예제 #1
def populate(config, shell_xls, output_xls=None):
    """Populates an Excel spreadsheet from a shell.

    config: string of CSV file address containing config file
    shell_xls: string of XLSX file address containing Excel shell
    output_xls: string of XLSX file address for output file
                if output_xls is not specified, overwrite shell_xls

    # We temporarily change paths to config
    # file path (that's where all the output ought to be
    origPath = os.getcwd()
    configPath = os.path.dirname(config)
    configPathList = config.split("\\")

    # os.chdir(configPath)
    # Read in all our inputs
    workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(shell_xls)
    parsed_config = rc.readConfig(config)
    vd.validate_tabs(parsed_config, workbook)

    for enum, table in parsed_config.iterrows():
        if table['ignore'] is not True:
            sheet = workbook.get_sheet_by_name(table['tabname'])

            csv_startcell = table['csv_startcell']
            csv_start_row = int(csv_startcell.translate(None, string.letters))
            csv_start_col = csv_startcell.translate(None, string.digits)

            csvpath = os.path.join(configPath, table['csv'])
            if not os.path.isfile(csvpath):
                error = "Could not find the file %s. Make sure your config is"
                "in the same location as your output " % table['csv']
                raise ValueError(error)

            table_data = pd.read_csv(csvpath, skiprows=csv_start_row - 1)

            csv_start_col = helpers.col_to_number(csv_start_col)
            cols_to_drop = [x for x in range(0, csv_start_col)]


            wt.write_tab(sheet, table_data, table['tab_startcell'],
                         table['skiprows'], table['skipcols'])


    # change back to old path
예제 #2
def write_tab(sheet, table_data, xls_startcell, skiprows, skipcols):
    """Writes the data for a particular table to the corresponding
    Excel spreadsheet.

    sheet: openpyxl worksheet to which you're writing
    table_data: pandas data frame containing data to write
    xls_startcell: cell in the sheet at which you will begin writing
    skiprows: list of rows in Excel spreadsheet to skip
    skipcols: list of columns in Excel spreadsheet to skip
    num_rows = table_data.shape[0]
    num_cols = table_data.shape[1]

    # We subtract one to remain 0-indexed
    start_row = int(xls_startcell.translate(None, string.ascii_letters)) - 1
    start_col = helpers.col_to_number(xls_startcell.translate(None,

    num_skipcols = [helpers.col_to_number(col) for col in skipcols]

    total_rows = start_row + num_rows + len(skiprows)
    table_rows_to_write = [row for row in range(start_row, total_rows) if
                           row not in skiprows]

    total_cols = start_col + num_cols + len(skipcols)
    table_cols_to_write = [col for col in range(start_col, total_cols) if
                           col not in num_skipcols]

    for row_idx, row in enumerate(table_rows_to_write):
        for col_idx, col in enumerate(table_cols_to_write):
            current_cell = helpers.cell_name(row, col)

            value = table_data.iloc[row_idx, col_idx]
                value = float(value)
            except ValueError:

            sheet[current_cell].value = value
예제 #3
def populate(config, shell_xls, output_xls=None):
    """Populates an Excel spreadsheet from a shell.

    config: string of CSV file address containing config file
    shell_xls: string of XLSX file address containing Excel shell
    output_xls: string of XLSX file address for output file
                if output_xls is not specified, overwrite shell_xls

    # We temporarily change paths to config
    # file path (that's where all the output ought to be
    origPath = os.getcwd()
    configPath = os.path.dirname(config)
    configPathList = config.split("\\")

    # os.chdir(configPath)
    # Read in all our inputs
    workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(shell_xls)
    parsed_config = rc.readConfig(config)
    vd.validate_tabs(parsed_config, workbook)

    for enum, table in parsed_config.iterrows():
        if table['ignore'] is not True:
            sheet = workbook.get_sheet_by_name(table['tabname'])

            csv_startcell = table['csv_startcell']
            csv_start_row = int(csv_startcell.translate(None, string.letters))
            csv_start_col = csv_startcell.translate(None, string.digits)

            csvpath = os.path.join(configPath, table['csv'])
            if not os.path.isfile(csvpath):
                error = "Could not find the file %s. Make sure your config is"
                "in the same location as your output " % table['csv']
                raise ValueError(error)

            table_data = pd.read_csv(csvpath, skiprows=csv_start_row-1)

            csv_start_col = helpers.col_to_number(csv_start_col)
            cols_to_drop = [x for x in range(0, csv_start_col)]

            table_data.drop(table_data.columns[cols_to_drop], axis=1,

            wt.write_tab(sheet, table_data, table['tab_startcell'],
                         table['skiprows'], table['skipcols'])


    # change back to old path