def __init__(self): self.undistorter = Undistorter() #print("Distortion Initiation Success") self.thresholder = Thresholder() #print("Thresholding Initiation Success") self.ptransformer = PerspectiveTransformer() #print("Perspective Transformer Initiation Success") self.laneDetector = LaneDetector() #print("Lane Detector Initiation Success") self.lanePlotter = LanePlotter()
def start(): global pub rospy.init_node('my_driver') pub = rospy.Publisher('xycar_motor_msg', Int32MultiArray, queue_size=1) marker_publisher = rospy.Publisher('visualization_marker', Marker, queue_size=5) capture = cv2.VideoCapture("/home/jjong/catkin_ws/src/xycar_simul/src/track-s.mkv") rate = rospy.Rate(60) Speed = 20 current = 0 while True: ret , img = if ret == False: break now = time.time() bev = BirdEyeView(img) ldt = LaneDetector(bev) Binary_img = image_processing(bev, img) info = ldt.slidingWindows(Binary_img) final_frame, left_curverad, right_curverad = ldt.drawFitLane(img, Binary_img, info) left_curvature, right_curvature= 1/left_curverad, 1/right_curverad if info['valid_left_line'] & info['valid_right_line'] : final_curvature = WEIGHT*(left_curvature + right_curvature)/2 elif info['valid_left_line'] : final_curvature = WEIGHT*left_curvature elif info['valid_right_line'] : final_curvature = WEIGHT*right_curvature if final_curvature >50 : final_curvature = 50 elif final_curvature < -50 : final_curvature = -50 #cv2.imshow("roi_frame", roi_frame) cv2.imshow("Binary_img", Binary_img) #cv2.imshow("warped_frame2",warped_frame2) #문자 출력 cv2.putText(final_frame, "Radius of curvature : " + str(final_curvature), (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2) # cv2.imshow('image',final_frame) if cv2.waitKey(100) > 0 : break print("time : ", now - current) print("=============================") current = time.time() show_text_in_rviz(marker_publisher, "1/curvature : " + str(int(final_curvature))) pub_motor((final_curvature), Speed) rate.sleep()
class LaneTracker(): def __init__(self): self.undistorter = Undistorter() #print("Distortion Initiation Success") self.thresholder = Thresholder() #print("Thresholding Initiation Success") self.ptransformer = PerspectiveTransformer() #print("Perspective Transformer Initiation Success") self.laneDetector = LaneDetector() #print("Lane Detector Initiation Success") self.lanePlotter = LanePlotter() #print("Lane Plotter Initiation Success") def process(self, img): #Undistort the image to remove camera and lens distortion undist_img = self.undistorter.undistort(img) #Threshold the image to better identify lane lines thresh_img = self.thresholder.threshold(undist_img) #Perform perspective transformation so that converging lines become parallel without perspective error warp_img = self.ptransformer.warp(thresh_img) #Detect the lines through curve fit and curve-fit co-efficients left_fit, right_fit = self.laneDetector.detect(warp_img) #Get left lane and right lane curvature, car offset left_curverad, right_curverad = self.laneDetector.get_curvature( warp_img) car_offset = self.laneDetector.get_car_offset(warp_img) #Plot the detected lanes on image plotted_img = self.lanePlotter.plotPolygon(img, left_fit, right_fit, self.ptransformer.Minv) left_curve_str = "Left ROC: " + str(round(left_curverad, 0)) + "m" right_curve_str = "Right ROC: " + str(round(right_curverad, 0)) + "m" car_offset_str = "Car Offset:" + str(round(car_offset, 3)) + "m" #Overlay text text_img = self.lanePlotter.textOverLay(plotted_img, left_curve_str, pos=(100, 100)) text_img = self.lanePlotter.textOverLay(text_img, right_curve_str, pos=(100, 150)) text_img = self.lanePlotter.textOverLay(text_img, car_offset_str, pos=(100, 200)) return plotted_img
def Pipeline(image): # Initialize perspective transformer perspectiveTransformer = PerspectiveTransformer( np.float32( [src_top_right, src_bottom_right, src_bottom_left, src_top_left]), np.float32( [dst_top_right, dst_bottom_right, dst_bottom_left, dst_top_left])) # Initialize image thresholder thresholder = ImageThresholder() # Initialize histogram laneDetector = LaneDetector() #Perform image undistortion undistorted_image = UndistortImage(image, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs) #Perform perspective transform perspective_transformed = perspectiveTransformer.TransformImage( undistorted_image) #Perform thresholding thresholded_image, _, _, _, _, _, _ = thresholder.Perform( perspective_transformed) #Calculate the histogram centroids = laneDetector.FindWindowCentroids(thresholded_image) centroids_image = laneDetector.DrawWindowCentroids(thresholded_image, centroids) left_poly, right_poly = laneDetector.FitAPolyline(thresholded_image, centroids) poly_region_image = laneDetector.DrawPolylines(undistorted_image, left_poly, right_poly) radius_left = laneDetector.FindRadiusOfCurvature(left_poly, 720) radius_right = laneDetector.FindRadiusOfCurvature(right_poly, 720) curvature = (radius_left + radius_right) / 2.0 center = laneDetector.CarPosition(left_poly, right_poly) #Apply inverse transform on lane region lane_detector_region = perspectiveTransformer.InverseTransformImage( poly_region_image) pipeline_output = cv2.addWeighted(undistorted_image, 1, lane_detector_region, 0.3, 0) return pipeline_output, undistorted_image, thresholded_image, perspective_transformed, centroids_image, poly_region_image, lane_detector_region, curvature, center
def __init__(self): self.bridge = CvBridge() """ Set up all needed params """ height = 480 width = 640 h = 1.518 # meters t = np.asarray([0, 0, -h], np.float32) # Map from world frame to camera frame pitch = np.deg2rad(5) # positive tilts down R = np.asarray([[0, -1, 0], [np.sin(pitch), 0, -np.cos(pitch)], [np.cos(pitch), 0, np.sin(pitch)]], np.float32) K = np.asarray([[617.2716, 0, 327.2818], [0, 617.1263, 245.0939], [0, 0, 1]], np.float32) D = np.asarray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], np.float32) FOV_h = np.radians(91.2) FOV_v = np.radians(65.5) params = CameraParams() params.K = K params.D = D params.FOV_h = FOV_h params.FOV_v = FOV_v params.height = height params.width = width self.Detector = LaneDetector(R, t, params) # TODO: Configure via json self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("camera/color/image_raw", Image, self.callback) self.visualization_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_detector/visualization", Image) self.hsv_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_detector/color_threshold", Image) self.grad_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_detector/gradient_threshold", Image) self.nav_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_detector/waypoints", Path)
def __init__(self): self.bridge = CvBridge() """ Set up all needed params """ height = 480 width = 640 h = 1.518 # meters t = np.asarray([0, 0, -h], np.float32) # Map from world frame to camera frame R = np.asarray([[0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0]], np.float32) K = np.asarray( [[617.2716, 0, 327.2818], [0, 617.1263, 245.0939], [0, 0, 1]], np.float32) D = np.asarray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], np.float32) FOV_h = np.radians(91.2) FOV_v = np.radians(65.5) params = CameraParams() params.K = K params.D = D params.FOV_h = FOV_h params.FOV_v = FOV_v params.height = height params.width = width self.Detector = LaneDetector(R, t, params) # TODO: Configure via json self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("camera/color/image_raw", Image, self.callback) # publish coefficients of spline as array #self.spline_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_splines", Float32MultiArray) # publish top down view for visualization self.visualization_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_detector/visualization", Image) self.mask_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_detector/mask", Image) self.nav_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_detector/waypoints", Path)
def process_video(infile, outfile, camera=None, vehicle=None): ''' Load video, process individual image frames, output frames to new Video Parameters: infile Filename of input video outfile Filename of output video camera Filename of Camera Calibration pickle (from vehicle Filename of Vehicle Model pickle (from ''' print("Reading {}".format(os.path.basename(infile))) vehicle_detection = VehicleDetection(from_pickle=vehicle) lane_detector = LaneDetector(use_smoothing=True, camera=camera) multiple_detector = MultipleDetector(vehicle_detection=vehicle_detection) clip = VideoFileClip(infile) adj_clip = clip.fl_image(multiple_detector.process_image) adj_clip.write_videofile(outfile, audio=False)
class lane_detector: def __init__(self): self.bridge = CvBridge() """ Set up all needed params """ height = 480 width = 640 h = 1.518 # meters t = np.asarray([0, 0, -h], np.float32) # Map from world frame to camera frame R = np.asarray([[0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0]], np.float32) K = np.asarray( [[617.2716, 0, 327.2818], [0, 617.1263, 245.0939], [0, 0, 1]], np.float32) D = np.asarray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], np.float32) FOV_h = np.radians(91.2) FOV_v = np.radians(65.5) params = CameraParams() params.K = K params.D = D params.FOV_h = FOV_h params.FOV_v = FOV_v params.height = height params.width = width self.Detector = LaneDetector(R, t, params) # TODO: Configure via json self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("camera/color/image_raw", Image, self.callback) # publish coefficients of spline as array #self.spline_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_splines", Float32MultiArray) # publish top down view for visualization self.visualization_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_detector/visualization", Image) self.mask_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_detector/mask", Image) self.nav_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_detector/waypoints", Path) def callback(self, data): cv_img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "rgb8") # Run pipeline mask_img = self.Detector.filter(cv_img) blur_img = self.Detector.blur_mask(mask_img) warped_image = self.Detector.perspective_warp(blur_img) try: (left, center, right) = self.Detector.sliding_window(warped_image) waypoints = self.Detector.generate_waypoints(cv_img, center) # Generate publishing stuff lane_image = self.Detector.draw_lanes(cv_img, left, right) path = Path() path.header = data.header num_points = waypoints.shape[1] for i in range(num_points): x = float(waypoints[0, i]) y = float(waypoints[1, i]) theta = waypoints[2, i] w = np.cos(theta / 2) z = np.sin(theta / 2) pose = PoseStamped() p = Pose() p.position.x = x p.position.y = y p.position.z = 0 p.orientation.x = 0.0 p.orientation.y = 0.0 p.orientation.z = z p.orientation.w = w pose.pose = p """ pose.pose.position.x = x pose.pose.position.y = y pose.pose.position.z = 0 pose.pose.orientation.x = 0 pose.pose.orientation.y = 0 pose.pose.orientaion.z = 0 pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 """ pose.header = data.header path.poses.append(pose) self.nav_pub.publish(path) self.visualization_pub.publish( self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(lane_image, 'rgb8')) except: print("Failed to generate path") rospy.logerr("LOLNO") # Publish messages self.mask_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(warped_image, 'mono8'))
# print("Distortion Initiation Success") # from Thresholder import Thresholder # thresholder = Thresholder() # print("Thresholding Initiation Success") # from PerspectiveTransformer import PerspectiveTransformer # ptransformer = PerspectiveTransformer() # print("Perspective Transformer Initiation Success") # from LaneDetector import LaneDetector # laneDetector = LaneDetector() # print("Lane Detector Initiation Success") # from LanePlotter import LanePlotter # lanePlotter = LanePlotter() # print("Lane Plotter Initiation Success") import cv2 import numpy as np t = cv2.imread('warped.jpg') img = cv2.cvtColor(t, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) thresh_img = np.zeros_like(img) thresh_img[img > 127] = 1 from LaneDetector import LaneDetector laneDetector = LaneDetector() print("Lane Detector Initiation Success") left_fit, right_fit = laneDetector.detect(thresh_img) cv2.imwrite('detect.jpg', detect_img)
FRAME_SHAPE = (1280, 720) HIST_STEPS = 10 OFFSET = 250 FRAME_MEMORY = 7 SRC = np.float32([(132, 703), (540, 466), (740, 466), (1147, 703)]) DST = np.float32([(SRC[0][0] + OFFSET, 720), (SRC[0][0] + OFFSET, 0), (SRC[-1][0] - OFFSET, 0), (SRC[-1][0] - OFFSET, 720)]) VIDEOS = [ "../videos/project_video.mp4", "../videos/challenge_video.mp4", "../videos/harder_challenge_video.mp4" ] SELECTED_VIDEO = 0 if __name__ == '__main__': cam_calibration = get_camera_calibration() cam_calibrator = CameraCalibrator(FRAME_SHAPE, cam_calibration) ld = LaneDetector(SRC, DST, n_frames=FRAME_MEMORY, cam_calibration=cam_calibrator, transform_offset=OFFSET) clip1 = VideoFileClip(VIDEOS[SELECTED_VIDEO]) project_clip = clip1.fl_image(ld.process_frame) project_output = VIDEOS[SELECTED_VIDEO][:-4] + '_ann.mp4' project_clip.write_videofile(project_output, audio=False)
class lane_detector: def __init__(self): self.bridge = CvBridge() """ Set up all needed params """ height = 480 width = 640 h = 1.518 # meters t = np.asarray([0, 0, -h], np.float32) # Map from world frame to camera frame pitch = np.deg2rad(5) # positive tilts down R = np.asarray([[0, -1, 0], [np.sin(pitch), 0, -np.cos(pitch)], [np.cos(pitch), 0, np.sin(pitch)]], np.float32) K = np.asarray([[617.2716, 0, 327.2818], [0, 617.1263, 245.0939], [0, 0, 1]], np.float32) D = np.asarray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], np.float32) FOV_h = np.radians(91.2) FOV_v = np.radians(65.5) params = CameraParams() params.K = K params.D = D params.FOV_h = FOV_h params.FOV_v = FOV_v params.height = height params.width = width self.Detector = LaneDetector(R, t, params) # TODO: Configure via json self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("camera/color/image_raw", Image, self.callback) self.visualization_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_detector/visualization", Image) self.hsv_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_detector/color_threshold", Image) self.grad_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_detector/gradient_threshold", Image) self.nav_pub = rospy.Publisher("lane_detector/waypoints", Path) def callback(self, data): cv_img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "rgb8") # Run pipeline hsv_mask = self.Detector.color_threshold(cv_img) grad_mask = self.Detector.gradient_threshold(cv_img) mask_img = cv.bitwise_or(hsv_mask, grad_mask) blur_img = self.Detector.blur_mask(mask_img) warped_image = self.Detector.perspective_warp(blur_img) try: (left, center, right) = self.Detector.sliding_window(warped_image) waypoints = self.Detector.generate_waypoints(cv_img, center) # Generate publishing stuff lane_image = self.Detector.draw_lanes(cv_img, left, right) path = Path() path.header = data.header num_points = waypoints.shape[1] for i in range(num_points): x = float(waypoints[0,i]) y = float(waypoints[1,i]) theta = waypoints[2,i] w = np.cos(theta/2) z = np.sin(theta/2) pose = PoseStamped() p = Pose() p.position.x = x p.position.y = y p.position.z = 0 p.orientation.x = 0.0 p.orientation.y = 0.0 p.orientation.z = z p.orientation.w = w pose.pose = p pose.header = data.header path.poses.append(pose) self.nav_pub.publish(path) self.visualization_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(lane_image, 'rgb8')) except:
y2 = line[3] cv2.line(img, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), color, thickness) def draw_lane(img, lane): if lane.left_line: draw_line(img, lane.left_line.line_vector, [0, 0, 200], 3) if lane.right_line: draw_line(img, lane.right_line.line_vector, [0, 0, 200], 3) #reading in an image image = mpimg.imread('test_images/solidYellowLeft.jpg') # get image dimensions and make internal copy lane_detector = LaneDetector() lane_detector.set_image(image) lane_detector.find_lanes() output = lane_detector.lanes_img #plt.imshow(output, cmap='gray') overlay = np.zeros_like(image) draw_lane(overlay, lane_detector.lane) img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.addWeighted(image, 1., overlay, 0.9, 0.), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) cv2.imwrite('test_images/out.png', img) plt.imshow(output)
import numpy as np import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from BirdEyeView import BirdEyeView from LaneDetector import LaneDetector from CameraCalibrator import Calibrator ##초기화 단계, 차선 인지에 필요한 변수들을 계산함 bev = BirdEyeView() ## 버드아이뷰로 전환할 때 사용할 부분 cbrt = Calibrator() cbrt.setVariables( ) ## 카메라 칼리브레이션을 위한 메트릭스를 세팅함. 매 프레임 새로 구하면 너무 느려서 한번 구해놓고 쓰게 만듦 ldt = LaneDetector(bev) ## 차선인식 클래스 cap = cv2.VideoCapture('hard_video.mp4') if not cap.isOpened(): print('cap is not opened') exit(-1) while True: ret, frame = #print(frame.shape) if not ret: continue u_frame = cbrt.getUndistortedImg(frame) roi_frame = u_frame.copy() roi_frame = bev.setROI(roi_frame) warped_frame = bev.warpPerspect(u_frame) color_comb_frame = bev.combineAllColorChannel(warped_frame, [150, 255], [20, 100])
cv2.line(img, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), color, thickness) def draw_lane(img, lane): if lane.left_line: draw_line(img, lane.left_line.line_vector, [0, 0, 200], 3) if lane.right_line: draw_line(img, lane.right_line.line_vector, [0, 0, 200], 3) #reading video clip #clip = cv2.VideoCapture('test_videos/solidWhiteRight.mp4') #clip = cv2.VideoCapture('test_videos/solidYellowLeft.mp4') clip = cv2.VideoCapture('test_videos/challenge.mp4') lane_detector = LaneDetector() lane_detector.quiet() fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX') out = cv2.VideoWriter('test_videos/out.avi', fourcc, 20.0, (960, 540)) while (clip.isOpened()): ret, frame = if frame is not None: lane_detector.set_image(frame) lane_detector.find_lanes() overlay = np.zeros_like(frame) draw_lane(overlay, lane_detector.lane)
if args.t1 == None: if args.video_file == "project": args.t1 = 20 * frame_rate else: args.t1 = 0 else: t_array = args.t1.split(".") args.t1 = int(t_array[0]) * frame_rate if len(t_array) == 2: args.t1 += int(t_array[1]) args.video_file += "_video.mp4" pipeline = YUVPipeline() detector = LaneDetector(pipeline) def process_frame(frame): global counter if not args.render: pipeline.poll() detector.process(frame) detector.annotate(frame) if args.render and not args.annotate: new_frame = detector.annotated_frame else: new_frame = np.zeros((frame.shape[0],frame.shape[1]//8*9,3),np.uint8) scale_and_paste(new_frame, detector.annotated_frame, (0,0), factor=0.75)