예제 #1
def _event_or_shorturl(confId, shorturl_namespace=False, ovw=False):
    from MaKaC.conference import ConferenceHolder
    from MaKaC.common.url import ShortURLMapper

    with DBMgr.getInstance().global_connection():
        ch = ConferenceHolder()
        su = ShortURLMapper()
        if ch.hasKey(confId):
            # For obvious reasons an event id always comes first.
            # If it's used within the short url namespace we redirect to the event namespace, otherwise
            # we call the RH to display the event
            if shorturl_namespace:
                url = UHConferenceDisplay.getURL(ch.getById(confId))
                func = lambda: redirect(url)
                params = request.args.to_dict()
                params['confId'] = confId
                if ovw:
                    params['ovw'] = 'True'
                func = lambda: conferenceDisplay.RHConferenceDisplay(None).process(params)
        elif (shorturl_namespace or app.config['INDICO_COMPAT_ROUTES']) and su.hasKey(confId):
            if shorturl_namespace:
                # Correct namespace => redirect to the event
                url = UHConferenceDisplay.getURL(su.getById(confId))
                func = lambda: redirect(url)
                # Old event namespace => 301-redirect to the new shorturl first to get Google etc. to update it
                url = url_for('.shorturl', confId=confId)
                func = lambda: redirect(url, 301)
            raise NotFound(
                _('The specified event with id or tag "%s" does not exist or has been deleted') % confId)

    return func()
예제 #2
def index(req, **params):
    return conferenceDisplay.RHConferenceDisplay(req).process(params)