예제 #1
# ###################################
# # Documentation and arguments     #
# ###################################

# We add plugin parameters and documentation here.
# The documentation will be printed either calling printUsage() or
# executing "python mma.py -I pluginname". 
# I suggest to see the output for this plugin to understand how code
# of this section will be formatted when printed.

# Minimum MMA required version.
pu.setMinMMAVersion(15, 12)

# A short plugin description.
pu.setDescription("Sets a strum pattern for Plectrum tracks.")

# A short author line.
pu.setAuthor("Written by Ignazio Di Napoli <*****@*****.**>.")

# Since this is a track plugin, we set the track types for which it can
# be used. You can specify more than one. To allow for all track types,
# call setTrackType with no arguments.
# For non-tracks plugin, don't call setTrackType at all.
# Whether the plugin is track or non-track is decided by the entry point,
# but help will use this information.

# We add the arguments for the command, each with name, default value and a
# small description. A default value of None requires specifying the argument.
pu.addArgument("Pattern",     None,  "see after")
예제 #2
import datetime
from MMA.common import error, warning
from MMA.macro import macros
import MMA.gbl as gbl
import MMA.chordtable as chordtable
from MMA.chords import ChordNotes
import re
import random

# MMA required version.
pu.setMinMMAVersion(19, 7)

# A short plugin description.
pu.setDescription("""This plugin
processes a line of input and returns the line with
all chords revoiced.

author = "Johan Vromans"
# A short author line.
pu.setAuthor("Written by {}".format(author))

    21 @revoice Cm D
    22 @revoice Cm7 Fm7
       @revoice Gm7


    @revoice 21 Cm D
예제 #3
# We import the plugin utilities
from MMA import gbl
from MMA import pluginUtils as pu
from MMA import parse
from MMA import macro
from MMA.timesig import timeSig
import re

# A short plugin description.
pu.setDescription("Define fingerpicking paterns.")

author = "Johan Vromans"
# A short author line.
pu.setAuthor("Written by {}".format(author))


  Track @fpp Pat, Seq, Bpb, Q, Debug


# Note that pu.printUsage requires the default values to be strings. 
pu.addArgument( "Pat",    None,   "Pattern to define."  )
pu.addArgument( "Tab",    '',     "Pattern tab."        )
pu.addArgument( "Bpb",    '0',    "Beats per bar."      )
pu.addArgument( "Q",      '0',    "Beat length (8, 4)." )
pu.addArgument( "Debug",  '0',    "For debugging."      )

# We add a small doc. %NAME% is replaced by plugin name.
예제 #4
# and some other things we'll need

import MMA.alloc
import MMA.gbl
import re

# ###################################
# # Documentation and arguments     #
# ###################################

# Minimum MMA required version.
pu.setMinMMAVersion(15, 12)

# A short plugin description.
pu.setDescription("Separate quarter tone solo riff lines into 3 parts.")

# A short author line.
pu.setAuthor("Written by bvdp.")
pu.addArgument("valid riff data", None, "")
# helpful notes
pu.setPluginDoc("""QRiff ... convert a solo line into quarter tones.

This plugin will convert a solo riff line into 3 separate solo lines:
   Solo - the original track. It can be custom name like "Solo-Foo".
          Any quarter tone notes are replaced by rests.
   Solo-qFlat - the quarter tone flat notes.
   Solo-qSharp - the quarter tone sharp notes.

NOTE: Don't try to have chords in your riff line. It doesn't work!
예제 #5
# We import the plugin utilities
from MMA import pluginUtils as pu

import datetime

# Minimum MMA required version.
pu.setMinMMAVersion(16, 0)

# A short plugin description.
pu.setDescription("Adds a copyright notice to the MIDI.")

author = "Johan Vromans"
# A short author line.
pu.setAuthor("Written by {}".format(author))

# We add the arguments for the command, each with name, default value and a
# small description. A default value of None requires specifying the argument.
pu.addArgument("Author", author, "The name of the copyright holder")
pu.addArgument("Year", '{}'.format(datetime.date.today().year),
               "The (first) year the copyright is valid")

# We add a small doc. %NAME% is replaced by plugin name.
This plugin adds a copyright notice to the MIDI output using MMA command MidiCopyright.

The copyright notice consists of the copyright symbol, followed by the year and author (the copyright holder). Both `year' and `author' are arguments to this plugin. 

As suggested by the MIDI specs, `(C)' is used as copyright symbol.

This plugin has been written by Johan Vromans <*****@*****.**>
Version 1.0.
예제 #6
파일: plugin.py 프로젝트: infojunkie/mma
# We import the plugin utilities
from MMA import pluginUtils as pu
from MMA import parse
from MMA import macro
import re

# A short plugin description.
pu.setDescription("Define percussion grooves.")

author = "Johan Vromans"
# A short author line.
pu.setAuthor("Written by {}".format(author))


    @rhythm Groove, Seq, Bpm, Level, RTime, RVolume, Clear, SeqSize, Debug
    Track @rhythm Seq, Bpm, Level, Debug
    Track @rhythm Define=Pat, Seq, Bpm, Level, Debug


# These are the arguments for the full (non-track) call.
# Track usage is a subset.
# Note that pu.printUsage requires the default values to be strings.
pu.addArgument("Groove", None, "Groove to define.")
pu.addArgument("Seq", None, "Sequence tab.")
pu.addArgument("Bpm", '4', "Beats per bar.")
pu.addArgument("Level", '9', "Max volume value.")