예제 #1
    def __init__(self, settings=False, verbose=False):
        Create an AutoInvestor instance
         - settings should be a Settings object that will manage getting
           and saving all user and investment settings.
         - Set verbose to True if you want to see debugging logs
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.logger = util.create_logger(verbose)
        self.app_dir = util.get_app_directory()

        # Create settings object
        if settings is False:
            self.settings = Settings(settings_dir=self.app_dir, logger=self.logger, verbose=self.verbose)
            self.settings = settings
        self.settings.investor = self  # create a link back to this instance
    def __init__(self, settings=False, verbose=False):
        Create an AutoInvestor instance
         - settings should be a Settings object that will manage getting
           and saving all user and investment settings.
         - Set verbose to True if you want to see debugging logs
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.logger = util.create_logger(verbose)

        # Setup user directory
        if os.path.exists(self.app_dir) and not os.path.isdir(self.app_dir):
            raise AutoInvestorError('The path \'{0}\' is not a directory.'.format(self.app_dir))
        elif not os.path.exists(self.app_dir):

        # Create settings object
        if settings is False:
            self.settings = Settings(self.app_dir, self.logger)
            self.settings = settings
        self.settings.investor = self  # create a link back to this instance
class AutoInvestor:
    Regularly check a LendingClub account for available cash and reinvest it

    authed = False
    verbose = False
    settings = None

    # The directory that files will be saved to (settings, cache, logs, etc)
    # ~/.lcinvestor/
    app_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.lcinvestor')

    # The file that the summary from the last investment is saved to
    last_investment_file = 'last_investment.json'

    def __init__(self, settings=False, verbose=False):
        Create an AutoInvestor instance
         - settings should be a Settings object that will manage getting
           and saving all user and investment settings.
         - Set verbose to True if you want to see debugging logs
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.logger = util.create_logger(verbose)

        # Setup user directory
        if os.path.exists(self.app_dir) and not os.path.isdir(self.app_dir):
            raise AutoInvestorError('The path \'{0}\' is not a directory.'.format(self.app_dir))
        elif not os.path.exists(self.app_dir):

        # Create settings object
        if settings is False:
            self.settings = Settings(self.app_dir, self.logger)
            self.settings = settings
        self.settings.investor = self  # create a link back to this instance

    def version(self):
        Return the version number of the Lending Club Investor tool
        this_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        version_file = os.path.join(this_path, 'VERSION')
        return open(version_file).read()

    def setup(self):
        Setup the investor to run

        print "\n///--------------------------- $$$ ---------------------------\\\\\\"
        print '|    Welcome to the unofficial Lending Club investment tool     |'
        print " ---------------------------------------------------------------- \n"

        if self.verbose:
            print 'VERBOSE OUTPUT IS ON\n'

        # Auth settings
        print 'To start, we need to log you into Lending Club (your password will never be saved)\n'
        while True:

            print '\nAuthenticating...'
            if self.authenticate():
                print "\nCould not authenticate, please try again"

        print 'Success!\n'
        print 'You have ${0} in your account, free to invest\n'.format(self.get_cash_balance())

        # Investment settings
        if self.authed:
            print 'Now that you\'re signed in, let\'s define what you want to do\n'

            # Use the settings from last time
            if self.settings.investing['minPercent'] is not False and self.settings.investing['maxPercent'] is not False:
                self.settings.show_summary('Prior Settings')

                if util.prompt_yn('Would you like to use these settings from last time?', 'y'):
                    self.settings.save()  # to save the email that was just entered

            # All ready to start running
            print '\nThat\'s all we need. Now, as long as this is running, your account will be checked every {0} minutes and invested if enough funds are available.\n'.format(self.settings['frequency'])

    def run(self):
        Start the auto investor loop which will regularly check the LendingClub account for funds to invest.
        The frequency is defined by the 'frequency' value in the ~/.lcinvestor/settings.yaml file

    def prepare_filter_json(self):
        DEPRECATED. Use util.get_filter_json()
        Convert the filter dictionary into the JSON that LendingClub expects

        # Start with JSON from LendingClub that has all options
        baseJson = json.loads('[{"m_id":39,"m_metadata":{"m_controlValues":[{"value":"Year3","label":"36-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0},{"value":"Year5","label":"60-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":1}],"m_type":"MVAL","m_rep":"CHKBOX","m_label":"Term (36 - 60 month)","id":39,"m_onHoverHelp":"Select the loan maturities you are interested to invest in","m_className":"classname","m_defaultValue":[{"value":"Year3","label":"36-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0},{"value":"Year5","label":"60-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":1}]},"m_value":[{"value":"Year3","label":"36-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0},{"value":"Year5","label":"60-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":1}],"m_visible":false,"m_position":0},{"m_id":38,"m_metadata":{"m_controlValues":[{"value":true,"label":"Exclude loans invested in","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0}],"m_type":"SVAL","m_rep":"CHKBOX","m_label":"Exclude Loans already invested in","id":38,"m_onHoverHelp":"Use this filter to exclude loans from a borrower that you have already invested in.","m_className":"classname","m_defaultValue":[{"value":true,"label":"Exclude loans invested in","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0}]},"m_value":[{"value":true,"label":"Exclude loans invested in","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0}],"m_visible":false,"m_position":0},{"m_id":10,"m_metadata":{"m_controlValues":[{"value":"All","label":"All","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0},{"value":"D","label":"<span class=\\"grades d-loan-grade\\">D</span> 18.76%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":1},{"value":"A","label":"<span class=\\"grades a-loan-grade\\">A</span> 7.41%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":2},{"value":"E","label":"<span class=\\"grades e-loan-grade\\">E</span> 21.49%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":3},{"value":"B","label":"<span class=\\"grades b-loan-grade\\">B</span> 12.12%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":4},{"value":"F","label":"<span class=\\"grades f-loan-grade\\">F</span> 23.49%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":5},{"value":"C","label":"<span class=\\"grades c-loan-grade\\">C</span> 15.80%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":6},{"value":"G","label":"<span class=\\"grades g-loan-grade\\">G</span> 24.84%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":7}],"m_type":"MVAL","m_rep":"CHKBOX","m_label":"Interest Rate","id":10,"m_onHoverHelp":"Specify the interest rate ranges of the notes  you are willing to invest in.","m_className":"short","m_defaultValue":[{"value":"All","label":"All","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0}]},"m_value":[{"value":"D","label":"<span class=\\"grades d-loan-grade\\">D</span> 18.76%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":1},{"value":"A","label":"<span class=\\"grades a-loan-grade\\">A</span> 7.41%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":2},{"value":"E","label":"<span class=\\"grades e-loan-grade\\">E</span> 21.49%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":3},{"value":"B","label":"<span class=\\"grades b-loan-grade\\">B</span> 12.12%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":4},{"value":"F","label":"<span class=\\"grades f-loan-grade\\">F</span> 23.49%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":5},{"value":"C","label":"<span class=\\"grades c-loan-grade\\">C</span> 15.80%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":6},{"value":"G","label":"<span class=\\"grades g-loan-grade\\">G</span> 24.84%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":7}],"m_visible":false,"m_position":0},{"m_id":37,"m_metadata":{"m_controlValues":null,"m_type":"SVAL","m_rep":"TEXTBOX","m_label":"Keyword","id":37,"m_onHoverHelp":"Type any keyword","m_className":"classname","m_defaultValue":[]},"m_value":null,"m_visible":false,"m_position":0}]')
        sendJson = list(baseJson)

        # No filters set
        if not self.settings['filters']:
            return False

        # Walk through the JSON that has ALL settings and remove the ones we've marked as False
        for i, field in enumerate(sendJson):
            fieldId = field['m_id']

            # Replace m_value with m_controlValues
            if type(field['m_metadata']['m_controlValues']) is list:
                field['m_value'] = list(field['m_metadata']['m_controlValues'])

            fieldValues = field['m_value']

            # Term (36 - 60 month)
            if fieldId == 39:

                v = 0
                while(v < len(fieldValues)):
                    value = fieldValues[v]
                    if value['value'] == 'Year3' and not self.settings['filters']['term36month']:
                        del fieldValues[v]
                    elif value['value'] == 'Year5' and not self.settings['filters']['term60month']:
                        del fieldValues[v]

                    # Only increment if nothing was removed (removing changes the index)
                        v += 1

            # Exclude Loans already invested in
            elif fieldId == 38:
                if not self.settings['filters']['exclude_existing']:
                    del fieldValues[0]

            # Interest rate grades
            elif fieldId == 10:

                v = 0
                while(v < len(fieldValues)):
                    value = fieldValues[v]
                    valName = value['value']

                    # Match the All, A - G to the Grade filters, if False, remove
                    # if All is True, remove everything but the All field
                    if self.settings['filters']['grades'][valName] is False or (self.settings['filters']['grades']['All'] is True and valName != 'All'):
                        del fieldValues[v]
                        v -= 1

                    # Increment
                    v += 1

        sendJson = json.dumps(sendJson)
        #sendJson = sendJson.replace('"', '\\"')
        print sendJson
        #return '[{"m_id":39,"m_metadata":{"m_controlValues":[{"value":"Year3","label":"36-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0},{"value":"Year5","label":"60-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":1}],"m_type":"MVAL","m_rep":"CHKBOX","m_label":"Term (36 - 60 month)","id":39,"m_onHoverHelp":"Select the loan maturities you are interested to invest in","m_className":"classname","m_defaultValue":[{"value":"Year3","label":"36-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0},{"value":"Year5","label":"60-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":1}]},"m_value":[{"value":"Year3","label":"36-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0},{"value":"Year5","label":"60-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":1}],"m_visible":false,"m_position":0},{"m_id":38,"m_metadata":{"m_controlValues":[{"value":true,"label":"Exclude loans invested in","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0}],"m_type":"SVAL","m_rep":"CHKBOX","m_label":"Exclude Loans already invested in","id":38,"m_onHoverHelp":"Use this filter to exclude loans from a borrower that you have already invested in.","m_className":"classname","m_defaultValue":[{"value":true,"label":"Exclude loans invested in","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0}]},"m_value":[{"value":true,"label":"Exclude loans invested in","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0}],"m_visible":false,"m_position":0},{"m_id":10,"m_metadata":{"m_controlValues":[{"value":"All","label":"All","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0},{"value":"D","label":"<span class=\\"grades d-loan-grade\\">D</span> 18.76%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":1},{"value":"A","label":"<span class=\\"grades a-loan-grade\\">A</span> 7.41%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":2},{"value":"E","label":"<span class=\\"grades e-loan-grade\\">E</span> 21.49%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":3},{"value":"B","label":"<span class=\\"grades b-loan-grade\\">B</span> 12.12%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":4},{"value":"F","label":"<span class=\\"grades f-loan-grade\\">F</span> 23.49%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":5},{"value":"C","label":"<span class=\\"grades c-loan-grade\\">C</span> 15.80%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":6},{"value":"G","label":"<span class=\\"grades g-loan-grade\\">G</span> 24.84%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":7}],"m_type":"MVAL","m_rep":"CHKBOX","m_label":"Interest Rate","id":10,"m_onHoverHelp":"Specify the interest rate ranges of the notes  you are willing to invest in.","m_className":"short","m_defaultValue":[{"value":"All","label":"All","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0}]},"m_value":[{"value":"A","label":"<span class=\\"grades a-loan-grade\\">A</span> 7.41%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":2},{"value":"B","label":"<span class=\\"grades b-loan-grade\\">B</span> 12.12%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":4},{"value":"C","label":"<span class=\\"grades c-loan-grade\\">C</span> 15.80%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":6}],"m_visible":false,"m_position":0},{"m_id":37,"m_metadata":{"m_controlValues":null,"m_type":"SVAL","m_rep":"TEXTBOX","m_label":"Keyword","id":37,"m_onHoverHelp":"Type any keyword","m_className":"classname","m_defaultValue":[]},"m_value":null,"m_visible":false,"m_position":0}]'
        return sendJson

    def browse_notes(self):
        Sends the filters to the Browse Notes API and returns a JSON of the notes found

            # Get all investment options
            filters = util.get_filter_json(self.settings['filters'])
            print 'Filter!\n', filters
            if filters is False:
                filters = 'default'
            payload = {
                'method': 'search',
                'filter': filters
                #'filter': '[{"m_id":39,"m_metadata":{"m_controlValues":[{"value":"Year3","label":"36-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0},{"value":"Year5","label":"60-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":1}],"m_type":"MVAL","m_rep":"CHKBOX","m_label":"Term (36 - 60 month)","id":39,"m_onHoverHelp":"Select the loan maturities you are interested to invest in","m_className":"classname","m_defaultValue":[{"value":"Year3","label":"36-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0},{"value":"Year5","label":"60-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":1}]},"m_value":[{"value":"Year3","label":"36-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0},{"value":"Year5","label":"60-month","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":1}],"m_visible":false,"m_position":0},{"m_id":38,"m_metadata":{"m_controlValues":[{"value":true,"label":"Exclude loans invested in","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0}],"m_type":"SVAL","m_rep":"CHKBOX","m_label":"Exclude Loans already invested in","id":38,"m_onHoverHelp":"Use this filter to exclude loans from a borrower that you have already invested in.","m_className":"classname","m_defaultValue":[{"value":true,"label":"Exclude loans invested in","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0}]},"m_value":[{"value":true,"label":"Exclude loans invested in","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0}],"m_visible":false,"m_position":0},{"m_id":10,"m_metadata":{"m_controlValues":[{"value":"All","label":"All","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0},{"value":"D","label":"<span class=\\"grades d-loan-grade\\">D</span> 18.76%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":1},{"value":"A","label":"<span class=\\"grades a-loan-grade\\">A</span> 7.41%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":2},{"value":"E","label":"<span class=\\"grades e-loan-grade\\">E</span> 21.49%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":3},{"value":"B","label":"<span class=\\"grades b-loan-grade\\">B</span> 12.12%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":4},{"value":"F","label":"<span class=\\"grades f-loan-grade\\">F</span> 23.49%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":5},{"value":"C","label":"<span class=\\"grades c-loan-grade\\">C</span> 15.80%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":6},{"value":"G","label":"<span class=\\"grades g-loan-grade\\">G</span> 24.84%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":7}],"m_type":"MVAL","m_rep":"CHKBOX","m_label":"Interest Rate","id":10,"m_onHoverHelp":"Specify the interest rate ranges of the notes  you are willing to invest in.","m_className":"short","m_defaultValue":[{"value":"All","label":"All","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":0}]},"m_value":[{"value":"A","label":"<span class=\\"grades a-loan-grade\\">A</span> 7.41%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":2},{"value":"B","label":"<span class=\\"grades b-loan-grade\\">B</span> 12.12%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":4},{"value":"C","label":"<span class=\\"grades c-loan-grade\\">C</span> 15.80%","sqlValue":null,"valueIndex":6}],"m_visible":false,"m_position":0},{"m_id":37,"m_metadata":{"m_controlValues":null,"m_type":"SVAL","m_rep":"TEXTBOX","m_label":"Keyword","id":37,"m_onHoverHelp":"Type any keyword","m_className":"classname","m_defaultValue":[]},"m_value":null,"m_visible":false,"m_position":0}]'
            response = util.post_url('/browse/browseNotesAj.action', data=payload)
            jsonRes = response.json()
            return jsonRes

        except Exception as e:
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
            traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=10, file=sys.stdout)
            return False

    def validate_option(self, option):
        Validate a chosen investment option by the advanced filters
        ok = True
        filters = self.settings['filters']

        # No advanced filters
        if filters is False:
            return True

        # Check grades
        if filters['grades']['All'] is not True:
            for grade in filters['grades']:
                value = filters['grades'][grade]
                grade = grade.lower()

                # Has notes in a grade that should be excluded
                if value is False and grade in option and option[grade] > 0:
                    ok = False

        # Check terms
        if filters['term36month'] is False and 'percent_of_year3_loans' in option and option['percent_of_year3_loans'] > 0:
            ok = False
        if filters['term60month'] is False and 'percent_of_year5_loans' in option and option['percent_of_year5_loans'] > 0:
            ok = False

        # Did not pass!
        if not ok:
            self.logger.error('The investment options found did not match your term or grade requirements. It seems like the advanced filtering code might be broken! Either fix the code or stop using the advanced filters.')

        return ok

    def get_investment_option(self, cash):
        When investing, lending club provides a list of investment portfolio options, all with different
        diversification of loan classes which come out to an average percent return.

        This method returns an investment option that best matches your available cash and min/max
        percentage (defined in investing) desired. If there are multiple options between min & max,
        the one closest to max will be chosen.
            maxPercent = self.settings['maxPercent']
            minPercent = self.settings['minPercent']

            # Get all investment options
            filters = util.get_filter_json(self.settings['filters'])
            if filters is False:
                filters = 'default'
            payload = {
                'amount': cash,
                'max_per_note': 0,
                'filter': filters
            response = util.post_url('/portfolio/lendingMatchOptionsV2.action', data=payload)
            json = response.json()

            if json['result'] == 'success' and 'lmOptions' in json:
                options = json['lmOptions']
                lastOption = False

                # Loop through all the investment options
                i = 0
                for option in options:
                    option['optIndex'] = i

                    # A perfect match
                    if option['percentage'] == maxPercent:
                        return option

                    # Over the max
                    elif option['percentage'] > maxPercent:

                    # Over the minimum
                    elif option['percentage'] >= minPercent:
                        lastOption = option

                    i += 1

                # If the perfect match wasn't found, return the last
                # option that was under the maximum percent
                return lastOption
                self.logger.error('Could not get investment portfolio options! Server responded with: {0}'.format(response.text))
                return False

        except Exception as e:

        return False

    def get_option_summary(self, investmentOption):
        Log a summary of the investment option which was ordered
        summary = 'Investment portfolio summary: {0} loan notes. '.format(investmentOption['numberOfLoans'])

        breakdown = []
        for grade in ['a', 'aa', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']:
            if investmentOption[grade] > 0.0:
                percent = int(round(investmentOption[grade]))
                grade = grade.upper()
                breakdown.append('{0}% in {1}'.format(percent, grade))

        if len(breakdown) > 0:
            summary += ', '.join(breakdown)
            summary += '.'

        return summary

    def get_strut_token(self):
        Get the struts token from the place order page
        strutToken = ''
            response = util.get_url('/portfolio/placeOrder.action')
            soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html5lib")
            strutTokenTag = soup.find('input', {'name': 'struts.token'})
            if strutTokenTag:
                strutToken = strutTokenTag['value']
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.warning('Could not get struts token. Error message: {0}'.filter(str(e)))

        return strutToken

    def prepare_investment_order(self, cash, investmentOption):
        Submit an investment request for with an investment portfolio option selected from get_investment_option()

        # Place the order
            if 'optIndex' not in investmentOption:
                self.logger.error('The \'optIndex\' key is not present in investmentOption passed to sendInvestment()! This value is set when selecting the option from get_investment_option()')
                return False

            # Prepare the order (don't process response)
            payload = {
                'order_amount': cash,
                'lending_match_point': investmentOption['optIndex'],
                'lending_match_version': 'v2'
            util.get_url('/portfolio/recommendPortfolio.action', params=payload)

            # Get struts token
            return self.get_strut_token()

        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error('Could not complete your order (although, it might have gone through): {0}'.format(str(e)))

        return False

    def place_order(self, strutToken, cash, investmentOption):
        Place the order and get the order number, loan ID from the resulting HTML -- then assign to a portfolio
        The cash parameter is the amount of money invest in this order
        The investmentOption parameter is the investment portfolio returned by get_investment_option()

        orderID = 0
        loanIDs = []

        # Process order confirmation page
            payload = {}
            if strutToken:
                payload['struts.token.name'] = 'struts.token'
                payload['struts.token'] = strutToken
            response = util.post_url('/portfolio/orderConfirmed.action', data=payload)

            # Process HTML
            html = response.text
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

            # Order num
            orderField = soup.find(id='order_id')
            if orderField:
                orderID = int(orderField['value'])

            # Load ID
            loanTags = soup.find_all('td', {'class': 'loan_id'})
            for tag in loanTags:

            # Print status message
            if orderID == 0:
                self.logger.error('An investment order was submitted, but a confirmation could not be determined')
                self.logger.info('Order #{0} was successfully submitted for ${1} at {2}%'.format(orderID, cash, investmentOption['percentage']))

            # Print order summary
            orderSummary = self.get_option_summary(investmentOption)

        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error('Could not get your order number or loan ID from the order confirmation. Err Message: {0}'.format(str(e)))

        return (orderID, loanIDs)

    def assign_to_portfolio(self, orderID=0, loanIDs=[], returnJson=False):
        Assign an order to a the portfolio named in the investing dictionary.
        If returnJson is True, this method will return the JSON returned from the server (this is primarily for unit testing)
        Otherwise it returns the name of the portfolio the order was assigned to or False

        # Assign to portfolio
        resText = ''
            if not self.settings['portfolio']:
                return True

            if len(loanIDs) != 0 and orderID != 0:

                # Data
                orderIDs = [orderID]*len(loanIDs)  # 1 order ID per record
                postData = {
                    'loan_id': loanIDs,
                    'record_id': loanIDs,
                    'order_id': orderIDs
                paramData = {
                    'method': 'addToLCPortfolio',
                    'lcportfolio_name': self.settings['portfolio']

                # New portfolio
                folioList = self.get_portfolio_list()
                if self.settings['portfolio'] not in folioList:
                    paramData['method'] = 'createLCPortfolio'

                # Send
                response = util.post_url('/data/portfolioManagement', params=paramData, data=postData)
                resText = response.text
                resJson = response.json()

                if returnJson is True:
                    return resJson

                # Failed if the response is not 200 or JSON result is not success
                if response.status_code != 200 or resJson['result'] != 'success':
                    self.logger.error('Could not assign order #{0} to portfolio \'{1}: Server responded with {2}\''.format(str(orderID), self.settings['portfolio'], response.text))

                # Success

                    # Assigned to another portfolio, for some reason, raise warning
                    if 'portfolioName' in resJson and resJson['portfolioName'] != self.settings['portfolio']:
                        self.logger.warning('Added order #{0} to portfolio "{1}" - NOT - "{2}", and I don\'t know why'.format(str(orderID), resJson['portfolioName'], self.settings['portfolio']))
                    # Assigned to the correct portfolio
                        self.logger.info('Added order #{0} to portfolio "{1}"'.format(str(orderID), self.settings['portfolio']))

                    return resJson['portfolioName']

        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error('Could not assign order #{0} to portfolio \'{1}\': {2} -- {3}'.format(orderID, self.settings['portfolio'], str(e), resText))

        return False

    def get_cash_balance(self):
        Returns the cash balance available to invest
        cash = -1
            response = util.get_url('/browse/cashBalanceAj.action')
            json = response.json()

            if json['result'] == 'success':
                self.logger.debug('Cash available: {0}'.format(json['cashBalance']))
                cash = util.currency_to_float(json['cashBalance'])
                self.logger.error('Could not get cash balance: {0}'.format(response.text))

        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.error('Could not get the cash balance on the account: {0}\nJSON: {1}'.format(str(e), response.text))

        return cash

    def attempt_to_invest(self):
        Attempt an investment if there is enough available cash and matching investment option
        Returns true if money was invested

        # Authenticate
        if self.authenticate():
            self.logger.error('Could not authenticate')
            return False

        # Try to invest
        self.logger.info('Checking for funds to invest...')
            # Get current cash balance
            allCash = self.get_cash_balance()
            if allCash > 0:

                # Find closest cash amount divisible by $25
                cash = int(allCash)
                while cash % 25 != 0:
                    cash -= 1

                # Invest
                self.logger.debug('Cash to invest: ${0} (of ${1} total)'.format(cash, allCash))
                if cash >= self.settings['minCash']:
                    self.logger.info('Attempting to investing ${0}'.format(cash))
                    option = self.get_investment_option(cash)

                    # Submit investment
                    if option and self.validate_option(option):
                        self.logger.info('Auto investing your available cash (${0}) at {1}%...'.format(cash, option['percentage']))
                        sleep(5)  # last chance to cancel

                        # Prepare the investment and place the order
                        strutToken = self.prepare_investment_order(cash, option)
                        if strutToken:
                            (orderID, loanIDs) = self.place_order(strutToken, cash, option)
                            if orderID > 0 and len(loanIDs) > 0:
                                assigned_to = self.assign_to_portfolio(orderID, loanIDs)
                                self.save_last_investment(cash=cash, order=orderID, portfolio=assigned_to, investmentOption=option)
                                return True

                        # If we haven't returned by now, there must have been an error
                        self.logger.error('Errors occurred. Will try again in {0} minutes\n'.format(self.settings['frequency']))
                        return False

                        self.logger.warning('No investment options are available at this time for portfolios between {0}% - {1}% -- Trying again in {2} minutes'.format(self.settings['minPercent'], self.settings['maxPercent'], self.settings['frequency']))
                    self.logger.info('Only ${0} available'.format(allCash))
                    return False

        except Exception as e:

        return False

    def save_last_investment(self, cash, investmentOption, order=None, portfolio=None):
        Save a log of the last investment to the last_investment file
            last_invested = {
                'timestamp': int(time.time()),
                'orderID': order,
                'portfolio': portfolio,
                'cash': cash,
                'investment': investmentOption

            # Convert to JSON
            json_out = json.dumps(last_invested)
            self.logger.debug('Saving last investment file with JSON: {0}'.format(json_out))

            # Save
            file_path = os.path.join(self.app_dir, self.last_investment_file)
            f = open(file_path, 'w')
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.warning('Couldn\'t save the investment summary to file (this warning can be ignored). {0}'.format(str(e)))

    def get_last_investment(self):
        Return the last investment summary that has been saved to the last_investment file
            file_path = os.path.join(self.app_dir, self.last_investment_file)
            if os.path.exists(file_path):

                # Read file
                f = open(file_path, 'r')
                json_str = f.read()

                # Convert to dictionary and return
                return json.loads(json_str)

        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.warning('Couldn\'t read the last investment file. {0}'.format(str(e)))

        return None

    def investment_loop(self):
        Check the account every so often (default is every 60 minutes)

            # Sleep for a time and then authenticate and move to the main loop
            frequency = self.settings.user_settings['frequency'] * 60

    def authenticate(self):
        Attempt to authenticate the user with the email/pass in the investing dictionary.
        Returns True/False

        payload = {
            'login_email': self.settings.auth['email'],
            'login_password': self.settings.auth['pass']
        response = util.post_url('/account/login.action', data=payload, useCookies=False)

        if (response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 302) and 'LC_FIRSTNAME' in response.cookies:
            self.authed = True
            util.cookies = response.cookies
            return True

        self.logger.error('Authentication returned {0}. Cookies: {1}'.format(response.status_code, str(response.cookies.keys())))
        return False

    def get_portfolio_list(self):
        Return the list of portfolio names from the server
        foliosNames = []
            response = util.get_url('/data/portfolioManagement?method=getLCPortfolios')
            json = response.json()

            # Get portfolios and create a list of names
            if json['result'] == 'success':
                folios = json['results']
                for folio in folios:

        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.warning('Could not get list of portfolios for this account. Error message: {0}'.format(str(e)))

        return foliosNames
sys.path.insert(0, '.')
sys.path.insert(0, '../')
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
import LendingClubInvestor
from LendingClubInvestor.settings import Settings
from LendingClubInvestor import util

base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
app_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, '.folio_picker_test')

settings = Settings(settings_dir=app_dir)
investor = LendingClubInvestor.AutoInvestor(settings=settings, verbose=True)
investor.get_portfolio_list = lambda: ['apple', 'bar', 'foo']

With default option
while True:
    chosen = settings.portfolio_picker('default')
    print 'You chose: {0}\n'.format(chosen)

    if not util.prompt_yn('Again?', 'y'):
