예제 #1
def UP_ML(ax,R,S,T):
	Plot interior walls of CL potential with Pin Pout annotation.

	if ax==None:
		fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=fs["figsize"])
	if R==None:
		R = 2.0
		S = 1.0
		T = 0.0
	x = np.linspace(-R-1.5,R+1.5,1000)
	fx = force_mlin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
	U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx,x,initial=0.0); U-=U.min()

	ax.plot(x, U, "k-", lw=2)
	ST = 0.5*(S+T)
	## Pout right
	ax.text(ST+0.6, 0.30*U.max(), r"$\mathbf{\Leftarrow}$",
		fontsize=fs["fsa"], horizontalalignment="left", color="g")
	ax.text(ST+0.6, 0.35*U.max(), r"$\mathbf{\Leftarrow P_{\rm in}}$",
		fontsize=fs["fsa"], horizontalalignment="left", color="g")
	ax.text(ST+0.6, 0.40*U.max(), r"$\mathbf{\Leftarrow}$",
		fontsize=fs["fsa"], horizontalalignment="left", color="g")
	## Pout left
	ax.text(ST-0.6, 0.30*U.max(), r"$\mathbf{\Rightarrow}$",
		fontsize=fs["fsa"], horizontalalignment="right", color="b")
	ax.text(ST-0.6, 0.35*U.max(), r"$\mathbf{P_{\rm out} \Rightarrow}$",
		fontsize=fs["fsa"], horizontalalignment="right", color="b")
	ax.text(ST-0.6, 0.40*U.max(), r"$\mathbf{\Rightarrow}$",
		fontsize=fs["fsa"], horizontalalignment="right", color="b")

	ax.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
	ax.set_ylabel(r"$U$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])

예제 #2
def plot_peta_CL(histfile, fig, ax, nosave=True):
	me = me0+".plot_peta_CL: "

	assert ("_CL_" in histfile) or ("_ML_" in histfile), me+"Designed for Casmir geometry."

	a = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
	R = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
	S = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
	T = filename_par(histfile, "_T")

	## Space (for axes)
	bins = np.load(os.path.dirname(histfile)+"/BHISBIN"+os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4]+".npz")
	xbins = bins["xbins"]
	xmax = xbins[-1]
	x = 0.5*(xbins[1:]+xbins[:-1])
	exbins = bins["exbins"]
	ex = 0.5*(exbins[1:]+exbins[:-1])

	## Wall indices
	Rind = np.abs(x-R).argmin()
	Sind = np.abs(x-S).argmin()
	Tind = np.abs(x-T).argmin()
	cuspind = np.abs(x-0.5*(S+T)).argmin()
	## Load histogram; normalise
	H = np.load(histfile)
	try:	H = H.sum(axis=2)
	except ValueError:	pass
	H /= np.trapz(np.trapz(H,ex,axis=1),x,axis=0)

	## Distribution on either side of the wall: inner, outer
	xin = x[:cuspind]
	Hin = H[:cuspind,:]
	xout = x[cuspind:]
	Hout = H[cuspind:,:]

	## q is probability density in eta. r is no longer relevant.
	if  "_CL_" in histfile:
		qin  = H[Tind]
		qout = np.trapz(H[Sind:Rind+1], x[Sind:Rind+1], axis=0)
		labels = ["Interior","Bulk"]
		colour = ["g","b"]
	elif "_ML_" in histfile:
		## in is now right region and out is left region
		qin  = np.trapz(H[Sind:Rind+1], x[Sind:Rind+1], axis=0) if Sind!=Rind else H[Sind]
		qout = np.trapz(H[x.size-Rind:Tind], x[x.size-Rind:Tind], axis=0)
		labels = ["Small bulk","Large bulk"]
		colour = ["b","g"]

	## Normalise each individually so we can see just distrbution
	qin /= np.trapz(qin, ex)
	qout /= np.trapz(qout, ex)
	ax.plot(ex, qout, colour[0]+"-", label=labels[1])
	ax.plot(ex, qin, colour[1]+"-", label=labels[0])
##	##---------------------------------------------------------------	
##	## Entire in/out region
##	qIN  = np.trapz(H[0:cuspind], x[0:cuspind], axis=0)
##	qOUT = np.trapz(H[cuspind:], x[cuspind:], axis=0)
##	## Normalise pdf
###	qIN /= np.trapz(qIN, ex)
###	qOUT /= np.trapz(qOUT, ex)
##	## Normalise by size of region
###	qIN /= x[cuspind]-x[0]
###	qOUT /= x[-1]-x[cuspind]
##	## Plot
###	ax.plot(ex, qIN, "b-", label=labels[0])
###	ax.fill_between(ex,0,qIN,facecolor="blue",alpha=0.1)
###	ax.plot(ex, qOUT, "g-", label=labels[1])
###	ax.fill_between(ex,0,qOUT,facecolor="green",alpha=0.1)
#	## Lots of intermediate
#	colours = ["r","k","b","k","grey","orange","grey","k","b"]
#	linesty = ["-"]*6+["--"]*3
#	for i,idx in enumerate([0,cuspind/2,cuspind,3*cuspind/2,Sind,(Sind+Rind)/2,Rind,Rind+cuspind/2,Rind+cuspind]):
#		ax.plot(ex, H[idx], c=colours[i], ls=linesty[i], label="%.2f"%(x[idx]))
#	ax.set_ylim(0,1.5*H[Sind].max())
##	##
##	##---------------------------------------------------------------	
	## Accoutrements
	## Make legend if standalone
	if not nosave:
	## Plot inset
	if not nosave:
		if "_ML_" in histfile:
			## Plot potential as inset
			x = np.linspace(-R-1.5,+R+1.5,x.size)
			fx = force_mlin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
			U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0); U -= U.min()
			left, bottom, width, height = [0.18, 0.63, 0.25, 0.25]
			axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
			axin.plot(x, U, "k-")
#			axin.axvspan(x[0],x[cuspind], color=lL[0].get_color(),alpha=0.2)
#			axin.axvspan(x[cuspind],x[-1], color=lR[0].get_color(),alpha=0.2)
			axin.set_xlim(-R-1.5, R+1.5)
#			axin.set_ylim(top=2*U[cuspind])
			axin.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize = fs["fsa"]-5)
			axin.set_ylabel(r"$U$", fontsize = fs["fsa"]-5)

	# fig.suptitle(r"PDF of $\eta$, divided into regions. $\alpha="+str(a)+"$, $R="+str(R)+"$, $S="+str(S)+"$")

	if not nosave:
		plotfile = os.path.dirname(histfile)+"/PDFeta"+os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4]+".pdf"
		print me+"Figure saved to",plotfile
예제 #3
def plot_pdf1d(histfile, nosave, vb):
	Calculate Q(r) and q(eta) from file and plot.
    me = me0 + ".plot_pdf1d: "
    t0 = time.time()


    ## Filename pars

    assert "_CAR_" in histfile, me + "Functional only for Cartesian geometry."
    Casimir = "_CL_" in histfile or "_ML_" in histfile or "_NL_" in histfile

    a = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
    R = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
    S = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
        T = filename_par(histfile, "_T")
    except ValueError:
        T = -S

    doQfit = (R == S and "_DL_" in histfile)
    plotq = int(False)


    ## Space
    bins = np.load(
        os.path.dirname(histfile) + "/BHISBIN" +
        os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4] + ".npz")
    xbins = bins["xbins"]
    exbins = bins["exbins"]
    eybins = bins["eybins"]
    x = 0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1])
    etax = 0.5 * (exbins[1:] + exbins[:-1])
    etay = 0.5 * (eybins[1:] + eybins[:-1])

    ## Wall indices
    Rind, Sind = np.abs(x - R).argmin(), np.abs(x - S).argmin()


    ## Histogram
    H = np.load(histfile)
    rho = H / (H.sum() * (x[1] - x[0]) * (etax[1] - etax[0]) *
               (etay[1] - etay[0]))

    ## Spatial density
    Qx = rho.sum(axis=2).sum(axis=1) * (etax[1] - etax[0]) * (etay[1] -
    ## Force density
    qx = rho.sum(axis=2).sum(axis=0) * (x[1] - x[0]) * (etay[1] - etay[0])
    qy = rho.sum(axis=1).sum(axis=0) * (x[1] - x[0]) * (etax[1] - etax[0])

    ## Fit
    gauss = lambda x, m, s2: 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * s2) * np.exp(-0.5 * (
        x - m)**2 / s2)

    if doQfit:
        fitQx = sp.optimize.curve_fit(gauss, x, Qx, p0=[R,
                                                        1 / np.sqrt(1 + a)])[0]



    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1 + plotq, 1, figsize=fs["figsize"])
    fig.canvas.set_window_title("1D PDFs")

    ## Set number of ticks
    for ax in np.ravel([axs]):


    ## Spatial density plot
    ax = axs[0] if plotq else axs

    ## Data
    ax.plot(x, Qx, label=r"OUP")
    ax.fill_between(x, 0.0, Qx, color="b", alpha=0.1)

    ## Gaussian for spatial density
    if doQfit:
                gauss(x, fitQx[0], 1 / (1 + a)),
                label=r"$G\left(\mu, \frac{1}{\alpha+1}\right)$")

    ## Potential and WN
    if "_DC_" in histfile: fx = force_dcon([x, 0], R, S)[0]
    elif "_DL_" in histfile: fx = force_dlin([x, 0], R, S)[0]
    elif "_CL_" in histfile: fx = force_clin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
    elif "_ML_" in histfile: fx = force_mlin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
    elif "_NL_" in histfile: fx = force_nlin([x, 0], R, S)[0]
    else: raise IOError, me + "Force not recognised."
    U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0)
    U -= U.min()

    ## Plot passive density
    Qx_WN = np.exp(-U) / np.trapz(np.exp(-U), x)
    ax.plot(x, Qx_WN, "r-", label="Passive")
    ax.fill_between(x, 0.0, Qx_WN, color="r", alpha=0.1)

    ## Plot potential
    ax.plot(x, U / U.max() * ax.get_ylim()[1], "k--", label=r"$U(x)$")

    ## Indicate bulk
    ax.axvline(S, c="k", lw=1)
    ax.axvline(R, c="k", lw=1)
    if T >= 0.0:
        ax.axvspan(S, R, color="y", alpha=0.1)
        ax.axvline(T, c="k", lw=1)
        ax.axvspan(-R, T, color="y", alpha=0.1)
        ax.axvline(-R, c="k", lw=1)
    elif T < 0.0:
        ax.axvline(-R, c="k", lw=1)

    ax.set_xlim(left=x[0], right=x[-1])
    ax.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$n(x)$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=fs["fsl"]).get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)


    if plotq:
        ## Force density plot
        ax = axs[1]

        ## Data
        ax.plot(etax, qx, label=r"Simulation $x$")
        ax.plot(etay, qy, label=r"Simulation $y$")

        ## Gaussian
                gauss(etax, 0.0, 1 / a),
                label=r"$G\left(0, \frac{1}{\alpha}\right)$")

        ax.set_xlabel(r"$\eta$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
        ax.set_ylabel(r"$q(\eta)$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
        ax.legend(loc="upper right",


        title = r"PDFs in $r$ and $\eta$. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1f, S=%.1f$"%(a,R,S)  if T<0.0\
          else r"PDFs in $r$ and $\eta$. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1f, S=%.1f, T=%.1f$"%(a,R,S,T)

        title = r"Spatial PDF. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1g, S=%.1g$"%(a,R,S)  if T<0.0\
          else r"Spatial PDF. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1f, S=%.1f, T=%.f$"%(a,R,S,T)

#	fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=fs["fst"])

    if not nosave:
        plotfile = os.path.dirname(histfile) + "/PDFxy1d" + os.path.basename(
        plotfile += "." + fs["saveext"]
        fig.savefig(plotfile, format=fs["saveext"])
        if vb: print me + "Figure saved to", plotfile

    if vb: print me + "Execution time %.1f seconds." % (time.time() - t0)

예제 #4
def plot_peta_CL(histfile, fig, ax, nosave=True):
    me = me0 + ".plot_peta_CL: "

    assert ("_CL_"
            in histfile) or ("_ML_"
                             in histfile), me + "Designed for Casmir geometry."

    a = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
    R = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
    S = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
    T = filename_par(histfile, "_T")

    ## Space (for axes)
    bins = np.load(
        os.path.dirname(histfile) + "/BHISBIN" +
        os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4] + ".npz")
    xbins = bins["xbins"]
    xmax = xbins[-1]
    x = 0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1])
    exbins = bins["exbins"]
    ex = 0.5 * (exbins[1:] + exbins[:-1])

    ## Wall indices
    Rind = np.abs(x - R).argmin()
    Sind = np.abs(x - S).argmin()
    Tind = np.abs(x - T).argmin()
    cuspind = np.abs(x - 0.5 * (S + T)).argmin()

    ## Load histogram; normalise
    H = np.load(histfile)
        H = H.sum(axis=2)
    except ValueError:
    H /= np.trapz(np.trapz(H, ex, axis=1), x, axis=0)

    ## Distribution on either side of the wall: inner, outer
    xin = x[:cuspind]
    Hin = H[:cuspind, :]
    xout = x[cuspind:]
    Hout = H[cuspind:, :]

    ## q is probability density in eta. r is no longer relevant.
    if "_CL_" in histfile:
        qin = H[Tind]
        qout = np.trapz(H[Sind:Rind + 1], x[Sind:Rind + 1], axis=0)
        labels = ["Interior", "Bulk"]
        colour = ["g", "b"]
    elif "_ML_" in histfile:
        ## in is now right region and out is left region
        qin = np.trapz(H[Sind:Rind +
                         1], x[Sind:Rind +
                               1], axis=0) if Sind != Rind else H[Sind]
        qout = np.trapz(H[x.size - Rind:Tind], x[x.size - Rind:Tind], axis=0)
        labels = ["Small bulk", "Large bulk"]
        colour = ["b", "g"]

    ## Normalise each individually so we can see just distrbution
    qin /= np.trapz(qin, ex)
    qout /= np.trapz(qout, ex)

    ## PDF PLOT

    ax.plot(ex, qout, colour[0] + "-", label=labels[1])
    ax.fill_between(ex, 0, qout, facecolor=colour[0], alpha=0.1)
    ax.plot(ex, qin, colour[1] + "-", label=labels[0])
    ax.fill_between(ex, 0, qin, facecolor=colour[1], alpha=0.1)

    ##	##---------------------------------------------------------------
    ##	## Entire in/out region
    ##	qIN  = np.trapz(H[0:cuspind], x[0:cuspind], axis=0)
    ##	qOUT = np.trapz(H[cuspind:], x[cuspind:], axis=0)
    ##	## Normalise pdf
    ###	qIN /= np.trapz(qIN, ex)
    ###	qOUT /= np.trapz(qOUT, ex)
    ##	## Normalise by size of region
    ###	qIN /= x[cuspind]-x[0]
    ###	qOUT /= x[-1]-x[cuspind]
    ##	## Plot
    ###	ax.plot(ex, qIN, "b-", label=labels[0])
    ###	ax.fill_between(ex,0,qIN,facecolor="blue",alpha=0.1)
    ###	ax.plot(ex, qOUT, "g-", label=labels[1])
    ###	ax.fill_between(ex,0,qOUT,facecolor="green",alpha=0.1)
    #	## Lots of intermediate
    #	colours = ["r","k","b","k","grey","orange","grey","k","b"]
    #	linesty = ["-"]*6+["--"]*3
    #	for i,idx in enumerate([0,cuspind/2,cuspind,3*cuspind/2,Sind,(Sind+Rind)/2,Rind,Rind+cuspind/2,Rind+cuspind]):
    #		ax.plot(ex, H[idx], c=colours[i], ls=linesty[i], label="%.2f"%(x[idx]))
    #	ax.set_ylim(0,1.5*H[Sind].max())
    ##	##
    ##	##---------------------------------------------------------------

    ## Accoutrements

    ## Make legend if standalone
    if not nosave:

    ## Plot inset
    if not nosave:
        if "_ML_" in histfile:
            ## Plot potential as inset
            x = np.linspace(-R - 1.5, +R + 1.5, x.size)
            fx = force_mlin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
            U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0)
            U -= U.min()
            left, bottom, width, height = [0.18, 0.63, 0.25, 0.25]
            axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
            axin.plot(x, U, "k-")
            #			axin.axvspan(x[0],x[cuspind], color=lL[0].get_color(),alpha=0.2)
            #			axin.axvspan(x[cuspind],x[-1], color=lR[0].get_color(),alpha=0.2)
            axin.set_xlim(-R - 1.5, R + 1.5)
            #			axin.set_ylim(top=2*U[cuspind])
            axin.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"] - 5)
            axin.set_ylabel(r"$U$", fontsize=fs["fsa"] - 5)


    # fig.suptitle(r"PDF of $\eta$, divided into regions. $\alpha="+str(a)+"$, $R="+str(R)+"$, $S="+str(S)+"$")

    if not nosave:
        plotfile = os.path.dirname(histfile) + "/PDFeta" + os.path.basename(
            histfile)[4:-4] + ".pdf"
        print me + "Figure saved to", plotfile

예제 #5
def calc_pressure_dir(histdir, srchstr, noread, vb):
	Calculate the pressure for all files in directory matching string.
    me = me0 + ".calc_pressure_dir: "
    t0 = time.time()


    ## Dir pars
    assert "_CAR_" in histdir, me + "Functional only for Cartesian geometry."
    Casimir = "_DL_" not in histdir

    ## File discovery
    filelist = np.sort(glob.glob(histdir + "/BHIS_CAR_*" + srchstr + "*.npy"))
    numfiles = len(filelist)
    assert numfiles > 1, me + "Check input directory."
    if vb: print me + "found", numfiles, "files"


    A, R, S, T, PR, PS, PT, PU, PR_WN, PS_WN, PT_WN, PU_WN = np.zeros(
        [12, numfiles])

    ## Retrieve data
    for i, histfile in enumerate(filelist):

        ti = time.time()

        ## Assuming R, S, T are same for all files
        A[i] = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
        R[i] = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
        S[i] = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
            T[i] = filename_par(histfile, "_T")
        except ValueError:
            T[i] = -S[i]

        ## Space
        bins = np.load(
            os.path.dirname(histfile) + "/BHISBIN" +
            os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4] + ".npz")
        xbins = bins["xbins"]
        x = 0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1])

        ## Wall indices
        Rind, Sind, Tind = np.abs(x - R[i]).argmin(
        ), np.abs(x - S[i]).argmin() + 1, np.abs(x - T[i]).argmin()
        STind = 0 if T[i] < 0.0 else (Sind + Tind) / 2

        ## Adjust indices for pressure calculation
        if "_DC_" in histfile:
            STind = 0
        elif "_DL_" in histfile:
            STind = 0
        elif "_NL_" in histfile:
            STind = Sind
            Sind = Rind
            Tind = x.size - Rind


        ## Histogram
        H = np.load(histfile)
        ## Spatial density
        Qx = H.sum(axis=2).sum(axis=1) / (H.sum() * (x[1] - x[0]))


        ## Choose force
        if "_DC_" in histfile: fx = force_dcon([x, 0], R[i], S[i])[0]
        elif "_DL_" in histfile: fx = force_dlin([x, 0], R[i], S[i])[0]
        elif "_CL_" in histfile: fx = force_clin([x, 0], R[i], S[i], T[i])[0]
        elif "_ML_" in histfile: fx = force_mlin([x, 0], R[i], S[i], T[i])[0]
        elif "_NL_" in histfile: fx = force_nlin([x, 0], R[i], S[i])[0]
        else: raise IOError, me + "Force not recognised."

        ## Calculate integral pressure
        PR[i] = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Rind:] * Qx[Rind:], x[Rind:])
        PS[i] = +sp.integrate.trapz(fx[STind:Sind] * Qx[STind:Sind],
        PT[i] = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Tind:STind] * Qx[Tind:STind],
        if "_ML_" in histfile:
            mRind = x.size - Rind  ## Index of wall at x=-R
            PU[i] = +sp.integrate.trapz(fx[:mRind] * Qx[:mRind], x[:mRind])

        if vb:
            print me + "a=%.1f:\tPressure calculation %.2g seconds" % (
                A[i], time.time() - ti)

        ## Potential
        U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0)
        U -= U.min()
        Qx_WN = np.exp(-U) / np.trapz(np.exp(-U), x)
        ## WN pressure
        PR_WN[i] = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Rind:] * Qx_WN[Rind:], x[Rind:])
        PS_WN[i] = +sp.integrate.trapz(fx[STind:Sind] * Qx_WN[STind:Sind],
        if Casimir:
            PT_WN[i] = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Tind:STind] * Qx_WN[Tind:STind],
        if "_ML_" in histfile:
            PU_WN[i] = +sp.integrate.trapz(fx[:mRind] * Qx_WN[:mRind],


    srtidx = A.argsort()
    A = A[srtidx]
    R, S, T = R[srtidx], S[srtidx], T[srtidx]
    PR, PS, PT, PU = PR[srtidx], PS[srtidx], PT[srtidx], PU[srtidx]
    PR_WN, PS_WN, PT_WN, PU_WN = PR_WN[srtidx], PS_WN[srtidx], PT_WN[
        srtidx], PU_WN[srtidx]

    ## Normalise
    PR /= PR_WN + (PR_WN == 0)
    PS /= PS_WN + (PS_WN == 0)
    if Casimir:
        PT /= PT_WN + (PT_WN == 0)
    if "_ML_" in histdir:
        PU /= PU_WN + (PU_WN == 0)


    ## SAVING
    if not noread:
        pressfile = histdir + "/PRESS_" + srchstr + ".npz"
        if vb:
            print me + "Calculations saved to", pressfile
            print me + "Calculation time %.1f seconds." % (time.time() - t0)

    return {
        "A": A,
        "R": R,
        "S": S,
        "T": T,
        "PR": PR,
        "PS": PS,
        "PT": PT,
        "PU": PU,
        "PR_WN": PR_WN,
        "PS_WN": PS_WN,
        "PT_WN": PT_WN,
        "PU_WN": PU_WN
예제 #6
def plot_pressure_dir(histdir, srchstr, logplot, nosave, noread, vb):
	Plot the pressure for all files in directory matching string.
	me = me0+".plot_pressure_dir: "
	t0 = time.time()
	## Read in existing data or calculate afresh
		assert noread == False
		pressdata = np.load(histdir+"/PRESS_"+srchstr+".npz")
		print me+"Pressure data file found:",histdir+"/PRESS_"+srchstr+".npz"
	except (IOError, AssertionError):
		print me+"No pressure data found. Calculating from histfiles."
		pressdata = calc_pressure_dir(histdir, srchstr, noread, vb)
	A = pressdata["A"]
	R = pressdata["R"]
	S = pressdata["S"]
	T = pressdata["T"]
	PR = pressdata["PR"]
	PS = pressdata["PS"]
	PT = pressdata["PT"]
	PU = pressdata["PU"]
	PR_WN = pressdata["PR_WN"]
	PS_WN = pressdata["PS_WN"]
	PT_WN = pressdata["PT_WN"]
	PU_WN = pressdata["PU_WN"]
	del pressdata
	Casimir = "_DL_" not in histdir and "_DC_" not in histdir

	## FIT if DL
	if 0 and not Casimir:
		## Fit log
		fitfunc = lambda x, m, c: m*x + c
		Au = np.unique(A) + int(logplot)
		for Si in np.unique(S):
			fitPR = sp.optimize.curve_fit(fitfunc, np.log(1+Au), np.log(PR[S==Si]), p0=[-0.5,+1.0])[0]
			fitPS = sp.optimize.curve_fit(fitfunc, np.log(1+Au), np.log(PS[S==Si]), p0=[-0.5,+1.0])[0]
			if vb:	print me+"Fit S=%.1f: PR=%.1f*(1+a)^(%.2f), PS=%.1f*(1+a)^(%.2f)"%\
	t0 = time.time()
	fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=fs["figsize"])
	sty = ["-","--",":"]
	## Add a=0 point
	if 0.0 not in A:
		nlin = np.unique(S).size
		A = np.hstack([[0.0]*nlin,A])
		R = np.hstack([R[:nlin],R])
		S = np.hstack([S[:nlin],S])
		T = np.hstack([T[:nlin],T])
		PR = np.hstack([[1.0]*nlin,PR])
		PS = np.hstack([[1.0]*nlin,PS])
		PT = np.hstack([[1.0]*nlin,PT])
		PU = np.hstack([[1.0]*nlin,PU])
	Au = np.unique(A) + int(logplot)
	## Hold R & T fixed and vary S
	if np.unique(R).size==1:
		plotfile = histdir+"/PAS_R%.1f_S%.1f_T%.1f."%(R[0],S[0],T[0])+fs["saveext"] if T[0]>=0.0\
					else histdir+"/PAS_R%.1f_S%.1f."%(R[0],S[0])+fs["saveext"]
		title = r"Pressure as a function of $\alpha$ for $R=%.1f,T=%.1f$"%(R[0],T[0]) if T[0]>=0.0\
				else r"Pressure as a function of $\alpha$ for $R=%.2f$"%(R[0])
		## To plot a single S
		if np.unique(S).size==1:
			ax.plot(Au, PR, "gv--", label=r"$P_R$", zorder=2)
			ax.plot(Au, PS, "go-", label=r"$P_S$", zorder=2)
			ax.plot(Au, PT, "bo-", label=r"$P_T$", zorder=2)
			if "_ML_" in histdir:
				ax.plot(Au, PU, "bv--", label=r"$P_U$", zorder=2)
				ax.plot(Au, -(PR-PS+PT-PU), "ks:", label=r"Net", zorder=2)
			## Casimir insets
			if "_CL_" in histdir:
				## Pressure key
				left, bottom, width, height = [0.25, 0.15, 0.63, 0.4]
				axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
				## Potential sketch
				left, bottom, width, height = [0.18, 0.75, 0.25, 0.13]
				axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
				x = np.linspace(-R[0]-2,+R[0]+2,1000)
				fx = force_clin([x,0],R[0],S[0],T[0])[0]
				U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx,x,initial=0.0); U-=U.min()
				axin.plot(x, U, "k-", lw=2, zorder=1)
	#			axin.set_ylim(0,1.2*ax.get_ylim()[1])
				axin.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"]-4)
				axin.set_ylabel(r"$U$", fontsize=fs["fsa"]-4)
			## Single wall insets
			elif "_ML_" in histdir:
				## Plot potential as inset
				Uleft, Ubottom, Uwidth, Uheight = [0.21, 0.18, 0.30, 0.21]
				Rschem, Sschem, Tschem = 4.0, 2.0, 0.0
				x = np.linspace(-Rschem-2.0,+Rschem+2.0,501)
				fx = force_mlin([x,0],Rschem,Sschem,Tschem)[0]
				U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0); U -= U.min()
				cuspind = np.abs(x-0.5*(Sschem+Tschem)).argmin()
				axin = fig.add_axes([Uleft, Ubottom, Uwidth, Uheight])
				axin.plot(x, U, "k-")
				axin.axvspan(x[0],x[cuspind], color="b",alpha=0.2)
				axin.axvspan(x[cuspind],x[-1], color="g",alpha=0.2)
				axin.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1])
				axin.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize = fs["fsa"]-5)
				axin.set_ylabel(r"$U/T$", fontsize = fs["fsa"]-5)
				## Pressure key
#				left, bottom, width, height = [0.25, 0.15, 0.63, 0.4]
#				axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
#				UP_ML(axin,R[0],S[0],T[0])
#				axin.patch.set_alpha(0.1)
		## If S varies
			for Si in np.unique(S)[::-1]:
				if Casimir:
					ax.plot(Au, PR[S==Si], "o"+sty[0], label=r"$S=%.1f$"%(Si))
					ax.plot(Au, PS[S==Si], "o"+sty[1], c=ax.lines[-1].get_color())
					ax.plot(Au, PT[S==Si], "o"+sty[2], c=ax.lines[-1].get_color())
				else:	## If DL, label should be bulk width
					### One line, average.
					P = 0.5*(PR+PS)
					ax.plot(Au, PR[S==Si], "o"+sty[0], label=r"$L=%.1f$"%(R[0]-Si))
#					ax.plot(Au, PR[S==Si], "o"+sty[0], label=r"$S=%.1f$"%(Si))
#					ax.plot(Au, PS[S==Si], "o"+sty[1], c=ax.lines[-1].get_color())
					## Inset of potential
					left, bottom, width, height = [0.19, 0.58, 0.35, 0.30]
					axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
					if "_DL_" in histdir: plot_U1D_Cartesian(axin, "dlin", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0)
					elif "_DC_" in histdir: plot_U1D_Cartesian(axin, "dcon", 1.0, -1.0, 0.0)
##					axin.patch.set_alpha(0.5)
			## Prediction for zero and infinite bulk
			if "_DL_" in histdir:
				ax.plot(Au, (Au)**(-0.5), "--", c=ax.lines[0].get_color())
				ax.plot(Au, np.ones(Au.size), "y--", label=r"$L\to\infty$")
			if "_DC_" in histdir:
				ax.plot(Au, np.ones(Au.size), "y--", label=r"$L\to\infty$")
	## Plot appearance
	if logplot:
		ax.set_xscale("log"); ax.set_yscale("log")
		xlabel = r"$1+\frac{k\tau}{\zeta}$"
		plotfile = plotfile[:-4]+"_loglog."+fs["saveext"]
		xlabel = r"$\alpha$"
#	ax.set_ylim(1e-1,1e1)
	ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fs["fsa"])
	ax.set_ylabel(r"$P/P^{\rm passive}$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
	ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fs["fsl"]).get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)
#	fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=fs["fst"])
	if not nosave:
		if vb:	print me+"Figure saved to",plotfile
	if vb: print me+"Plotting time %.1f seconds."%(time.time()-t0)
예제 #7
def plot_current_1d(histfile, nosave, vb):
    me = me0 + ".plot_current_1d: "
    t0 = time.time()


    ## Filename pars

    a = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
    R = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
    S = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
    T = filename_par(histfile, "_T")


    ## Space
    bins = np.load(
        os.path.dirname(histfile) + "/BHISBIN" +
        os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4] + ".npz")
    xbins = bins["xbins"]
    exbins = bins["exbins"]
    x = 0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1])
    ## Double space
    x = np.hstack([-x[::-1], x])
    etax = 0.5 * (exbins[1:] + exbins[:-1])
    X, ETAX = np.meshgrid(x, etax, indexing="ij")

    ## Wall indices
    Rind, Sind = np.abs(x - R).argmin(), np.abs(x - S).argmin()


    ## Force
    if "_DL_" in histfile: fx = force_dlin([x, 0], R, S)[0]
    elif "_CL_" in histfile: fx = force_clin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
    elif "_ML_" in histfile: fx = force_mlin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
    else: raise IOError, me + "Force not recognised."

    F = fx.repeat(etax.size).reshape([x.size, etax.size])


    ## Histogram
    H = np.load(histfile)
    rho = H.sum(axis=2) / (H.sum() * (x[1] - x[0]) * (etax[1] - etax[0]))

    ## Double space
    rho = np.vstack([rho[::-1, ::-1], rho])

    ## Currents
    Jx = (F + ETAX) * rho
    Jy = -1 / a * ETAX * rho - 1 / (a * a) * np.gradient(
        rho, etax[1] - etax[0])[1]
    Vx, Vy = Jx / rho, Jy / rho



    Vy = sp.ndimage.gaussian_filter(Vy, 2.0, order=0)



    plt.rcParams["image.cmap"] = "Greys"

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=fs["figsize"])
    fig.canvas.set_window_title("Current in x-eta")


    ## Data
    ax.contourf(x, etax, rho.T)
    sx, se = 50, 5
    #	sx, se = 20, 2
              Vx.T[::se, ::sx],
              Vy.T[::se, ::sx],
              width=0.011 * 2)

    ## Indicate bulk
    if 0:
        ax.axvline(S, c="k", lw=1)
        ax.axvline(R, c="k", lw=1)

    ## Set number of ticks
#	ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator())	#MaxNLocator(5)
#	ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator())	#MaxNLocator(4)
    ax.set_xticks([-S, -0.5 * (S + T), T, +0.5 * (S + T), +S])
    ax.set_xticklabels([""] * 5)
    ax.set_yticks([-0.5 * (S + T), 0.0, +0.5 * (S + T)])
    ax.set_yticklabels([""] * 3)

    #	ax.set_xlim(left=x[0],right=x[-1])
    ax.set_xlim(left=-S * 2, right=S * 2)
    ax.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$\eta$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    # ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=fs["fsl"]).get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)


    ## Add force line
    if 1:
        ax.plot(x, -fx, "k-", label=r"$-f(x)$")
        ymax = min(3 * fx.max(), etax.max())
        ax.set_ylim(-ymax, ymax)


    ## Add in BC line
    if 1:
        from LE_CBulkConst import bulk_const
        x, Q, BC = bulk_const(histfile)
        ## Double space
        x = np.hstack([-x[::-1], x])
        Q = np.hstack([Q[::-1], Q])
        BC = np.hstack([BC[::-1], BC])
        ax.plot(x, (Q / Q.max()) * 0.5 * ax.get_ylim()[1] + ax.get_ylim()[0],
        ax.plot(x, (BC / BC.max()) * 0.5 * ax.get_ylim()[1] + ax.get_ylim()[0],
        ax2 = ax.twinx()
        ax2.set_ylabel(r"$n$ \& $\left<\eta^2\right>n$ \hfill")
        ax2.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.07, 0.15)
        # ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.07,0.5)


    if not nosave:
        plotfile = os.path.dirname(histfile) + "/Jxeta" + os.path.basename(
        plotfile += "." + fs["saveext"]
        fig.savefig(plotfile, format=fs["saveext"])
        if vb: print me + "Figure saved to", plotfile

    if vb: print me + "Execution time %.1f seconds." % (time.time() - t0)

예제 #8
def plot_mass_ratio(histdir, srchstr, nosave, noread, vb):
	Plot the mass for all files in directory matching string.
	me = me0+".plot_mass_ratio: "
	t0 = time.time()
	## Read in existing data or calculate afresh
		assert noread == False
		massdata = np.load(histdir+"/MASS_"+srchstr+".npz")
		print me+"Mass data file found:",histdir+"/MASS_"+srchstr+".npz"
	except (IOError, AssertionError):
		print me+"No mass data found. Calculating from histfiles."
		massdata = calc_mass_ratio(histdir, srchstr, noread, vb)
	A = massdata["A"]
	ML = massdata["ML"]
	MR = massdata["MR"]
	MLwn = massdata["MLwn"]
	MRwn = massdata["MRwn"]
	x = massdata["x"]
	Qx_WN = massdata["Qx_WN"]
	R, S, T = massdata["R"], massdata["S"], massdata["T"]
	cuspind = massdata["cuspind"]
	del massdata
	fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)

	## Mass normalised by WN result

	lL = ax.plot(A, ML/MLwn, "o-", label=r"Left")
	lR = ax.plot(A, MR/MRwn, "o-", label=r"Right")

	ax.set_xlabel(r"$\alpha$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
	ax.set_ylabel(r"$M/M^{\rm passive}$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
	## Casimir insets
	if "_CL_" in histdir:
		## Plot potential as inset
		left, bottom, width, height = [0.2, 0.6, 0.3, 0.25]
		axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
		x = np.linspace(-x[-1],x[-1],2*x.size)
		fx = force_clin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
		U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0); U -= U.min()
		axin.plot(x, U, "k-")
		cuspind += x.size/2	## Because x.size has doubles
		axin.axvspan(x[0],-x[cuspind], color=lR[0].get_color(),alpha=0.2)
		axin.axvspan(-x[cuspind],x[cuspind], color=lL[0].get_color(),alpha=0.2)
		axin.axvspan(x[cuspind],x[-1], color=lR[0].get_color(),alpha=0.2)
		axin.set_xlim(-R-2, R+2)
		axin.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize = fs["fsa"]-5)
		axin.set_ylabel(r"$U$", fontsize = fs["fsa"]-5)
		## Plot q(eta) as inset
		left, bottom, width, height = [0.55, 0.27, 0.33, 0.28]
		axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
		## Grab a file. Hacky. Assumes only one match.
		histfile = glob.glob(histdir+"/BHIS_CAR_CL_a5.0_*"+srchstr+"*.npy")[0]
		plot_peta_CL(histfile, fig, axin, True)
	## Single wall insets
	elif "_ML_" in histdir:
		## Plot potential as inset
		fx = force_mlin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
		U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0); U -= U.min()
		left, bottom, width, height = [0.18, 0.68, 0.33, 0.20]
		axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
		axin.plot(x, U, "k-")
		axin.axvspan(x[0],x[cuspind], color=lL[0].get_color(),alpha=0.2)
		axin.axvspan(x[cuspind],x[-1], color=lR[0].get_color(),alpha=0.2)
		axin.set_xlim(-R-1.5, R+1.5)
		axin.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize = fs["fsa"]-5)
		axin.set_ylabel(r"$U$", fontsize = fs["fsa"]-5)
		## Plot q(eta) as inset
		left, bottom, width, height = [0.55, 0.35, 0.33, 0.23]
		axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
		## Grab a file. Hacky. Assumes only one match.
		histfile = glob.glob(histdir+"/BHIS_CAR_ML_a10.0_*"+srchstr+"*.npy")[0]
		plot_peta_CL(histfile, fig, axin, True)
	## Double well insets
	elif "_NL_" in histdir:
		## Plot potential as inset
		fx = force_nlin([x,0],R,S)[0]
		U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0); U -= U.min()
		left, bottom, width, height = [0.61, 0.30, 0.28, 0.20]
		axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
		axin.plot(x, U, "k-")
		axin.axvspan(x[0],x[cuspind], color=lL[0].get_color(),alpha=0.2)
		axin.axvspan(x[cuspind],x[-1], color=lR[0].get_color(),alpha=0.2)
		axin.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize = fs["fsa"]-5)
		axin.set_ylabel(r"$U$", fontsize = fs["fsa"]-5)
	if not nosave:
		if   "_ML_" in histfile:	geo = "ML"
		elif "_NL_" in histfile:	geo = "NL"
		elif "_CL_" in histfile:	geo = "CL"
		plotfile = histdir+"/MLR_CAR_"+geo+"_R%.1f_S%.1f_T%.1f."%(R,S,T)+fs["saveext"] if T>=0.0\
					else histdir+"/MLR_CAR_"+geo+"_R%.1f_S%.1f."%(R,S)+fs["saveext"]
		if vb:	print me+"Figure saved to",plotfile
	if vb: print me+"Execution time %.1f seconds."%(time.time()-t0)
예제 #9
def plot_dir(histdir, srchstr, logplot, nosave, vb):
	For each file in directory, calculate the pressure in both ways for all walls
	(where applicable) and plot against alpha.
    me = me0 + ".plot_dir: "

    filelist = np.sort(glob.glob(histdir + "/BHIS_CAR_*" + srchstr + "*.npy"))
    numfiles = filelist.size
    if vb: print me + "Found", numfiles, "files."

    ## Initialise arrays
    A, pR, pS, pT, PR, PS, PT = np.zeros([7, numfiles])

    ## Retrieve data
    for i, histfile in enumerate(filelist):

        Casimir = "_CL_" in histfile or "_ML_" in histfile or "_NL_" in histfile

        ## Get pars from filename
        A[i] = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
        R = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
        S = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
        T = filename_par(histfile, "_T") if Casimir else -S

        ## Calculate BC
        x, Qx, BC = bulk_const(histfile)[:3]

        ## Wall indices
        Rind, Sind, Tind = np.abs(x - R).argmin(), np.abs(
            x - S).argmin(), np.abs(x - T).argmin()
        STind = 0 if "_DL_" in histfile else (Tind + Sind) / 2

        ## Calculate pressure from BC

        if "_DL_" in histfile:
            BCsr = BC[Sind:Rind + 1].mean()
            pR[i] = A[i] * BCsr
            pS[i] = A[i] * BCsr

        elif "_CL_" in histfile:
            BCsr = BC[Sind:Rind + 1].mean()
            BCts = BC[STind]
            BC0t = BC[0:Tind + 1].mean()
            pR[i] = A[i] * BCsr
            pS[i] = A[i] * (BCsr - BCts)
            pT[i] = A[i] * (BC0t - BCts)

        elif "_ML_" in histfile:
            BCsr = BC[Sind:Rind + 1].mean()
            BCts = BC[STind]
            BCrt = BC[x.size - Rind:Tind + 1].mean()
            pR[i] = A[i] * BCsr
            pS[i] = A[i] * (-BCsr + BCts)
            pT[i] = A[i] * (-BCrt + BCts)

        elif "_NL_" in histfile:
            BCr = BC[Rind]
            BCs = BC[Sind]
            BCmr = BC[x.size - Rind]
            pR[i] = A[i] * BCr
            pS[i] = A[i] * (BCs - BCr)
            pT[i] = A[i] * (BCs - BCmr)

        ## Calculate pressure from integral

        ## Choose force
        if "_DL_" in histfile: fx = force_dlin([x, 0], R, S)[0]
        elif "_CL_" in histfile: fx = force_clin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
        elif "_ML_" in histfile: fx = force_mlin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
        elif "_NL_" in histfile: fx = force_nlin([x, 0], R, S)[0]

        ## Calculate integral pressure
        PR[i] = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Rind:] * Qx[Rind:], x[Rind:])
        PS[i] = +sp.integrate.trapz(fx[STind:Sind] * Qx[STind:Sind],
        PT[i] = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Tind:STind] * Qx[Tind:STind],


    srtidx = A.argsort()
    A = A[srtidx]
    pR, pS, pT = pR[srtidx], pS[srtidx], pT[srtidx]
    PR, PS, PT = PR[srtidx], PS[srtidx], PT[srtidx]


    ## Calculate white noise PDF and pressure -- assuming alpha is only varying parameter
    U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0)
    U -= U.min()
    Qx_WN = np.exp(-U) / np.trapz(np.exp(-U), x)

    PR_WN = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Rind:] * Qx_WN[Rind:], x[Rind:])
    PS_WN = +sp.integrate.trapz(fx[STind:Sind] * Qx_WN[STind:Sind],
    PT_WN = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Tind:STind] * Qx_WN[Tind:STind],

    ## Normalise
    pR /= PR_WN
    pS /= PS_WN
    pT /= PT_WN
    PR /= PR_WN
    PS /= PS_WN
    PT /= PT_WN


    ## Add a=0 point
    if 0.0 not in A:
        nlin = np.unique(S).size
        A = np.hstack([[0.0] * nlin, A])
        pR = np.hstack([[1.0] * nlin, pR])
        pS = np.hstack([[1.0] * nlin, pS])
        PR = np.hstack([[1.0] * nlin, PR])
        PS = np.hstack([[1.0] * nlin, PS])


    ## PLOT DATA

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=fs["figsize"])
    sty = ["-", "--", ":"]

    A += int(logplot)
	lpR = ax.plot(A, pR, "o"+sty[0], label=r"BC pR")
	lpS = ax.plot(A, pS, "o"+sty[1], c=ax.lines[-1].get_color(), label=r"BC pS")
	if Casimir:	
		lpT = ax.plot(A, pT, "o"+sty[2], c=ax.lines[-1].get_color(), label=r"BC pT")
	ax.plot(A, PR, "v"+sty[0], label=r"Int PR")
	ax.plot(A, PS, "v"+sty[1], c=ax.lines[-1].get_color(), label=r"Int PS")
	if Casimir:	
		ax.plot(A, PT, "v"+sty[2], c=ax.lines[-1].get_color(), label=r"Int PT")
    lpR = ax.plot(A,
                  0.5 * (pR + pS),
                  label=r"$\alpha\left<\eta^2\right>n(x)|^{\rm bulk}$")
    ax.plot(A, 0.5 * (PR + PS), "v--", label=r"$-\int f(x)n(x) {\rm d}x$")



    if logplot:
        xlim = (ax.get_xlim()[0], A[-1])
        xlabel = r"$1+\alpha$"
        xlim = (0.0, A[-1])
        xlabel = r"$\alpha$"

    ax.set_ylim(1e-1, 1e+1)
    ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$P(\alpha)/P^{\rm passive}$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fs["fsl"]).get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)
    title = "Pressure normalised by WN result. $R=%.1f, S=%.1f, T=%.1f.$"%(R,S,T) if T>=0.0\
      else "Pressure normalised by WN result. $R=%.1f, S=%.1f.$"%(R,S)
    #	fig.suptitle(title,fontsize=fs["fst"])

    ## SAVING
    plotfile = histdir+"/QEe2_Pa_R%.1f_S%.1f_T%.1f"%(R,S,T) if T>=0.0\
       else histdir+"/QEe2_Pa_R%.1f_S%.1f"%(R,S)
    plotfile += "_loglog" * logplot + "." + fs["saveext"]
    if not nosave:
        if vb: print me + "Figure saved to", plotfile

    return plotfile
예제 #10
def UP_ML(ax, R, S, T):
	Plot interior walls of CL potential with Pin Pout annotation.

    if ax == None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=fs["figsize"])
    if R == None:
        R = 2.0
        S = 1.0
        T = 0.0

    x = np.linspace(-R - 1.5, R + 1.5, 1000)
    fx = force_mlin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
    U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0)
    U -= U.min()

    ax.plot(x, U, "k-", lw=2)

    ST = 0.5 * (S + T)

    ## Pout right
    ax.text(ST + 0.6,
            0.30 * U.max(),
    ax.text(ST + 0.6,
            0.35 * U.max(),
            r"$\mathbf{\Leftarrow P_{\rm in}}$",
    ax.text(ST + 0.6,
            0.40 * U.max(),

    ## Pout left
    ax.text(ST - 0.6,
            0.30 * U.max(),
    ax.text(ST - 0.6,
            0.35 * U.max(),
            r"$\mathbf{P_{\rm out} \Rightarrow}$",
    ax.text(ST - 0.6,
            0.40 * U.max(),

    ax.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1])
    ax.set_ylim(0, 1.2 * ax.get_ylim()[1])
    ax.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$U$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])

예제 #11



    ## 1D potential for MLIN with regions shaded and pressure key
    if 0:

        R = 1.5
        S = 1.0
        T = 0.0

        x = np.linspace(-R - 1, R + 1, 1000)
        fx = force_mlin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
        U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0)
        U -= U.min()

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=fs["figsize"])

        ax.plot(x, U, "-", lw=2)
        ax.axvline(-R, c="k", ls="-")
        ax.axvline(S, c="k", ls="-")
        ax.axvline(0.5 * (S + T), c="k", ls="-")
        ax.axvline(T, c="k", ls="-")
        ax.axvline(R, c="k", ls="-")
        ax.text(0.5 * (x[0] - R),
                0.5 * U.max(),
                r"$\leftarrow P_U$",
예제 #12
def plot_current_1d(histfile, nosave, vb):
	me = me0+".plot_current_1d: "
	t0 = time.time()
	## Filename pars
	a = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
	R = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
	S = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
	T = filename_par(histfile, "_T")
	## Space
	bins = np.load(os.path.dirname(histfile)+"/BHISBIN"+os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4]+".npz")
	xbins = bins["xbins"]
	exbins = bins["exbins"]
	x = 0.5*(xbins[1:]+xbins[:-1])
	## Double space
	x = np.hstack([-x[::-1],x])
	etax = 0.5*(exbins[1:]+exbins[:-1])
	X, ETAX = np.meshgrid(x,etax, indexing="ij")
	## Wall indices
	Rind, Sind = np.abs(x-R).argmin(), np.abs(x-S).argmin()
	## Force
	if   "_DL_" in histfile:	fx = force_dlin([x,0],R,S)[0]
	elif "_CL_" in histfile:	fx = force_clin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
	elif "_ML_" in histfile:	fx = force_mlin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
	else: raise IOError, me+"Force not recognised."
	F = fx.repeat(etax.size).reshape([x.size,etax.size])
	## Histogram
	H = np.load(histfile)
	rho = H.sum(axis=2) / (H.sum() * (x[1]-x[0])*(etax[1]-etax[0]))
	## Double space
	rho = np.vstack([rho[::-1,::-1],rho])
	## Currents
	Jx = (F + ETAX)*rho
	Jy = -1/a*ETAX*rho - 1/(a*a)*np.gradient(rho,etax[1]-etax[0])[1]
	Vx, Vy = Jx/rho, Jy/rho
	Vy = sp.ndimage.gaussian_filter(Vy, 2.0, order=0)
	plt.rcParams["image.cmap"] = "Greys"
	fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=fs["figsize"])
	fig.canvas.set_window_title("Current in x-eta")
	## Data
	ax.contourf(x, etax, rho.T)
	sx, se = 50, 5
#	sx, se = 20, 2
	ax.quiver(x[::sx], etax[::se], Vx.T[::se,::sx], Vy.T[::se,::sx] , scale=2, units='x', width=0.011*2)
	## Indicate bulk
	if 0:
	## Set number of ticks
#	ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator())	#MaxNLocator(5)
#	ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator())	#MaxNLocator(4)
#	ax.set_xlim(left=x[0],right=x[-1])
	ax.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
	ax.set_ylabel(r"$\eta$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
	# ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=fs["fsl"]).get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)
	## Add force line
	if 1:
		ax.plot(x, -fx, "k-", label=r"$-f(x)$")
		ymax = min(3*fx.max(),etax.max())
	## Add in BC line
	if 1:
		from LE_CBulkConst import bulk_const
		x, Q, BC = bulk_const(histfile)
		## Double space
		x = np.hstack([-x[::-1],x])
		Q = np.hstack([Q[::-1],Q])
		BC = np.hstack([BC[::-1],BC])
		ax.plot(x, (Q/Q.max())*0.5*ax.get_ylim()[1]+ax.get_ylim()[0], "b-", lw=4)
		ax.plot(x, (BC/BC.max())*0.5*ax.get_ylim()[1]+ax.get_ylim()[0], "r-", lw=4)
		ax2 = ax.twinx()
		ax2.set_ylabel(r"$n$ \& $\left<\eta^2\right>n$ \hfill")
		# ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.07,0.5)
	if not nosave:
		plotfile = os.path.dirname(histfile)+"/Jxeta"+os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4]
		plotfile += "."+fs["saveext"]
		fig.savefig(plotfile, format=fs["saveext"])
		if vb:	print me+"Figure saved to",plotfile
	if vb: print me+"Execution time %.1f seconds."%(time.time()-t0)
예제 #13


	## 1D potential for MLIN with regions shaded and pressure key
	if 0:

		R = 1.5
		S = 1.0
		T = 0.0
		x = np.linspace(-R-1,R+1,1000)
		fx = force_mlin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
		U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx,x,initial=0.0); U-=U.min()

		fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=fs["figsize"])
		ax.plot(x, U, "-", lw=2)
		ax.axvline(-R, c="k",ls="-")
		ax.axvline(S, c="k",ls="-")
		ax.axvline(0.5*(S+T), c="k",ls="-")
		ax.axvline(T, c="k",ls="-")
		ax.axvline(R, c="k",ls="-")
		ax.text(0.5*(x[0]-R),	0.5*U.max(), r"$\leftarrow P_U$", fontsize=fs["fsl"], horizontalalignment="center")
		ax.text(0.5*(T+0.5*(T+S)),0.3*U.max(), r"$P_T \rightarrow$", fontsize=fs["fsl"], horizontalalignment="center")
		ax.text(0.5*(0.5*(T+S)+S),0.3*U.max(), r"$\leftarrow P_S$", fontsize=fs["fsl"], horizontalalignment="center")
		ax.text(0.5*(R+x[-1]),	0.5*U.max(), r"$P_R \rightarrow$", fontsize=fs["fsl"], horizontalalignment="center")
예제 #14
def plot_pressure_dir(histdir, srchstr, logplot, nosave, noread, vb):
	Plot the pressure for all files in directory matching string.
    me = me0 + ".plot_pressure_dir: "
    t0 = time.time()

    ## Read in existing data or calculate afresh

        assert noread == False
        pressdata = np.load(histdir + "/PRESS_" + srchstr + ".npz")
        print me + "Pressure data file found:", histdir + "/PRESS_" + srchstr + ".npz"
    except (IOError, AssertionError):
        print me + "No pressure data found. Calculating from histfiles."
        pressdata = calc_pressure_dir(histdir, srchstr, noread, vb)

    A = pressdata["A"]
    R = pressdata["R"]
    S = pressdata["S"]
    T = pressdata["T"]
    PR = pressdata["PR"]
    PS = pressdata["PS"]
    PT = pressdata["PT"]
    PU = pressdata["PU"]
    PR_WN = pressdata["PR_WN"]
    PS_WN = pressdata["PS_WN"]
    PT_WN = pressdata["PT_WN"]
    PU_WN = pressdata["PU_WN"]
    del pressdata

    Casimir = "_DL_" not in histdir and "_DC_" not in histdir

    ## FIT if DL

    if 0 and not Casimir:
        ## Fit log
        fitfunc = lambda x, m, c: m * x + c
        Au = np.unique(A) + int(logplot)
        for Si in np.unique(S):
            fitPR = sp.optimize.curve_fit(fitfunc,
                                          np.log(1 + Au),
                                          np.log(PR[S == Si]),
                                          p0=[-0.5, +1.0])[0]
            fitPS = sp.optimize.curve_fit(fitfunc,
                                          np.log(1 + Au),
                                          np.log(PS[S == Si]),
                                          p0=[-0.5, +1.0])[0]
            if vb:                print me+"Fit S=%.1f: PR=%.1f*(1+a)^(%.2f), PS=%.1f*(1+a)^(%.2f)"%\



    t0 = time.time()

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=fs["figsize"])
    sty = ["-", "--", ":"]

    ## Add a=0 point
    if 0.0 not in A:
        nlin = np.unique(S).size
        A = np.hstack([[0.0] * nlin, A])
        R = np.hstack([R[:nlin], R])
        S = np.hstack([S[:nlin], S])
        T = np.hstack([T[:nlin], T])
        PR = np.hstack([[1.0] * nlin, PR])
        PS = np.hstack([[1.0] * nlin, PS])
        PT = np.hstack([[1.0] * nlin, PT])
        PU = np.hstack([[1.0] * nlin, PU])

    Au = np.unique(A) + int(logplot)


    ## Hold R & T fixed and vary S
    if np.unique(R).size == 1:

        plotfile = histdir+"/PAS_R%.1f_S%.1f_T%.1f."%(R[0],S[0],T[0])+fs["saveext"] if T[0]>=0.0\
           else histdir+"/PAS_R%.1f_S%.1f."%(R[0],S[0])+fs["saveext"]
        title = r"Pressure as a function of $\alpha$ for $R=%.1f,T=%.1f$"%(R[0],T[0]) if T[0]>=0.0\
          else r"Pressure as a function of $\alpha$ for $R=%.2f$"%(R[0])

        ## To plot a single S
        if np.unique(S).size == 1:
            ax.plot(Au, PR, "gv--", label=r"$P_R$", zorder=2)
            ax.plot(Au, PS, "go-", label=r"$P_S$", zorder=2)
            ax.plot(Au, PT, "bo-", label=r"$P_T$", zorder=2)
            if "_ML_" in histdir:
                ax.plot(Au, PU, "bv--", label=r"$P_U$", zorder=2)
                        -(PR - PS + PT - PU),

            ## Casimir insets
            if "_CL_" in histdir:
                ## Pressure key
                left, bottom, width, height = [0.25, 0.15, 0.63, 0.4]
                axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
                UP_CL(axin, 3.0, 2.0, 0.0)
                ## Potential sketch
                left, bottom, width, height = [0.18, 0.75, 0.25, 0.13]
                axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
                x = np.linspace(-R[0] - 2, +R[0] + 2, 1000)
                fx = force_clin([x, 0], R[0], S[0], T[0])[0]
                U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0)
                U -= U.min()
                axin.plot(x, U, "k-", lw=2, zorder=1)
                axin.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1])
                #			axin.set_ylim(0,1.2*ax.get_ylim()[1])
                axin.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"] - 4)
                axin.set_ylabel(r"$U$", fontsize=fs["fsa"] - 4)
            ## Single wall insets
            elif "_ML_" in histdir:
                ## Plot potential as inset
                Uleft, Ubottom, Uwidth, Uheight = [0.21, 0.18, 0.30, 0.21]
                Rschem, Sschem, Tschem = 4.0, 2.0, 0.0
                x = np.linspace(-Rschem - 2.0, +Rschem + 2.0, 501)
                fx = force_mlin([x, 0], Rschem, Sschem, Tschem)[0]
                U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0)
                U -= U.min()
                cuspind = np.abs(x - 0.5 * (Sschem + Tschem)).argmin()
                axin = fig.add_axes([Uleft, Ubottom, Uwidth, Uheight])
                axin.plot(x, U, "k-")
                axin.axvspan(x[0], x[cuspind], color="b", alpha=0.2)
                axin.axvspan(x[cuspind], x[-1], color="g", alpha=0.2)
                axin.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1])
                axin.set_ylim(top=3 * U[cuspind])
                axin.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"] - 5)
                axin.set_ylabel(r"$U/T$", fontsize=fs["fsa"] - 5)
                ## Pressure key
#				left, bottom, width, height = [0.25, 0.15, 0.63, 0.4]
#				axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
#				UP_ML(axin,R[0],S[0],T[0])
#				axin.patch.set_alpha(0.1)

## If S varies
            for Si in np.unique(S)[::-1]:
                if Casimir:
                            PR[S == Si],
                            "o" + sty[0],
                            label=r"$S=%.1f$" % (Si))
                            PS[S == Si],
                            "o" + sty[1],
                            PT[S == Si],
                            "o" + sty[2],
                else:  ## If DL, label should be bulk width
                    ### One line, average.
                    P = 0.5 * (PR + PS)
                            PR[S == Si],
                            "o" + sty[0],
                            label=r"$L=%.1f$" % (R[0] - Si))
                    #					ax.plot(Au, PR[S==Si], "o"+sty[0], label=r"$S=%.1f$"%(Si))
                    #					ax.plot(Au, PS[S==Si], "o"+sty[1], c=ax.lines[-1].get_color())

                    ## Inset of potential
                    left, bottom, width, height = [0.19, 0.58, 0.35, 0.30]
                    axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
                    if "_DL_" in histdir:
                        plot_U1D_Cartesian(axin, "dlin", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0)
                    elif "_DC_" in histdir:
                        plot_U1D_Cartesian(axin, "dcon", 1.0, -1.0, 0.0)
##					axin.patch.set_alpha(0.5)

## Prediction for zero and infinite bulk
            if "_DL_" in histdir:
                ax.plot(Au, (Au)**(-0.5), "--", c=ax.lines[0].get_color())
                ax.plot(Au, np.ones(Au.size), "y--", label=r"$L\to\infty$")
            if "_DC_" in histdir:
                ax.plot(Au, np.ones(Au.size), "y--", label=r"$L\to\infty$")


    ## Plot appearance

    if logplot:
        ax.set_xlim((ax.get_xlim()[0], A[-1] + 1))
        xlabel = r"$1+\frac{k\tau}{\zeta}$"
        plotfile = plotfile[:-4] + "_loglog." + fs["saveext"]
        ax.set_xlim((0.0, A[-1]))
        ax.set_ylim(bottom=0.0, top=max(1.2 * ax.get_ylim()[1], 1.0))
        xlabel = r"$\alpha$"
#	ax.set_ylim(1e-1,1e1)

    ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$P/P^{\rm passive}$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fs["fsl"]).get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)
    #	fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=fs["fst"])

    if not nosave:
        if vb: print me + "Figure saved to", plotfile

    if vb: print me + "Plotting time %.1f seconds." % (time.time() - t0)

예제 #15
def plot_mass_ratio(histdir, srchstr, nosave, noread, vb):
	Plot the mass for all files in directory matching string.
    me = me0 + ".plot_mass_ratio: "
    t0 = time.time()

    ## Read in existing data or calculate afresh

        assert noread == False
        massdata = np.load(histdir + "/MASS_" + srchstr + ".npz")
        print me + "Mass data file found:", histdir + "/MASS_" + srchstr + ".npz"
    except (IOError, AssertionError):
        print me + "No mass data found. Calculating from histfiles."
        massdata = calc_mass_ratio(histdir, srchstr, noread, vb)

    A = massdata["A"]
    ML = massdata["ML"]
    MR = massdata["MR"]
    MLwn = massdata["MLwn"]
    MRwn = massdata["MRwn"]
    x = massdata["x"]
    Qx_WN = massdata["Qx_WN"]
    R, S, T = massdata["R"], massdata["S"], massdata["T"]
    cuspind = massdata["cuspind"]
    del massdata



    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

    ## Mass normalised by WN result

    lL = ax.plot(A, ML / MLwn, "o-", label=r"Left")
    lR = ax.plot(A, MR / MRwn, "o-", label=r"Right")

    ax.set_xlabel(r"$\alpha$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$M/M^{\rm passive}$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])

    ## Casimir insets
    if "_CL_" in histdir:
        ## Plot potential as inset
        left, bottom, width, height = [0.2, 0.6, 0.3, 0.25]
        axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])

        x = np.linspace(-x[-1], x[-1], 2 * x.size)
        fx = force_clin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
        U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0)
        U -= U.min()
        axin.plot(x, U, "k-")
        cuspind += x.size / 2  ## Because x.size has doubles
        axin.axvspan(x[0], -x[cuspind], color=lR[0].get_color(), alpha=0.2)
        axin.axvspan(x[cuspind], x[-1], color=lR[0].get_color(), alpha=0.2)
        axin.set_xlim(-R - 2, R + 2)
        axin.set_ylim(top=2 * U[cuspind])
        axin.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"] - 5)
        axin.set_ylabel(r"$U$", fontsize=fs["fsa"] - 5)

        ## Plot q(eta) as inset
        left, bottom, width, height = [0.55, 0.27, 0.33, 0.28]
        axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
        ## Grab a file. Hacky. Assumes only one match.
        histfile = glob.glob(histdir + "/BHIS_CAR_CL_a5.0_*" + srchstr +
        plot_peta_CL(histfile, fig, axin, True)

    ## Single wall insets
    elif "_ML_" in histdir:
        ## Plot potential as inset
        fx = force_mlin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
        U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0)
        U -= U.min()
        left, bottom, width, height = [0.18, 0.68, 0.33, 0.20]
        axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
        axin.plot(x, U, "k-")
        axin.axvspan(x[0], x[cuspind], color=lL[0].get_color(), alpha=0.2)
        axin.axvspan(x[cuspind], x[-1], color=lR[0].get_color(), alpha=0.2)
        axin.set_xlim(-R - 1.5, R + 1.5)
        axin.set_ylim(top=2 * U[cuspind])
        axin.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"] - 5)
        axin.set_ylabel(r"$U$", fontsize=fs["fsa"] - 5)

        ## Plot q(eta) as inset
        left, bottom, width, height = [0.55, 0.35, 0.33, 0.23]
        axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
        ## Grab a file. Hacky. Assumes only one match.
        histfile = glob.glob(histdir + "/BHIS_CAR_ML_a10.0_*" + srchstr +
        plot_peta_CL(histfile, fig, axin, True)

    ## Double well insets
    elif "_NL_" in histdir:
        ## Plot potential as inset
        fx = force_nlin([x, 0], R, S)[0]
        U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0)
        U -= U.min()
        left, bottom, width, height = [0.61, 0.30, 0.28, 0.20]
        axin = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
        axin.plot(x, U, "k-")
        axin.axvspan(x[0], x[cuspind], color=lL[0].get_color(), alpha=0.2)
        axin.axvspan(x[cuspind], x[-1], color=lR[0].get_color(), alpha=0.2)
        axin.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1])
        axin.set_ylim(top=2 * U[cuspind])
        axin.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"] - 5)
        axin.set_ylabel(r"$U$", fontsize=fs["fsa"] - 5)


    if not nosave:
        if "_ML_" in histfile: geo = "ML"
        elif "_NL_" in histfile: geo = "NL"
        elif "_CL_" in histfile: geo = "CL"

        plotfile = histdir+"/MLR_CAR_"+geo+"_R%.1f_S%.1f_T%.1f."%(R,S,T)+fs["saveext"] if T>=0.0\
           else histdir+"/MLR_CAR_"+geo+"_R%.1f_S%.1f."%(R,S)+fs["saveext"]
        if vb: print me + "Figure saved to", plotfile

    if vb: print me + "Execution time %.1f seconds." % (time.time() - t0)

예제 #16
def plot_file(histfile, nosave, vb):
    me = me0 + ".plot_file: "


    ## Dir pars
    assert "_CAR_" in histfile, me + "Functional only for Cartesian geometry."
    Casimir = "_CL_" in histfile or "_ML_" in histfile

    ## Get pars from filename
    a = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
    R = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
    S = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
    T = filename_par(histfile, "_T") if Casimir else -S

    ## Calculate quantities
    x, Q, BC = bulk_const(histfile)[:3]
    ex2 = BC / (Q + (Q == 0.0))


    ## Potential
    if "_DL_" in histfile: fx = force_dlin([x, 0], R, S)[0]
    elif "_CL_" in histfile: fx = force_clin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
    elif "_ML_" in histfile: fx = force_mlin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
    elif "_NL_" in histfile: fx = force_nlin([x, 0], R, S)[0]
    U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0)
    U -= U.min()


    ## Smooth
    sp.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(Q, 1.0, order=0, output=Q)
    sp.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(BC, 1.0, order=0, output=BC)
    sp.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(ex2, 1.0, order=0, output=ex2)


    ## PLOT
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=fs["figsize"])

    ## Data
    ax.plot(x, Q / Q.max(), label=r"$n(x)$", lw=2)
    ax.plot(x, ex2 / ex2.max(), label=r"$\langle\eta_x^2\rangle(x)$", lw=2)
    ax.plot(x, BC / BC.max(), label=r"$\langle\eta_x^2\rangle \cdot n$", lw=2)

    ax.plot(x, U / U.max() * ax.get_ylim()[1], "k--", label=r"$U(x)$")

    ## Indicate bulk region
    if "_DL_" in histfile:
        ax.axvspan(S, R, color="yellow", alpha=0.2)
        ax.axvline(S, c="k", lw=2)
        ax.axvline(R, c="k", lw=2)
    elif "_ML_" in histfile:
        ax.axvspan(S, R, color="yellow", alpha=0.2)
        ax.axvspan(-R, T, color="yellow", alpha=0.2)
        ax.axvline(S, c="k", lw=2)
        ax.axvline(R, c="k", lw=2)
        ax.axvline(T, c="k", lw=2)
        ax.axvline(-R, c="k", lw=2)
    elif "_CL_" in histfile:
        ax.axvspan(S, R, color="yellow", alpha=0.2)
        ax.axvspan(0, T, color="yellow", alpha=0.2)
        ax.axvline(S, c="k", lw=2)
        ax.axvline(R, c="k", lw=2)
        ax.axvline(T, c="k", lw=2)
        ax.axvline(-R, c="k", lw=2)



    ax.set_xlim(left=x[0], right=x[-1])

    ax.set_xlabel("$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    ax.set_ylabel("Rescaled variable", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    legloc = [0.35, 0.25] if "_ML_" in histfile else [0.32, 0.67]
    ax.legend(loc=legloc, fontsize=fs["fsl"]).get_frame().set_alpha(0.8)
    title = r"Bulk Constant. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1f, S=%.1f, T=%.1f$."%(a,R,S,T) if T>=0.0\
      else r"Bulk Constant. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1f, S=%.1f$."%(a,R,S)
    #	fig.suptitle(title,fontsize=fs["fst"])

    ## SAVE
    #	ax.set_ylim(top=BC.max())
    plotfile = os.path.dirname(histfile) + "/QEe2" + os.path.basename(
        histfile)[4:-4] + "." + fs["saveext"]
    if not nosave:
        if vb: print me + "Figure saved to", plotfile


    return plotfile
예제 #17
def calc_mass_ratio(histdir, srchstr, noread, vb):
	Read in directory of files with inner and outer regions.
	Compute mass in each region, take ratio.
	Compare with integrated and calculated white noise result. 
    me = me0 + ".calc_mass_ratio: "
    t0 = time.time()


    ## Dir pars
    assert "_CAR_" in histdir, me + "Functional only for Cartesian geometry."
    assert "_DL_" not in histdir, me + "Must have interior region."

    ## File discovery
    filelist = np.sort(glob.glob(histdir + "/BHIS_CAR_*" + srchstr + "*.npy"))
    numfiles = len(filelist)
    assert numfiles > 1, me + "Check input directory."
    if vb: print me + "found", numfiles, "files"


    A, ML, MR = np.zeros([3, numfiles])

    ## Retrieve data
    for i, histfile in enumerate(filelist):

        ## Assume R, S, T are same for all files
        A[i] = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
        R = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
        S = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
            T = filename_par(histfile, "_T")
        except ValueError:
            T = -S

        ## Space
        bins = np.load(
            os.path.dirname(histfile) + "/BHISBIN" +
            os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4] + ".npz")
        xbins = bins["xbins"]
        x = 0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1])


        ## Histogram
        H = np.load(histfile)
        ## Spatial density
        Qx = H.sum(axis=2).sum(axis=1) / (H.sum() * (x[1] - x[0]))

        ## Mass on either side of cusp: data. Left, right.
        if "_CL_" in histfile:
            cuspind = np.abs(0.5 * (T + S) - x).argmin()  ## Half-domain
        elif "_ML_" in histfile:
            cuspind = np.abs(0.5 * (T + S) - x).argmin()
        elif "_NL_" in histfile:
            cuspind = np.abs(S - x).argmin()

        ML[i] = np.trapz(Qx[:cuspind], x[:cuspind])
        MR[i] = np.trapz(Qx[cuspind:], x[cuspind:])

    srtidx = A.argsort()
    A = A[srtidx]
    ML = ML[srtidx]
    MR = MR[srtidx]

    ## WN result from density solution

    if "_DL_" in histfile: fx = force_dlin([x, 0], R, S)[0]
    elif "_CL_" in histfile: fx = force_clin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
    elif "_ML_" in histfile: fx = force_mlin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
    elif "_NL_" in histfile: fx = force_nlin([x, 0], R, S)[0]
    else: raise IOError, me + "Force not recognised."

    U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0)
    U -= U.min()
    Qx_WN = np.exp(-U) / np.trapz(np.exp(-U), x)

    MLwn = np.trapz(Qx_WN[:cuspind], x[:cuspind])
    MRwn = np.trapz(Qx_WN[cuspind:], x[cuspind:])

    ## Add a=0 point
    if 0.0 not in A:
        A = np.hstack([0.0, A])
        ML = np.hstack([MLwn, ML])
        MR = np.hstack([MRwn, MR])


    ### This might not be the cleanest thing to save...

    ## SAVING
    if not noread:
        massfile = histdir + "/MASS_" + srchstr + ".npz"
        if vb:
            print me + "Calculations saved to", massfile
            print me + "Calculation time %.1f seconds." % (time.time() - t0)

    return {
        "A": A,
        "ML": ML,
        "MR": MR,
        "MLwn": MLwn,
        "MRwn": MRwn,
        "x": x,
        "Qx_WN": Qx_WN,
        "R": R,
        "S": S,
        "T": T,
        "cuspind": cuspind
예제 #18
def plot_pdf1d(histfile, nosave, vb):
	Calculate Q(r) and q(eta) from file and plot.
	me = me0+".plot_pdf1d: "
	t0 = time.time()
	## Filename pars
	assert "_CAR_" in histfile, me+"Functional only for Cartesian geometry."
	Casimir = "_CL_" in histfile or "_ML_" in histfile or "_NL_" in histfile
	a = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
	R = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
	S = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
	try: T = filename_par(histfile, "_T")
	except ValueError: T= -S
	doQfit = (R==S and "_DL_" in histfile)
	plotq = int(False)
	## Space
	bins = np.load(os.path.dirname(histfile)+"/BHISBIN"+os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4]+".npz")
	xbins = bins["xbins"]
	exbins = bins["exbins"]
	eybins = bins["eybins"]
	x = 0.5*(xbins[1:]+xbins[:-1])
	etax = 0.5*(exbins[1:]+exbins[:-1])
	etay = 0.5*(eybins[1:]+eybins[:-1])
	## Wall indices
	Rind, Sind = np.abs(x-R).argmin(), np.abs(x-S).argmin()
	## Histogram
	H = np.load(histfile)
	rho = H / (H.sum() * (x[1]-x[0])*(etax[1]-etax[0])*(etay[1]-etay[0]))
	## Spatial density
	Qx = rho.sum(axis=2).sum(axis=1) * (etax[1]-etax[0])*(etay[1]-etay[0])
	## Force density
	qx = rho.sum(axis=2).sum(axis=0) * (x[1]-x[0])*(etay[1]-etay[0])
	qy = rho.sum(axis=1).sum(axis=0) * (x[1]-x[0])*(etax[1]-etax[0])
	## Fit
	gauss = lambda x, m, s2: 1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*s2)*np.exp(-0.5*(x-m)**2/s2)
	if doQfit: fitQx = sp.optimize.curve_fit(gauss, x, Qx, p0=[R,1/np.sqrt(1+a)])[0]
	fig, axs = plt.subplots(1+plotq,1, figsize=fs["figsize"])
	fig.canvas.set_window_title("1D PDFs")
	## Set number of ticks
	for ax in np.ravel([axs]):
	## Spatial density plot
	ax = axs[0] if plotq else axs
	## Data
	ax.plot(x, Qx, label=r"OUP")
	ax.fill_between(x, 0.0, Qx, color="b", alpha=0.1)
	## Gaussian for spatial density
	if doQfit:
		ax.plot(x, gauss(x,fitQx[0],1/(1+a)), "c-", label=r"$G\left(\mu, \frac{1}{\alpha+1}\right)$")
	## Potential and WN
	if   "_DC_" in histfile:	fx = force_dcon([x,0],R,S)[0]
	elif "_DL_" in histfile:	fx = force_dlin([x,0],R,S)[0]
	elif "_CL_" in histfile:	fx = force_clin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
	elif "_ML_" in histfile:	fx = force_mlin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
	elif "_NL_" in histfile:	fx = force_nlin([x,0],R,S)[0]
	else: raise IOError, me+"Force not recognised."
	U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0); U -= U.min()
	## Plot passive density
	Qx_WN = np.exp(-U)/np.trapz(np.exp(-U),x)
	ax.plot(x, Qx_WN, "r-", label="Passive")
	ax.fill_between(x, 0.0, Qx_WN, color="r", alpha=0.1)
	## Plot potential
	ax.plot(x, U/U.max()*ax.get_ylim()[1], "k--",label=r"$U(x)$")
	## Indicate bulk
	if T>=0.0:
	elif T<0.0:
	ax.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
	ax.set_ylabel(r"$n(x)$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
	ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=fs["fsl"]).get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)
	if plotq:
		## Force density plot
		ax = axs[1]
		## Data
		ax.plot(etax, qx, label=r"Simulation $x$")
		ax.plot(etay, qy, label=r"Simulation $y$")
		## Gaussian
		ax.plot(etax, gauss(etax,0.0,1/a), "c-", label=r"$G\left(0, \frac{1}{\alpha}\right)$")
		ax.set_xlabel(r"$\eta$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
		ax.set_ylabel(r"$q(\eta)$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
		ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=fs["fsl"]).get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)
		title = r"PDFs in $r$ and $\eta$. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1f, S=%.1f$"%(a,R,S)  if T<0.0\
				else r"PDFs in $r$ and $\eta$. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1f, S=%.1f, T=%.1f$"%(a,R,S,T)
		title = r"Spatial PDF. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1g, S=%.1g$"%(a,R,S)  if T<0.0\
				else r"Spatial PDF. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1f, S=%.1f, T=%.f$"%(a,R,S,T)
#	fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=fs["fst"])
	if not nosave:
		plotfile = os.path.dirname(histfile)+"/PDFxy1d"+os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4]
		plotfile += "."+fs["saveext"]
		fig.savefig(plotfile, format=fs["saveext"])
		if vb:	print me+"Figure saved to",plotfile
	if vb: print me+"Execution time %.1f seconds."%(time.time()-t0)
예제 #19
def calc_mass_ratio(histdir, srchstr, noread, vb):
	Read in directory of files with inner and outer regions.
	Compute mass in each region, take ratio.
	Compare with integrated and calculated white noise result. 
	me = me0+".calc_mass_ratio: "
	t0 = time.time()
	## Dir pars
	assert "_CAR_" in histdir, me+"Functional only for Cartesian geometry."
	assert "_DL_" not in histdir, me+"Must have interior region."
	## File discovery
	filelist = np.sort(glob.glob(histdir+"/BHIS_CAR_*"+srchstr+"*.npy"))
	numfiles = len(filelist)
	assert numfiles>1, me+"Check input directory."
	if vb: print me+"found",numfiles,"files"
	A, ML, MR = np.zeros([3,numfiles])
	## Retrieve data
	for i, histfile in enumerate(filelist):
		## Assume R, S, T are same for all files
		A[i] = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
		R = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
		S = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
			T = filename_par(histfile, "_T")
		except ValueError:
			T = -S
		## Space
		bins = np.load(os.path.dirname(histfile)+"/BHISBIN"+os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4]+".npz")
		xbins = bins["xbins"]
		x = 0.5*(xbins[1:]+xbins[:-1])
		## Histogram
		H = np.load(histfile)
		## Spatial density
		Qx = H.sum(axis=2).sum(axis=1) / (H.sum()*(x[1]-x[0]))

		## Mass on either side of cusp: data. Left, right.
		if   "_CL_" in histfile:	cuspind = np.abs(0.5*(T+S)-x).argmin()	## Half-domain
		elif "_ML_" in histfile:	cuspind = np.abs(0.5*(T+S)-x).argmin()
		elif "_NL_" in histfile:	cuspind = np.abs(S-x).argmin()
		ML[i] = np.trapz(Qx[:cuspind],x[:cuspind])
		MR[i] = np.trapz(Qx[cuspind:],x[cuspind:])
	srtidx = A.argsort()
	A = A[srtidx]
	ML = ML[srtidx]; MR = MR[srtidx]
	## WN result from density solution
	if   "_DL_" in histfile:	fx = force_dlin([x,0],R,S)[0]
	elif "_CL_" in histfile:	fx = force_clin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
	elif "_ML_" in histfile:	fx = force_mlin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
	elif "_NL_" in histfile:	fx = force_nlin([x,0],R,S)[0]
	else: raise IOError, me+"Force not recognised."
	U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0); U -= U.min()
	Qx_WN = np.exp(-U) / np.trapz(np.exp(-U), x)
	MLwn = np.trapz(Qx_WN[:cuspind],x[:cuspind])
	MRwn = np.trapz(Qx_WN[cuspind:],x[cuspind:])
	## Add a=0 point
	if 0.0 not in A:
		A = np.hstack([0.0,A])
		ML = np.hstack([MLwn,ML])
		MR = np.hstack([MRwn,MR])
	### This might not be the cleanest thing to save...
	if not noread:
		massfile = histdir+"/MASS_"+srchstr+".npz"
		np.savez(massfile, A=A, ML=ML, MR=MR, MLwn=MLwn, MRwn=MRwn, x=x, Qx_WN=Qx_WN, R=R, S=S, T=T, cuspind=cuspind)
		if vb:
			print me+"Calculations saved to",massfile
			print me+"Calculation time %.1f seconds."%(time.time()-t0)

	return {"A":A, "ML":ML, "MR":MR, "MLwn":MLwn, "MRwn":MRwn, "x":x, "Qx_WN":Qx_WN, "R":R, "S":S, "T":T, "cuspind":cuspind}
예제 #20
def plot_dir(histdir, srchstr, logplot, nosave, vb):
	For each file in directory, calculate the pressure in both ways for all walls
	(where applicable) and plot against alpha.
	me = me0+".plot_dir: "
	filelist = np.sort(glob.glob(histdir+"/BHIS_CAR_*"+srchstr+"*.npy"))
	numfiles = filelist.size
	if vb: print me+"Found",numfiles,"files."
	## Initialise arrays
	A, pR, pS, pT, PR, PS, PT = np.zeros([7,numfiles])	
	## Retrieve data
	for i, histfile in enumerate(filelist):
		Casimir = "_CL_" in histfile or "_ML_" in histfile or "_NL_" in histfile

		## Get pars from filename
		A[i] = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
		R = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
		S = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
		T = filename_par(histfile, "_T") if Casimir else -S
		## Calculate BC
		x, Qx, BC = bulk_const(histfile)[:3]
		## Wall indices
		Rind, Sind, Tind = np.abs(x-R).argmin(), np.abs(x-S).argmin(), np.abs(x-T).argmin()
		STind = 0 if "_DL_" in histfile else (Tind+Sind)/2
		## Calculate pressure from BC
		if "_DL_" in histfile:	
			BCsr = BC[Sind:Rind+1].mean()
			pR[i] = A[i] * BCsr
			pS[i] = A[i] * BCsr
		elif "_CL_" in histfile:
			BCsr = BC[Sind:Rind+1].mean()
			BCts = BC[STind]
			BC0t = BC[0:Tind+1].mean()
			pR[i] = A[i] * BCsr
			pS[i] = A[i] * (BCsr - BCts)
			pT[i] = A[i] * (BC0t - BCts)
		elif "_ML_" in histfile:
			BCsr = BC[Sind:Rind+1].mean()
			BCts = BC[STind]
			BCrt = BC[x.size-Rind:Tind+1].mean()
			pR[i] = A[i] * BCsr
			pS[i] = A[i] * (-BCsr + BCts)
			pT[i] = A[i] * (-BCrt + BCts)
		elif "_NL_" in histfile:
			BCr = BC[Rind]
			BCs = BC[Sind]
			BCmr = BC[x.size-Rind]
			pR[i] = A[i] * BCr
			pS[i] = A[i] * (BCs - BCr)
			pT[i] = A[i] * (BCs - BCmr)
		## Calculate pressure from integral
		## Choose force
		if   "_DL_" in histfile:	fx = force_dlin([x,0],R,S)[0]
		elif "_CL_" in histfile:	fx = force_clin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
		elif "_ML_" in histfile:	fx = force_mlin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
		elif "_NL_" in histfile:	fx = force_nlin([x,0],R,S)[0]
		## Calculate integral pressure
		PR[i] = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Rind:]*Qx[Rind:], x[Rind:])
		PS[i] = +sp.integrate.trapz(fx[STind:Sind]*Qx[STind:Sind], x[STind:Sind])
		PT[i] = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Tind:STind]*Qx[Tind:STind], x[Tind:STind])
	srtidx = A.argsort()
	A = A[srtidx]
	pR, pS, pT = pR[srtidx], pS[srtidx], pT[srtidx]
	PR, PS, PT = PR[srtidx], PS[srtidx], PT[srtidx]
	## Calculate white noise PDF and pressure -- assuming alpha is only varying parameter
	U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0); U -= U.min()
	Qx_WN = np.exp(-U) / np.trapz(np.exp(-U),x)
	PR_WN = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Rind:]*Qx_WN[Rind:], x[Rind:])
	PS_WN = +sp.integrate.trapz(fx[STind:Sind]*Qx_WN[STind:Sind], x[STind:Sind])
	PT_WN = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Tind:STind]*Qx_WN[Tind:STind], x[Tind:STind])
	## Normalise
	pR /= PR_WN; pS /= PS_WN; pT /= PT_WN
	PR /= PR_WN; PS /= PS_WN; PT /= PT_WN
	## Add a=0 point
	if 0.0 not in A:
		nlin = np.unique(S).size
		A = np.hstack([[0.0]*nlin,A])
		pR = np.hstack([[1.0]*nlin,pR])
		pS = np.hstack([[1.0]*nlin,pS])
		PR = np.hstack([[1.0]*nlin,PR])
		PS = np.hstack([[1.0]*nlin,PS])
	fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=fs["figsize"])
	sty = ["-","--",":"]
	A += int(logplot)
	lpR = ax.plot(A, pR, "o"+sty[0], label=r"BC pR")
	lpS = ax.plot(A, pS, "o"+sty[1], c=ax.lines[-1].get_color(), label=r"BC pS")
	if Casimir:	
		lpT = ax.plot(A, pT, "o"+sty[2], c=ax.lines[-1].get_color(), label=r"BC pT")
	ax.plot(A, PR, "v"+sty[0], label=r"Int PR")
	ax.plot(A, PS, "v"+sty[1], c=ax.lines[-1].get_color(), label=r"Int PS")
	if Casimir:	
		ax.plot(A, PT, "v"+sty[2], c=ax.lines[-1].get_color(), label=r"Int PT")
	lpR = ax.plot(A, 0.5*(pR+pS), "o--", label=r"$\alpha\left<\eta^2\right>n(x)|^{\rm bulk}$")
	ax.plot(A, 0.5*(PR+PS), "v--", label=r"$-\int f(x)n(x) {\rm d}x$")
	if logplot:
		ax.set_xscale("log"); ax.set_yscale("log")
		xlim = (ax.get_xlim()[0],A[-1])
		xlabel = r"$1+\alpha$"
		xlim = (0.0,A[-1])
		xlabel = r"$\alpha$"
	ax.set_ylabel(r"$P(\alpha)/P^{\rm passive}$",fontsize=fs["fsa"])
	ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fs["fsl"]).get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)
	title = "Pressure normalised by WN result. $R=%.1f, S=%.1f, T=%.1f.$"%(R,S,T) if T>=0.0\
			else "Pressure normalised by WN result. $R=%.1f, S=%.1f.$"%(R,S)
#	fig.suptitle(title,fontsize=fs["fst"])
	plotfile = histdir+"/QEe2_Pa_R%.1f_S%.1f_T%.1f"%(R,S,T) if T>=0.0\
				else histdir+"/QEe2_Pa_R%.1f_S%.1f"%(R,S)
	plotfile += "_loglog"*logplot+"."+fs["saveext"]
	if not nosave:
		if vb: print me+"Figure saved to",plotfile
	return plotfile
예제 #21
def calc_pressure_dir(histdir, srchstr, noread, vb):
	Calculate the pressure for all files in directory matching string.
	me = me0+".calc_pressure_dir: "
	t0 = time.time()
	## Dir pars
	assert "_CAR_" in histdir, me+"Functional only for Cartesian geometry."
	Casimir = "_DL_" not in histdir
	## File discovery
	filelist = np.sort(glob.glob(histdir+"/BHIS_CAR_*"+srchstr+"*.npy"))
	numfiles = len(filelist)
	assert numfiles>1, me+"Check input directory."
	if vb: print me+"found",numfiles,"files"

	A, R, S, T, PR, PS, PT, PU, PR_WN, PS_WN, PT_WN, PU_WN = np.zeros([12,numfiles])
	## Retrieve data
	for i, histfile in enumerate(filelist):
		ti = time.time()
		## Assuming R, S, T are same for all files
		A[i] = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
		R[i] = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
		S[i] = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
			T[i] = filename_par(histfile, "_T")
		except ValueError:
			T[i] = -S[i]
		## Space
		bins = np.load(os.path.dirname(histfile)+"/BHISBIN"+os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4]+".npz")
		xbins = bins["xbins"]
		x = 0.5*(xbins[1:]+xbins[:-1])
		## Wall indices
		Rind, Sind, Tind = np.abs(x-R[i]).argmin(), np.abs(x-S[i]).argmin()+1, np.abs(x-T[i]).argmin()
		STind = 0 if T[i]<0.0 else (Sind+Tind)/2
		## Adjust indices for pressure calculation
		if "_DC_" in histfile:
			STind = 0
		elif "_DL_" in histfile:
			STind = 0
		elif "_NL_" in histfile:
			STind = Sind
			Sind = Rind
			Tind = x.size-Rind
		## Histogram
		H = np.load(histfile)
		## Spatial density
		Qx = H.sum(axis=2).sum(axis=1) / (H.sum()*(x[1]-x[0]))
		## Choose force
		if   "_DC_" in histfile:	fx = force_dcon([x,0],R[i],S[i])[0]
		elif "_DL_" in histfile:	fx = force_dlin([x,0],R[i],S[i])[0]
		elif "_CL_" in histfile:	fx = force_clin([x,0],R[i],S[i],T[i])[0]
		elif "_ML_" in histfile:	fx = force_mlin([x,0],R[i],S[i],T[i])[0]
		elif "_NL_" in histfile:	fx = force_nlin([x,0],R[i],S[i])[0]
		else: raise IOError, me+"Force not recognised."
		## Calculate integral pressure
		PR[i] = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Rind:]*Qx[Rind:], x[Rind:])
		PS[i] = +sp.integrate.trapz(fx[STind:Sind]*Qx[STind:Sind], x[STind:Sind])
		PT[i] = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Tind:STind]*Qx[Tind:STind], x[Tind:STind])
		if "_ML_" in histfile:
			mRind = x.size-Rind	## Index of wall at x=-R
			PU[i] = +sp.integrate.trapz(fx[:mRind]*Qx[:mRind], x[:mRind])
		if vb: print me+"a=%.1f:\tPressure calculation %.2g seconds"%(A[i],time.time()-ti)
		## Potential
		U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0); U -= U.min()
		Qx_WN = np.exp(-U) / np.trapz(np.exp(-U), x)
		## WN pressure
		PR_WN[i] = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Rind:]*Qx_WN[Rind:], x[Rind:])
		PS_WN[i] = +sp.integrate.trapz(fx[STind:Sind]*Qx_WN[STind:Sind], x[STind:Sind])
		if Casimir:
			PT_WN[i] = -sp.integrate.trapz(fx[Tind:STind]*Qx_WN[Tind:STind], x[Tind:STind])
		if "_ML_" in histfile:
			PU_WN[i] = +sp.integrate.trapz(fx[:mRind]*Qx_WN[:mRind], x[:mRind])
	srtidx = A.argsort()
	A = A[srtidx]
	R, S, T = R[srtidx], S[srtidx], T[srtidx]
	PR, PS, PT, PU = PR[srtidx], PS[srtidx], PT[srtidx], PU[srtidx]
	PR_WN, PS_WN, PT_WN, PU_WN = PR_WN[srtidx], PS_WN[srtidx], PT_WN[srtidx], PU_WN[srtidx]
	## Normalise
	PR /= PR_WN + (PR_WN==0)
	PS /= PS_WN + (PS_WN==0)
	if Casimir:
		PT /= PT_WN + (PT_WN==0)
	if "_ML_" in histdir:
		PU /= PU_WN + (PU_WN==0)
	if not noread:
		pressfile = histdir+"/PRESS_"+srchstr+".npz"
		np.savez(pressfile, A=A, R=R, S=S, T=T, PR=PR, PS=PS, PT=PT, PU=PU,
		if vb:
			print me+"Calculations saved to",pressfile
			print me+"Calculation time %.1f seconds."%(time.time()-t0)

	return {"A":A,"R":R,"S":S,"T":T,"PR":PR,"PS":PS,"PT":PT,"PU":PU,
예제 #22
def plot_file(histfile, nosave, vb):
	me = me0+".plot_file: "
	## Dir pars
	assert "_CAR_" in histfile, me+"Functional only for Cartesian geometry."
	Casimir = "_CL_" in histfile or "_ML_" in histfile

	## Get pars from filename
	a = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
	R = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
	S = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
	T = filename_par(histfile, "_T") if Casimir else -S
	## Calculate quantities
	x, Q, BC = bulk_const(histfile)[:3]
	ex2 = BC/(Q+(Q==0.0))
	## Potential
	if   "_DL_" in histfile:	fx = force_dlin([x,0],R,S)[0]
	elif "_CL_" in histfile:	fx = force_clin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
	elif "_ML_" in histfile:	fx = force_mlin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
	elif "_NL_" in histfile:	fx = force_nlin([x,0],R,S)[0]
	U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0); U -= U.min()
	## Smooth
	## PLOT
	fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=fs["figsize"])
	## Data
	ax.plot(x, Q/Q.max(),   label=r"$n(x)$",lw=2)
	ax.plot(x, ex2/ex2.max(), label=r"$\langle\eta_x^2\rangle(x)$",lw=2)
	ax.plot(x, BC/BC.max(), label=r"$\langle\eta_x^2\rangle \cdot n$",lw=2)
	ax.plot(x, U/U.max()*ax.get_ylim()[1], "k--", label=r"$U(x)$")	
	## Indicate bulk region
	if "_DL_" in histfile:
		ax.axvspan(S,R, color="yellow",alpha=0.2)
		ax.axvline(S, c="k",lw=2);	ax.axvline(R, c="k",lw=2)
	elif "_ML_" in histfile:
		ax.axvspan(S,R, color="yellow",alpha=0.2)
		ax.axvspan(-R,T, color="yellow",alpha=0.2)
		ax.axvline(S, c="k",lw=2);	ax.axvline(R, c="k",lw=2)
		ax.axvline(T, c="k",lw=2);	ax.axvline(-R, c="k",lw=2)
	elif "_CL_" in histfile:
		ax.axvspan(S,R, color="yellow",alpha=0.2)
		ax.axvspan(0,T, color="yellow",alpha=0.2)
		ax.axvline(S, c="k",lw=2);	ax.axvline(R, c="k",lw=2)
		ax.axvline(T, c="k",lw=2);	ax.axvline(-R, c="k",lw=2)

	ax.set_ylabel("Rescaled variable",fontsize=fs["fsa"])
	legloc = [0.35,0.25] if "_ML_" in histfile else [0.32,0.67]
	title = r"Bulk Constant. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1f, S=%.1f, T=%.1f$."%(a,R,S,T) if T>=0.0\
			else r"Bulk Constant. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1f, S=%.1f$."%(a,R,S)
#	fig.suptitle(title,fontsize=fs["fst"])
	## SAVE
#	ax.set_ylim(top=BC.max())
	plotfile = os.path.dirname(histfile)+"/QEe2"+os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4]+"."+fs["saveext"]
	if not nosave:
		if vb: print me+"Figure saved to",plotfile
	return plotfile
예제 #23
def plot_pressure_file(histfile, nosave, vb):
	Plot spatial PDF Q(x) and spatially-varying pressure P(x).
	me = me0+".plot_pressure_file: "
	## Dir pars
	assert "_CAR_" in histfile, me+"Functional only for Cartesian geometry."
	Casimir = "_CL_" in histfile or "_ML_" in histfile or "_NL_" in histfile

	## Filename parameters
	a = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
	R = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
	S = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
	try: T = filename_par(histfile, "_T")
	except ValueError: T = -S
	## Space
	bins = np.load(os.path.dirname(histfile)+"/BHISBIN"+os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4]+".npz")
	xbins = bins["xbins"]
	x = 0.5*(xbins[1:]+xbins[:-1])
	## Wall indices
	Rind, Sind, Tind = np.abs(x-R).argmin(), np.abs(x-S).argmin(), np.abs(x-T).argmin()
	STind = (Sind+Tind)/2
	## Adjust indices for pressure calculation
	if "_DC_" in histfile:
		STind = 0
	elif "_DL_" in histfile:
		STind = 0
	elif "_NL_" in histfile:
		STind = Sind
		Sind = Rind
		Tind = x.size-Rind
	## Histogram
	H = np.load(histfile)
	## Spatial density
	Qx = H.sum(axis=2).sum(axis=1) / (H.sum()*(x[1]-x[0]))
	## Choose force
	if   "_DC_" in histfile:	fx = force_dcon([x,0],R,S)[0]
	elif "_DL_" in histfile:	fx = force_dlin([x,0],R[i],S[i])[0]
	elif "_CL_" in histfile:	fx = force_clin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
	elif "_ML_" in histfile:	fx = force_mlin([x,0],R,S,T)[0]
	elif "_NL_" in histfile:	fx = force_nlin([x,0],R,S)[0]
	else: raise IOError, me+"Force not recognised."
	## Calculate integral pressure
	PR = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx[Rind:]*Qx[Rind:], x[Rind:], initial=0.0)
	PS = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx[STind:Sind+1]*Qx[STind:Sind+1], x[STind:Sind+1], initial=0.0); PS -= PS[-1]
	if Casimir:
		PT = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx[Tind:STind+1]*Qx[Tind:STind+1], x[Tind:STind+1], initial=0.0)
	if x[0]<0:
		R2ind = x.size-Rind
		PR2 = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx[:R2ind]*Qx[:R2ind], x[:R2ind], initial=0.0); PR2 -= PR2[-1]
	## Potential and WN
	U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0); U -= U.min()
	Qx_WN = np.exp(-U) / np.trapz(np.exp(-U), x)
	## WN pressure
	PR_WN = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx[Rind:]*Qx_WN[Rind:], x[Rind:], initial=0.0)
	PS_WN = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx[STind:Sind+1]*Qx_WN[STind:Sind+1], x[STind:Sind+1], initial=0.0); PS_WN -= PS_WN[-1]
	if Casimir:
		PT_WN = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx[Tind:STind+1]*Qx_WN[Tind:STind+1], x[Tind:STind+1], initial=0.0)
	fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,1, sharex=True, figsize=fs["figsize"])
	if   "_DL_" in histfile:	legloc = "upper right"
	elif "_CL_" in histfile:	legloc = "upper right"
	elif "_ML_" in histfile:	legloc = "upper left"
	elif "_NL_" in histfile:	legloc = "lower left"
	else:						legloc = "best"
	## Plot PDF
	ax = axs[0]
	lQ = ax.plot(x, Qx, lw=2, label=r"CN")
	ax.plot(x, Qx_WN, lQ[0].get_color()+":", lw=2, label="WN")
	## Potential
	ax.plot(x, U/U.max()*ax.get_ylim()[1], "k--", lw=2, label=r"$U(x)$")
	ax.set_ylabel(r"$Q(x)$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
	ax.legend(loc=legloc, fontsize=fs["fsl"]).get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)
	## Plot pressure
	ax = axs[1]
	lPR = ax.plot(x[Rind:], PR, lw=2, label=r"$P_R$")
	lPS = ax.plot(x[STind:Sind+1], PS, lw=2, label=r"$P_S$")
	if Casimir:
		lPT = ax.plot(x[Tind:STind+1], PT, lw=2, label=r"$P_T$")
	if x[0]<0:
		ax.plot(x[:R2ind], PR2, lPR[0].get_color()+"-", lw=2)
	## WN result
	ax.plot(x[Rind:], PR_WN, lPR[0].get_color()+":", lw=2)
	ax.plot(x[STind:Sind+1], PS_WN, lPS[0].get_color()+":", lw=2)
	if Casimir:
		ax.plot(x[Tind:STind+1], PT_WN, lPT[0].get_color()+":", lw=2)
	if x[0]<0:
		ax.plot(x[:R2ind], PR_WN[::-1], lPR[0].get_color()+":", lw=2)
	## Potential
	ax.plot(x, U/U.max()*ax.get_ylim()[1], "k--", lw=2)#, label=r"$U(x)$")
	ax.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
	ax.set_ylabel(r"$P(x)$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
	if Casimir:
		ax.legend(loc=legloc, fontsize=fs["fsl"]).get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)

	title = r"Spatial PDF and Pressure. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1f, S=%.1f, T=%.1f$"%(a,R,S,T) if T>=0.0\
			else r"Spatial PDF and Pressure. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1f, S=%.1f$"%(a,R,S)
	fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=fs["fst"])
	if not nosave:
		plotfile = os.path.dirname(histfile)+"/PDFP"+os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4]+".jpg"
		if vb:	print me+"Figure saved to",plotfile
예제 #24
def plot_pressure_file(histfile, nosave, vb):
	Plot spatial PDF Q(x) and spatially-varying pressure P(x).
    me = me0 + ".plot_pressure_file: "


    ## Dir pars
    assert "_CAR_" in histfile, me + "Functional only for Cartesian geometry."
    Casimir = "_CL_" in histfile or "_ML_" in histfile or "_NL_" in histfile


    ## Filename parameters
    a = filename_par(histfile, "_a")
    R = filename_par(histfile, "_R")
    S = filename_par(histfile, "_S")
        T = filename_par(histfile, "_T")
    except ValueError:
        T = -S

    ## Space
    bins = np.load(
        os.path.dirname(histfile) + "/BHISBIN" +
        os.path.basename(histfile)[4:-4] + ".npz")
    xbins = bins["xbins"]
    x = 0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1])

    ## Wall indices
    Rind, Sind, Tind = np.abs(x - R).argmin(), np.abs(x - S).argmin(), np.abs(
        x - T).argmin()
    STind = (Sind + Tind) / 2

    ## Adjust indices for pressure calculation
    if "_DC_" in histfile:
        STind = 0
    elif "_DL_" in histfile:
        STind = 0
    elif "_NL_" in histfile:
        STind = Sind
        Sind = Rind
        Tind = x.size - Rind


    ## Histogram
    H = np.load(histfile)
    ## Spatial density
    Qx = H.sum(axis=2).sum(axis=1) / (H.sum() * (x[1] - x[0]))


    ## Choose force
    if "_DC_" in histfile: fx = force_dcon([x, 0], R, S)[0]
    elif "_DL_" in histfile: fx = force_dlin([x, 0], R[i], S[i])[0]
    elif "_CL_" in histfile: fx = force_clin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
    elif "_ML_" in histfile: fx = force_mlin([x, 0], R, S, T)[0]
    elif "_NL_" in histfile: fx = force_nlin([x, 0], R, S)[0]
    else: raise IOError, me + "Force not recognised."

    ## Calculate integral pressure
    PR = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx[Rind:] * Qx[Rind:], x[Rind:], initial=0.0)
    PS = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx[STind:Sind + 1] * Qx[STind:Sind + 1],
                                x[STind:Sind + 1],
    PS -= PS[-1]
    if Casimir:
        PT = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx[Tind:STind + 1] * Qx[Tind:STind + 1],
                                    x[Tind:STind + 1],

    if x[0] < 0:
        R2ind = x.size - Rind
        PR2 = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(
            fx[:R2ind] * Qx[:R2ind], x[:R2ind], initial=0.0)
        PR2 -= PR2[-1]


    ## Potential and WN
    U = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx, x, initial=0.0)
    U -= U.min()
    Qx_WN = np.exp(-U) / np.trapz(np.exp(-U), x)

    ## WN pressure
    PR_WN = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(
        fx[Rind:] * Qx_WN[Rind:], x[Rind:], initial=0.0)
    PS_WN = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fx[STind:Sind + 1] * Qx_WN[STind:Sind + 1],
                                   x[STind:Sind + 1],
    PS_WN -= PS_WN[-1]
    if Casimir:
        PT_WN = -sp.integrate.cumtrapz(
            fx[Tind:STind + 1] * Qx_WN[Tind:STind + 1],
            x[Tind:STind + 1],



    fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=fs["figsize"])

    if "_DL_" in histfile: legloc = "upper right"
    elif "_CL_" in histfile: legloc = "upper right"
    elif "_ML_" in histfile: legloc = "upper left"
    elif "_NL_" in histfile: legloc = "lower left"
    else: legloc = "best"

    ## Plot PDF
    ax = axs[0]
    lQ = ax.plot(x, Qx, lw=2, label=r"CN")
    ax.plot(x, Qx_WN, lQ[0].get_color() + ":", lw=2, label="WN")
    ## Potential
    ax.plot(x, U / U.max() * ax.get_ylim()[1], "k--", lw=2, label=r"$U(x)$")

    ax.set_xlim((x[0], x[-1]))
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$Q(x)$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    ax.legend(loc=legloc, fontsize=fs["fsl"]).get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)

    ## Plot pressure
    ax = axs[1]
    lPR = ax.plot(x[Rind:], PR, lw=2, label=r"$P_R$")
    lPS = ax.plot(x[STind:Sind + 1], PS, lw=2, label=r"$P_S$")
    if Casimir:
        lPT = ax.plot(x[Tind:STind + 1], PT, lw=2, label=r"$P_T$")
    if x[0] < 0:
        ax.plot(x[:R2ind], PR2, lPR[0].get_color() + "-", lw=2)
    ## WN result
    ax.plot(x[Rind:], PR_WN, lPR[0].get_color() + ":", lw=2)
    ax.plot(x[STind:Sind + 1], PS_WN, lPS[0].get_color() + ":", lw=2)
    if Casimir:
        ax.plot(x[Tind:STind + 1], PT_WN, lPT[0].get_color() + ":", lw=2)
    if x[0] < 0:
        ax.plot(x[:R2ind], PR_WN[::-1], lPR[0].get_color() + ":", lw=2)
    ## Potential
    ax.plot(x, U / U.max() * ax.get_ylim()[1], "k--",
            lw=2)  #, label=r"$U(x)$")

    ax.set_xlim((x[0], x[-1]))
    ax.set_xlabel(r"$x$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$P(x)$", fontsize=fs["fsa"])
    if Casimir:
        ax.legend(loc=legloc, fontsize=fs["fsl"]).get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)


    title = r"Spatial PDF and Pressure. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1f, S=%.1f, T=%.1f$"%(a,R,S,T) if T>=0.0\
      else r"Spatial PDF and Pressure. $\alpha=%.1f, R=%.1f, S=%.1f$"%(a,R,S)
    fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=fs["fst"])

    if not nosave:
        plotfile = os.path.dirname(histfile) + "/PDFP" + os.path.basename(
            histfile)[4:-4] + ".jpg"
        if vb: print me + "Figure saved to", plotfile
