예제 #1
def update_menus(dbi):
    links = ('collaboration', 'downloadETicket')
    ch = ConferenceHolder()
    cdmr = ConfDisplayMgrRegistery()
    counter = Counter()

    for __, event in conferenceHolderIterator(ch, deepness='event'):
        menu = cdmr.getDisplayMgr(event).getMenu()
        must_update = False
        for linkname in links:
            if menu.getLinkByName(linkname) is None:
                counter[linkname] += 1
                must_update = True
        if must_update:
            counter['updated'] += 1
        if counter['updated'] % 100:

    for linkname in links:
        print "{} links missing: {}".format(linkname, counter[linkname])
    success("Event menus updated: {}".format(counter['updated']))
예제 #2
def update_menus(dbi):
    links = ("collaboration", "downloadETicket")
    ch = ConferenceHolder()
    cdmr = ConfDisplayMgrRegistery()
    counter = Counter()

    for __, event in conferenceHolderIterator(ch, deepness="event"):
        menu = cdmr.getDisplayMgr(event).getMenu()
        must_update = False
        for linkname in links:
            if menu.getLinkByName(linkname) is None:
                counter[linkname] += 1
                must_update = True
        if must_update:
            counter["updated"] += 1
        if counter["updated"] % 100:

    for linkname in links:
        print "{} links missing: {}".format(linkname, counter[linkname])
    success("Event menus updated: {}".format(counter["updated"]))
예제 #3
    def migrate_legacy_events(self):
        print cformat('%{white!}migrating legacy events')

        dmr = ConfDisplayMgrRegistery()._getDisplayMgrRegistery()
        wfr = WebFactoryRegistry()._getConfRegistry()
        ipmr = InternalPagesMgrRegistery()._getInternalPagesMgrRegistery()
        for event in self._committing_iterator(self._get_events()):
            if not hasattr(event, '_old_id'):
                new_id = self.gen_event_id()
                del self.zodb_root['conferences'][event.id]
                dm = dmr.pop(event.id, None)
                wf = wfr.pop(event.id, None)
                ipm = ipmr.pop(event.id, None)
                event._old_id = event.id
                event.id = new_id
                if dm is not None:
                    dmr[event.id] = dm
                if wf is not None:
                    wfr[event.id] = wf
                if ipm is not None:
                    ipmr[event.id] = ipm
                self.zodb_root['conferences'][event.id] = event
                IndexedEvent.find(id=event._old_id).update({IndexedEvent.id: event.id})
                EventSetting.find(event_id=event._old_id).update({EventSetting.event_id: event.id})
                EventSettingPrincipal.find(event_id=event._old_id).update({EventSettingPrincipal.event_id: event.id})
                db.session.add(LegacyEventMapping(legacy_event_id=event._old_id, event_id=int(event.id)))
                print cformat('%{green}+++%{reset} '
                              '%{white!}{:6s}%{reset} %{cyan}{}').format(event._old_id, int(event.id))
                # happens if this importer was executed before but you want to add the mapping to your DB again
                db.session.add(LegacyEventMapping(legacy_event_id=event._old_id, event_id=int(event.id)))
                msg = cformat('%{green}+++%{reset} '
                              '%{white!}{:6s}%{reset} %{cyan}{}%{reset} %{yellow}(already updated in zodb)')
                print msg.format(event._old_id, int(event.id))