from colorsys import hls_to_rgb from IoTPy.pyuper.uper import UPER1 with UPER1() as board, \ board.ADC("ADC0") as adcPin1, \ board.PWM("PWM0_0") as redPin, board.PWM("PWM0_1") as greenPin, board.PWM("PWM0_2") as bluePin: while True: # average for better results adc_sum = 0 for i in xrange(20): adc_sum += adc = adc_sum/20 hue = 0.5 + (adc-0.5)*30 # convert ADC value to color hue = min(hue, 1.0) hue = max(hue, 0.0) rgb = hls_to_rgb(hue, 0.5, 1) redPin.set_duty_cycle(rgb[0]*100) greenPin.set_duty_cycle(rgb[1]*100) bluePin.set_duty_cycle(rgb[2]*100)
from time import sleep from IoTPy.pyuper.uper import UPER1 with UPER1() as board, board.PWM(27) as redPin: redPin.set_frequency(1000) while True: for i in xrange(0, 100): redPin.set_duty_cycle(i) sleep(0.01) for i in reversed(xrange(0, 100)): redPin.set_duty_cycle(i) sleep(0.01)
from time import sleep from IoTPy.core.gpio import GPIO from IoTPy.pyuper.uper import UPER1 def pir_callback(event, obj): print event if event['type'] == GPIO.RISE: print "Movement detected" led.write(0) # turn ON the led elif event['type'] == GPIO.FALL: print "No movement" led.write(1) # turn OFF the led else: print "Unknown event" with UPER1() as board, board.GPIO(27) as led, board.GPIO(18) as button: button.setup(GPIO.INPUT, GPIO.PULL_UP) button.attach_irq(GPIO.CHANGE, pir_callback, led) led.setup(GPIO.OUTPUT) led.write(1) while True: sleep(0.5)
from time import sleep from IoTPy.pyuper.uper import UPER1 from IoTPy.things.si70xx import Si7013, Si7020 with UPER1() as board, board.I2C("I2C0") as i2c, Si7020( i2c, 0x40) as si7020, Si7013(i2c, 0x41) as si7013: while True: print "Si7020 T=%.1f H=%.1f" % (si7020.temperature(), si7020.humidity()) print "Si7013 T=%.1f H=%.1f A=%i" % ( si7013.temperature(), si7013.humidity(), si7013.analog()) sleep(0.5)
from time import sleep from IoTPy.core.gpio import GPIO from IoTPy.pyuper.uper import UPER1 def button_callback(event, obj): obj['counter'] += 1 print "Interrupt %i" % obj['counter'] button_state = (event['values'] >> event['id']) & 0x1 obj['led'].write(button_state) with UPER1() as board, board.GPIO(27) as redPin, board.GPIO(18) as buttonPin: my_object = {'led': redPin, 'counter': 0} buttonPin.attach_irq(GPIO.CHANGE, button_callback, my_object) redPin.setup(GPIO.OUTPUT) redPin.write(1) while True: sleep(0.5)
from time import sleep from IoTPy.pyuper.uper import UPER1 from IoTPy.things.lm75 import Lm75 with UPER1() as board, board.I2C("I2C0") as i2c, Lm75(i2c, 79) as lm75: while True: print lm75.temperature() sleep(0.1)
from time import sleep from IoTPy.core.gpio import GPIO from IoTPy.pyuper.uper import UPER1 # This is platform dependent - please configure to your application LED_PIN_ID = 27 with UPER1() as board, board.GPIO(LED_PIN_ID) as redPin: redPin.setup(GPIO.OUTPUT) # set GPIO pin to be output while True: redPin.write( 0 ) # Turn led ON (LED on board is common anode - therefore inverted) sleep(0.5) redPin.write(1) # Turn led OFF sleep(0.5)
from time import sleep from IoTPy.pyuper.uper import UPER1 from IoTPy.things.am2321 import AM2321 with UPER1() as board, board.I2C("I2C0") as i2c, AM2321(i2c) as sensor: while True: print "Temperature: %.1f Humidity: %.1f" % (sensor.temperature, sensor.humidity) sleep(1)