def __init__(self, color: Vector, strength: float, position: Point3D, direction: Point3D, fov: float, isCircular: bool): Light.__init__(self, color, strength) self.position = position self.direction = direction self.fov = fov self.isCircular = isCircular
def __init__(self): Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "DirectionalLight") self._spacing = 0.6 self.radius = 99999999999.0 self.position = Vec3(0) self.bounds = OmniBoundingVolume()
def __init__(self): """ Creates a new point light. Remember to set a position and a radius """ Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "PointLight") self.spacing = 0.5 self.bufferRadius = 0.0 self.typeName = "PointLight"
def __init__(self): """ Constructs a new directional light. You have to set a direction for this light to work properly""" Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "DirectionalLight") self.typeName = "DirectionalLight" # A directional light is always visible self.bounds = OmniBoundingVolume()
def __init__(self, lightName, lightNum, ambient = Light.ambientDefault, diffuse = Light.diffuseDefault, specular = Light.specularDefault, direction = directionDefault): Light.__init__(self, lightName, lightNum, ambient, diffuse, specular) self.__direction = Vec3d(direction[0], direction[1], direction[2], 0.0)
def __init__(self): """ Constructs a new directional light. You have to set a direction for this light to work properly""" Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "GIHelperLight") self.typeName = "GIHelperLight" self.targetLight = None self.filmSize = 50 self.bounds = OmniBoundingVolume()
def __init__(self): """ Constructs a new directional light. You have to set a direction for this light to work properly""" Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "DirectionalLight") self.typeName = "DirectionalLight" self.splitCount = 4 self.pssmTargetCam = None self.pssmTargetLens = None self.pssmFarPlane = 100.0 self.pssmSplitPow = 2.0 self.updateIndex = 0 # A directional light is always visible self.bounds = OmniBoundingVolume()
def __init__(self, lightName, lightNum, ambient = Light.ambientDefault, diffuse = Light.diffuseDefault, specular = Light.specularDefault, position = positionDefault, atConstant = constantAttenuationDefault, atLinear = linearAttenuationDefault, atQuadratic = quadraticAttnuationDefault): Light.__init__(self, lightName, lightNum, ambient, diffuse, specular) self.__position = Vec3d(position[0], position[1], position[2], 1) self.__atConstant = atConstant self.__atLinear = atLinear self.__atQuadratic = atQuadratic
def __init__(self): """ Creates a new spot light. """ Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "SpotLight") self.typeName = "SpotLight" self.nearPlane = 0.5 self.radius = 30.0 self.spotSize = Vec2(30, 30) # Used to compute the MVP self.ghostCamera = Camera("PointLight") self.ghostCamera.setActive(False) self.ghostLens = PerspectiveLens() self.ghostLens.setFov(130) self.ghostCamera.setLens(self.ghostLens) self.ghostCameraNode = NodePath(self.ghostCamera) self.ghostCameraNode.reparentTo(Globals.render) self.ghostCameraNode.hide()
def __init__(self): """ Constructs a new directional light. You have to set a direction for this light to work properly""" Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "DirectionalLight") self.typeName = "DirectionalLight" # If you change the split count, change DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT_SPLIT_COUNTS # in Shader/Includes/Configuration.include aswell! This is hardcoded # to improve performance self.splitCount = 5 self.pssmTargetCam = self.pssmTargetLens = Globals.base.camLens self.pssmFarPlane = 150.0 self.pssmSplitPow = 2.0 self.updateIndex = 0 # A directional light is always visible self.bounds = OmniBoundingVolume()
def __init__(self): """ Constructs a new directional light. """ Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "DirectionalLight") self.typeName = "DirectionalLight" # If you change the split count, change DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT_SPLIT_COUNTS # in Shader/Includes/Configuration.include aswell! This is hardcoded # to improve performance self.splitCount = 6 self.pssmTargetCam = self.pssmTargetLens = Globals.base.camLens self.pssmFarPlane = 150 self.pssmSplitPow = 2.0 self.sunDistance = 7000 self.updateIndex = 0 # A directional light is always visible self.bounds = OmniBoundingVolume()
def __init__(self, color:Color, strength:float, sceneObject:SceneObject): Light.__init__(self, color, strength) self.sceneObject = sceneObject
def __init__(self, color: Color, strength: float, position: Point3D): Light.__init__(self, color, strength) self.position = position
def __init__(self, color: Vector, strength: float, direction: Vector): Light.__init__(self, color, strength) self.direction = direction
def __init__(self): Light.__init__(self) DebugObject.__init__(self, "PointLight") self._spacing = 0.6 self._bufferRadius = 1.0 self.typeName = "PointLight"