def __init__(self, master, quitfunc): from Main import docstring self.__root = root = Toplevel(master, class_='Pynche') root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.__withdraw) root.title('Pynche Help Window') root.iconname('Pynche Help Window') root.bind('<Alt-q>', quitfunc) root.bind('<Alt-Q>', quitfunc) root.bind('<Alt-w>', self.__withdraw) root.bind('<Alt-W>', self.__withdraw) # more elaborate help is available in the README file readmefile = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'README') try: fp = None try: fp = open(readmefile) contents = # wax the last page, it contains Emacs cruft i = contents.rfind('\f') if i > 0: contents = contents[:i].rstrip() finally: if fp: fp.close() except IOError: sys.stderr.write("Couldn't open Pynche's README, " 'using docstring instead.\n') contents = docstring() self.__text = text = Text(root, relief=SUNKEN, width=80, height=24) self.__text.focus_set() text.insert(0.0, contents) scrollbar = Scrollbar(root) scrollbar.pack(fill=Y, side=RIGHT) text.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES) text.configure(yscrollcommand=(scrollbar, 'set')) scrollbar.configure(command=(text, 'yview'))
"""Main Pynche (Pythonically Natural Color and Hue Editor) widget.