alpha = 0.4 nu = 1.1 rho = -0.8 parameters = [alpha, nu, rho] f0 = 100 seed = 123456789 no_paths = 100000 T = 2.0 delta = 1.0 / 32.0 no_time_steps = int(T / delta) strike = 150.0 notional = 1.0 european_option = EuropeanOption(strike, notional, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, T) rnd_generator = RNG.RndGenerator(seed) # Compute price, delta and gamma by MC and Malliavin in SABR model start_time_malliavin = time() map_output = SABR_Engine.get_path_multi_step(0.0, T, parameters, f0, no_paths, no_time_steps, Types.TYPE_STANDARD_NORMAL_SAMPLING.ANTITHETIC, rnd_generator) result = european_option.get_price(map_output[Types.SABR_OUTPUT.PATHS]) price = result[0] wide_ci = result[1] malliavin_delta = european_option.get_malliavin_delta(map_output[Types.SABR_OUTPUT.PATHS],
seed = 123456789 no_paths = 10000000 delta_time = 1.0 / 365.0 # random number generator rnd_generator = RNG.RndGenerator(seed) # option information f0 = 100.0 options = [] options_shift_right = [] options_shift_left = [] shift_spot = 0.0001 for d_i in dt: options.append( EuropeanOption(f0, 1.0, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, d_i)) options_shift_right.append( EuropeanOption(f0 * (1.0 + shift_spot), 1.0, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, d_i)) options_shift_left.append( EuropeanOption(f0 * (1.0 - shift_spot), 1.0, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, d_i)) # outputs implied_vol_atm = [] smile_atm_mc = [] for i in range(0, no_dt_s): rnd_generator.set_seed(seed) map_output = SABR_Engine.get_path_multi_step(
k = 0.1 v0 = 0.05 theta = 0.1 rho = -0.75 # options strikes = np.arange(60.0, 140.0, 5.0) t_s = np.arange(0.25, 20, 0.5) f0 = 100 T = 0.1 notional = 1.0 options_strike = [] options_time = [] for k_i in strikes: options_strike.append( EuropeanOption(k_i, notional, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, T)) for t_i in t_s: options_time.append( EuropeanOption(f0, notional, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, t_i)) # v0 effect in time dimension # v0_s = [0.05, 0.1, 1.0, 2.0] # style_markers = ['*', '.', 'x', '^'] # out_v0_s = get_smile_for_differents_v0(rho, epsilon, k, v0_s, theta, options_time) # # no_outputs = len(out_v0_s) # for i in range(0, no_outputs): # plt.plot(t_s, out_v0_s[i][1], label="v0="+str(v0_s[i]), linestyle='dashed', color='black', # marker=style_markers[i])
rnd_generator = RNG.RndGenerator(seed) # option information f0 = 100.0 for i in range(0, no_maturities): options = [] iv_smile = [] rnd_generator.set_seed(seed) no_time_steps = np.maximum(int(T[i] * 365.0), 5) map_output = RBergomi_Engine.get_path_multi_step( 0.0, T[i], parameters, f0, sigma_0, no_paths, no_time_steps, Types.TYPE_STANDARD_NORMAL_SAMPLING.ANTITHETIC, rnd_generator) for k_i in strikes: options.append( EuropeanOption(k_i, 1.0, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, T[i])) mc_option_price = options[-1].get_price_control_variate( map_output[Types.RBERGOMI_OUTPUT.PATHS][:, -1], map_output[Types.RBERGOMI_OUTPUT.INTEGRAL_VARIANCE_PATHS]) iv_smile.append( implied_volatility(mc_option_price[0], f0, k_i, T[i], 0.0, 0.0, 'c')) plt.plot(strikes, iv_smile, label=labels[i], color='black', marker=markers[i], linestyle="--") path_to_keep = os.path.join(
no_paths = 100000 delta_time = 1.0 / 365.0 # random number generator rnd_generator = RNG.RndGenerator(seed) # ouputs container mc_option_price = [] var_swap_apprx_price = [] no_dt = len(dt) for i in range(0, no_dt): no_time_steps = int(dt[i] / delta_time) rnd_generator.set_seed(seed) european_option = EuropeanOption(f0, 1, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, dt[i]) map_output = Heston_Engine.get_path_multi_step(0.0, dt[i], parameters, f0, v0, no_paths, no_time_steps, Types.TYPE_STANDARD_NORMAL_SAMPLING.ANTITHETIC, rnd_generator) characteristic_function_price = european_option.get_analytic_value(0.0, theta, rho, k, epsilon, v0, 0.0, model_type=Types.ANALYTIC_MODEL.HESTON_MODEL_REGULAR, compute_greek=False) results = european_option.get_price(map_output[Types.HESTON_OUTPUT.PATHS]) mc_option_price.append(results[0]) # price the option with var swap approximation analytic_price = EuropeanOptionExpansion.get_var_swap_apprx_price(f0, 1.0, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, dt[i], parameters, Types.TypeModel.HESTON)
d_t_forward = 0.9 T = 1.0 # random number generator rnd_generator = RNG.RndGenerator(seed) # option information f0 = 100.0 options = [] normal_options = [] no_strikes = 30 strikes = np.linspace(0.7, 1.3, no_strikes) for k_i in strikes: normal_options.append( EuropeanOption(k_i * f0, 1.0, Types.TypeSellBuy.BUY, Types.TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, T)) options.append( ForwardStartEuropeanOption(k_i, 1.0, Types.TypeSellBuy.BUY, Types.TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, d_t_forward, T)) # outputs implied_vol_forward = [] implied_vol_spot = [] rnd_generator.set_seed(seed) map_output = SABR_Engine.get_path_multi_step( 0.0, T, parameters, f0,
seed = 123456789 no_paths = 500000 # delta_time = 1.0 / 365.0 no_time_steps = 100 # random number generator rnd_generator = RNG.RndGenerator(seed) # option information f0 = 100.0 options = [] implied_vol_atm = [] for d_i in dt: options.append( EuropeanOption(f0, 1.0, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, d_i)) # outputs vol_swap_approximation = [] vol_swap_mc = [] implied_vol_atm = [] implied_vol_approx = [] output = [] for i in range(0, no_dt_s): # expansion info lv_f0 = LocalVolFunctionals.cev_diffusion(dt[i], np.asfortranarray(f0), beta - 1.0, sigma)[0] fd_lv_f0 = LocalVolFunctionals.first_derive_cev_diffusion( dt[i], np.asfortranarray(f0), beta - 1.0, sigma)[0] sd_lv_f0 = LocalVolFunctionals.second_derive_cev_diffusion(
jump_mean=muJ, jump_std=sigmaJ, jump_intensity=lambdaJ, b=b2, u=u2) start_time = time.time() cos_price = COSRepresentation.get_european_option_price( TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, a, b, 256, k_s, cf_bates) end_time = time.time() diff_time = end_time - start_time print(diff_time) start_time = time.time() price_cf_integration = [] for i in range(0, no_strikes): european_option = EuropeanOption(k_s[i], 1.0, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, T) price_cf_integration.append( european_option.get_analytic_value( r, theta, rho, k, epsilon, v0, muJ, sigmaJ, lambdaJ, model_type=Types.ANALYTIC_MODEL.BATES_MODEL_LEWIS, compute_greek=False)) end_time = time.time()
# bins = np.linspace(a, b, 200) # # plt.hist(approx_I_t, bins, label='approximation') # plt.hist(sampling_I_t, bins, label='empirical') # # plt.legend() # # option price comparison no_strikes = 40 strikes = np.linspace(50.0, 160.0, no_strikes) prices_multistep = [] prices_onestep = [] for i in range(0, no_strikes): option = EuropeanOption(strikes[i], 1.0, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, t) prices_multistep.append( option.get_price_control_variate( output[SABR_OUTPUT.PATHS][:, -1], output[SABR_OUTPUT.INTEGRAL_VARIANCE_PATHS])[0]) prices_onestep.append(option.get_price(paths_one_step[:])[0]) plt.plot(strikes, prices_onestep, label='sabr one step') plt.plot(strikes, prices_multistep, label='sabr multi step') plt.title("T= %s" % t) plt.xlabel("K") plt.legend()
d_t_forward = 0.9 T = 1.0 # random number generator rnd_generator = RNG.RndGenerator(seed) # option information f0 = 10.0 options = [] normal_options = [] no_strikes = 30 strikes = np.linspace(0.9, 1.1, no_strikes) # strikes = [1.0] for k_i in strikes: normal_options.append(EuropeanOption(k_i * f0, 1.0, Types.TypeSellBuy.BUY, Types.TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, T)) options.append(ForwardStartEuropeanOption(k_i, 1.0, Types.TypeSellBuy.BUY, Types.TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, d_t_forward, T)) # outputs implied_vol_forward = [] # implied_vol_hagan = [] implied_vol_spot = [] rnd_generator.set_seed(seed) map_output = LocalVolEngine.get_path_multi_step(0.0, T, f0, no_paths, no_time_steps, Types.TYPE_STANDARD_NORMAL_SAMPLING.ANTITHETIC, local_vol_mc, rnd_generator, extra_sampling_points=[d_t_forward]) # expansion_hagan = ExpansionLocVol.hagan_loc_vol(lambda t: sigma, # lambda x: np.power(x, beta),
# random number generator rnd_generator = RNG.RndGenerator(seed) # option information f0 = 100.0 T_s = [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 1.0] markers = ['.', '+', '*', '^', 'v'] no_strikes = 22 k_s = np.linspace(80.0, 120.0, no_strikes) no_k_s = len(k_s) no_T_s = len(T_s) options = [] for t_i in T_s: options.append(EuropeanOption(f0, 1.0, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, t_i)) for i in range(0, no_T_s): rnd_generator.set_seed(seed) map_output = RBergomi_Engine.get_path_multi_step(0.0, T_s[i], parameters, f0, v0, no_paths, no_time_steps, Types.TYPE_STANDARD_NORMAL_SAMPLING.ANTITHETIC, rnd_generator) options = [] for k_i in k_s: options.append(EuropeanOption(k_i, 1.0, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, T_s[i])) implied_vol = [] for j in range(0, no_k_s):
no_paths = 10000000 delta_time = 1.0 / 365.0 # random number generator rnd_generator = RNG.RndGenerator(seed) # option information # options strikes = np.linspace(70.0, 130.0, 30) no_strikes = len(strikes) f0 = 100 T = 0.1 notional = 1.0 options = [] for k_i in strikes: options.append(EuropeanOption(k_i, notional, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, T)) map_output = SABR_Engine.get_path_multi_step(0.0, T, parameters, f0, no_paths, no_time_steps, Types.TYPE_STANDARD_NORMAL_SAMPLING.REGULAR_WAY, rnd_generator) iv_vol = [] for i in range(0, no_strikes): rnd_generator.set_seed(seed) mc_option_price = options[i].get_price_control_variate(map_output[Types.SABR_OUTPUT.PATHS][:, -1], map_output[Types.SABR_OUTPUT.INTEGRAL_VARIANCE_PATHS]) iv_vol.append(implied_volatility(mc_option_price[0], f0, strikes[i], T, 0.0, 0.0, 'c')) plt.plot(strikes, iv_vol, label="rho=%s" % rho, marker=".", linestyle="--", color="black")
a = -2.0 b = 2.0 cf_heston = partial(HestonCharesticFunction.get_trap_cf, t=T, r_t=0.0, x=x0, v=v0, theta=theta, rho=rho, k=k, epsilon=epsilon, b=b2, u=u2) start_time = time.time() cos_price = COSRepresentation.get_european_option_price(TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, a, b, 64, k_s, cf_heston) end_time = time.time() diff_time = end_time - start_time # Integration Heston´s charestic function price_cf_integration = [] no_strikes = len(k_s) start_time = time.time() for i in range(0, no_strikes): european_option = EuropeanOption(k_s[i], 1.0, TypeSellBuy.BUY, TypeEuropeanOption.CALL, f0, T) price_cf_integration.append(european_option.get_analytic_value(0.0, theta, rho, k, epsilon, v0, 0.0, model_type=Types.ANALYTIC_MODEL.HESTON_MODEL_LEWIS, compute_greek=False)) end_time = time.time() diff_time_cf = end_time - start_time print(diff_time) print(diff_time_cf) plt.plot(k_s, cos_price, label="cos method") plt.plot(k_s, price_cf_integration, label="integration cf") plt.legend()