def main(): # This method requires the user to input the absolute file path of the data file. # ***** Manual input of file location and data meanings. ***** # headings = input('Enter the heading titles for the data: i.e. Entry,Time,Rows,etc') # location = input('Absolute path of the data file:\n') # f = open(os.path.abspath(location), 'r') energyBits = 10 #number of bits used to represent the detected energy enDifBins=2**10 rows = 15 columns = 31 minEnergy = 1 maxEnergy = 2**energyBits minCnt = 25 maxCnt = None headings = ['Entry','Time','Rows','Columns','Missed','Energy','B0', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'A0', 'A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4'] #Read in data from .txt file sourcefile = 'AM241_pinhole_touch_Feb13_2014' f = open(os.path.abspath('/home/ben/Desktop/Untitled Folder/{}.txt'.format(sourcefile)), 'r') allData = f.close() # f = open('test', 'w') dataDict, dataList = str2dicList(allData,headings) # Comprehensive list [list[]] "Row", "Column", "Detected Engrgy" - one entry per detection xyList = EC.smList3(dataList, headings.index('Rows'), headings.index('Columns'), headings.index('Energy')) xList = [int(x[0]) for x in xyList if int(x[2]) >= minEnergy and int(x[2]) <= maxEnergy] yList = [int(x[1]) for x in xyList if int(x[2]) >= minEnergy and int(x[2]) <= maxEnergy] Hg.hist2Dscatter(xList, yList) plt.savefig('2D Hit Count Scatter Graph of {}.pdf'.format(sourcefile)) Hg.hist2DheatMap(xList, yList, [rows,columns], 'Energy min/max:{}/{} | file:{}'.format(minEnergy,maxEnergy,sourcefile), headings[2], headings[3],minCnt,maxCnt) plt.savefig('2D Heatmap of {}.pdf'.format(sourcefile)) #******************** Single Pix Historgrams for every pixel - Count and Energy Constrants. xyListNew = [] for x in range(16): for y in range(31): if EC.elmCount2D(xyList, 0, str(x), 1, str(y)) >= minCnt: print(int(x),int(y),minCnt) xyListNew.append([int(x),int(y)]) minEnergy = minEnergy for elm in xyListNew: temp12 = [int(part) for part in EC.sPixEn(dataDict, headings[2], str(elm[0]), headings[3], str(elm[1]), headings[5])] temp123 = DM.CutEnergyRange(temp12, minEnergy, 1024) print(elm) print(temp123) Hg.hist(temp123, np.floor(enDifBins/10), "Pixel ({},{}) Energy Cut off:{} - Lowest:{} Highest:{}".format(elm[0],elm[1],minEnergy,min(temp123),max(temp123)), "Energy difference(+-2^10 bits - autoscaled)", "Count (int)") plt.savefig('pix_bucket_{}_{}_{}.pdf'.format(elm[0],elm[1],sourcefile))
def EnListxy(DictIn,key1,xRange,key2,yRange, keyOut): tempList = [] for x in xRange: for y in yRange: print(x,y) tempList.append(EC.sPixEn(DictIn, key1, str(x), key2, str(y), keyOut)) return [int(num) for elem in tempList for num in elem]