def Download(url, filename, pack, language): #standard input #Create some variables subtitles = [] extractPath = os.path.join(__temp__, "Extracted") cleanDirectory(extractPath) FileContent, FileExt = LTV.Download(url) fname = "%s.%s" % (os.path.join(__temp__, "subtitle"), FileExt) with open(fname, 'wb') as f: f.write(FileContent) # brunoga fixed solution for non unicode caracters # Ps. Windows allready parses Unicode filenames. fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() if sys.getfilesystemencoding( ) else "utf-8" extractPath = extractPath.encode(fs_encoding) # Use XBMC.Extract to extract the downloaded file, extract it to the temp dir, # then removes all files from the temp dir that aren't subtitles. def extract_and_copy(extraction=0): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(extractPath, topdown=False): for file in files: dirfile = os.path.join(root, file) # Sanitize filenames - converting them to ASCII - and remove them from folders f = xbmcvfs.File(dirfile) temp = f.close() xbmcvfs.delete(dirfile) dirfile_with_path_name = normalizeString( os.path.relpath(dirfile, extractPath)) dirname, basename = os.path.split(dirfile_with_path_name) dirname = re.sub(r"[/\\]{1,10}", "-", dirname) dirfile_with_path_name = "(%s) %s" % ( dirname, basename) if len(dirname) else basename new_dirfile = os.path.join(extractPath, dirfile_with_path_name) with open(new_dirfile, "w") as f: f.write(temp) # Get the file extension ext = os.path.splitext(new_dirfile)[1][1:].lower() if ext in sub_ext and xbmcvfs.exists(new_dirfile): if not new_dirfile in subtitles: #Append the matching file subtitles.append(new_dirfile) elif ext in "rar zip" and not extraction: # Extract compressed files, extracted priorly xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Extract(%s, %s)" % (new_dirfile, extractPath)) xbmc.sleep(1000) extract_and_copy(1) elif ext not in "idx": xbmcvfs.delete(new_dirfile) for dir in dirs: dirfolder = os.path.join(root, dir) xbmcvfs.rmdir(dirfolder) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Extract(%s, %s)" % (fname, extractPath)) xbmc.sleep(1000) extract_and_copy() temp = [] for sub in subtitles: ltv = LegendasTV() video_file = ltv.CleanLTVTitle(filename) sub_striped = ltv.CleanLTVTitle(os.path.basename(sub)) Ratio = ltv.CalculateRatio(sub_striped, video_file) temp.append([Ratio, sub]) subtitles = sorted(temp, reverse=True) outputSub = [] if len(subtitles) > 1: if pack: subtitles.append(["pack", __language__(32010)]) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() sel = "%s\n%s" % (__language__(32001).encode("utf-8"), filename), [os.path.basename(y) for x, y in subtitles]) if sel >= 0: subSelected = subtitles[sel][1] # Handling package import if subtitles[sel][0] == "pack": dir = os.path.dirname( urllib.unquote( xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile().decode('utf-8'))) for f in xbmc_walk(dir): if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in [ ".mkv", ".avi", ".vob", ".mov", ".mp4" ]: for x, s in subtitles: if"s\d{2}e\d{2}", s.lower()): se = re.findall("s\d{2}e\d{2}", s.lower())[0] if"s\d{2}e\d{2}", f.lower()): fe = re.findall("s\d{2}e\d{2}", f.lower())[0] if se == fe: if os.path.basename(f) == os.path.basename( filename): outputSub.append(s) name = os.path.splitext(f)[0] ext = os.path.splitext(s)[1] lang = "pt" if "Portuguese", language) else "en" out = "%s.%s%s" % (name, lang, ext) xbmcvfs.copy(s, out) outputSub.append(subSelected) elif len(subtitles) == 1: outputSub.append(subtitles[0][1]) return outputSub
def Download(url, filename, pack, language): #standard input #Create some variables subtitles = [] extractPath = os.path.join(__temp__, "Extracted") cleanDirectory(extractPath) FileContent, FileExt = LTV.Download(url) fname = "%s.%s" % ( os.path.join(__temp__,"subtitle"), FileExt ) with open(fname,'wb') as f: f.write(FileContent) # brunoga fixed solution for non unicode caracters # Ps. Windows allready parses Unicode filenames. fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() if sys.getfilesystemencoding() else "utf-8" extractPath = extractPath.encode(fs_encoding) # Use XBMC.Extract to extract the downloaded file, extract it to the temp dir, # then removes all files from the temp dir that aren't subtitles. def extract_and_copy(extraction=0): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(extractPath, topdown=False): for file in files: dirfile = os.path.join(root, file) # Sanitize filenames - converting them to ASCII - and remove them from folders log("Opening file: "+dirfile, "DEBUG") with open(dirfile,'rb') as f: FileContent = xbmcvfs.delete(dirfile) dirfile_with_path_name = normalizeString(os.path.relpath(dirfile, extractPath)) dirname, basename = os.path.split(dirfile_with_path_name) dirname = re.sub(r"[/\\]{1,10}","-", dirname) dirfile_with_path_name = "(%s) %s" % (dirname, basename) if len(dirname) else basename new_dirfile = os.path.join(extractPath, safeFilename(dirfile_with_path_name)) with open(new_dirfile, "w") as f: log("Writing file: "+new_dirfile, "DEBUG") f.write(FileContent) # Get the file extension ext = os.path.splitext(new_dirfile)[1][1:].lower() if ext in sub_ext and xbmcvfs.exists(new_dirfile): if not new_dirfile in subtitles: #Append the matching file subtitles.append(new_dirfile) elif ext in "rar zip" and not extraction: # Extract compressed files, extracted priorly xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Extract(%s, %s)" % (new_dirfile, extractPath)) xbmc.sleep(1000) extract_and_copy(1) elif ext not in "idx": xbmcvfs.delete(new_dirfile) for dir in dirs: dirfolder = os.path.join(root, dir) xbmcvfs.rmdir(dirfolder) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Extract(%s, %s)" % (fname, extractPath)) xbmc.sleep(1000) extract_and_copy() temp = [] for sub in subtitles: ltv = LegendasTV() video_file = ltv.CleanLTVTitle(filename) sub_striped = ltv.CleanLTVTitle(os.path.basename(sub)) Ratio = ltv.CalculateRatio(sub_striped, video_file) temp.append([Ratio, sub]) subtitles = sorted(temp, reverse=True) outputSub = [] if len(subtitles) > 1: if pack: subtitles.append(["pack",__language__( 32010 )]) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() sel ="%s\n%s" % (__language__( 32001 ).encode("utf-8"), filename ) , [os.path.basename(y) for x, y in subtitles]) if sel >= 0: subSelected = subtitles[sel][1] # Handling package import if subtitles[sel][0] == "pack": dir = os.path.dirname(urllib.unquote(xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile().decode('utf-8'))) for f in xbmc_walk(dir): if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in [".mkv", ".avi", ".vob", ".mov", ".mp4"]: for x, s in subtitles: se, fe = 0, 1 if"s\d{2}e\d{2}", s.lower()): se = re.findall("s\d{2}e\d{2}", s.lower())[0] if"s\d{2}e\d{2}", f.lower()): fe = re.findall("s\d{2}e\d{2}", f.lower())[0] if se == fe: if os.path.basename(f) == os.path.basename(filename): outputSub.append(s) name = os.path.splitext(f)[0] ext = os.path.splitext(s)[1] lang = "pt" if"Portuguese", language) else "en" out = "%s.%s%s" % (name, lang, ext) xbmcvfs.copy(s, out) outputSub.append(subSelected) elif len(subtitles) == 1: outputSub.append(subtitles[0][1]) return outputSub
def Download(url, filename, stack=False): #standard input #Create some variables subtitles = [] extractPath = os.path.join(__temp__, "Extracted") cleanDirectory(__temp__) if not xbmcvfs.exists(extractPath): os.makedirs(extractPath) # Download the subtitle using its ID. Response = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() downloadID = re.findall(regex_3, Response)[0] if, Response) else 0 if not downloadID: return "" Response = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request("" % downloadID)) ltv_sub = # Set the path of file concatenating the temp dir, the subtitle ID and a zip or rar extension. # Write the subtitle in binary mode. fname = os.path.join(__temp__,"subtitle") fname += '.rar' if"Content-Disposition").__contains__('rar') else '.zip' with open(fname,'wb') as f: f.write(ltv_sub) # brunoga fixed solution for non unicode caracters # Ps. Windows allready parses Unicode filenames. fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() extractPath = extractPath.encode(fs_encoding) # Use XBMC.Extract to extract the downloaded file, extract it to the temp dir, # then removes all files from the temp dir that aren't subtitles. def extract_and_copy(extraction=0): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(extractPath, topdown=False): for file in files: dirfile = os.path.join(root, file) # Sanitize filenames - converting them to ASCII - and remove them from folders f = xbmcvfs.File(dirfile) temp = f.close() xbmcvfs.delete(dirfile) dirfile_with_path_name = normalizeString(os.path.relpath(dirfile, extractPath)) dirname, basename = os.path.split(dirfile_with_path_name) dirname = re.sub(r"[/\\]{1,10}","-", dirname) dirfile_with_path_name = "(%s)%s" % (dirname, basename) if len(dirname) else basename new_dirfile = os.path.join(extractPath, dirfile_with_path_name) with open(new_dirfile, "w") as f: f.write(temp) # Get the file extension ext = os.path.splitext(new_dirfile)[1][1:].lower() if ext in sub_ext and xbmcvfs.exists(new_dirfile): if not new_dirfile in subtitles: #Append the matching file subtitles.append(new_dirfile) elif ext in "rar zip" and not extraction: # Extract compressed files, extracted priorly xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Extract(%s, %s)" % (new_dirfile, extractPath)) xbmc.sleep(1000) extract_and_copy(1) elif ext not in "idx": xbmcvfs.delete(new_dirfile) for dir in dirs: dirfolder = os.path.join(root, dir) xbmcvfs.rmdir(dirfolder) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Extract(%s, %s)" % (fname, extractPath)) xbmc.sleep(1000) extract_and_copy() temp = [] for sub in subtitles: ltv = LegendasTV() video_file = ltv.CleanLTVTitle(filename) sub_striped = ltv.CleanLTVTitle(os.path.basename(sub)) Ratio = ltv.CalculateRatio(sub_striped, video_file) temp.append([Ratio, sub]) subtitles = sorted(temp, reverse=True) outputSub = [] if len(subtitles) > 1: dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() sel ="%s\n%s" % (__language__( 30152 ).encode("utf-8"), filename ) , [os.path.basename(y) for x, y in subtitles]) if sel >= 0: subSelected = subtitles[sel][1] outputSub.append(subSelected) for x, sub in subtitles: if isStacked(subSelected, sub): outputSub.append(sub) elif len(subtitles) == 1: outputSub.append(subtitles[0][1]) return outputSub
def Download(url, filename, stack=False): #standard input #Create some variables subtitles = [] extractPath = os.path.join(__temp__, "Extracted") cleanDirectory(__temp__) if not xbmcvfs.exists(extractPath): os.makedirs(extractPath) # Download the subtitle using its ID. Response = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() downloadID = re.findall(regex_3, Response)[0] if regex_3, Response) else 0 if not downloadID: return "" Response = urllib2.urlopen( urllib2.Request("" % downloadID)) ltv_sub = # Set the path of file concatenating the temp dir, the subtitle ID and a zip or rar extension. # Write the subtitle in binary mode. fname = os.path.join(__temp__, "subtitle") # fname += '.rar' if"\x52\x61\x72\x21\x1a\x07\x00", ltv_sub) else '.zip' fname += '.rar' if Response.url.__contains__('.rar') else '.zip' with open(fname, 'wb') as f: f.write(ltv_sub) # brunoga fixed solution for non unicode caracters # Ps. Windows allready parses Unicode filenames. fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() if sys.getfilesystemencoding( ) else "utf-8" extractPath = extractPath.encode(fs_encoding) # Use XBMC.Extract to extract the downloaded file, extract it to the temp dir, # then removes all files from the temp dir that aren't subtitles. def extract_and_copy(extraction=0): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(extractPath, topdown=False): for file in files: dirfile = os.path.join(root, file) # Sanitize filenames - converting them to ASCII - and remove them from folders f = xbmcvfs.File(dirfile) temp = f.close() xbmcvfs.delete(dirfile) dirfile_with_path_name = normalizeString( os.path.relpath(dirfile, extractPath)) dirname, basename = os.path.split(dirfile_with_path_name) dirname = re.sub(r"[/\\]{1,10}", "-", dirname) dirfile_with_path_name = "(%s)%s" % (dirname, basename) if len( dirname) else basename new_dirfile = os.path.join(extractPath, dirfile_with_path_name) with open(new_dirfile, "w") as f: f.write(temp) # Get the file extension ext = os.path.splitext(new_dirfile)[1][1:].lower() if ext in sub_ext and xbmcvfs.exists(new_dirfile): if not new_dirfile in subtitles: #Append the matching file subtitles.append(new_dirfile) elif ext in "rar zip" and not extraction: # Extract compressed files, extracted priorly xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Extract(%s, %s)" % (new_dirfile, extractPath)) xbmc.sleep(1000) extract_and_copy(1) elif ext not in "idx": xbmcvfs.delete(new_dirfile) for dir in dirs: dirfolder = os.path.join(root, dir) xbmcvfs.rmdir(dirfolder) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Extract(%s, %s)" % (fname, extractPath)) xbmc.sleep(1000) extract_and_copy() temp = [] for sub in subtitles: ltv = LegendasTV() video_file = ltv.CleanLTVTitle(filename) sub_striped = ltv.CleanLTVTitle(os.path.basename(sub)) Ratio = ltv.CalculateRatio(sub_striped, video_file) temp.append([Ratio, sub]) subtitles = sorted(temp, reverse=True) outputSub = [] if len(subtitles) > 1: dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() sel = "%s\n%s" % (__language__(32001).encode("utf-8"), filename), [os.path.basename(y) for x, y in subtitles]) if sel >= 0: subSelected = subtitles[sel][1] outputSub.append(subSelected) for x, sub in subtitles: if isStacked(subSelected, sub): outputSub.append(sub) elif len(subtitles) == 1: outputSub.append(subtitles[0][1]) return outputSub
def Download(url, filename, pack, language): #standard input #Create some variables subtitles = [] random = uuid.uuid4().hex extractPath = os.path.join(__temp__, "Extracted") cleanDirectory(extractPath) FileContent, FileExt = LTV.Download(url) fname = "%s.%s" % ( os.path.join(extractPath, random), FileExt ) with open(fname,'wb') as f: f.write(FileContent) archiveURL = "%s%s" % ( ('rar://' if FileExt == "rar" else 'zip://'), urllib.quote_plus(fname)) files = xbmc_walk(archiveURL); temp = [] for file in files: sub = urllib.unquote_plus(file) sub, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file)) sub_striped = LTV.CleanLTVTitle(sub) Ratio = LTV.CalculateRatio(sub_striped, LTV.CleanLTVTitle(filename)) temp.append([Ratio, file, sub, ext]) subtitles = sorted(temp, reverse=True) outputSub = [] if len(subtitles) > 1: if pack: subtitles.append(["pack", "pack", __language__( 32010 )]) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() sel ="%s\n%s" % (__language__( 32001 ).encode("utf-8"), filename ) , [y for v, x, y, z in subtitles]) if sel >= 0: subSelected = subtitles[sel][1] # Handling package import if subtitles[sel][0] == "pack": dir = os.path.dirname(urllib.unquote(xbmc.Player().getPlayingFile().decode('utf-8'))) for f in xbmc_walk(dir): if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in [".mkv", ".avi", ".vob", ".mov", ".mp4"]: for x, s in subtitles: se, fe = 0, 1 if"s\d{2}e\d{2}", s.lower()): se = re.findall("s\d{2}e\d{2}", s.lower())[0] if"s\d{2}e\d{2}", f.lower()): fe = re.findall("s\d{2}e\d{2}", f.lower())[0] if se == fe: if os.path.basename(f) == os.path.basename(filename): outputSub.append(s) name = os.path.splitext(f)[0] ext = os.path.splitext(s)[1] lang = "pt" if"Portuguese", language) else "en" out = "%s.%s%s" % (name, lang, ext) xbmcvfs.copy(s, out) temp_sel = os.path.join(extractPath, "%s.%s" % (random, subtitles[sel][3])) xbmcvfs.copy(subSelected, temp_sel) outputSub.append(temp_sel) elif len(subtitles) == 1: temp_sel = os.path.join(extractPath, "%s.%s" % (random, subtitles[0][3])) xbmcvfs.copy(subSelected, temp_sel) outputSub.append(temp_sel) return outputSub