn + w_center] = meanMask + k * (
                image[indexrow + w_center, indexcolumn + w_center] - meanMask)

info.showImageStyle(1, 2, {
    'I1': changeFormat.im2uint8(I1),
    'newImage': changeFormat.im2uint8(newImage)
}, ['Original', 'Image Filtered'])
#%% Função zero bala Filtro de Lee (esse é mais rapido)
newImage = filters.LeeFilter(I1, 9, True)

sobel_Image = changeFormat.uint2double(filters.sobel(I1))
meanI1 = changeFormat.uint2double(filters.meanFilterFast(I1, 8))
challenge = meanI1 + sobel_Image * (I1 - meanI1)
info.showImageStyle(1, 2, {
    'I1': changeFormat.im2uint8(I1),
    'challenge': changeFormat.im2uint8(challenge)
}, ['Original', 'Challenge'])
예제 #9
#%% 2 - Carregando e filtrando imagem com mediana
imri = imageio.imread(r'ImagensAulas\TransversalMRI_salt-and-pepper.pgm')
IMRIfiltrada = np.zeros(imri.shape, dtype=int)
for indexRow, row in enumerate(imri[:-2]):
    for indexColumn, column in enumerate(row[:-2]):
        windowMedian = imri[indexRow:indexRow + 3, indexColumn:indexColumn + 3]
        windowMedian = windowMedian.reshape(1, -1)
        windowMedian = np.sort(windowMedian)
        IMRIfiltrada[indexRow + 1, indexColumn +
                     1] = windowMedian[0, int((windowMedian.shape[1]) / 2)]

#%% 2 - Exibindo imagem
images = {'imri': imri, 'IMRIfiltrada': IMRIfiltrada}
                    images, ['Original', 'IMRIfiltrada'],

#%% 2 - Histogramas

h1 = info.doHistogram(imri, show=False)
h2 = info.doHistogram(IMRIfiltrada, show=False)

fig = plt.gcf()
plt.stem(h1[1, :])