예제 #1
        def updateMessages(self):
            """Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool parameter.
            This method is called after internal validation."""

            import LUCI_PTFs.lib.input_validation as input_validation

            # Populate converstion factor automatically when either OM or OC is chosen has been chosen
            CarbParamNo = None
            ConvFactorParamNo = None
            for i in range(0, len(self.params)):
                if self.params[i].name == 'Carbon_content':
                    CarbParamNo = i
                if self.params[i].name == 'Conversion_factor':
                    ConvFactorParamNo = i

            CarbPairs = [('Organic carbon', 1.724),
                         ('Organic matter', 0.58)]

            if CarbParamNo is not None and ConvFactorParamNo is not None:
                # If this is the most recently changed param ...
                if not self.params[CarbParamNo].hasBeenValidated:

                    # Update the linking code with the correct value
                    for CarbPair in CarbPairs:
                        if self.params[CarbParamNo].valueAsText == CarbPair[0]:
                            self.params[ConvFactorParamNo].value = CarbPair[1]
예제 #2
        def updateMessages(self):
            """Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool parameter.
            This method is called after internal validation."""

            import LUCI_PTFs.lib.input_validation as input_validation

            input_validation.checkThresholdValues(self, "SoilMoisture")
예제 #3
        def updateMessages(self):
            """Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool parameter.
            This method is called after internal validation."""

            import LUCI_PTFs.lib.input_validation as input_validation

            # Populate converstion factor automatically when either OM or OC is chosen has been chosen
            CarbParamNo = None
            ConvFactorParamNo = None
            for i in range(0, len(self.params)):
                if self.params[i].name == 'Carbon_content':
                    CarbParamNo = i
                if self.params[i].name == 'Conversion_factor':
                    ConvFactorParamNo = i

            CarbPairs = [('Organic carbon', 1.724), ('Organic matter', 0.58)]

            if CarbParamNo is not None and ConvFactorParamNo is not None:
                # If this is the most recently changed param ...
                if not self.params[CarbParamNo].hasBeenValidated:

                    # Update the linking code with the correct value
                    for CarbPair in CarbPairs:
                        if self.params[CarbParamNo].valueAsText == CarbPair[0]:
                            self.params[ConvFactorParamNo].value = CarbPair[1]

            # Populate pressures
            vgChoiceNo = None
            vgPressuresNo = None
            for i in range(0, len(self.params)):
                if self.params[i].name == 'VG_of_choice':
                    vgChoiceNo = i
                if self.params[i].name == 'Pressure_heads_VG':
                    vgPressuresNo = i

            vgPairs = [('Wosten et al. (1999) topsoil',
                        '10 30 100 330 1000 2000 10000 15000'),
                       ('Wosten et al. (1999) subsoil',
                        '10 30 100 330 1000 2000 10000 15000'),
                       ('Vereecken et al. (1989)',
                        '10 30 100 330 1000 2000 10000 15000'),
                       ('Zacharias and Wessolek (2007)',
                        '1 3 10 33 100 200 1000 1500')]

            if vgChoiceNo is not None and vgPressuresNo is not None:
                # If this is the most recently changed param ...
                if not self.params[vgChoiceNo].hasBeenValidated:

                    # Update the linking code with the correct value
                    for vgPair in vgPairs:
                        if self.params[vgChoiceNo].valueAsText == vgPair[0]:
                            self.params[vgPressuresNo].value = vgPair[1]

예제 #4
import arcpy
import os
import sys

import LUCI_PTFs.lib.log as log
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.common as common
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.progress as progress
import LUCI_PTFs.solo.calc_ksat as CalcKsat
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.PTFdatabase as PTFdatabase

from LUCI_PTFs.lib.refresh_modules import refresh_modules
refresh_modules([log, common, CalcKsat, PTFdatabase])

def function(params):

        pText = common.paramsAsText(params)

        # Get inputs
        runSystemChecks = common.strToBool(pText[1])
        outputFolder = pText[2]
        inputFolder = pText[3]

        # Get equation of choice
        Ksat = pText[4]

        carbonContent = pText[5]
        carbonConFactor = pText[6]

        # Create output folder
예제 #5
import sys
import os
import configuration
import numpy as np
import arcpy
import math
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.log as log
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.common as common
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.point_PTFs as point_PTFs
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.checks_PTFs as checks_PTFs
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.plots as plots
from LUCI_PTFs.lib.external import six  # Python 2/3 compatibility module

from LUCI_PTFs.lib.refresh_modules import refresh_modules
refresh_modules([log, common, point_PTFs, checks_PTFs, plots])

def function(outputFolder, inputShp, PTFOption, fcVal, sicVal, pwpVal,
             carbContent, carbonConFactor):

        # Set temporary variables
        prefix = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "soil_")

        # Set output filename
        outputShp = os.path.join(outputFolder, "soil_point_ptf.shp")

        # Copy the input shapefile to the output folder
        arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(inputShp, outputShp)
예제 #6
import arcpy
import os
import sys
import time
import traceback
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET

import LUCI_PTFs.lib.log as log
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.common as common

from LUCI_PTFs.lib.refresh_modules import refresh_modules
refresh_modules([log, common])

### Global timing variables ###

times = []
startTime = time.clock()

def initProgress(folder, rerun):

        xmlFile = getProgressFilenames(folder).xmlFile

        if not rerun:

        # Create file if it does not exist
        if not os.path.exists(xmlFile):
            root = ET.Element("data")
예제 #7
    def execute(self, parameters, messages):

        import LUCI_PTFs.tools.t_soil_param as t_soil_param

예제 #8
    def execute(self, parameters, messages):

        import LUCI_PTFs.tools.t_brooks_corey as t_brooks_corey

예제 #9
Functions that help check fields and values for PTFs

import sys
import os
import configuration
import numpy as np
import arcpy
import math
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.log as log
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.common as common
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.PTFdatabase as PTFdatabase
from LUCI_PTFs.lib.external import six  # Python 2/3 compatibility module

from LUCI_PTFs.lib.refresh_modules import refresh_modules
refresh_modules([log, common, PTFdatabase])

def checkInputFields(inputFields, inputShp):

    log.info('Checking if all required input fields are present in ' +

    # Checks if the input fields are present in the shapefile
    for param in inputFields:

        fieldPresent = False

        if common.CheckField(inputShp, param):
            fieldPresent = True
예제 #10
    def execute(self, parameters, messages):

        import LUCI_PTFs.tools.t_soil_moisture as t_soil_moisture

예제 #11
    def execute(self, parameters, messages):

        import LUCI_PTFs.tools.t_calc_vg as t_calc_vg

예제 #12
import configuration
import arcpy
import math
import os
import sys
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.log as log
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.common as common
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.checks_PTFs as checks_PTFs
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.PTFdatabase as PTFdatabase
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.ksat_PTFs as ksat_PTFs
from LUCI_PTFs.lib.external import six  # Python 2/3 compatibility module

from LUCI_PTFs.lib.refresh_modules import refresh_modules
refresh_modules([log, common, checks_PTFs, PTFdatabase, ksat_PTFs])

def function(outputFolder, inputFolder, KsatOption, carbContent,

        # Set temporary variables
        prefix = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "moist_")

        # Set output filename
        outputShp = os.path.join(outputFolder, "Ksat.shp")

        ## From the input folder, pull the PTFinfo
        PTFxml = os.path.join(inputFolder, "ptfinfo.xml")

        if not os.path.exists(PTFxml):
예제 #13
import arcpy
import os

import LUCI_PTFs.lib.log as log
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.common as common
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.progress as progress
import LUCI_PTFs.solo.brooks_corey as brooks_corey
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.PTFdatabase as PTFdatabase

from LUCI_PTFs.lib.refresh_modules import refresh_modules
refresh_modules([log, common, brooks_corey, PTFdatabase])

def function(params):

        pText = common.paramsAsText(params)

        # Get inputs
        runSystemChecks = common.strToBool(pText[1])
        outputFolder = pText[2]
        inputShapefile = pText[3]
        PTFChoice = pText[4]
        BCPressures = pText[5]
        fcVal = pText[6]
        sicVal = pText[7]
        pwpVal = pText[8]
        carbonContent = pText[9]
        carbonConFactor = pText[10]
        unitsPlot = pText[11]
        axisChoice = pText[12]
예제 #14
import arcpy
import os
import sys

import LUCI_PTFs.lib.log as log
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.common as common
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.progress as progress
import LUCI_PTFs.solo.soil_param as SoilParam

from LUCI_PTFs.lib.refresh_modules import refresh_modules
refresh_modules([log, common, SoilParam])

def function(params):

        pText = common.paramsAsText(params)

        # Get inputs
        runSystemChecks = common.strToBool(pText[1])
        outputFolder = pText[2]
        inputShapefile = pText[3]
        PTFChoice = common.strToBool(pText[4])
        PTF = pText[5]
        VGChoice = common.strToBool(pText[6])
        VG = pText[7]
        VGPressures = pText[8]
        MVGChoice = common.strToBool(pText[9])
        MVG = pText[10]
        carbonContent = pText[11]
        carbonConFactor = pText[12]
예제 #15
import math
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import csv
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.log as log
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.common as common
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.thresholds as thresholds
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.PTFdatabase as PTFdatabase
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.brooksCorey as brooksCorey
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.bc_PTFs as bc_PTFs
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.checks_PTFs as checks_PTFs
from LUCI_PTFs.lib.external import six  # Python 2/3 compatibility module

from LUCI_PTFs.lib.refresh_modules import refresh_modules
    [log, common, thresholds, PTFdatabase, brooksCorey, bc_PTFs, checks_PTFs])

def function(outputFolder, inputShp, PTFOption, BCPressArray, fcVal, sicVal,
             pwpVal, carbContent, carbonConFactor):

        # Set temporary variables
        prefix = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "bc_")

        tempSoils = prefix + "tempSoils"

        # Set output filename
        outputShp = os.path.join(outputFolder, "BrooksCorey.shp")

        # Copy the input shapefile to the output folder
예제 #16
bc_PTFs: contains all the PTF functions for calculating BC parameters

import sys
import os
import configuration
import arcpy
import math
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.log as log
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.common as common
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.checks_PTFs as checks_PTFs
from LUCI_PTFs.lib.external import six # Python 2/3 compatibility module

from LUCI_PTFs.lib.refresh_modules import refresh_modules
refresh_modules([log, common, checks_PTFs])

def Cosby_1984_SandC_BC(outputShp, PTFOption):
    log.info("Calculating Brooks-Corey using Cosby et al. (1984) - Sand and Clay")

    # Arrays to output
    warningArray = []
    WC_resArray = []
    WC_satArray = []
    lambda_BCArray = []
    hb_BCArray = []

    # Get OID field
    OIDField = common.getOIDField(outputShp)
예제 #17

import sys
import os
import arcpy
import csv
import numpy as np
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.log as log
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.common as common
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.vanGenuchten as vanGenuchten
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.vg_PTFs as vg_PTFs
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.checks_PTFs as checks_PTFs
from LUCI_PTFs.lib.external import six # Python 2/3 compatibility module

from LUCI_PTFs.lib.refresh_modules import refresh_modules
refresh_modules([log, common, vanGenuchten, vg_PTFs, checks_PTFs])

def function(outputFolder, inputShp, VGOption, VGPressArray, MVGChoice, fcVal, sicVal, pwpVal, carbContent, carbonConFactor):

        # Set temporary variables
        prefix = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "soil_")

        # Set output filename
        if MVGChoice == True:
            outputShp = os.path.join(outputFolder, "soil_mvg.shp")
            outputShp = os.path.join(outputFolder, "soil_vg.shp")

        # Copy the input shapefile to the output folder
        arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(inputShp, outputShp)
예제 #18
import arcpy
from arcpy.sa import Reclassify, RemapRange
import os
import sys
import shutil
import datetime  # For writing current date/time to inputs.xml
import time  # For logging warnings that are very close together
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET

from LUCI_PTFs.lib.external import six  # Python 2/3 compatibility module
import configuration
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.log as log

from LUCI_PTFs.lib.refresh_modules import refresh_modules

def strToBool(s):
    ''' Converts a true/false string to an actual Boolean'''

    if s == "True" or s == "true":
        return True
    elif s == "False" or s == "false":
        return False
        raise ValueError

def runSystemChecks(folder=None, rerun=False):

    import LUCI_PTFs.lib.progress as progress
예제 #19
import sys
import os
import configuration
import numpy as np
import arcpy
import math
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.log as log
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.progress as progress
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.common as common
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.vanGenuchten as vanGenuchten
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.thresholds as thresholds
import LUCI_PTFs.lib.PTFdatabase as PTFdatabase
from LUCI_PTFs.lib.external import six # Python 2/3 compatibility module

from LUCI_PTFs.lib.refresh_modules import refresh_modules
refresh_modules([log, common, vanGenuchten, thresholds, PTFdatabase])

def plotPTF(outputFolder, outputShp, PTFOption, nameArray, results):

    # For plotting point PTFs
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np

    PTFInfo = PTFdatabase.checkPTF(PTFOption)
    PTFPressures = PTFInfo.PTFPressures
    PTFUnit = PTFInfo.PTFUnit

    # Remove warning

    waterContents = []