예제 #1
class Bot_RL_MLP (Bot):
    def __init__ (self, size_x, size_y, beta, hidden, learning_rate, reward):
        self.bot_name = "Bot_RL_MLP"

        self.mlp = MLP (size_x * size_y, hidden, size_x * size_y, learning_rate)

        self.reward = reward[:]

        #hoher Wert für beta (50?): exploitation
        #niedriger Wert für beta  : exploration
        self.beta = beta
    Returns an action depending on the given world
    def get_action(self, world):
        self.info = world.get_sensor_info()
        self.h = self.mlp.get_action(self.info)
        for i in range(len(self.h)):
            if (self.info[i] > 0):
                self.h[i] = -10

        #Workaround: Wenn nur noch 1 Zug möglich ist, automatisch setzen
        moves = world.get_moves()
        if (len(moves) == 1):
            self.act = moves[0]
            #Auswahl wiederholen bis ein gültiger Zug ausgewählt wurde        
            validation = False
            while (validation == False):
                self.act = self.rand_winner (self.h, self.beta)     # choose action
                #print self.info, self.act
                x = self.act % world.size_x
                y = self.act / world.size_y
                validation = world.check_action(x, y)

        #Umrechnen 1D -> 2D
        x = self.act % world.size_x
        y = self.act / world.size_y
        #print "--------------------------"
        #print self.h, "->", self.act, "->", x, ",", y
        #print "--------------------------"
        return (x, y)
    Adapts the MLP considering the results (world_new) of its last action
    def evaluate_action(self, world_new):
        #Erstellen des Aktions-Vektors        
        act_vec = np.zeros (self.mlp.input_size)
        act_vec[self.act] = 1.0

        #Berechnen der Q-Werte vor und nach der Aktion
        q0 = self.h[self.act]
        q1 = self.mlp.get_action(world_new.get_sensor_info())[self.act]

        #Berechnen der Belohnung auf dem neuen Feld
        r = self.get_reward(world_new.get_winner())         # read reward
        if  (r == self.get_reward(1)):                      # This is cleaner than defining
            target = r                                      # target as r + 0.9 * q1,
        else:                                               # because weights now converge.
            target = 0.9 * q1                               # gamma = 0.9
        delta = target - q0                                 # prediction error

        #Wichtig : nur das delta an der Position der Aktion wird als Fehler betrachtet, für alle anderen
        #Positionen ist der Fehler 0
        error = np.zeros (self.mlp.input_size)
        error[self.act] = delta
        #Wichtig : Das Lernen erfolgt mittels des Fehlers und der Welt VOR der Aktion        
        self.mlp.evaluate_action(self.info, error)

    Selects an action
    def rand_winner (self, S_from, beta):
        #for i in range (len(S_from)):
        #    if S_from[i] > 200:
        #        print S_from
        #        time.sleep(0.2)
        #print "--------------------\n",S_from
        sum = 0.0
        p_i = 0.0
        rnd = np.random.random()
        d_r = len (S_from)
        sel = 0
            for i in range (d_r):
                sum += np.exp (beta * min(S_from[i],200))
            #if field is empty, set reward to 1 for all fields
            #to get a probablity higher than 0
            if (sum == 0):
                sum = d_r
                S_from = [1]*d_r
            for i in range (d_r):
                p_i += np.exp (beta * min(S_from[i],200)) / sum
                if  p_i > rnd:
                    sel = i
                    rnd = 1.1 # out of reach, so the next will not be turned ON
        except Exception:
            print beta, S_from[i], S_from, sum
        return sel        
    Calculates the reward for the actual board setup
    def get_reward (self, winner):
        if  ((winner >= 0) and (winner <= 2)):
            return self.reward[int(winner)]
            return 0.0
    #def load_data(self, filename):
    #    fo = open(filename , "r")
    #    #self.w_mot = json_tricks.load(fo.read())["w_mot"]
    #    data = json_tricks.load(fo.read())
    #    fo.close()            
    #    return data
    #def save_data(self, filename):
    #    data = {"bot" : "Bot_RL_MLP", 
    #            "version" : 1,
    #            "mlp" : self.mlp}
    #    fo = open(filename , "w")
    #    fo.write(json_tricks.dumps(data))
    #    fo.close()
예제 #2
class Bot_RL_MLP (Bot):
    def __init__ (self, size_x = 3, size_y = 3, beta = 1, hidden = 20, learning_rate = 0.1, reward = [0, 1.0, -1.0], initial_field = [0], player_ID = 1):
        self.initial_field = initial_field
        self.player_ID = player_ID

        self.bot_name = "Bot_RL_MLP"
        self.version = 1
        self.counter = 0
        self.optimization = []
        self.reward = reward[:]
        self.first_action = True
        self.beta = beta
        #hoher Wert für beta (50?): exploitation
        #niedriger Wert für beta  : exploration

        self.mlp = MLP (size_x * size_y, hidden, size_x * size_y, learning_rate)


    Initializes a new game    
    def new_game(self):
        self.first_action = True
        self.counter += 1
    def load_data(self, filename):
        fo = open(filename , "r")
        data = json.loads(fo.read())

        if (data["bot"] == self.bot_name):
            if (data["version"] <= self.version):
                self.player_ID    = data["player_ID"]
                self.initial_field = data["initial_field"]
                self.counter      = data["counter"]
                self.optimization = data["optimization"]
                self.reward       = data["reward"]
                self.first_action = data["first_action"]
                self.beta         = data["beta"]
                raise ValueError('dataset is not usable by Bot : different Bot identifier') 
            raise ValueError('dataset is not usable by this Bot version : dataset version is higher than Bot version') 

        return data
    def save_data(self, filename):
        data = {"bot"          : self.bot_name,
                "version"      : self.version,

                "player_ID"    : self.player_ID,
                "initial_field" : self.initial_field,
                "counter"      : self.counter,
                "optimization" : self.optimization,
                "reward"       : self.reward,
                "first_action" : self.first_action,
                "beta"         : self.beta,
                "MLP"          : self.mlp.get_data()}

        fo = open(filename , "w")
    Returns an action depending on the given world
    def get_action(self, world_old):
        self.info_tic = world_old.get_sensor_info()
        self.h_tic = self.mlp.get_action(self.info_tic)
        #for i in range(len(self.h_tic)):
        #    if (self.info_tic[i] > 0):
        #        self.h_tic[i] = -100000

        #Workaround: Wenn nur noch 1 Zug möglich ist, automatisch setzen
        moves = world_old.get_moves()
        if (len(moves) == 1):
            self.act_tic = moves[0]
            #Auswahl wiederholen bis ein gültiger Zug ausgewählt wurde        
            validation = False
            while (validation == False):
                new_h_tic = []
                for i in range(len(self.h_tic)):
                    if (i in moves):
                self.act_tic = moves[self.rand_winner (new_h_tic, self.beta)]     # choose action
                #print self.info, self.act
                #print "----------\n",self.h_tic, "\n",moves, "\n",new_h_tic, "\n",self.act_tic
                x = self.act_tic % world_old.size_x
                y = self.act_tic / world_old.size_y
                validation = world_old.check_action(x, y)

        #Umrechnen 1D -> 2D
        x = self.act_tic % world_old.size_x
        y = self.act_tic / world_old.size_y
        #print "--------------------------"
        #print self.h, "->", self.act, "->", x, ",", y
        #print "--------------------------"
        return (x, y)
    Adapts the MLP considering the results (world_new) of its last action
    def evaluate_action(self, world_new):
        if (self.first_action == False):
            r = self.get_reward(world_new.get_winner())         # read reward
            #Berechnen der Q-Werte vor und nach der Aktion
            q0 = self.h[self.act]
            q1 = self.mlp.get_action(world_new.get_sensor_info())[self.act_tic]
            #Berechnen der Belohnung auf dem neuen Feld
            r = self.get_reward(world_new.get_winner())         # read reward
            if  (r == self.get_reward(1)):                      # This is cleaner than defining
                target = r                                      # target as r + 0.9 * q1,
            else:                                               # because weights now converge.
                target = 0.9 * q1                               # gamma = 0.9
            delta = target - q0                                 # prediction error
            #Wichtig : nur das delta an der Position der Aktion wird als Fehler betrachtet, für alle anderen
            #Positionen ist der Fehler 0
            error = np.zeros (self.mlp.input_size)
            error[self.act] = delta
            #Wichtig : Das Lernen erfolgt mittels des Fehlers und der Welt VOR der Aktion        
            self.mlp.evaluate_action_RL(self.info, error)
            #print q0, q1, delta
        self.info = self.info_tic
        self.h = self.h_tic
        self.act = self.act_tic
        self.first_action = False

    Selects an action
    def rand_winner (self, S_from, beta):
        #for i in range (len(S_from)):
        #    if S_from[i] > 200:
        #        print S_from
        #        time.sleep(0.2)
        #print "--------------------\n",S_from
        sum = 0.0
        p_i = 0.0
        rnd = np.random.random()
        d_r = len (S_from)
        sel = 0
            for i in range (d_r):
                sum += np.exp (beta * min(S_from[i],200))
            #if field is empty, set reward to 1 for all fields
            #to get a probablity higher than 0
            if (sum == 0):
                sum = d_r
                S_from = [1]*d_r
            for i in range (d_r):
                p_i += np.exp (beta * min(S_from[i],200)) / sum
                if  p_i > rnd:
                    sel = i
                    rnd = 1.1 # out of reach, so the next will not be turned ON
        except Exception:
            print beta, S_from[i], S_from, sum
        return sel        
    Calculates the reward for the actual board setup
    def get_reward (self, winner):
        if  ((winner >= 0) and (winner <= 2)):
            return self.reward[int(winner)]
            return 0.0
예제 #3
class Bot_RL_MLP (Bot):
    def __init__ (self, size_x = 3, size_y = 3, beta = 1, hidden = 20, learning_rate = 0.1, reward = [0, 1.0, -1.0], initial_field = [0], player_ID = 1):
        self.initial_field = initial_field
        self.player_ID = player_ID

        self.bot_name = "Bot_RL_MLP"
        self.version = 2.0
        self.counter = 0
        self.optimization = []
        self.reward = reward[:]
        self.first_action = True
        self.beta = beta
        #hoher Wert für beta (50?): exploitation
        #niedriger Wert für beta  : exploration

        self.mlp = MLP (size_x * size_y, hidden, size_x * size_y, learning_rate)


    Initializes a new game    
    def new_game(self):
        self.first_action = True
        self.counter += 1
    def load_data(self, filename):
        fo = open(filename , "r")
        data = json.loads(fo.read())

        if (data["bot"] == self.bot_name):
            if (data["version"] <= self.version):
                self.player_ID    = data["player_ID"]
                self.initial_field = data["initial_field"]
                self.counter      = data["counter"]
                self.optimization = data["optimization"]
                self.reward       = data["reward"]
                self.first_action = data["first_action"]
                self.beta         = data["beta"]
                raise ValueError('dataset is not usable by Bot : different Bot identifier') 
            raise ValueError('dataset is not usable by this Bot version : dataset version is higher than Bot version') 

        return data
    def save_data(self, filename):
        data = {"bot"          : self.bot_name,
                "version"      : self.version,

                "player_ID"    : self.player_ID,
                "initial_field" : self.initial_field,
                "counter"      : self.counter,
                "optimization" : self.optimization,
                "reward"       : self.reward,
                "first_action" : self.first_action,
                "beta"         : self.beta,
                "MLP"          : self.mlp.get_data()}

        fo = open(filename , "w")
    def play_game(self, world, player, train_bot):

        I = world.get_sensor_info()
        #h = np.dot (w_mot, I)
        hidden, h = self.mlp.get_action(I)
        act = self.rand_winner (h, self.beta)                         # choose action
        act_vec = np.zeros (self.mlp.output_size)
        act_vec[act] = 1.0
        #val = numpy.dot (w_mot[act], I)                     # value before action
        #val is q0 ***
        val = h[act]                                         # value before action

        r = 0
        #while r == 0:
        while (world.get_winner() < 0):
            if (world.active_player != player):
                (x, y) = train_bot.get_action(world)
                world.perform_action(x, y)  
                x = act % world.size_x
                y = act / world.size_y
                world.perform_action(x, y)                      # do selected action
                if (world.get_winner() < 0):
                    (x, y) = train_bot.get_action(world)
                    world.perform_action(x, y)
                r = self.get_reward(world.get_winner())         # read reward
                I_tic = world.get_sensor_info()                 # read new state
                #numpy.dot (w_mot, I_tic)
                hidden_tic, h_tic = self.mlp.get_action(I_tic)
                act_tic = self.rand_winner (h_tic, self.beta)                 # choose next action
                act_vec = np.zeros (self.mlp.output_size)
                act_vec[act] = 1.0
                #val_tic = numpy.dot (w_mot[act_tic], I_tic)     # value after action
                #val_tic is q1 ***
                val_tic = h_tic[act_tic]    
                if  r == 1.0:                                   # This is cleaner than defining
                    target = r                                  # target as r + 0.9 * val_tic,
                else:                                           # because weights now converge.
                    target = 0.9 * val_tic                      # gamma = 0.9
                delta = target - val                            # prediction error
                #w_mot += 0.5 * delta * numpy.outer (act_vec, I)
                error = np.zeros (self.mlp.output_size)
                error[act] = delta
                #print error
                #Lernen ***
                self.mlp.evaluate_action_RL(h, hidden, error)
                I = I_tic
                val = val_tic
                act = act_tic 
                hidden = hidden_tic

    Selects an action
    def rand_winner (self, S_from, beta):
        #for i in range (len(S_from)):
        #    if S_from[i] > 200:
        #        print S_from
        #        time.sleep(0.2)
        #print "--------------------\n",S_from
        sum = 0.0
        p_i = 0.0
        rnd = np.random.random()
        d_r = len (S_from)
        sel = 0
            for i in range (d_r):
                sum += np.exp (beta * min(S_from[i],200))
            #if field is empty, set reward to 1 for all fields
            #to get a probablity higher than 0
            if (sum == 0):
                sum = d_r
                S_from = [1]*d_r
            for i in range (d_r):
                p_i += np.exp (beta * min(S_from[i],200)) / sum
                if  p_i > rnd:
                    sel = i
                    rnd = 1.1 # out of reach, so the next will not be turned ON
        except Exception:
            print beta, S_from[i], S_from, sum
        return sel        
    Calculates the reward for the actual board setup
    def get_reward (self, winner):
        if  ((winner >= 0) and (winner <= 2)):
            return self.reward[int(winner)]
            return 0.0