def __compileSelectedInterfaces(self): """ Private method to compile selected interfaces to python. """ if self.omniidl is not None: items = self.getSelectedItems() files = [self.project.getRelativePath(unicode(itm.fileName())) for itm in items] numIDLs = len(files) progress = KQProgressDialog(self.trUtf8("Compiling interfaces..."), self.trUtf8("Abort"), 0, numIDLs, self) progress.setModal(True) progress.setMinimumDuration(0) i = 0 for fn in files: progress.setValue(i) if progress.wasCanceled(): break proc = self.__compileIDL(fn, True, progress) if proc is not None: while proc.state() == QProcess.Running: QApplication.processEvents() QThread.msleep(300) QApplication.processEvents() else: break i += 1 progress.setValue(numIDLs)
def __compileAllInterfaces(self): """ Private method to compile all interfaces to python. """ if self.omniidl is not None: numIDLs = len(self.project.pdata["INTERFACES"]) progress = KQProgressDialog(self.trUtf8("Compiling interfaces..."), self.trUtf8("Abort"), 0, numIDLs, self) progress.setModal(True) progress.setMinimumDuration(0) i = 0 for fn in self.project.pdata["INTERFACES"]: progress.setValue(i) if progress.wasCanceled(): break proc = self.__compileIDL(fn, True, progress) if proc is not None: while proc.state() == QProcess.Running: QApplication.processEvents() QThread.msleep(300) QApplication.processEvents() else: break i += 1 progress.setValue(numIDLs)
def __buildModulesDict(self): """ Private method to build a dictionary of modules contained in the package. @return dictionary of modules contained in the package. """ moduleDict = {} modules = glob.glob(Utilities.normjoinpath(self.packagePath,'*.py')) + \ glob.glob(Utilities.normjoinpath(self.packagePath,'*.pyw')) + \ glob.glob(Utilities.normjoinpath(self.packagePath,'*.ptl')) tot = len(modules) progress = KQProgressDialog(self.trUtf8("Parsing modules..."), QString(), 0, tot, self) try: prog = 0 QApplication.processEvents() for module in modules: progress.setValue(prog) QApplication.processEvents() prog = prog + 1 try: mod = Utilities.ModuleParser.readModule(module, caching = False) except ImportError: continue else: name = if name.startswith(self.package): name = name[len(self.package) + 1:] moduleDict[name] = mod finally: progress.setValue(tot) return moduleDict
def __buildModulesDict(self): """ Private method to build a dictionary of modules contained in the application. @return dictionary of modules contained in the application. """ moduleDict = {} mods = self.project.pdata["SOURCES"] modules = [] for module in mods: modules.append(Utilities.normabsjoinpath(self.project.ppath, module)) tot = len(modules) progress = KQProgressDialog(self.trUtf8("Parsing modules..."), QString(), 0, tot, self) try: prog = 0 QApplication.processEvents() for module in modules: progress.setValue(prog) QApplication.processEvents() prog += 1 if module.endswith(""): continue try: mod = Utilities.ModuleParser.readModule(module) except ImportError: continue else: name = moduleDict[name] = mod finally: progress.setValue(tot) return moduleDict
def __annotateAll(self): """ Private slot to handle the annotate all context menu action. This method produce an annotated coverage file of every file listed in the listview. """ amount = self.resultList.topLevelItemCount() if amount == 0: return # get list of all filenames files = [] for index in range(amount): itm = self.resultList.topLevelItem(index) files.append(unicode(itm.text(0))) cover = coverage(data_file = self.cfn) cover.use_cache(True) cover.exclude(unicode(self.excludeList[0])) cover.load() # now process them progress = KQProgressDialog(self.trUtf8("Annotating files..."), self.trUtf8("Abort"), 0, len(files), self) progress.setMinimumDuration(0) count = 0 for file in files: progress.setValue(count) if progress.wasCanceled(): break cover.annotate([file], None)#, True) count += 1 progress.setValue(len(files))
def __regenerateProjectTasks(self): """ Private slot to handle the "Regenerated projet tasks" context menu entry. """ todoMarkers = unicode(Preferences.getTasks("TasksMarkers")).split() bugfixMarkers = unicode(Preferences.getTasks("TasksMarkersBugfix")).split() files = self.project.pdata["SOURCES"] # remove all project tasks self.clearProjectTasks(fileOnly=True) # now process them progress = KQProgressDialog(self.trUtf8("Extracting project tasks..."), self.trUtf8("Abort"), 0, len(files)) progress.setMinimumDuration(0) count = 0 for file in files: progress.setLabelText(\ self.trUtf8("Extracting project tasks...\n%1").arg(file)) progress.setValue(count) QApplication.processEvents() if progress.wasCanceled(): break fn = os.path.join(self.project.ppath, file) # read the file and split it into textlines try: f = open(fn, 'rb') text, encoding = Utilities.decode( lines = text.splitlines() f.close() except IOError: count += 1 self.progress.setValue(count) continue # now search tasks and record them lineIndex = 0 for line in lines: lineIndex += 1 shouldContinue = False # normal tasks first for tasksMarker in todoMarkers: index = line.find(tasksMarker) if index > -1: task = line[index:] self.addFileTask(task, fn, lineIndex, False) shouldContinue = True break if shouldContinue: continue # bugfix tasks second for tasksMarker in bugfixMarkers: index = line.find(tasksMarker) if index > -1: task = line[index:] self.addFileTask(task, fn, lineIndex, True) shouldContinue = True break count += 1 progress.setValue(len(files))