def _getHIJetBuildTool(merge_param, ptmin=20000., ptminFilter=20000., jet_calib='jes', cluster_calib='EM', hicluster_name='HICluster', name=''): global jtm msg = 'Naming convention breaks with merge param %d' % merge_param int_merge_param = int(10 * merge_param) assert 10 * merge_param == int_merge_param, msg assert merge_param > 0. if not name: name = 'TrigAntiKt%dHIJets' % int_merge_param EventShapeKey = "HLT_xAOD__HIEventShapeContainer_TrigHIEventShape" ClusterKey = hicluster_name # Plug in directly tools from e.g. to avoid PseudoJetGetter which is different at HLT and for other reasons # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #jet filters from JetRec.JetRecConf import JetFilterTool jetfil5 = JetFilterTool("HLT_a" + str(int_merge_param) + "jetfil5", PtMin=5000) jtm.add(jetfil5) jetfil8 = JetFilterTool("HLT_a" + str(int_merge_param) + "jetfil8", PtMin=8000) jtm.add(jetfil8) jetfil20 = JetFilterTool("HLT_a" + str(int_merge_param) + "jetfil20", PtMin=20000) jtm.add(jetfil20) #DR association- form element links for all clusters w/in DR of each jet # DR=HIJetFlags.ClusterDRAssociation() # from HIJetRec.HIJetRecConf import HIJetDRAssociationTool # assoc=HIJetDRAssociationTool("HLT_a"+str(int_merge_param)+"HIJetDRAssociation") # assoc.ContainerKey=ClusterKey # assoc.DeltaR=DR # #assoc.AssociationName="%s_DR%dAssoc" % (ClusterKey,int(10*DR)) # assoc.AssociationName="HLT_a"+str(int_merge_param)+"HIClDR%dAssoc" % (int(10*DR)) # #assoc.AssociationName="GhostTrack" # jtm.add(assoc) # # assoc_name=assoc.AssociationName #calculate discriminants as moments from HIJetRec.HIJetRecConf import HIJetMaxOverMeanTool max_over_mean = HIJetMaxOverMeanTool("HLT_a" + str(int_merge_param) + "HIJetMaxOverMean") jtm.add(max_over_mean) #discriminants for jet filtering from HIJetRec.HIJetRecConf import HIJetDiscriminatorTool discrim = HIJetDiscriminatorTool("HLT_a" + str(int_merge_param) + "HIJetDiscriminator") discrim.MaxOverMeanCut = HIJetFlags.DCutMaxOverMean() discrim.MinimumETMaxCut = HIJetFlags.DCutMax() jtm.add(discrim) #jtm.trigjetrecs += [discr] #null modulator #tname="HLT_a"+str(int_merge_param)+"NullUEModulator" #if hasattr(jtm,tname) : return getattr(jtm,tname) from HIJetRec.HIJetRecConf import HIUEModulatorTool mod_tool = HIUEModulatorTool("HLT_a" + str(int_merge_param) + "NullUEModulator") mod_tool.EventShapeKey = 'NULL' for n in [2, 3, 4]: setattr(mod_tool, 'DoV%d' % n, False) jtm.add(mod_tool) # subtraction from HIJetRec.HIJetRecConf import HIJetCellSubtractorTool cell_subtr = HIJetCellSubtractorTool("HLT_a" + str(int_merge_param) + "HIJetSubtractor") jtm.add(cell_subtr) # calibration from JetCalibTools.JetCalibToolsConf import JetCalibrationTool #calib_tool=JetCalibrationTool("HLT_a"+str(int_merge_param)+"HICalibTool",JetCollection="AntiKt4TopoEM",ConfigFile="JES_Full2012dataset_Preliminary_Jan13.config",CalibSequence="AbsoluteEtaJES") #calib_tool=JetCalibrationTool("HLT_a"+str(int_merge_param)+"HICalibTool",JetCollection="AntiKt4EMTopo",ConfigFile="JES_Full2012dataset_May2014.config",CalibSequence="JetArea_Residual_Origin_EtaJES_GSC",IsData=False) #calib_tool=JetCalibrationTool("HLT_a"+str(int_merge_param)+"HICalibTool",JetCollection="AntiKt4EMTopo",ConfigFile="JES_MC15Prerecommendation_April2015.config",CalibSequence="EtaJES", IsData=False) calib_tool = JetCalibrationTool( "HLT_a" + str(int_merge_param) + "HICalibTool", JetCollection="AntiKt4EMTopo", ConfigFile="JES_Full2012dataset_Preliminary_Jan13.config", CalibSequence="AbsoluteEtaJES", IsData=False) jtm.add(calib_tool) from TrigHLTJetRec.TrigHLTJetRecConfig import _getTriggerPseudoJetGetter # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a2_unsubtracted_name = "TrigAntiKt2HIJets_Unsubtracted_a" + str( int_merge_param) seed_finder = jtm.addJetFinder( a2_unsubtracted_name, "AntiKt", 0.2, gettersin=[_getTriggerPseudoJetGetter(cluster_calib)], #modifiersin=[assoc,max_over_mean,jetfil5], # jtm.modifiersMap['HI_Unsubtr'], # may think about TrigHI_Unsubtracted with just max_over_mean modifiersin=[ max_over_mean, jetfil5 ], # jtm.modifiersMap['HI_Unsubtr'], # may think about TrigHI_Unsubtracted with just max_over_mean #modifiersin=[assoc,max_over_mean,jetfil5,discrim], # jtm.modifiersMap['HI_Unsubtr'], # may think about TrigHI_Unsubtracted with just max_over_mean ghostArea=0.0, isTrigger=True, ptmin=5000, ptminFilter=5000) seeds0_name = "TrigAntiKt2HIJets_seeds0_a" + str(int_merge_param) seeds0 = jtm.addJetCopier(seeds0_name, a2_unsubtracted_name, [discrim], isTrigger=True, shallow=False) #seeds0 = seed_finder #from HIJetRec.HIJetRecConf import HIEventShapeJetIterationHLT from TrigHIRec.TrigHIRecConf import TrigHIEventShapeJetIteration iter0_name = "a" + str(int_merge_param) + "iter0" iter0 = TrigHIEventShapeJetIteration(iter0_name) iter0.InputEventShapeKey = EventShapeKey iter0.OutputEventShapeKey = EventShapeKey + "_" + iter0_name #iter0.AssociationKey=assoc_name iter0.InputClustersKey = ClusterKey #iter0.SeedContainerKeys=[seeds0.OutputContainer] iter0.SeedContainerKey = seeds0.OutputContainer #if not hasattr(jtm,"HLT_a"+str(int_merge_param)+"HIJetSubtractor") : # from HIJetRec.HIJetRecConf import HIJetCellSubtractorTool # cell_subtr=HIJetCellSubtractorTool("HLT_a"+str(int_merge_param)+"HIJetSubtractor") # jtm.add(cell_subtr) #iter0.Subtractor=jtm.HIJetSubtractor iter0.Subtractor = cell_subtr from HIEventUtils.HIEventUtilsConf import HIEventShapeMapTool iter0.EventShapeMapTool = HIEventShapeMapTool() jtm.add(iter0) jtm.jetrecs += [iter0] #subtr1=MakeSubtractionTool(iter0.OutputEventShapeKey,moment_name="subtr1") from HIJetRec.HIJetRecConf import HIJetConstituentSubtractionTool subtr1 = HIJetConstituentSubtractionTool("HIConstituentSubtractor_%s" % iter0.OutputEventShapeKey) subtr1.EventShapeKey = iter0.OutputEventShapeKey subtr1.SetMomentOnly = False subtr1.MomentName = "JetSubtractedScaleMomentum" #"subtr1" #subtr1.Subtractor=jtm.HIJetSubtractor subtr1.Subtractor = cell_subtr subtr1.Modulator = mod_tool jtm.add(subtr1) seeds1_name = "TrigAntiKt2HIJets_seeds1_a" + str(int_merge_param) seeds1 = jtm.addJetCopier(seeds1_name, a2_unsubtracted_name, [subtr1, calib_tool, jetfil8], isTrigger=True, shallow=False) #add calib tool iter1_name = "a" + str(int_merge_param) + "iter1" iter1 = TrigHIEventShapeJetIteration(iter1_name) iter1.InputEventShapeKey = EventShapeKey iter1.OutputEventShapeKey = EventShapeKey + "_" + iter1_name #iter1.AssociationKey=assoc_name iter1.InputClustersKey = ClusterKey #iter1.SeedContainerKeys=[seeds1.OutputContainer] iter1.SeedContainerKey = seeds1.OutputContainer #iter1.Subtractor=jtm.HIJetSubtractor iter1.Subtractor = cell_subtr #iter1.ModulationScheme=1; #iter1.RemodulateUE=remodulate #iter1.Modulator=mod_tool #iter1.ModulationEventShapeKey=mod_tool.EventShapeKey jtm.add(iter1) jtm.jetrecs += [iter1] #subtr2=MakeSubtractionTool(iter1.OutputEventShapeKey,moment_name="subtr2") from HIJetRec.HIJetRecConf import HIJetConstituentSubtractionTool subtr2 = HIJetConstituentSubtractionTool("HIConstituentSubtractor_%s" % iter1.OutputEventShapeKey) subtr2.EventShapeKey = iter1.OutputEventShapeKey subtr2.MomentName = "JetSubtractedScaleMomentum" subtr2.SetMomentOnly = False #subtr2.Subtractor=jtm.HIJetSubtractor subtr2.Subtractor = cell_subtr subtr2.Modulator = mod_tool jtm.add(subtr2) finder = jtm.addJetFinder( name + "_finder", "AntiKt", merge_param, gettersin=[_getTriggerPseudoJetGetter(cluster_calib)], modifiersin=[subtr2, calib_tool], ghostArea=0.0, rndseed=0, isTrigger=True, ptmin=ptmin, ptminFilter=ptminFilter) exe_tools = [seed_finder, seeds0, iter0, seeds1, iter1, finder] from JetRec.JetRecConf import JetToolRunner runner = JetToolRunner("jetrunHI_a" + str(int_merge_param), Tools=exe_tools) jtm.add(runner) builder = jtm.addJetCopier(name, name + "_finder", [], isTrigger=True, shallow=False) builder.unlock() builder.InputTool = runner builder.lock() jetBuildTool = builder ## we could also add to hi_modifiers the calibration as defined below: #_is_calibration_supported(int_merge_param, jet_calib, cluster_calib) # # tell the offline code which calibration is requested #calib_str = {'jes': 'calib:j:triggerNoPileup:HLTKt4', # 'subjes': 'calib:aj:trigger:HLTKt4', # 'sub': 'calib:a:trigger:HLTKt4'}.get(jet_calib, '') #myMods = [calib_str] if calib_str else [] return jetBuildTool
for ptype in jetFlags.truthFlavorTags(): flavorgetters += [getattr(jtm, "gtruthget_" + ptype)] HIgetters_common += flavorgetters jtm.gettersMap['HI'] = [jtm.get_HI] jtm.gettersMap['HI'] += HIgetters_common jtm.gettersMap['HI'] += HIgetters_ghost_track jtm.gettersMap['HITrack'] = [] if HIJetFlags.UseHITracks() : jtm.gettersMap['HITrack'] += [jtm.trackget_HI] else : jtm.gettersMap['HITrack'] += [jtm.trackget] jtm.gettersMap['HITrack'] += HIgetters_common from JetRec.JetRecConf import JetFilterTool jetfil5=JetFilterTool("jetfil5", PtMin = 5*Units.GeV) jtm.add(jetfil5) jetfilHI=JetFilterTool("jetfilHI", PtMin = HIJetFlags.RecoOutputPtMin() ) jtm.add(jetfilHI) jetfilHISeeds=JetFilterTool("jetfilHISeeds", PtMin = HIJetFlags.SeedPtMin() ) jtm.add(jetfilHISeeds) #DR association- form element links for all clusters w/in DR of each jet DR=HIJetFlags.ClusterDRAssociation() from HIJetRec.HIJetRecConf import HIJetDRAssociationTool assoc=HIJetDRAssociationTool("HIJetDRAssociation") assoc.ContainerKey=ClusterKey assoc.DeltaR=DR assoc.AssociationName="%s_DR%dAssoc" % (ClusterKey,int(10*DR))
def buildModifiers(self, modifiersin, finder, getters, altname, output, calibOpt): from GaudiKernel.Proxy.Configurable import ConfigurableAlgTool from JetRec.JetRecConf import JetFinder outmods = [] inmods = self.getModifiers(modifiersin, altname) ncalib = 0 for mod in inmods: + "Adding modifier " + str(mod)) mod0 = "" # Split mod = a:b:c... into mod0="a" and modarr = [a, b, c, ...] if type(mod) == str: if len(mod) == 0: continue modarr = mod.split(":") mod0 = modarr[0] # Fully configured tool. if isinstance(mod, ConfigurableAlgTool): self.msg(2, " Adding modifier " + outmods += [mod] # Add jet calibration: # calib:XXX:CALIB - Applies calibration sequence XXX (see JetRecCalibrationFinder) # using JetCalibrationTool with configuration (or key) CONFIG. elif mod0 == "calib": ncalib += 1 alg = finder.JetAlgorithm rad = finder.JetRadius get = getters[0] inp = get.Label copt = calibOpt if type(calibOpt) == str and len(calibOpt): calargs = calibOpt.split(":") else: calargs = modarr[1:] if len(calargs) == 0: copt = jetFlags.defaultCalibOpt if type(copt) == str and len(copt): calargs = copt.split(":") else: self.prefix + 'ERROR: If the modifier "calib" is used, then calibOpt or jetFlags.CalibOpt must be a non-blank string.' ) self.prefix + 'ERROR: Another alternative is to use the modifier string format "calib:<OPT>", e.g. "calib:a"' ) raise Exception if len(calargs) == 0 or calargs[0] == "": + "ERROR: Calibration requested without option.") self.prefix + " Add calibOpt to tool string, jet build command or to jetFlags.defaultCalibOpt" ) raise Exception seq = calargs[0] if seq == "none": + "Skipping calibration.") continue config = "" evsprefix = "Kt4" if len(calargs) > 1: config = calargs[1] if len(calargs) > 2: evsprefix = calargs[2] self.msg( 0, " Adding " + seq + " calibration for " + alg + " R=" + str(rad) + " " + inp) self.msg(0, " Configuration key/file: " + config) self.msg(0, " Event shape prefix: " + evsprefix) from JetRec.JetRecCalibrationFinder import jrcf calmod = jrcf.find(alg, rad, inp, seq, config, evsprefix) + "Adding calib modifier " + str(calmod)) outmods += [calmod] # truthassoc - Does truth jet association replacing the input name with "Truth" elif mod == "truthassoc": sinp = getters[0].Label.split("Origin")[0] salg = finder.JetAlgorithm srad = str(int(10 * finder.JetRadius)) cname = output.replace(sinp, "Truth") if cname == output:, cname, output) raise TypeError # Check that the building of the association tool has been scheduled. if not cname in self.jetcons: self.prefix + "Truth association skipped because container is missing: " + cname) self.prefix + "Add to jetcons if input stream is expected to have this." ) tname = mod + "_" + salg + srad if not tname in from JetMomentTools.JetMomentToolsConf import JetPtAssociationTool self += JetPtAssociationTool(tname, InputContainer=cname, AssociationName="GhostTruth") outmods += [[tname]] # trackassoc - Does track jet association replacing the input name with "Track" elif mod == "trackassoc": sinp = getters[0].Label.split("Origin")[0] salg = finder.JetAlgorithm srad = str(int(10 * finder.JetRadius)) cname = output.replace(sinp, "PV0Track") if cname == output:, cname, output) raise TypeError # Check that the building of the association tool has been scheduled. if not cname in self.jetcons: self.prefix + "Track association skipped because container is missing: " + cname) self.prefix + "Add to jetcons if input stream is expected to have this." ) else: tname = mod + "_" + salg + srad if not tname in from JetMomentTools.JetMomentToolsConf import JetPtAssociationTool self += JetPtAssociationTool( tname, InputContainer=cname, AssociationName="GhostTrack") outmods += [[tname]] # jetfilter - Filter to remove jets with pT < self.ptminFilter elif mod == "jetfilter": if self.ptminFilter <= 0: + "Jet filter requested without a threshold.") raise Exception tname = "jetpt" + str(self.ptminFilter) if not tname in from JetRec.JetRecConf import JetFilterTool self.add(JetFilterTool(tname, PtMin=self.ptminFilter)) outmods += [[tname]] # btag - btagging elif mod == "btag": from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration import getConfiguration ConfInstance = getConfiguration() from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc sinp = getters[0].Label salg = finder.JetAlgorithm srad = str(int(10 * finder.JetRadius)) bspec = salg + srad + sinp + "Scheduling btagging for " + bspec) btagger = ConfInstance.setupJetBTaggerTool(ToolSvc, bspec) self.add(btagger) outmods += [btagger] elif mod == "largeR": outmods += jtm.modifiersMap["largeR"] else: raise TypeError # Check calibration. if calibOpt != "": if ncalib == 0: + "Calibration option (" + calibOpt + ") provided without any calibration modifiers.") elif ncalib > 1: + "Calibration option (" + calibOpt + ") provided with multiple calibration modifiers.") raise Exception return outmods