def __updateCollisions(self): """This is a private method, and should only be called from the public update() method. Discovers collisions and determines merges.""" for focus in self.foci.values(): if focus.isEnabled: collisions = {} for i in xrange(len(focus.perimeter)): perimeterCell = focus.perimeter[i] perimeterNeighbours = Worldspace.getMooreNeighbours(, perimeterCell.location, EpithelialStates.INFECTION_DEATH) for neighbour in perimeterNeighbours: if neighbour.focusId != perimeterCell.focusId: if collisions.has_key(neighbour.focusId): if not (neighbour.location in collisions[neighbour.focusId]): collisions[neighbour.focusId].append( neighbour.location) else: continue else: collisions[neighbour.focusId] = [ neighbour.location ] for collisionList in collisions.values(): collisionCount = len(collisionList) if collisionCount > ( len(focus.perimeter) * (FocusSystem.COLLISION_MERGE_PERCENTAGE / 100.0) if len(focus.perimeter) * (FocusSystem.COLLISION_MERGE_PERCENTAGE / 100.0) > 1 else 1): focus.isEnabled = False if FocusSystem.DEBUG_TEXT_ENABLED: Log.out("Merge detected on Focus #%s" % self.mergeDetected.append(focus)
def run(self, settings): """Main loop.""" self.avgFociAreaMM2 = None if Graph.SHOW: data = SimulationData() graph = OverallSimulationDataGraph() graph.setXMeasurement('hours') graph.setTimestepsInXMeasurement(6) fociAreaGraph = FociAreaGraph() #fociAreaGraph = FociAreaGraph(True, Worldspace.GRID_WIDTH, Worldspace.GRID_HEIGHT) fociAreaGraph.setXMeasurement('hours') fociAreaGraph.setTimestepsInXMeasurement(6) if SimVis.ENABLED: q.put((simVis.display, (), {})) self.numberOfRuns = settings["iNumberOfRuns"] self.runTime = settings["iRunTime"] self.debugTextEnabled = settings["bDebugTextEnabled"] #initialise runs run = 0 while run < self.numberOfRuns: if self.debugTextEnabled: startTime = time.clock() Log.out("Start time: %s" % startTime) #re-initialize world and systems if not on the initial run world = [] for x in xrange(Worldspace.GRID_WIDTH): world.append([]) for y in xrange(Worldspace.GRID_HEIGHT): world[x].append(Worldsite(Vector2d(x, y))) eSys = Systems.EpithelialSystem(world) immSys = Systems.ImmuneSystem(world) eSys.initialise() if(Systems.ImmuneSystem.ISENABLED): immSys.initialise() if Graph.SHOW: graph.setTotalEpithelialCells(Worldspace.GRID_WIDTH * Worldspace.GRID_HEIGHT) graph.setBaseImmuneCells(immSys.INIT_CELLS) graph.initRun() fociAreaGraph.initRun() if SimVis.ENABLED: simVis.init(world, run + 1) # Run simulation for a given number of timesteps # 10 days = 1440 timesteps timesteps = 0 while timesteps <= self.runTime: eSys.update() if(Systems.ImmuneSystem.ISENABLED): immSys.update() eSys.synchronise() if(Systems.ImmuneSystem.ISENABLED): immSys.synchronise() if Graph.SHOW: data.time = timesteps data.eCellsHealthy = eSys.healthyCount data.eCellsContaining = eSys.containingCount data.eCellsExpressing = eSys.expressingCount data.eCellsInfectious = eSys.infectiousCount data.eCellsDead = eSys.naturalDeathCount + eSys.infectionDeathCount data.immCellsTotal = immSys.virginCount + immSys.matureCount graph.addSimulationData(data) if(Systems.FocusSystem.ENABLED): area = 0.0 c = 0 for foci in eSys.fSys.foci.values() : if foci.isEnabled : if foci.cellCount != 0 : area += foci.cellCount c += 1 if c == 0 : area = 0 else : area = area / c self.avgFociAreaMM2 = fociAreaGraph.addAverageFociAreaData(area, timesteps) if self.debugTextEnabled: Log.out('%d: %d' %(run + 1, timesteps)) Log.out("Infected cells: %s" % (eSys.containingCount + eSys.expressingCount + eSys.infectiousCount)) Log.out("Healthy: %s" % (eSys.healthyCount)) Log.out("Containing: %s" % (eSys.containingCount)) Log.out("Expressing: %s" % (eSys.expressingCount)) Log.out("Infectious: %s" % (eSys.infectiousCount)) Log.out("Dead: %s" % (eSys.naturalDeathCount + eSys.infectionDeathCount)) Log.out("Virgin: %s" % (immSys.virginCount)) Log.out("Mature: %s" % (immSys.matureCount)) if Systems.FocusSystem.ENABLED and self.avgFociAreaMM2 != None : #Log.out("Average focus area: %s" % (eSys.avgFociArea)) Log.out("Average focus area (mm2): %s" % (self.avgFociAreaMM2)) Log.out("\n") if SimVis.ENABLED: if timesteps == 0 or timesteps % 72 == 0 : simVis.drawSimWorld(True, timesteps) else : simVis.drawSimWorld(False, timesteps) if Systems.FocusSystem.ENABLED: if len(eSys.fSys.mergeDetected) > 0: for i in xrange(len(eSys.fSys.mergeDetected) - 1, -1, -1): if SimVis.HIGHLIGHT_COLLISIONS: focus = eSys.fSys.mergeDetected[i] for perimeterCell in focus.perimeter: simVis.drawCollision(perimeterCell) del eSys.fSys.mergeDetected[i] # HACK: For debugging/testing purposes. Will be removed/refactored soon. if SimVis.HIGHLIGHT_COLLISIONS and SimVis.ENABLED: simVis._SimVis__savePILImageToFile(False) simVis._SimVis__updateCanvas(False) #if Systems.FocusSystem.DEBUG_TEXT_ENABLED: #raw_input() timesteps += 1 if(Systems.FocusSystem.ENABLED): if self.debugTextEnabled : out = "remaining usable foci: " c = 0 for focus in eSys.fSys.foci.values() : if focus.isEnabled and focus.cellCount > 0: c += 1 out += str( + ", " Log.out(out + " count = " + str(c) +"\n") if self.debugTextEnabled: endTime = time.clock() Log.out("End time: %s" % endTime) Log.out("Elapsed time: %s" % (endTime - startTime)) #increment run run += 1 # All runs finished: display results graph if Graph.SHOW: if(Systems.FocusSystem.ENABLED): q.put((fociAreaGraph.showGraph, ([True]), {})) q.put((graph.showGraph, ([True]), {})) running = False
def run(self, settings): """Main loop.""" self.avgFociAreaMM2 = None if Graph.SHOW: data = SimulationData() graph = OverallSimulationDataGraph() graph.setXMeasurement('hours') graph.setTimestepsInXMeasurement(6) fociAreaGraph = FociAreaGraph() #fociAreaGraph = FociAreaGraph(True, Worldspace.GRID_WIDTH, Worldspace.GRID_HEIGHT) fociAreaGraph.setXMeasurement('hours') fociAreaGraph.setTimestepsInXMeasurement(6) if SimVis.ENABLED: q.put((simVis.display, (), {})) self.numberOfRuns = settings["iNumberOfRuns"] self.runTime = settings["iRunTime"] self.debugTextEnabled = settings["bDebugTextEnabled"] #initialise runs run = 0 while run < self.numberOfRuns: if self.debugTextEnabled: startTime = time.clock() Log.out("Start time: %s" % startTime) #re-initialize world and systems if not on the initial run world = [] for x in xrange(Worldspace.GRID_WIDTH): world.append([]) for y in xrange(Worldspace.GRID_HEIGHT): world[x].append(Worldsite(Vector2d(x, y))) eSys = Systems.EpithelialSystem(world) immSys = Systems.ImmuneSystem(world) eSys.initialise() if (Systems.ImmuneSystem.ISENABLED): immSys.initialise() if Graph.SHOW: graph.setTotalEpithelialCells(Worldspace.GRID_WIDTH * Worldspace.GRID_HEIGHT) graph.setBaseImmuneCells(immSys.INIT_CELLS) graph.initRun() fociAreaGraph.initRun() if SimVis.ENABLED: simVis.init(world, run + 1) # Run simulation for a given number of timesteps # 10 days = 1440 timesteps timesteps = 0 while timesteps <= self.runTime: eSys.update() if (Systems.ImmuneSystem.ISENABLED): immSys.update() eSys.synchronise() if (Systems.ImmuneSystem.ISENABLED): immSys.synchronise() if Graph.SHOW: data.time = timesteps data.eCellsHealthy = eSys.healthyCount data.eCellsContaining = eSys.containingCount data.eCellsExpressing = eSys.expressingCount data.eCellsInfectious = eSys.infectiousCount data.eCellsDead = eSys.naturalDeathCount + eSys.infectionDeathCount data.immCellsTotal = immSys.virginCount + immSys.matureCount graph.addSimulationData(data) if (Systems.FocusSystem.ENABLED): area = 0.0 c = 0 for foci in eSys.fSys.foci.values(): if foci.isEnabled: if foci.cellCount != 0: area += foci.cellCount c += 1 if c == 0: area = 0 else: area = area / c self.avgFociAreaMM2 = fociAreaGraph.addAverageFociAreaData( area, timesteps) if self.debugTextEnabled: Log.out('%d: %d' % (run + 1, timesteps)) Log.out("Infected cells: %s" % (eSys.containingCount + eSys.expressingCount + eSys.infectiousCount)) Log.out("Healthy: %s" % (eSys.healthyCount)) Log.out("Containing: %s" % (eSys.containingCount)) Log.out("Expressing: %s" % (eSys.expressingCount)) Log.out("Infectious: %s" % (eSys.infectiousCount)) Log.out( "Dead: %s" % (eSys.naturalDeathCount + eSys.infectionDeathCount)) Log.out("Virgin: %s" % (immSys.virginCount)) Log.out("Mature: %s" % (immSys.matureCount)) if Systems.FocusSystem.ENABLED and self.avgFociAreaMM2 != None: #Log.out("Average focus area: %s" % (eSys.avgFociArea)) Log.out("Average focus area (mm2): %s" % (self.avgFociAreaMM2)) Log.out("\n") if SimVis.ENABLED: if timesteps == 0 or timesteps % 72 == 0: simVis.drawSimWorld(True, timesteps) else: simVis.drawSimWorld(False, timesteps) if Systems.FocusSystem.ENABLED: if len(eSys.fSys.mergeDetected) > 0: for i in xrange( len(eSys.fSys.mergeDetected) - 1, -1, -1): if SimVis.HIGHLIGHT_COLLISIONS: focus = eSys.fSys.mergeDetected[i] for perimeterCell in focus.perimeter: simVis.drawCollision(perimeterCell) del eSys.fSys.mergeDetected[i] # HACK: For debugging/testing purposes. Will be removed/refactored soon. if SimVis.HIGHLIGHT_COLLISIONS and SimVis.ENABLED: simVis._SimVis__savePILImageToFile(False) simVis._SimVis__updateCanvas(False) #if Systems.FocusSystem.DEBUG_TEXT_ENABLED: #raw_input() timesteps += 1 if (Systems.FocusSystem.ENABLED): if self.debugTextEnabled: out = "remaining usable foci: " c = 0 for focus in eSys.fSys.foci.values(): if focus.isEnabled and focus.cellCount > 0: c += 1 out += str( + ", " Log.out(out + " count = " + str(c) + "\n") if self.debugTextEnabled: endTime = time.clock() Log.out("End time: %s" % endTime) Log.out("Elapsed time: %s" % (endTime - startTime)) #increment run run += 1 # All runs finished: display results graph if Graph.SHOW: if (Systems.FocusSystem.ENABLED): q.put((fociAreaGraph.showGraph, ([True]), {})) q.put((graph.showGraph, ([True]), {})) running = False
def __debugPrint(self): """Debug method, to be removed. Prints the focus by id and it's area.""" for focus in self.foci.values(): if focus.isEnabled: Log.out("Focus #%s: %s" % (, focus.cellCount))