예제 #1
from JohnsonUtil import LoggerFactory as LoggerFactory
from JohnsonUtil import commonTips as cct

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # parsehtml(downloadpage(url_s))
    # StreamHandler(sys.stdout).push_application()
    log = LoggerFactory.getLogger('Autodata')
    # log.setLevel(LoggerFactory.DEBUG)
    # handler=StderrHandler(format_string='{record.channel}: {record.message) [{record.extra[cwd]}]')
    # log.level = log.debug
    # error_handler = SyslogHandler('Sina-M-Log', level='ERROR')

        if cct.get_work_day_status() and cct.get_now_time_int() < 1505:
            # tdx_data=tdd.get_tdx_all_day_DayL_DF(market='cyb', dayl=1)
            print sina_data.Sina().get_stock_code_data('300006')
            tdx_data = rl.get_sina_Market_json('cyb')
            if len(tdx_data) < 1:
                raise KeyboardInterrupt("StopTime")
                print tdx_data[-2:]
            code = '300366'

    except (KeyboardInterrupt) as e:
    except (IOError, EOFError, Exception) as e:
        print "Error", e
        sleeptime = random.randint(5, 15)
        print "Error2sleep:%s" % (sleeptime)
예제 #2
def get_roll_mean_all(single=True,
    # df = tdd.search_Tdx_multi_data_duration('tdx_all_df_300', 'all_300', df=None,code_l=code_list, start=start, end=None, freq=None, col=None, index='date')
    block_path = tdd.get_tdx_dir_blocknew() + '060.blk'

    if not app and cct.get_file_size(
            block_path) > 100 and cct.creation_date_duration(block_path) == 0:
        print "It's Today Update"
        return True
    code_list = sina_data.Sina().market('all').index.tolist()
    print "all code:", len(code_list)
    if duration < 300:
        h5_fname = 'tdx_all_df' + '_' + str(300)
        h5_table = 'all' + '_' + str(300)
        h5_fname = 'tdx_all_df' + '_' + str(900)
        h5_table = 'all' + '_' + str(900)
    # df = tdd.search_Tdx_multi_data_duration('tdx_all_df_300', 'all_300', df=None,code_l=code_list, start='20150501', end=None, freq=None, col=None, index='date')
    df = tdd.search_Tdx_multi_data_duration(h5_fname,
    # df = tdd.search_Tdx_multi_data_duration(h5_fname, h5_table, df=None,code_l=code_list, start=None, end=None, freq=None, col=None, index='date',tail=1)

    code_uniquelist = df.index.get_level_values('code').unique()

    code_select = code_uniquelist[random.randint(0, len(code_uniquelist) - 1)]
    print round(time.time() - time_s, 2), df.index.get_level_values(
        'code').unique().shape, code_select, df.loc[code_select].shape
    # df.groupby(level=[0]),df.index.get_level_values(0)
    # len(df.index.get_level_values('code').unique())
    # df = df[~df.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
    dfs = df

    def get_groupby_mean_median_close(dfs):

        groupd = dfs.groupby(level=[0])
        df = groupd['close'].agg({'median': 'median', 'mean': 'mean'})
        df['close'] = groupd.tail(1).reset_index().set_index(['code'])['close']
        # dfs['mean'] = groupd['close'].agg('mean')
        # dfs['median'] = groupd['close'].agg('median')

        # dfs = dfs.fillna(0)
        # idx = pd.IndexSlice
        # mask = ( (dfs['mean'] > dfs['median'])
        #         & (dfs['close'] > dfs['mean'])
        #         )
        # df=dfs.loc[idx[mask, :]]

        df = df[(df['mean'] > df['median']) & (df['close'] > df['mean'])]

        # dt_low = None
        # if dl == 1:
        #     dfs = groupd.tail(1)
        #     print("dfs tail1")
        # else:
        #     dl = 30
        #     dindex = tdd.get_tdx_Exp_day_to_df(
        #         '999999', dl=dl).sort_index(ascending=False)
        #     dt = tdd.get_duration_price_date('999999', df=dindex)
        #     dt = dindex[dindex.index >= dt].index.values
        #     dt_low = dt[-1]
        #     dtlen = len(dt) if len(dt) >0 else 1
        #     dfs = groupd.tail(dtlen)
        #     print("dfs tail:%s dt:%s"%(dtlen,dt))
        #     dfs = get_multi_date_duration(dfs,dt[-1])
        return df

    groupd = dfs.groupby(level=[0])

    # rollma = ['5','10','60','100','200']
    # rollma = ['5','10','250']
    if duration < 300:
        rollma = ['10']
        rollma = ['10', '250']


    # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
    # df.loc['300130'][:2]

    # dfs['mean'] = groupd['close'].agg('mean')
    # dfs['median'] = groupd['close'].agg('median')

    for da in rollma:
        cumdays = int(da)
        dfs['ma%d' % cumdays] = groupd['close'].apply(pd.rolling_mean, cumdays)
        if cumdays == 10:
            dfs['upper'] = dfs['ma%d' % cumdays].apply(lambda x: round(
                (1 + 11.0 / 100) * x, 1))
            dfs['lower'] = dfs['ma%d' % cumdays].apply(lambda x: round(
                (1 - 9.0 / 100) * x, 1))
            dfs['ene'] = map(lambda x, y: round((x + y) / 2, 1), dfs['upper'],
        # df['upper'] = map(lambda x: round((1 + 11.0 / 100) * x, 1), df.ma10d)
        # df['lower'] = map(lambda x: round((1 - 9.0 / 100) * x, 1), df.ma10d)
        # df['ene'] = map(lambda x, y: round((x + y) / 2, 1), df.upper, df.lower)
        # dfs['amount%d'%cumdays] = groupd['amount'].apply(pd.rolling_mean, cumdays)
    # df.ix[df.index.levels[0]]
    #df.ix[df.index[len(df.index)-1][0]] #last row
    # dfs = tdd.search_Tdx_multi_data_duration(df=dfs,code_l=code_list, start='20170918', end='20170918', freq=None, col=None, index='date')

    # print dfs[:1],len(dfs)
    # groupd.agg({'low': 'min'})
    # '''idx mask filter'''
    # '''
    dt_low = None
    df_idx = None
    if single:
        dfs = groupd.tail(1)
        print("dfs tail1")
        dl = 30
        dindex = tdd.get_tdx_Exp_day_to_df('999999',
        dt = tdd.get_duration_price_date('999999', df=dindex)
        dt = dindex[dindex.index >= dt].index.values
        dt_low = dt[-1]
        dtlen = len(dt) if len(dt) > 0 else 1
        dfs = groupd.tail(dtlen)
        # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
        df_idx = get_groupby_mean_median_close(dfs)

        print("dfs tail:%s dt:%s" % (dtlen, dt))
        dfs = get_multi_date_duration(dfs, dt[-1])

        # groupd2 = dfs.groupby(level=[0])
        # dfs['ma%d'%cumdays] = groupd['close'].apply(pd.rolling_mean, cumdays)

        # dfs.reset_index().groupby(['code'])['date'].transform('count')
        single = True

    dfs = dfs.fillna(0)
    idx = pd.IndexSlice
    # mask = (dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[0])] > dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[1])]) & (dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[-1])] > 0) & (dfs[('close')] > dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[0])])  & (dfs[('close')] > dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[-1])])
    # mask = (dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[0])] > dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[1])]) & (dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[-1])] > 0) & (dfs[('close')] > dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[1])])  & (dfs[('close')] > dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[-1])])
    # mask = (dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[0])] > dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[1])]) & (dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[-1])] > 0) &  (dfs[('close')] > dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[-1])])

    # mask = ( (dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[0])] > 0) & (dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[-1])] > 0) & (dfs[('close')] > dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[-1])]) & (dfs[('close')] > dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[0])]))

    # mask = ( (dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[0])] > 0) & (dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[-1])] > 0)
    #         & (dfs[('close')] > dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[-1])]*ma_250_l)
    #         & (dfs[('close')] < dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[-1])]*ma_250_h)
    #         & (dfs[('close')] > dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[0])]))

    # & (dfs['mean'] > dfs['median'])
    # & (dfs['close'] > dfs['mean'])

    if len(rollma) > 1:

        mask = ((dfs[('ma%s') % (rollma[0])] > 0) & (dfs[('ma%s') %
                                                         (rollma[-1])] > 0)
                & (dfs[('ma%s') % (rollma[0])] > dfs[('ma%s') % (rollma[-1])])
                & (dfs[('close')] > dfs[('ma%s') % (rollma[0])])
                & (dfs[('close')] > dfs[('ma%s') % (rollma[-1])] * ma_250_h)
                & ((dfs[('close')] > dfs['ene']) |
                   (dfs[('close')] > dfs['upper'])))
        mask = ((dfs[('ma%s') % (rollma[0])] > 0)
                & (dfs[('close')] > dfs[('ma%s') % (rollma[0])])
                & ((dfs[('close')] > dfs['ene']) |
                   (dfs[('close')] > dfs['upper'])))

    # mask = ((dfs[('close')] > dfs[('ma%s')%(rollma[-1])]))
    df = dfs.loc[idx[mask, :]]
    df = get_multi_code_count(df)

    # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
    # df.sort_values(by='couts',ascending=0)
    # groupd.first()[:2],groupd.last()[:2]
    # groupd = df250.groupby(level=[0])
    # '''
    # groupd.transform(lambda x: x.iloc[-1])
    # groupd.last()
    # groupd.apply(lambda x: x.close > x.ma250)
    # df.shape,df.sort_index(ascending=False)[:5]
    # ?groupd.agg
    # groupd = df.groupby(level=[0])
    # groupd['close'].apply(pd.rolling_mean, 250, min_periods=1)
    #ex:# Group df by df.platoon, then apply a rolling mean lambda function to df.casualties
    # df.groupby('Platoon')['Casualties'].apply(lambda x:x.rolling(center=False,window=2).mean())

    code_uniquelist = df.index.get_level_values('code').unique()
    code_select = code_uniquelist[random.randint(0, len(code_uniquelist) - 1)]

    if app:
        print round(time.time() - time_s, 2), 's', df.index.get_level_values(
            'code').unique().shape, code_select, df.loc[code_select][-1:]

    if single:
        # groupd = df.groupby(level=[0])
        if tdx:
            # block_path = tdd.get_tdx_dir_blocknew() + '060.blk'
            # if cct.get_work_time():
            #     codew = df[df.date == cct.get_today()].index.tolist()

            if dt_low is not None:
                groupd2 = df.groupby(level=[0])
                df = groupd2.tail(1)
                df = df.reset_index().set_index('code')
                # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()

                # df = df[(df.date >= dt_low) & (df.date <= cct.get_today())]
                dd = df[(df.date == dt_low)]
                df = df[(df.date >= cct.last_tddate(1))]
                # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
                print("df:%s df_idx:%s" % (len(df), len(df_idx)))

                if df_idx is not None and len(df_idx) > 0:
                    df = df.loc[df_idx.index, :].dropna()
                print("Main Down dd :%s MainUP df:%s couts std:%0.1f " %
                      (len(dd), len(df), df.couts.std()))
                # print df.date.mode()[0]
                df = df.sort_values(by='couts', ascending=1)
                df = df[df.couts > df.couts.std()]
                # df = df[(df.date >= df.date.mode()[0]) & (df.date <= cct.get_today())]
                codew = df.index.tolist()

                if app:
                    print round(time.time() - time_s, 2), 'groupd2', len(df)

                df = df.reset_index().set_index('code')
                df = df[(df.date >= cct.last_tddate(days=10))
                        & (df.date <= cct.get_today())]
                codew = df.index.tolist()

            top_temp = tdd.get_sina_datadf_cnamedf(codew, df)
            top_temp = top_temp[(~top_temp.index.str.contains('688'))
                                & (~top_temp.name.str.contains('ST'))]
            codew = top_temp.index.tolist()

            #clean st and 688

            if app:
                hdf5_wri = cct.cct_raw_input("rewrite code [Y] or append [N]:")
                if hdf5_wri == 'y' or hdf5_wri == 'Y':
                    append_status = False
                    append_status = True
                append_status = False

            if len(codew) > 10:
                print "write:%s block_path:%s" % (len(codew), block_path)
                print "write error:%s block_path:%s" % (len(codew), block_path)

        # df['date'] = df['date'].apply(lambda x:(x.replace('-','')))
        # df['date'] = df['date'].astype(int)
        # print df.loc[code_select].T,df.shape
        MultiIndex = False
        MultiIndex = True
    return df
예제 #3
def get_hot_countNew(changepercent, rzrq, fibl=None, fibc=10):
    global fibcount
    if fibcount == 0 or fibcount >= fibc:
        if fibcount >= fibc:
            fibcount = 1
            fibcount += 1
        if fibl is not None:
            int = 0
            for f in fibl:
                code, op, ra, daysData, fib, st = f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[
                    4], f[5]
                int += 1
                if int % 2 != 0:
                    print "%s op:%s ra:%s d:%s fib:%s m5:%s  %s" % (
                        code, f_print(3, op), f_print(
                            5, ra), f_print(2, daysData[0]), f_print(
                                3, fib), f_print(4, daysData[1]), st),
                    print "%s op:%s ra:%s d:%s fib:%s m5:%s " % (
                        st, f_print(3, op), f_print(
                            5, ra), f_print(2, daysData[0]), f_print(
                                3, fib), f_print(4, daysData[1]))

        fibcount += 1
    allTop = pd.DataFrame()
    indexKeys = ['sh', 'sz', 'cyb']
    ffindex = ffu.get_dfcfw_fund_flow('all')
    ffall = {}
    ffall['zlr'] = 0
    ffall['zzb'] = 0

    for market in indexKeys:
        # market = ct.SINA_Market_KEY()
        #        df = rd.get_sina_Market_json(market, False)
        df = sina_data.Sina().market(market)
        # count=len(df.index)
        log.info("market:%s" % df[:1])
        df = df.dropna()
        df = df[df.close > 0]
        if 'percent' not in df.columns:
            df['percent'] = map(lambda x, y: round((x - y) / y * 100, 1),
                                df.close.values, df.llastp.values)

        if 'percent' in df.columns.values:
            # and len(df[:20][df[:20]['percent']>0])>3:
            # if 'code' in df.columns:
            #     top = df[df['percent'] > changepercent]
            #     topTen = df[df['percent'] > 9.9]
            #     crashTen = df[df['percent'] < -9.8]
            #     crash = df[df['percent'] < -changepercent]
            # else:
            top = df[df['percent'] > changepercent]
            topTen = df[df['percent'] > 9.9]
            crashTen = df[df['percent'] < -9.8]
            crash = df[df['percent'] < -changepercent]
            log.info("market No Percent:%s" % df[:1])
            top = '0'
            topTen = '0'
            crashTen = '0'
            crash = '0'
        # top=df[ df['changepercent'] <6]

        print("%s topT: %s top>%s: %s " %
              (f_print(4, market), f_print(
                  3, len(topTen)), changepercent, f_print(4, len(top)))),
        # url = ct.DFCFW_FUND_FLOW_URL % ct.SINA_Market_KEY_TO_DFCFW[market]
        # log.debug("ffurl:%s" % url)
        print(u"crashT:%s crash<-%s:%s" % (f_print(
            4, len(crashTen)), changepercent, f_print(4, len(crash)))),
        ff = ffindex[market]
        if len(ff) > 0:
            zlr = float(ff['zlr'])
            zzb = float(ff['zzb'])
            ffall['zlr'] = ffall['zlr'] + zlr
            ffall['zzb'] = ffall['zzb'] + zzb
            # zt=str(ff['time'])
            # modfprint=lambda x:f_print(4,x) if x>0 else "-%s"%(f_print(4,str(x).replace('-','')))
            # print modfprint(zlr)
            # print (u"流入: %s亿 比: %s%%" % (modfprint(zlr), modfprint(zzb))),
            print(u"流入: %s亿 比: %s%%" % (f_print(4, zlr), f_print(4, zzb))),
            print(u"%s %s%s" %
                  (f_print(4, ff['close']),
                   f_print(1, '!' if ff['open'] > ff['lastp'] else '?'),
                   f_print(2, '!!' if ff['close'] > ff['lastp'] else '??')))
        allTop = allTop.append(df, ignore_index=True)
        allTop = allTop.drop_duplicates()
    df = allTop
    count = len(df.index)
    top = df[df['percent'] > changepercent]
    topTen = df[df['percent'] > 9.9]
    crashTen = df[df['percent'] < -9.8]
    crash = df[df['percent'] < -changepercent]
    print(u" \tA:%s topT:%s top>%s:%s" %
          (f_print(4, count), f_print(
              3, len(topTen)), changepercent, f_print(4, len(top)))),
    print(u"crashT:%s crash<-%s:%s" %
          (f_print(3, len(crashTen)), changepercent, f_print(4, len(crash)))),

    # ff = ffu.get_dfcfw_fund_flow(ct.DFCFW_FUND_FLOW_ALL)
    ffall['time'] = ff['time']
    ff = ffall
    zzb = 0
    if len(ff) > 0:
        zlr = round(float(ff['zlr']), 1)
        zzb = round(float(ff['zzb']) / 3, 1)
        zt = str(ff['time'])
        print(u"流入: %s亿 占比: %s%% %s" %
              (f_print(4, zlr), f_print(4, zzb), f_print(4, zt)))

    ff = ffu.get_dfcfw_fund_SHSZ()
    hgt = ffu.get_dfcfw_fund_HGT()
    szt = ffu.get_dfcfw_fund_HGT(url=ct.DFCFW_FUND_FLOW_SZT)
    log.debug("shzs:%s" % ff)
    log.debug("hgt:%s" % hgt)
    # if len(ff) > 0:
    #     print ("\tSH: %s u:%s vo: %s sz: %s u:%s vo: %s" % (
    #         f_print(4, ff['scent']), f_print(4, ff['sup']), f_print(5, ff['svol']), f_print(4, ff['zcent']),
    #         f_print(4, ff['zup']),
    #         f_print(5, ff['zvol']))),
    if len(ff) > 0:
        print(u"\t\tSh: %s Vr:%s Sz: %s Vr:%s " %
              (f_print(4, ff['scent']), f_print(5, ff['svol']),
               f_print(4, ff['zcent']), f_print(5, ff['zvol'])))
        print(u"\t\tSh: \t%s Vr:  \t%s Sz: \t%s Vr: \t%s ") % (0, 0, 0, 0)
    if len(hgt) > 0:
        print("\t\tHgt: %s Ggt: %s Sgt: %s Gst: %s" %
              (hgt['hgt'], hgt['ggt'], szt['hgt'], szt['ggt']))
        print("\t\tHgt: \t%s Ggt: \t%s Sgt: %s Gst: %s" % (0, 0, 0, 0))
    if len(rzrq) > 0:
        shpcent = round(
            (rzrq['shrz'] / rzrq['sh'] * 100), 1) if rzrq['sh'] > 0 else '?'
        szpcent = round(
            (rzrq['szrz'] / rzrq['sz'] * 100), 1) if rzrq['sz'] > 0 else '?'
        print(u"\tSh: %s rz:%s :%s%% sz: %s rz:%s :%s%% All: %s diff: %s亿" %
              (f_print(5, rzrq['sh']), f_print(4, rzrq['shrz']), shpcent,
               f_print(5, rzrq['sz']), f_print(4, rzrq['szrz']), szpcent,
               f_print(4, rzrq['all']), f_print(5, rzrq['dff'])))
    bigcount = rd.getconfigBigCount(count=None, write=True)
    # print bigcount

                        'B:%s-%s V:%s' %
                        (bigcount[0], bigcount[2], bigcount[1]),
                        'ZL: %s' % (zlr if len(ff) > 0 else 0),
                        'To:%s' % len(topTen),
                        'D:%s' % len(crash),
                        'Sh: %s ' % ff['scent'] if len(ff) > 0 else '?',
                        'Vr:%s%% ' % ff['svol'] if len(ff) > 0 else '?',
                        'MR: %s' % zzb,
                        'ZL: %s' % (zlr if len(ff) > 0 else '?')

    return allTop
예제 #4
def get_hot_countNew(changepercent, rzrq, fibl=None, fibc=10):
    global fibcount
    INDEX_LIST_TDX = {'999999': 'sh', '399001': 'sz', '399006': 'cyb'}
    # {v: k for k, v in m.items()}
    # >>> zip(m.values(), m.keys())
    # mi = dict(zip(m.values(), m.keys()))
    if fibcount == 0 or fibcount >= fibc:
        if fibcount >= fibc:
            fibcount = 1
            fibcount += 1
        if fibl is not None:
            int = 0
            for f in fibl:
                code, op, ra, daysData, fib, st = f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[
                    4], f[5]
                # cumin_index[INDEX_LIST_TDX[code]]=cumin
                int += 1
                if int % 2 != 0:
                    print "%s op:%s ra:%s d:%s fib:%s m5:%s  %s" % (
                        code, f_print(3, op), f_print(
                            5, ra), f_print(2, daysData[0]), f_print(
                                3, fib), f_print(4, daysData[1]), st),
                    print "%s op:%s ra:%s d:%s fib:%s m5:%s " % (
                        st, f_print(3, op), f_print(
                            5, ra), f_print(2, daysData[0]), f_print(
                                3, fib), f_print(4, daysData[1]))

        fibcount += 1
    allTop = pd.DataFrame()
    indexKeys = ['sh', 'sz', 'cyb']
    # ffindex = ffu.get_dfcfw_fund_flow('all')
    ffindex = ffu.get_dfcfw_fund_flow2020('all')

    ffall = {}
    topTen_all = 0
    crashTen_all = 0
    ffall['zlr'] = 0
    ffall['zzb'] = 0

    for market in indexKeys:
        # market = ct.SINA_Market_KEY()
        #        df = rd.get_sina_Market_json(market, False)
        df = sina_data.Sina().market(market)
        # count=len(df.index)
        # log.info("market:%s" % df[:1])
        df = df.dropna()
        df = df[df.close > 0]
        if 'percent' not in df.columns:
            df['percent'] = map(lambda x, y: round((x - y) / y * 100, 1),
                                df.close.values, df.llastp.values)

        if 'percent' in df.columns.values:
            # and len(df[:20][df[:20]['percent']>0])>3:
            # if 'code' in df.columns:
            #     top = df[df['percent'] > changepercent]
            #     topTen = df[df['percent'] > 9.9]
            #     crashTen = df[df['percent'] < -9.8]
            #     crash = df[df['percent'] < -changepercent]
            # else:
            top = df[df['percent'] > changepercent]
            topTen = df[df['percent'] > 9.9]
            # dropcode = [ x for x in topTen.index.tolist() if x not in top_Ten_Dropcxg]
            # if len(dropcode) >0:
            #     topT_l = tdd.get_tdx_exp_all_LastDF_DL(dropcode, dt=ct.duration_date_l,newdays=10,showRunTime=False)
            #     if isinstance(topT_l, pd.DataFrame):
            #         top_Ten_Dropcxg.extend(topT_l.index.tolist())
            crashTen = df[df['percent'] < -9.8]
            crash = df[df['percent'] < -changepercent]
            log.info("market No Percent:%s" % df[:1])
            top = '0'
            topTen = '0'
            crashTen = '0'
            crash = '0'
        topTen_all += len(topTen)
        crashTen_all += len(crashTen)
        # top=df[ df['changepercent'] <6]
        # print("\033[1;31;40m您输入的帐号或密码错误!\033[0m")
        print("%s topT: %s top>%s: %s" %
              (f_print(4, market), f_print(
                  3, len(topTen)), changepercent, f_print(4, len(top)))),
        # url = ct.DFCFW_FUND_FLOW_URL % ct.SINA_Market_KEY_TO_DFCFW[market]
        # log.debug("ffurl:%s" % url)
        print(u"crashT:%s crash<-%s:%s" % (f_print(
            4, len(crashTen)), changepercent, f_print(4, len(crash)))),
        # print(u"-5:%s" %
        #       (f_print(4, len(crash[crash < -5])))),
        ff = ffindex[market]
        if len(ff) > 0:
            zlr = float(ff['zlr'])
            zzb = float(ff['zzb'])
            ffall['zlr'] = ffall['zlr'] + zlr
            ffall['zzb'] = ffall['zzb'] + zzb
            # zt=str(ff['time'])
            # modfprint=lambda x:f_print(4,x) if x>0 else "-%s"%(f_print(4,str(x).replace('-','')))
            # print modfprint(zlr)
            # print (u"流入: %s亿 比: %s%%" % (modfprint(zlr), modfprint(zzb))),
            print(u"流入: %s亿 比: %s%% " %
                  (f_print(6, zlr, 32), f_print(4, zzb, 32))),
            if 'close' in ff.keys():
                if ff['close'] == 0:
                    _percent = 0
                    _percent = round(
                        (ff['close'] - ff['lastp']) * 100 / ff['close'], 2)
                _percent = 0
                ff['close'] = 0.0
                ff['open'] = 0.0
                ff['lastp'] = 0.0
            # print (u" %s"%(f_print(2,cumin_index[market],31))),
                u"%s %s%% %s%s" %
                (f_print(7, ff['close']), f_print(4, _percent, 31),
                 f_print(1, '!' if ff['open'] > ff['lastp'] else '?'),
                 f_print(2, '!!' if ff['close'] > ff['lastp'] else '??', 32)))
        allTop = allTop.append(df.reset_index(), ignore_index=True)
        allTop = allTop.drop_duplicates()
    df = allTop
    df = tdd.get_single_df_lastp_to_df(df.set_index('code'), resample='d')
    count = len(df.index)
    top = df[df['percent'] > changepercent]

    topTen = df[df['percent'] >= 9.9]
    if 'max5' in df.columns:
        top_Max = (df[(df.close >= df.hmax) & (df.close >= df.max5)])

        # top_low = len(df[df.low < df.min5])
        top_min = (df[(df.close <= df.lmin) & (df.close <= df.min5)])
        cct.GlobalValues().setkey('top_max', top_Max)
        cct.GlobalValues().setkey('top_min', top_min)

        top_Max = []
        top_low = 0
        top_min = []

    # topTen = str(len(topTen)) +'('+str(len(top_Ten_Dropcxg))+')' +'(H:'+str(len(top_Max))+')'
    topTen = str(topTen_all) + '(' + str(len(topTen)) + ')' + \
        '(H:' + str(len(top_Max)) + ')'
    # print "top_Ten_Dropcxg:%s",top_Ten_Dropcxg
    # crashTen = df[df['percent'] < -9.8]
    crashTen = str(crashTen_all) + '(L:' + str(len(top_min)) + ')'

    crash = df[df['percent'] < -changepercent]

    print(u"AL:%s topT:%s top>%s:%s" %
          (f_print(4, count), f_print(
              3, (topTen), 31), changepercent, f_print(4, len(top), 31))),
        u"crashT:%s crash<-%s:%s" %
                 (crashTen), 32), changepercent, f_print(4, len(crash), 31))),
    print(u"-5:%s" % (f_print(4, len(crash[crash.percent < -5]), 32))),
    # ff = ffu.get_dfcfw_fund_flow(ct.DFCFW_FUND_FLOW_ALL)
    ffall['time'] = ff['time']
    ff = ffall
    zzb = 0
    if len(ff) > 0:
        zlr = round(float(ff['zlr']), 1)
        zzb = round(float(ff['zzb']) / 3, 1)
        zt = str(ff['time'])
        print(u"流入: %s亿 占比: %s%% %s" %
              (f_print(4, zlr, 31), f_print(4, zzb, 31), f_print(4, zt)))

    ff = ffu.get_dfcfw_fund_SHSZ()
    # hgt = ffu.get_dfcfw_fund_HGT()
    # szt = ffu.get_dfcfw_fund_HGT(url=ct.DFCFW_FUND_FLOW_SZT)
    hgt = ffu.get_dfcfw_fund_HGSZ2021('bei')
    szt = ffu.get_dfcfw_fund_HGSZ2021('nan')
    log.debug("shzs:%s hgt:%s" % (ff, hgt))
    # if len(ff) > 0:
    #     print ("\tSH: %s u:%s vo: %s sz: %s u:%s vo: %s" % (
    #         f_print(4, ff['scent']), f_print(4, ff['sup']), f_print(5, ff['svol']), f_print(4, ff['zcent']),
    #         f_print(4, ff['zup']),
    #         f_print(5, ff['zvol']))),
    bigcount = rd.getconfigBigCount(count=None, write=True)

    if len(ff) > 0:
        print(u"\tSh: %s Vr:%s Sz: %s Vr:%s " %
              (f_print(4, ff['scent']), f_print(5, ff['svol'], 31),
               f_print(4, ff['zcent']), f_print(5, ff['zvol'], 31))),
        print(u'B:%s-%s V:%s' %
              (bigcount[0], bigcount[2], f_print(4, bigcount[1])))
        print(u"\tSh: \t%s Vr:  \t%s Sz: \t%s Vr: \t%s ") % (0, 0, 0, 0),
        print(u'B:%s-%s V:%s' %
              (bigcount[0], bigcount[2], f_print(4, bigcount[1])))

    if len(hgt) > 0:
        print("\tSgt: %s Gst: %s Hgt: %s Ggt: %s SSVol:%s" %
              (hgt['ggt'], szt['ggt'], hgt['hgt'], szt['hgt'],
               f_print(10, ff['allvol'], 31)))
        print("\t%s Sgt: %s Gst: %s \tHgt: \t%s Ggt: " % (0, 0, 0, 0))

    if len(rzrq) > 0:
        if 'shrz' not in rzrq.keys() and 'szrz' not in rzrq.keys():
            rzrq['shrz'] = 0
            rzrq['szrz'] = 0
        shpcent = round(
            (rzrq['shrz'] / rzrq['sh'] * 100), 1) if rzrq['sh'] > 0 else '?'
        szpcent = round(
            (rzrq['szrz'] / rzrq['sz'] * 100), 1) if rzrq['sz'] > 0 else '?'
        print(u"\tSh: %s rz:%s :%s%% sz: %s rz:%s :%s%% All: %s diff: %s亿" %
              (f_print(5, rzrq['sh']), f_print(4, rzrq['shrz']), shpcent,
               f_print(5, rzrq['sz']), f_print(4, rzrq['szrz']), szpcent,
               f_print(4, rzrq['all'], 31), f_print(5, rzrq['dff'], 31)))
    # print "bigcount:",bigcount

                        'B:%s-%s V:%s' %
                        (bigcount[0], bigcount[2], bigcount[1]),
                        'ZL: %s' % (zlr if len(ff) > 0 else 0),
                        'To:%s' % len(topTen),
                        'D:%s' % len(crash),
                        'Sh: %s ' % ff['scent'] if len(ff) > 0 else '?',
                        'Vr:%s%% ' % ff['svol'] if len(ff) > 0 else '?',
                        'MR: %s' % zzb,
                        'ZL: %s' % (zlr if len(ff) > 0 else '?')

    log.debug("set_console:bigcount[0]%s  bigcount[2]:%s" %
              (bigcount[0], bigcount[2]))

    return allTop