예제 #1
 def formulate_response(self,question):
     grammar = JSGFParser('speech/hark-sphinx/grammar/NielsSebastiaan.gram')
     language_parsing = nlp()
     question = language_parsing.remove_name(language_parsing.remove_opts(question)).lower()
     question = question.replace("?", "").replace(",", "")
     print question
     if(grammar.findToken(question) != None):
         responses = {\
         'what time is it' : "The current time is: " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + ".",\
         'what is the oldest most widely used drug on earth' : 'The oldest, most widely used drug on earth is coffee.',\
         'who are your creators' : 'My creators are Niels and Sebastiaan.'}
         return responses[question]
         words = question.split(' ')
         if(grammar.findTokenVar(words[0]) == '<verb>'):
             question = question.replace(words[0] + " to the ", "")
             if(grammar.findTokenVar(question) == '<location>'):
                 return "I am moving to " + question + "."
         elif("dining table" in question):
             return "I am approaching the dining table."
             return "I'm sorry, I did not get that. Could you please repeat it?"
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, grammarFile):
    self.grammar = JSGFParser(grammarFile)
    self.stopWords = self.grammar.findStopwords() #optional words that don't add core meaning to the sentence
예제 #3
class Communicator():

    def __init__(self, grammarFile):
       self.grammar = JSGFParser(grammarFile)
       self.stopWords = self.grammar.findStopwords() #optional words that don't add core meaning to the sentence

    def reset(self):
        self.status = "idle"

    def filterStopwords(self, sentence):
           filter the given string by taking out the words in the stopWords list
        for stopWord in self.stopWords:
            sentence = sentence.replace(" %s " % stopWord, " ")

        return sentence

    def resultResponse(self, result):

        # we already found a string that we consider as understood correctly
        if result['accepted_string']:
            responseSentence = "I understood '%s'" % result['accepted_string']
            repeat = "no"

        # we understood something different. The difference is not within the same var
        elif result['same_var'] is None:
            responseSentence = "I didn't understand. Please repeat your sentence."
            repeat = "all"

            var = result['same_var']
            understoodOptions = [result['first']['difference_token']['text'], result['second']['difference_token']['text']] # the two different understood options
            allOptions = self.grammar.findVariableItems(var, includeVars=False) # all the available options for this var from the grammar

            if var == "<start>":
                responseSentence = "Ask: who do you mean? %s " % ' or '.join(understoodOptions)
                repeat = "part"
                print ("listen for: %s" % str(allOptions))
            elif var == "<object>":
                responseSentence = "Ask: which object do you mean? %s" % ' or '.join(understoodOptions)
                repeat = "part"
                print ("listen for: %s" % str(allOptions))
            elif var == "<verb>":
                responseSentence = "Ask: what do you want me to do? %s" % ' or '.join(understoodOptions)
                repeat = "part"
                print ("listen for: %s" % str(allOptions))
            elif var == "<location>":
                responseSentence = "Ask: where do you mean? %s" % ' or '.join(understoodOptions)
                repeat = "part"
                print ("listen for: %s" % str(allOptions))
                responseSentence = "I didn't understand. Please repeat your sentence."
                repeat = "all"

        response = {
            "repeat": repeat,
            "understoodOptions": understoodOptions,
            "allOptions": allOptions,
            "responseSentence": responseSentence

        return response

    def sentenceResponse(self, sentence, filterStopwords=True):
        if filterStopwords:
            sentence = self.filterStopwords(sentence)

        # check for sentences
        if ("what is your teams name" in sentence):
            print("My teams name is BORG")
        if ("what is your favorite color" in sentence):
            print("Black as the night")

        # check for requests
        if ("follow me" in sentence):
            print ("Ok I will follow you")
        if ("enter the elevator" in sentence):
            print("Ok I will go in the elevator")
        if ("give me a drink" in sentence):
            print ("I will give you a drink")
        if ("pick up the cup" in sentence):
            print ("I will pick up the cup")
        # specific color cup
        regex = re.compile(ur'pick up the (.+) cup')
        matches = re.findall(regex, sentence)
        if matches:
            color = matches[0]
            print("I will pick up the %s cup" % color)

        # order
        actions = self.parseOrderSentence(sentence)
        if actions:

    def parseOrderSentence(self, sentence):
        # remove the start of the sentence
        starts = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<start>", includeVars=False)
        for start in starts:
            sentence = sentence.lstrip(start)

        # split on different locations. these will be the different orders
        locations = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<location>", includeVars=False)
        regex = re.compile(" to (%s)" % '|'.join(locations))
        matches = re.split(regex, sentence)
        if not matches:
            return None

        # make pairs for each order and location couple
        order_locations = []
        matchCount = len(matches)
        for idx in range(0, matchCount, 2):
            if idx + 1 >= matchCount:
            order_locations.append((matches[idx].strip().lstrip("and").lstrip(), matches[idx+1].strip()))

        # build actions from the order location pairs.
        # each order parts is analyzed (find the verb and different items)
        # each action is a dict indicating the task verb, items and location
        verbs = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<verb>", includeVars=False)
        lastOrderVerb = None
        actions = []
        for order_location in order_locations:
            orders = order_location[0]
            location = order_location[1]
            for verb in verbs:
                if verb == orders[0:len(verb)]:
                    lastOrderVerb = verb
                    orders = orders[len(verb) + 1:]

            action = {}
            action['verb'] = lastOrderVerb
            items = orders.split(" and ")
            action['items'] = items
            action['location'] = location

        # Build a sentence to say for the robot
        first = True
        for action in actions:
            if first:
                response = "Ok "
                response = "then "

            response += "I will %s " % action['verb']
            firstItem = True
            for item in action['items']:
                if firstItem is False:
                    response += "and "
                response += "the %s " % item
                firstItem = False

            response += "to the %s" % location
            first = False

            print response
        return actions
예제 #4
class nlp():

    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = JSGFParser('speech/hark-sphinx/grammar/NielsSebastiaan.gram')
        self.names = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<start>", includeVars=False)
        self.locations = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<location>", includeVars=False)
        self.verbs = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<verb>", includeVars=False)
        self.nav = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<nav>", includeVars=False)

    def remove_name(self,s):
        for name in self.names:
            start = "%s " % name
            if  s.startswith(start):
                s = s.lstrip(start)
        return s

    def remove_opts(self, hypstr):
        return self.grammar.filterOptionals(hypstr)

    def find_type(self,string):
        if self.remove_opts(string) in self.locations: return "location"
        if self.remove_opts(string) in self.verbs: return "verb"
        return None

    def split_order(self, s1,s2):
        splits = []
        regex = re.compile(" and ")
        matches1 = re.split(regex, s1)
        matches2 = re.split(regex, s2)
        for x, y in zip(matches1,matches2):
        return splits

    def partial_parse(self,order):
        parsed_list = []
        for s in order:
            order_verb = None
            order_location = None
            order_item = None
            regex = re.compile("(%s)" % '|'.join(self.locations))
            match = re.split(regex, self.remove_name(s))

            if len(match)<3: return None
            order_location = match[1]
            regex = re.compile("(%s)" % '|'.join(self.verbs))
            order_verb_grp = re.search(regex,match[0])
            if order_verb_grp != None: order_verb = order_verb_grp.group(0)    
            regex = re.compile("(%s)" % '|'.join(self.items))
            order_reg = re.search(regex,match[0])
            if order_reg != None: 
                order_item = order_reg.group(0)
                order_item = "it"

            parsed_list.append({"verb" : order_verb, "location" : order_location})
        return parsed_list

    def needs_question(self,parsed_order):
        o1 = parsed_order[0]
        o2 = parsed_order[1]
        location = None
        verb = None

        # we have a perfect match, return to sender
        if o2 == o1: return {"diff" : False , "question" : "No difference found", "understood_options": None, "action" : o1,'unknown': None}

        if o1['location'] == o2['location'] : location = o1['location']
        if o1['verb'] == o2['verb'] : verb = o1['verb']

        # generate questions for the misheard variables TODO not complete        

        # @TODO you should make use of the information here to return a proper action structure

        # else
        return {"diff" : True , "question" : "could you repeat this part?", "understood_options": None, "action" : None,'unknown': None}

    def confirm(self, action):
        v = action['action']['verb']
        l = action['action']['location']
        confirmation = ""

        if v == "approach":
            confirmation = "I will approach the " + l
            #v in self.nav
            confirmation = "I will go to the " + l

        return confirmation

    def get_actions(self, speech_observation):
        actions = []
        # we first split the order with they keyword "and"
        orders = self.split_order(self.remove_opts(speech_observation['2best'][0]),self.remove_opts(speech_observation['2best'][1]))
        for order in orders:
            parsed_order = self.partial_parse(order)
            if parsed_order != None:
                print "could not parse. not in grammar"
        return actions
예제 #5
 def __init__(self):
     self.grammar = JSGFParser('speech/hark-sphinx/grammar/NielsSebastiaan.gram')
     self.names = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<start>", includeVars=False)
     self.locations = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<location>", includeVars=False)
     self.verbs = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<verb>", includeVars=False)
     self.nav = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<nav>", includeVars=False)
예제 #6
class DecoderAnalyzer:
    def __init__(self, grammarFile=None):
        if grammarFile:

    def setGrammar(self, grammarFile):
        self.grammar = JSGFParser(grammarFile)
        self.stopWords = self.grammar.findStopwords(
        )  #optional words that don't add core meaning to the sentence

    def getNBestList(self, decoder, n=None):
        nBestList = {}
        for oneBest in decoder.nbest():
            if not oneBest.hyp() is None:
                score = oneBest.hyp(
                ).best_score  # log scale. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20825654/cmusphinx-what-is-the-score-of-a-recognised-hypothesis#comment31476787_20867454
                hypstr = oneBest.hyp().hypstr
                hypstr = self.filterHypstr(
                    hypstr)  # remove words that don't add core meaning

                if not hypstr in nBestList:
                    # nBestList[hypstr] = {
                    #     'count': 0,
                    #     'score': 0,
                    #     'norm_score': 0
                    # }
                    nBestList[hypstr] = 0
                nBestList[hypstr] += 1
                # nBestList[hypstr]['count'] += 1
                # nBestList[hypstr]['score'] += score

        decodersBest = self.filterHypstr(
            decoder.hyp().hypstr)  # best hypothesis
            decodersBest] = 999999  # make sure that the decoders best has the best rank always

        nBestListOrdered = list(
                sorted(nBestList.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True)))

        if n:
            nBestListOrdered = nBestListOrdered[0:n]

        # sorted_nBestList = sorted(nBestList.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
        # pprint(nBestList[0:2])

        # calculate the normalized score for each found sentence
        # for hypstr in nBestList:
        #     nBestList[hypstr]['norm_score'] = nBestList[hypstr]['score'] / nBestList[hypstr]['count']

        # nBestCounter = Counter(nBestList)
        # order list
        # take n best

        return nBestListOrdered

    def filterHypstr(self, hypstr):
           filter the given string by taking out the words in the stopWords list
        for stopWord in self.stopWords:
            hypstr = hypstr.replace(" %s " % stopWord, " ")

        return hypstr

    def bestResult(self, nBestList):

        bestResult = None
        for hypstr in nBestList:
            if not bestResult:
                bestResult = hypstr

            if nBestList[hypstr]['norm_score'] > nBestList[bestResult][
                bestResult = hypstr

        return (bestResult, nBestList[bestResult])

    def difference(self, first, second):
        diff = difflib.ndiff(first.split(), second.split())

        return diff

    def analyze2Best(self, firstBest, secondBest):

        # return {
        #         "first": {
        #             "sentence": "alice follow me",
        #             "difference_token": {"text": "alice", "tag": "robot_alice", "var": "<start>"}
        #             },
        #         "second": {
        #             "sentence": "pseudo follow me",
        #             "difference_token": {"text": "pseudo", "tag": "robot_sudo", "var": "<start>"}
        #             },
        #         "same_var": "<start>",
        #         "same_tag": None,
        #         "accepted_string": None
        #     }

        if not secondBest:
                "[DecoderAnalyzer] No second best found, accepting first and only understood sentence"
            return {
                "first": {
                    "sentence": firstBest,
                    "difference_token": None
                "second": None,
                "same_var": None,
                "same_tag": None,
                "accepted_string": firstBest

        diff = self.difference(firstBest, secondBest)
        first = []
        second = []
        for a, b in enumerate(diff):
            if b[0] == '-':
            if b[0] == '+':

        firstTokenString = ' '.join(first)
        firstToken = self.grammar.findToken(firstTokenString)
        secondTokenString = ' '.join(second)
        secondToken = self.grammar.findToken(secondTokenString)

        acceptedString = None
        sameVar = None
        sameTag = None

        if not firstToken and not secondToken:  # @TODO check if maybe many difference and that's why no token is found...
            if (not firstTokenString in firstBest) or (not secondTokenString
                                                       in secondBest):
                    "[DecoderAnalyzer] multiple differences between strings at different locations"
                    "[DecoderAnalyzer] No significant differences found. Accept first result"
                acceptedString = firstBest
        elif firstToken and secondToken:
                "[DecoderAnalyzer] Found token difference between the strings")
            if firstToken["var"] == secondToken["var"]:
                sameVar = firstToken["var"]
                print("[DecoderAnalyzer] with the same var")
                if (firstToken["tag"] and secondToken["tag"]
                        and (firstToken["tag"] == secondToken["tag"])):
                    sameTag = firstToken["tag"]
                    acceptedString = firstBest
                    print("[DecoderAnalyzer] with the same tag")
                    print("[DecoderAnalyzer] with different tags")
                print("[DecoderAnalyzer] with different vars")
            differentToken = firstToken if firstToken else secondToken
            print("[DecoderAnalyzer] Different Token: ")

        result = {
            "first": {
                "sentence": firstBest,
                "difference_token": firstToken
            "second": {
                "sentence": secondBest,
                "difference_token": secondToken
            "same_var": sameVar,
            "same_tag": sameTag,
            "accepted_string": acceptedString

        return result

    def analyze(self, decoder):
        if decoder.hyp() is None:
            return None

        decodersBest = decoder.hyp().hypstr  # best hypothesis
        decodersBest = self.filterHypstr(decodersBest)

        decoder.get_lattice().write("experiment/lattice_output/" +
                                    str(time.time()) + ".lattice")

        nBestList = self.getNBestList(decoder=decoder, n=2)
        if len(nBestList) == 1:
            acceptedString = nBestList[0]
            analyze2BestResult = self.analyze2Best(nBestList[0], nBestList[1])
            acceptedString = analyze2BestResult["accepted_string"]

        return acceptedString
class Conversator():
    grammar = None
    stopWords = None

    def __init__(self, grammarFile=None):
        print("[Conversator] initializing...")
        if grammarFile:

    def setGrammar(self, grammarFile):
        print("[Conversator] Grammar file set: %s" % grammarFile)
        self.grammar = JSGFParser(grammarFile)
        self.stopWords = self.grammar.findStopwords(
        )  #optional words that don't add core meaning to the sentence

    def reset(self):
        self.status = "idle"

    def filterStopwords(self, sentence):
           filter the given string by taking out the words in the stopWords list

        for stopWord in self.stopWords:
            sentence = sentence.replace(" %s " % stopWord, " ")

        return sentence

    def resultResponse(self, result):

        # @TODO remove this
        # return {
        #     "repeat": "part",
        #     "understoodOptions": ['alice', 'pseudo'],
        #     "allOptions": ['alice', 'pseudo', 'rick', 'smith'],
        #     "responseSentence": "Who do you mean? Alice or Pseudo."
        # }

        understoodOptions = None
        allOptions = None

        # we already found a string that we consider as understood correctly
        if result['accepted_string']:
            responseSentence = "I understood '%s'" % result['accepted_string']
            repeat = "no"

        # we understood something different. The difference is not within the same var
        elif result['same_var'] is None:
            responseSentence = "I didn't understand. Please repeat your sentence."
            repeat = "all"

            var = result['same_var']
            understoodOptions = [
            ]  # the two different understood options
            allOptions = self.grammar.findVariableItems(
                var, includeVars=False
            )  # all the available options for this var from the grammar

            if var == "<name>":
                responseSentence = "Who do you mean? %s " % ' or '.join(
                repeat = "part"
                print("[Conversator] listen for: %s" % str(allOptions))
            elif var == "<object>":
                responseSentence = "Which object do you mean? %s" % ' or '.join(
                repeat = "part"
                print("[Conversator] listen for: %s" % str(allOptions))
            elif var == "<verb>":
                responseSentence = "What do you want me to do? %s" % ' or '.join(
                repeat = "part"
                print("[Conversator] listen for: %s" % str(allOptions))
            elif var == "<location>":
                responseSentence = "Where do you mean? %s" % ' or '.join(
                repeat = "part"
                print("[Conversator] listen for: %s" % str(allOptions))
            elif var == "<color>":
                responseSentence = "Which color do you mean? %s" % ' or '.join(
                repeat = "part"
                print("[Conversator] listen for: %s" % str(allOptions))
                responseSentence = "I didn't understand. Please repeat your sentence."
                repeat = "all"

        response = {
            "repeat": repeat,
            "understoodOptions": understoodOptions,
            "allOptions": allOptions,
            "responseSentence": responseSentence

        return response

    def sentenceResponse(self, sentence, filterStopwords=True):
        if filterStopwords:
            sentence = self.filterStopwords(sentence)

        actions = []

        # check for sentences
        if ("what is your teams name" in sentence):
            actions.append({"type": "say", "content": "My teams name is BORG"})
            return actions
        elif ("what is your favorite color" in sentence):
            actions.append({"type": "say", "content": "Black as the night"})
            return actions

        # check for requests
        elif ("follow me" in sentence):
            actions.append({"type": "say", "content": "Ok I will follow you"})
            return actions
        elif ("enter the elevator" in sentence):
                "type": "say",
                "content": "Ok I will go in the elevator"
            return actions
        elif ("give me a drink" in sentence):
                "type": "say",
                "content": "I will give you a drink"
            return actions
        elif ("go duck yourself" in sentence):
                "type": "say",
                "content": "Just like I did your mom?"
            return actions

        # specific color cup
        regex = re.compile(ur'pick up (.+) cup')
        matches = re.findall(regex, sentence)

        if matches:
            color = matches[0]
            content = "I will pick up the %s cup" % color
            actions.append({"type": "say", "content": content})
                "type": "do",
                "content": {
                    'verb': 'pickup',
                    'items': ["%s cup" % color],
                    'location': None
            return actions

        # order
        actions = self.parseOrderSentence(sentence)
        if actions:
            return actions

        return []

    def parseOrderSentence(self, sentence):
        # remove the start of the sentence
        names = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<name>", includeVars=False)
        for name in names:
            start = "okay %s" % name
            if sentence.startswith(start):
                sentence = sentence.lstrip(start)

        # split on different locations. these will be the different orders
        locations = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<location>",
        regex = re.compile(" to (%s)" % '|'.join(locations))
        matches = re.split(regex, sentence)
        if not matches:
            return None

        # make pairs for each order and location couple
        order_locations = []
        matchCount = len(matches)
        for idx in range(0, matchCount, 2):
            if idx + 1 >= matchCount:
                 matches[idx + 1].strip()))

        # build actions from the order location pairs.
        # each order parts is analyzed (find the verb and different items)
        # each action is a dict indicating the task verb, items and location
        verbs = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<verb>", includeVars=False)
        lastOrderVerb = None
        actions = []
        for order_location in order_locations:
            orders = order_location[0]
            location = order_location[1]
            for verb in verbs:
                if verb == orders[0:len(verb)]:
                    lastOrderVerb = verb
                    orders = orders[len(verb) + 1:]

            actionContent = {}
            actionContent['verb'] = lastOrderVerb
            items = orders.split(" and ")
            actionContent['items'] = items
            actionContent['location'] = location
            actions.append({"type": "do", "content": actionContent})

        # Build a sentence to say for the robot
        first = True
        response = ""
        for action in actions:
            actionContent = action['content']
            if first:
                response += "Ok "
                response += " then "

            response += "I will %s " % actionContent['verb']
            firstItem = True
            for item in actionContent['items']:
                if firstItem is False:
                    response += "and "
                response += "the %s " % item
                firstItem = False

            response += "to the %s" % actionContent['location']

            first = False

        actions.insert(0, {
            "type": "say",
            "content": response
        })  # add as first action

        return actions

    def getRepeatAction(self, sentence=None):
        if not sentence:
            sentence = "I didn't understand. Please repeat your sentence."
        return {"type": "say", "content": sentence}
 def setGrammar(self, grammarFile):
     print("[Conversator] Grammar file set: %s" % grammarFile)
     self.grammar = JSGFParser(grammarFile)
     self.stopWords = self.grammar.findStopwords(
     )  #optional words that don't add core meaning to the sentence
예제 #9
class nlp4():

    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = JSGFParser('speech/hark-sphinx/grammar/NielsSebastiaan.gram')
        self.names = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<start>", includeVars=False)
        self.locations = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<location>", includeVars=False)
        self.verbs = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<verb>", includeVars=False)
        self.questions = self.grammar.findVariableItems("<sentence>", includeVars=False)

    def remove_name(self,s):
        for name in self.names:
            s = s.lower()
            start = "%s " % name
            if  s.startswith(start):
                s = s.lstrip(start)
        return s

    def remove_opts(self, hypstr):
        return self.grammar.filterOptionals(hypstr)

    def find_type(self,string):
        if self.remove_opts(string) in self.locations: return "location"
        if self.remove_opts(string) in self.verbs: return "verb"
        return None

    def split_order(self, s1,s2):
        splits = []
        regex = re.compile(" and ")
        matches1 = re.split(regex, s1)
        matches2 = re.split(regex, s2)
        for x, y in zip(matches1,matches2):
        return splits

    def partial_parse(self,order):
        parsed_list = []
        for s in order:
            order_verb = None
            order_location = None
            order_question = None
            regex = re.compile("(%s)" % '|'.join(self.locations))
            match = re.split(regex, self.remove_name(s))
            noname = self.remove_name(s)

            if noname == s:
                if len(match)<3:
                #Not a room navigation
                    regex = re.compile("(approach the dining table)")
                    approach_grp = re.search(regex,noname)
                    if approach_grp != None:
                        parsed_list.append({"verb" : "approach", "location" : "dining table", "question" : None})
                        #Question time!
                        if not self.question_parse(parsed_list, noname):
                            return None
                    order_location = match[1]
                    regex = re.compile("(%s)" % '|'.join(self.verbs))
                    order_verb_grp = re.search(regex,match[0])
                    if order_verb_grp != None: order_verb = order_verb_grp.group(0)    

                    print order_location
                    parsed_list.append({"verb" : order_verb, "location" : order_location, "question" : None})
                #Question time!
                if not self.question_parse(parsed_list, noname):
                    return None


        return parsed_list

    def question_parse(self, parsed_list, question):
        regex = re.compile("(%s)" % '|'.join(self.questions))
        question_grp = re.search(regex,question)
        if question_grp != None:
            parsed_list.append({"verb" : None, "location" : None, "question" : question_grp.group(0)})
            return True
            return False

    def needs_question(self,parsed_order):
        o1 = parsed_order[0]
        o2 = parsed_order[1]
        location = None
        verb = None

        # we have a perfect match, return to sender
        if o2 == o1: return {"diff" : False , "question" : "No difference found", "understood_options": None, "action" : o1,'unknown': None}

        if (not o1['question'] == None and o2['question'] == None) or (not o2['question'] == None and o1['question'] == None):
            #not sure if question or order
            return {"diff" : True , "question" : "could you repeat this part?", "understood_options": None, "action" : None,'unknown': None}
        elif o1['question'] != o2['question'] :
            return {"diff" : True , "question" : "could you repeat your question?", "understood_options": None, "action" : o1,'unknown': 'question'} 
        elif o1['location'] == o2['location'] :
            return {"diff" : False , "question" : "Only difference in verb", "understood_options": None, "action" : o1,'unknown': None}            
            return {"diff" : True , "question" : "Where did you want me to " + o1['verb'] + "?", "understood_options": None, "action" : o1,'unknown': 'location'}                                


    def confirm(self, action):
        v = action['action']['verb']
        l = action['action']['location']
        q = action['action']['question']
        confirmation = ""

        if not q == None:
            responses = {\
            'what time is it' : "The current time is: " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + ".",\
            'what is the oldest most widely used drug on earth' : 'The oldest, most widely used drug on earth is coffee.',\
            'who are your creators' : 'My creators are Niels and Sebastiaan.'}
            confirmation = responses[q]
        elif v == "approach":
            confirmation = "I will approach the " + l
            #v in self.nav
            confirmation = "I will go to the " + l

        return confirmation

    def get_actions(self, speech_observation):
        actions = []
        # we first split the order with they keyword "and"
        orders = self.split_order(self.remove_opts(speech_observation['2best'][0]),self.remove_opts(speech_observation['2best'][1]))
        for order in orders:
            parsed_order = self.partial_parse(order)
            if parsed_order != None:
                print "could not parse. not in grammar"
        return actions