def daemon_start(pid_file): def handle_exit(signum, _): if signum == signal.SIGTERM: sys.exit(0) sys.exit(1) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_exit) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_exit) # fork only once because we are sure parent will exit pid = os.fork() assert pid != -1 if pid > 0: # parent waits for its child time.sleep(5) sys.exit(0) # child signals its parent to exit ppid = os.getppid() pid = os.getpid() if write_pid_file(pid_file, pid) != 0: Log.e(MAIN_TAG, "write_pid_file() failed, pid = " + str(pid)) os.kill(ppid, signal.SIGINT) sys.exit(1) os.setsid() signal.signal(signal.SIG_IGN, signal.SIGHUP) Log.d(MAIN_TAG, 'started') os.kill(ppid, signal.SIGTERM) sys.stdin.close()
def doQuery(self, checkin_date, checkout_dates, time_title): """ the entry for build and execute a home api query :param checkin_date: the date when u are going to check in. :param checkout_dates: multiple checkout dates for enumerating the home info as completable as possible :param time_title: :return: """ Log.d(SearchService.TAG, "===> querying on " + getDateStr()) storageService = StorageService(self._config.localStoragePath) try: for (cityName, cityList) in self._config.cityList.items(): retry_time = 0 while retry_time < 3: homeInfoCollection = dict() for city in cityList: for checkout_date in checkout_dates: for adults in [1, 2]: self.tryGetHomeInfo(checkin_date, checkout_date, homeInfoCollection, adults, city) if len(homeInfoCollection) > 0: roomInfos = [x for (_, x) in homeInfoCollection.items()] storageService.saveOrUpdateRoomBatch(roomInfos) analyze, excelRet = self.performAnalyze(roomInfos, cityName, storageService, time_title) self.analyzeCollection.append(analyze) self.forExcel.append(excelRet) break else: retry_time += 1 Log.w(SearchService.TAG, "no data for query={0}, will retry for {1}th time".format(cityName, retry_time)) time.sleep(self._queryIntervalForFailInSec) # take your time to do it except BaseException as e: Log.w(SearchService.TAG, "doQuery() failed, ", str(e) + "\r\nexception detail:" + traceback.format_exc()) finally: storageService.close()
def daemon_stop(pid_file): import errno try: with open(pid_file) as f: buf = pid = Utils.to_str(buf) if not buf: Log.e(MAIN_TAG, 'not running') except IOError as e: Log.e(MAIN_TAG, "daemon_stop() fail", e) if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # always exit 0 if we are sure daemon is not running Log.e(MAIN_TAG, 'not running') return sys.exit(1) pid = int(pid) if pid > 0: try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ESRCH: Log.e(MAIN_TAG, 'not running') # always exit 0 if we are sure daemon is not running return Log.e(MAIN_TAG, "daemon_stop() fail", e) sys.exit(1) else: Log.e(MAIN_TAG, 'pid is not positive: ' + str(pid)) # sleep for maximum 10s for i in range(0, 200): try: # query for the pid os.kill(pid, 0) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ESRCH: break time.sleep(0.05) else: Log.e(MAIN_TAG, 'timed out when stopping pid ' + str(pid)) sys.exit(1) Log.d(MAIN_TAG, 'stopped') os.unlink(pid_file)
def retrieveHomeData(self, query, originReturn, homeInfoCollection): ''' pagenationMeta is like "paginationMetadata":{ "__typename":"DoraExploreV3PaginationMetadata", "hasNextPage":true, "itemsOffset":40, "sectionOffset":3, "hasPreviousPage":true, "previousPageSectionOffset":0, "previousPageItemsOffset":0, "searchSessionId":"d91045aa-0d95-49ba-ad44-0d7bcf8b2813", "pageLimit":20, "totalCount":"124" } ''' Log.d(SearchService.TAG, "analyzing " + query) sections = originReturn["data"]["dora"]["exploreV3"]["filters"]["sections"] pagination = originReturn["data"]["dora"]["exploreV3"]["metadata"]["paginationMetadata"] if sections and len(sections) > 0: # if pagination: # print("has_next_page = " + str(pagination["has_next_page"])) # print("items_offset = " + str(pagination.get("items_offset"))) # print("section_offset = " + str(pagination.get("section_offset"))) for item in sections: if item and item["__typename"] == "DoraExploreV3ListingsSection": real_homes = item["items"] Log.d(SearchService.TAG, str(len(real_homes)) + " rooms for " + query) for roomItem in real_homes: roomInfo = RoomInfo.parseFromDict(roomItem, query) if roomInfo: homeInfoCollection[roomInfo.roomId] = roomInfo else: Log.w(SearchService.TAG, "explore_tabs is empty") return pagination
def HttpGetRequest(host, url, decode='utf-8'): """HTTP/HTTPS GET 方法""" try: if host.startswith("https://"): connect = httplib.HTTPSConnection host = host[8:] elif host.startswith("http://"): connect = httplib.HTTPConnection host = host[7:] else: connect = httplib.HTTPConnection with closing(connect(host)) as conn: conn.request(method="GET", url=url) response = conn.getresponse() if response.status != httplib.OK: return None res = res = res.decode(decode, 'ignore').strip() return res except Exception as e: Log.d(TAG, e)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 测试日志辅助类 import sys sys.path.append("../") from LogHelper import Log TAG = "Test" Log.d(TAG, "Hello") Log.e(TAG, "World!") Log.i(TAG, "Hehe") Log.w(TAG, "XXXX")