def __init__(self): # self.values = {} self.inter = Controller(self) self.grants = Grants(self.inter.view) config = self.inter.get_config() self.cities = self.cities() self.diseases = self.init_diseases(config) self.players = self.init_players(config['players']) = self.grants._provide_events() self.outbreak_counter = self.init_outbreak_counter(config); self.player_dex = self.init_player_deck() self.infection_dex = self.init_infection_deck() self.infected_cities = [] self.player_discard = [] self.cities_with_stations = [] self.setup_game() self.play_game()
class GameSpace: MAX_OUTBREAKS = 7 NUMBER_OF_DISEASES = 4 NUMBER_OF_EPIDEMICS = 5 DISEASE_COLORS = ["yellow", "red", "blue", "gray"] DISEASE_CUBES = 24 STARTING_STATION = "ATLANTA" INFECTION_RATE_INCREMENT = 1 infection_rate = 2 game_status = 0 one_quiet_night = False outbreak_chain = [] "initialize GameSpace values" def __init__(self): # self.values = {} self.inter = Controller(self) self.grants = Grants(self.inter.view) config = self.inter.get_config() self.cities = self.cities() self.diseases = self.init_diseases(config) self.players = self.init_players(config['players']) = self.grants._provide_events() self.outbreak_counter = self.init_outbreak_counter(config); self.player_dex = self.init_player_deck() self.infection_dex = self.init_infection_deck() self.infected_cities = [] self.player_discard = [] self.cities_with_stations = [] self.setup_game() self.play_game() ## Begin the Game ## def setup_game(self): self.build_station(self.STARTING_STATION) self.create_the_emergency() for player in self.players: self.move_p(self.players[player], self.players[player]["location"]) self.deal_cards() self.insert_epidemics() def play_game(self): turn_order = random.sample(list(self.players), len(self.players)) print(turn_order) while self.game_status == 0: for player in turn_order: for city in self.infected_cities: print(self.cities[city]) self.inter.take_player_turn(self.players[player]) self.draw_player_cards(self.players[player]) self.inter.offer_grant() self.advance_game(self.one_quiet_night) ## Primary GameSpace Initializing Methods ## "Initialize Players" def init_players(self, config): player_set = config game_players = {} with open("classic_players.json") as plyers: player_json = json.load(plyers) players = player_json["players"] if type(config) is int: player_set = random.sample(list(players), config) for player in player_set: game_players[player] = Player(players[player], len(self.diseases), player) return game_players "Initialize the outbreak counter" def init_outbreak_counter(self, config): if "outbreak_counter" in config: counter = config["outbreak_counter"] else: counter = { "outbreaks": 0, "maximum": self.MAX_OUTBREAKS } return counter def init_player_deck(self): stack = len(self.cities) player_deck = random.sample(list(self.cities), stack) player_deck += random.shuffle(player_deck) return player_deck def deal_cards(self): num_map = [0, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1] starting_cards = num_map[len(self.players)] for player in self.players: self.players[player]["research"] = self.player_dex[0:starting_cards] del self.player_dex[0:starting_cards] def insert_epidemics(self): stack = len(self.player_dex) divisions = int(stack / self.NUMBER_OF_EPIDEMICS) new_dex = [] stack_start = 0 stack_end = divisions for count in range(self.NUMBER_OF_EPIDEMICS): this_stack = self.player_dex[stack_start:stack_end] epidemic_loc = randint(0, divisions) this_stack.insert(epidemic_loc, "EPIDEMIC") new_dex += this_stack stack_start += divisions stack_end += divisions self.player_dex = new_dex print(self.player_dex) def init_infection_deck(self): infection_dex = random.sample(list(self.cities), len(self.cities)) return infection_dex def init_diseases(self, config): if 'diseases' in config: num_diseases = config['diseases'] else: num_diseases = self.NUMBER_OF_DISEASES diseases = {} disease_names = self.generate_disease_names(num_diseases) for idx, dizeez in enumerate(disease_names): diseases[idx] = { "name": dizeez, "cubes_left": self.DISEASE_CUBES, "color": self.DISEASE_COLORS[idx], "cured": False, "eradicated": False } return diseases "Initialize all the playable cities for this board" def cities(self): cits = {} with open("classic_board.json") as board: dat = json.load(board) for civitas in dat["cities"]: cits[civitas["name"]] = self.create_city_obj(civitas) return cits def create_city_obj(self, config): base_obj = { "get_station": lambda: "has_station" in base_obj and base_obj["has_station"] == True } base_obj.update(config) return base_obj """ This method creates the initial infection state for the starting cities """ def create_the_emergency(self): for rate in range(1,4): this_round = self.infection_dex[0:3] del self.infection_dex[0:3] for city in this_round: disease = self.cities[city]['group'] infections = {} infections[disease] = rate self.cities[city]['infections'] = infections self.diseases[disease]["cubes_left"] -= rate self.infected_cities += this_round ## Gameplay Player Methods ## def move_p(self, player, location): if player["protect_connected_cities"] == True: self.quarantine_surrounding(player["location"], False) player["location"] = location if player["protect_connected_cities"] == True: self.quarantine_surrounding(player["location"], True) if player["treat_all_on_enter"] == True: if "infections" in self.cities[player["location"]]: for disease in self.cities[player["location"]]["infections"]: if self.diseases[disease]["cured"] == True: self.cities[player["location"]]["infections"][disease] = 0 def transfer_research(self, player1, player2, research): pass def discard(self, player, discard): player["research"].remove(discard) self.player_discard += discard def treat(self, location, disease, cubes): starting_cubes = self.cities[location]["infections"][disease] if starting_cubes < cubes: cubes = starting_cubes self.cities[location]["infections"][disease] -= cubes self.diseases[disease]["cubes_left"] += cubes def cure(self, disease): all_cured = True self.diseases[disease]["cured"] = True for dx in self.diseases: if self.diseases[dx]["cured"] == False: all_cured = False if all_cured == True: self.set_game_status(1) def build_station(self, location): self.cities[location]["has_station"] = True self.cities_with_stations.append(location) def quarantine_surrounding(self, location, protect): for city in self.cities[location]["connections"]: self.cities[city]["is_quarantined"] = protect self.cities[location]["is_quarantined"] = protect def draw_player_cards(self, player): print(self.player_dex) for i in range(0,2): next_card = self.player_dex.pop() print("%s draws %s" % (player["group"], next_card)) if len(self.player_dex) == 0: self.set_game_status(1) if next_card == "EPIDEMIC": print("Drew an EPIDEMIC") self.epidemic() else: player["research"].append(next_card) if len(player["research"]) > 7: for i in range(len(player["research"]) - 7): self.inter.require_discard(player) ## Gameplay Game Methods ## def epidemic(self): self.increase_rate() self.intensify() # self.infect_cities() def increase_rate(self): self.infection_rate += self.INFECTION_RATE_INCREMENT def intensify(self): new_location = self.infection_dex.pop() print("EPIDEMIC reported in %s" % new_location) self.infect(new_location, 3, None) self.infected_cities.append(new_location) random.shuffle(self.infected_cities) re_stacked_deck = self.infected_cities + self.infection_dex self.infection_dex = re_stacked_deck self.infected_cities = [] def infect(self, city_name, cubes, disease): if cubes is None: cubes = 1 print("Cubes %d" % cubes) if "is_quarantined" in self.cities[city_name] and self.cities[city_name]["is_quarantined"] == True: return if disease is None: print("disease is None") infecting_disease = self.cities[city_name]["group"] else: infecting_disease = disease for player in self.players: if self.players[player]["treat_all_on_enter"] == True and self.players[player]["location"] == city_name and self.diseases[infecting_disease]["cured"] == True: return if "infections" not in self.cities[city_name]: self.cities[city_name]["infections"] = {} if not infecting_disease in self.cities[city_name]["infections"]: self.cities[city_name]["infections"][infecting_disease] = 0 self.cities[city_name]["infections"][infecting_disease] += cubes self.diseases[infecting_disease]["cubes_left"] -= cubes if self.diseases[infecting_disease]["cubes_left"] <= 0: self.set_game_status(1) if self.cities[city_name]["infections"][infecting_disease] > 3: self.cities[city_name]["infections"][infecting_disease] = 3 self.outbreak_from(city_name, infecting_disease) def outbreak_from(self, origin_city, disease): self.outbreak_chain.append(origin_city) did_outbreak = False self.outbreak_counter["outbreaks"] += 1 print("OUTBREAK of %s from %s to %s" % (self.diseases[disease]["name"], origin_city, ', '.join(self.cities[origin_city]["connections"]))) if self.outbreak_counter["outbreaks"] > self.outbreak_counter["maximum"]: self.set_game_status(1) print(self.cities[origin_city]["connections"]) for city_name in self.cities[origin_city]["connections"]: if city_name not in self.outbreak_chain: print(city_name) self.infect(city_name, 1, disease) did_outbreak = True if did_outbreak == False: self.outbreak_chain = [] def advance_game(self, one_quiet_night): if one_quiet_night == True: self.one_quiet_night = False return else: self.infect_cities() def infect_cities(self): for count in range(self.infection_rate): next_city = self.infection_dex[0] print("Infecting %s" % next_city) self.infect(next_city, None, None) self.infected_cities.append(next_city) del self.infection_dex[0] ## Helper Functions ## def generate_disease_names(self, diseases): i = 0 name_array = [] prefix_array = ['CALO', 'BALACO', 'ANIRI', 'AGIRO', 'XYLO', 'PHYLI', 'RHHEA'] suffix_array = ['GEA', 'GINA', 'TOSIS', 'SPORADIA', 'TITIS', 'MYDIA', 'COLIDYS', 'PRASEA'] if not type(diseases) is int: diseases = 0 while i < diseases: prefix = randint(0, len(prefix_array)-1) suffix = randint(0, len(suffix_array)-1) new_name = prefix_array[prefix] + suffix_array[suffix] if new_name not in name_array: name_array.append(new_name) i += 1 return name_array ## State Setters ## def set_game_status(self, status_code): self.game_status = status_code