예제 #1
파일: app.py 프로젝트: lezwon/SwiggyServer
def query_from_table(lat, lon):
    # Connect to an existing database
    lat = float(lat)
    lon = float(lon)

    currentPos = LatLon(lat, lon)
    offsetTop = currentPos.offset(90, 1).lat.to_string('D')
    offsetBottom = currentPos.offset(275, 1).lat.to_string('D')

    offsetRight = currentPos.offset(0, 1).lon.to_string('D')
    offsetLeft = currentPos.offset(270, 1).lon.to_string('D')

    response = ''
    # Open a cursor to perform database operations
    cur = conn.cursor()
    sql = "SELECT * from location WHERE lat between %s and %s"
    # sql = "SELECT * from location WHERE lat between %s and %s and lon between %s and %s"
    # cur.execute(sql, (offsetTop,offsetBottom,offsetRight,offsetLeft))
    cur.execute(sql, (offsetTop, offsetBottom))
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    for row in rows:
        response += '\n' + str(row[0]) + "\t" + str(row[1]) + "\t" + str(
            row[2]) + "\t"
    # Close communication with the database
    return response
예제 #2
파일: views.py 프로젝트: lxn2/food-trucks
    def _get_latlong_range(self, query_lat, query_long, distance):
    	if distance is None:
    		distance = 1
				distance = float(distance)
				print "Cannot convert to number"

    	origin = LatLon(query_lat, query_long)

    	east = origin.offset(90, distance)
    	east_long = float(east.to_string()[1])

    	west = origin.offset(270, distance)
    	west_long = float(west.to_string()[1])

    	north = origin.offset(0, distance)
    	north_last = float(north.to_string()[0])

    	south = origin.offset(180, distance)
    	south_lat = float(south.to_string()[0])

    	return east_long, west_long, north_last, south_lat
예제 #3
def get_way(id):
    lat = request.args.get('lat')
    lng = request.args.get('lng')
    area = request.args.get('area')
    tags = request.args.get('tags')
    tags = tags is not None
    buffer = None

    if area:
        except ValueError:
            area = match_area_id(area)

        buffer = get_area_multipolygon(area)
    elif any([lat, lng]):
        lat = float(lat)
        lng = float(lng)
        radius = float(request.args.get('radius', 100))
        poi = LatLon(lat, lng)
        r_p = poi.offset(90, radius / 1000.0)
        buffer = Point(lng, lat).buffer(abs((float(r_p.lon) - float(poi.lon))),
        buffer = shapely.affinity.scale(buffer, 1.0, 0.75)

    way = get_way_attrs(id, tags, buffer)
    response = jsonify(way)
    response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age={}'.format(MAX_AGE)
    response.headers['Last-Modified'] = format_date_time(
    return response
예제 #4
def buildWedge(location, heading, name):
    wedgeID = makeKey(name) + '_wedge'
    centerPoint = LatLon(location['lat'], location['lon'])
    point1 = centerPoint.offset(buildHeading(heading - (WEDGE_ANGLE / 2.0)),
    point2 = centerPoint.offset(buildHeading(heading + (WEDGE_ANGLE / 2.0)),
    coords = [(centerPoint.lon.decimal_degree, centerPoint.lat.decimal_degree),
              (point1.lon.decimal_degree, point1.lat.decimal_degree),
              (point2.lon.decimal_degree, point2.lat.decimal_degree)]
    wedgeShape = Polygon(coords)
    kmlGeometry = geometry.Geometry(NAME_SPACE,
    return kmlGeometry
예제 #5
파일: app.py 프로젝트: wdoenlen/roboceo
def random_location(lat, lng, radius_km):
	if radius_km <= 0:
		return (lat, lng)

	# TODO(maxhawkins): maybe use a gaussian instead?
	dist = random.uniform(0, radius_km)
	heading = random.uniform(0, 360)

	origin = LatLon(lat, lng)
	dest = origin.offset(heading, dist)

	return (float(dest.lat), float(dest.lon))
예제 #6
def waypoints(coords, step):
    for i in range(1, len(coords)):
        a = LatLon(Latitude(b.point[1]), Longitude(b.point[0]))
        c = LatLon(Latitude(coords[i][1]), Longitude(coords[i][0]))
        while a.distance(c) > step:
            dst = a.offset(a.heading_initial(c), step)
            yield [dst.lon.decimal_degree, dst.lat.decimal_degree]
            a = LatLon(Latitude(b.point[1]), Longitude(b.point[0]))
            c = LatLon(Latitude(coords[i][1]), Longitude(coords[i][0]))

        print "reached waypoint %s" % c
        yield [coords[i][0], coords[i][1]]
예제 #7
def carpet_bomb(x, y, r):
    n = int(round(2 * (r / PELLET_DIST)))

    pellets = [None] * (n * n)

    middle = LatLon(Latitude(x), Longitude(y))

    pelletAlpha = middle.offset(315, r)

    for i in range(0, n):
        pellets[n * i] = pelletAlpha.offset(180, PELLET_DIST * i)
        for j in range(1, n):
            pellets[n * i + j] = pellets[n * i].offset(90, PELLET_DIST * j)

    return pellets
예제 #8

        print("Added geodata to: {0}".format(filename))
    except ValueError, e:
        print("Skipping {0}: {1}".format(filename, e))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) > 3:
        print("Usage: python move_picture.py path offset (in meters)")
        raise IOError("Bad input parameters.")
    path = sys.argv[1]

    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
        offset = float(sys.argv[2])
        print("Offset value is {0} meter(s)".format(offset))

    # list of file tuples sorted by timestamp
    imageList = list_images(path)

    for Img in imageList:
        original_coord = LatLon(Latitude(Img[1]), Longitude(Img[2]))
        new_coord = original_coord.offset(Img[3], (offset / 1000))
        tuple_coord = new_coord.to_string('d%,%m%,%S%,%H')
        list_coord = ",".join(tuple_coord)
        list_coord = list_coord.split(",")
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        write_exif(Img[0], new_coord)
    print("End of Script")
class Navigation(object):
    """Common navigation machinery used by different modules.
    Stores boat position (both lat/long and x/y based on UTM projection), and
    heading, along with apparent wind angle.

    def __init__(self, beating_angle = 45, utm_zone = 30, safety_zone_ll = None, safety_zone_margin = 5):
        beating_angle : Closest absolute angle relative to the wind that we can
        utm_zone : Zone number of the UTM system to use. Southampton is in
            zone 30, Portugal in zone 29. http://www.dmap.co.uk/utmworld.htm
            Distance calculations will be less accurate the further from the
            specified zone you are.
        safety_zone_ll : A series of lat/lon points we should stay within.
        safety_zone_margin : The safety buffer (in metres) to stay inside
            the bounding box.
        self.projection = Proj(proj = 'utm', zone = utm_zone, ellps = 'WGS84')
        self.position_ll = ll = LatLon(50.8, 1.02)
        x, y = self.latlon_to_utm(ll.lat.decimal_degree, ll.lon.decimal_degree)
        self.position_xy = Point(x, y)
        self.heading = 0.
        self.wind_direction = 0.
        self.beating_angle = beating_angle
        self.safety_zone_ll = safety_zone_ll
        self.safety_zone_margin = safety_zone_margin
        if safety_zone_ll:
            self.safety_zone = Polygon([self.latlon_to_utm(*p) for p in safety_zone_ll])
            self.safety_zone_inner = self.safety_zone.buffer(-safety_zone_margin)
            self.safety_zone = self.safety_zone_inner = None
        self.direct = False
        self.task_direct_rudder_control = 0
        self.task_direct_sailsheet_normalized = 0
        self.detected = None
        self.detected_list = []
        self.boat_position = None
        self.relative_position_heading = None
        self.relative_position_distance = None
        self.relative_position = None
        self.relative_position_list = []
        self.relative_position_weight_list = []
        self.ball_position = None

    def update_boat_and_ball(self, msg):
        self.boat_position = LatLon(msg.boat_pos.latitude, msg.boat_pos.longitude)
        self.relative_position_distance = msg.distance
        self.relative_position_heading = msg.heading + self.heading
        if self.relative_position_heading > 360:
            self.relative_position_heading -= 360
        self.relative_position = self.boat_position.offset(self.relative_position_heading,
                                                           self.relative_position_distance / 1000.0)
        self.detected = msg.isDetected and 0.5 < self.relative_position_distance < 8
        if len(self.detected_list) == 20:
            pop = self.detected_list.pop(0)
            if pop:
        if self.detected:
            self.relative_position_weight_list.append(1.0 / (self.relative_position_distance - 0.5))

    def calculate_ball_position(self):
        weight_sum = sum(self.relative_position_weight_list)
        self.ball_position = LatLon(sum([pos.lat.decimal_degree * weight for pos, weight in
                                             self.relative_position_weight_list)]) / weight_sum, sum(
            [pos.lon.decimal_degree * weight for pos, weight in
             zip(self.relative_position_list, self.relative_position_weight_list)]) / weight_sum)
        return self.ball_position

    def update_position(self, msg):
        self.position_ll = LatLon(msg.latitude, msg.longitude)
        x, y = self.latlon_to_utm(msg.latitude, msg.longitude)
        self.position_xy = Point(x, y)

    def latlon_to_utm(self, lat, lon):
        """Returns (x, y) coordinates in metres"""
        return self.projection(lon, lat)

    def utm_to_latlon(self, x, y):
        """Returns a LatLon object"""
        lon, lat = self.projection(x, y, inverse = True)
        return LatLon(lat, lon)

    def update_heading(self, msg):
        self.heading = msg.data

    def update_wind_direction(self, msg):
        self.wind_direction = msg.data

    def absolute_wind_direction(self):
        """Convert apparent wind direction to absolute wind direction"""
        # This assumes that our speed is negligible relative to wind speed.
        return angleSum(self.heading, self.wind_direction)

    def angle_to_wind(self):
        """Calculate angle relative to wind (-180 to 180)

        Angle relative to wind is reversed from wind direction: if the wind is
        coming from 90, the angle relative to the wind is -90.
        wd = self.wind_direction
        if wd > 180:
            wd -= 360
        return -wd

    def heading_to_wind_angle(self, heading):
        """Convert a compass heading (0-360) to an angle relative to the wind (+-180)
        return angle_subtract(heading, self.absolute_wind_direction())

    def wind_angle_to_heading(self, wind_angle):
        """Convert angle relative to the wind (+-180) to a compass heading (0-360).
        return angleSum(self.absolute_wind_direction(), wind_angle)

    def check_safety_zone(self):
        """Check if the boat is within the safety zone.

        0 : Comfortably inside the safety zone (or no safety zone specified)
        1 : Inside the safety zone, but in the margin
        2 : Outside the safety zone
        if self.safety_zone is None:
            return 0

        if self.position_xy.within(self.safety_zone_inner):
            return 0
        if self.position_xy.within(self.safety_zone):
            return 1
        return 2

    def distance_and_heading(self, wp):
        """Calculate the distance and heading from current position to wp.

        wp should both be a shapely.geometry.Point object
        dx = wp.x - self.position_xy.x
        dy = wp.y - self.position_xy.y
        d = (dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) ** 0.5
        h = math.degrees(math.atan2(dx, dy)) % 360
        return d, h
예제 #10
                        for seg_start, seg_end in zip(line_inner.coords[0:-1],
                            # create two LatLong instances
                            seg_start_lat_long = LatLon(
                                seg_start[0], seg_start[1])
                            seg_end_lat_long = LatLon(seg_end[0], seg_end[1])
                            # compute heading from start of segment to end of segment
                            heading = seg_start_lat_long.heading_initial(
                            # offset startpoint perpendicular to heading with given distance
                            # fist towards north, handle negative headings correctly
                            if heading - 90 < 0:
                                heading_north = 270 + heading
                                heading_north = heading - 90
                            offset_north_start = seg_start_lat_long.offset(
                                heading_north, 1.0 * dist / 1000)
                            offset_north_end = seg_end_lat_long.offset(
                                heading_north, 1.0 * dist / 1000)

                                [offset_north_start.lat, offset_north_end.lat])
                                [offset_north_start.lon, offset_north_end.lon])
                            # create new shapely LineString
                            shifted_line = LineString([