예제 #1
import inspect, os

thisDir = os.path.dirname(

MIDCA_ROOT = thisDir + "/../"

myMidca = predicateworld.UserGoalsMidca(
    domainFile=MIDCA_ROOT + "worldsim/domains/arsonist.sim",
    stateFile=MIDCA_ROOT + "worldsim/states/extinguisher_state.sim")

                      simulator.ArsonSimulator(arsonChance=0.3, arsonStart=2),
myMidca.insert_module('Interpret', guide.TFStack(), 1)
myMidca.insert_module('Interpret', guide.TFFire(), 2)

def preferFire(goal1, goal2):
    if 'predicate' not in goal1 or 'predicate' not in goal2:
        return 0
    elif goal1['predicate'] == 'onfire' and goal2['predicate'] != 'onfire':
        return -1
    elif goal1['predicate'] != 'onfire' and goal2['predicate'] == 'onfire':
        return 1
    return 0

#tells the PhaseManager to copy and store MIDCA states so they can be accessed later. Note: this drastically increases MIDCA's running time.
myMidca.storeHistory = True
예제 #2
    def createMIDCAObj(self):
        # in this demo, always keep extinguish to false
            extinguish = False

            thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))

            MIDCA_ROOT = thisDir + "/../"

            domainFile = MIDCA_ROOT + "worldsim/domains/arsonist.sim"
            stateFile = MIDCA_ROOT + "worldsim/states/defstate.sim"

            self.world = domainread.load_domain(domainFile)
            stateread.apply_state_file(self.world, stateFile)
            # creates a PhaseManager object, which wraps a MIDCA object
            myMidca = base.PhaseManager(self.world, display=asqiiDisplay,verbose=4)
            # add phases by name
            for phase in ["Simulate", "Perceive", "Interpret", "Eval", "Intend", "Plan", "Act"]:

            # add the modules which instantiate basic blocksworld operation
            myMidca.append_module("Simulate", simulator.MidcaActionSimulator())
            myMidca.append_module("Simulate", simulator.ASCIIWorldViewer())
            myMidca.append_module("Perceive", perceive.PerfectObserver())
            myMidca.append_module("Interpret", note.ADistanceAnomalyNoter())
            # need to make sure to disable all user input modules #myMidca.append_module("Interpret", guide.UserGoalInput())
            myMidca.append_module("Eval", evaluate.SimpleEval())
            myMidca.append_module("Intend", intend.SimpleIntend())
            myMidca.append_module("Plan", planning.PyHopPlanner(extinguish))
            myMidca.append_module("Act", act.SimpleAct())

            myMidca.insert_module('Simulate', simulator.ArsonSimulator(arsonChance=self.arsonChanceArg, arsonStart=10), 1)
            myMidca.insert_module('Simulate', simulator.FireReset(), 0)
            myMidca.insert_module('Interpret', guide.TFStack(), 1)

            if self.usingTFTreeFire:
                myMidca.insert_module('Interpret', guide.TFFire(), 2)

            if self.usingSimulatedMA:
                myMidca.insert_module('Interpret', guide.ReactiveApprehend(), 3)

            myMidca.insert_module('Eval', evaluate.Scorer(), 1)  # this needs to be a 1 so that Scorer happens AFTER SimpleEval

            def preferApprehend(goal1, goal2):
                if 'predicate' not in goal1 or 'predicate' not in goal2:
                    return 0
                elif goal1['predicate'] == 'free' and goal2['predicate'] != 'free':
                    return -1
                elif goal1['predicate'] != 'free' and goal2['predicate'] == 'free':
                    return 1
                elif goal1['predicate'] == 'onfire' and goal2['predicate'] != 'onfire':
                    return -1
                elif goal1['predicate'] != 'onfire' and goal2['predicate'] == 'onfire':
                    return 1
                return 0

            # tells the PhaseManager to copy and store MIDCA states so they can be accessed later.
            myMidca.storeHistory = False
            ## DO NOT DO THIS: experiment.py will do this automatically: myMidca.init()

            print "Created MIDCA "+str(id(myMidca))+" w/ arsonchance="+str(self.arsonChanceArg)+", usingTFTreeFire="+str(self.usingTFTreeFire)+",usingSimMA="+str(self.usingSimulatedMA)

            self.myMidca = myMidca
            self.initialized = True