예제 #1
class Broker:
    def __init__(self,
                 min_date=datetime(2006, 1, 3),
                 max_date=datetime(2016, 11, 4),
        Create Broker
        :param db: connexion in to DB
        :type db: Manager_DB.DbConnection.DbConnection
        :param initial_liquidity: value to portfolio to begin
        :type initial_liquidity: int
        :param log_broker: path file to write log of Broker
        :type log_broker: str
        :param log_broker_ref: path file to write log of Broker ref_curve
        :type log_broker_ref: str
        :param log_port: path file to write log of Portfolio
        :type log_port: str
        :param min_date: date to start simulation
        :type min_date: datetime.datetime
        :param max_date: date included when the simulation stops
        :type max_date: datetime.datetime
        :param min_value: min stock value to do transaction
        :type min_value: int
        :param max_value: max stock value to invest in a company
        :type max_value: int
        :param fig: figure for update plot QT
        :type fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure
        # The Market where the broker is buying and selling stocks
        self._market = Market(min_date, max_date, db)

        self.log_broker = open(log_broker, 'w')

        # The portfolio contains all the stocks bought for the current day and time and
        # the cash money that can be used instantly by the broker to buy stocks.
        self._portfolio = Portfolio(initial_liquidity, min_value, max_value,

        # The bill is how much the broker has charged for its services.
        self._bill = 0.0

        # Dictionary that keeps track of the value of our portfolio at any given time since the start of the simulation.
        # Key: Date ; Value: Total of our assets for any given
        self._hist_market_value = {}
        self._simulation_port_value = []  # keep in memory value in order dates

        # A commission is how much the broker is asking to get paid for a given transaction.
        # Initially, there is no commission. It must be added with a setter.
        self._commission = self._Commission()

        # Filters are functions used to select which companies should be in our portfolio at any given time.
        self._sell_filters = []
        self._buy_filters = []

        self._fig = fig
        self._data_ref_curve = HelperFunctionQt.read_reference_curve(
            log_broker_ref, True)
        self._ref_curve_value = []

    #                                      Commission

    class _Commission:
        def __init__(self, type_commission="no_commission", commission_val=0):
            """Represent a commission charged by the broker to execute a transaction.

            An instance of _Commission should always be created by one of the two functions
            set_flat_fee_commission() and set_percent_commission().

            :param type_commission: "percent", "flat_fee" or "no_commission". Default is "no_commission"
            :type type_commission: str
            :param commission_val: The value of the commission. In % or $ depending of its type.
            :type commission_val: float | int
            :return: None
            self.value = commission_val
            self.type = type_commission

        def calculate(self, transaction_value):
            """Calculate the commission that the broker should charge to the client for the transaction.

            :param transaction_value: The value in $ of the transaction made (buy or sell)
            :type transaction_value: float | int
            :return: The commission that should be charged by the broker for this transaction.
            :rtype: float | int
            return {
                "percent": transaction_value * self.value,
                "flat_fee": self.value,
                "no_commission": 0.0

    #                                         Setters
    def set_flat_fee_commission(self, value):
        """Set the commission of the broker to a flat fee for any transaction done.

        :param value: The flat fee that will be charged for any transaction. Must be > 0.
                      If == 0, put to no_commission.
        :type value: float | int
        :return: None
        if value > 0:
            self._commission = self._Commission("flat_fee", value)
            self._commission = self._Commission()

    def set_percent_commission(self, value):
        """Set the commission of the broker to a percentage of any transaction done.

        :param value: Percentage of the transaction that will be charged. Must be > 0 and < 100.
                      If == 0, put to no_commission.
        :type value: float | int
        :return: None
        if value > 0:
            self._commission = self._Commission("percent", value)
            self._commission = self._Commission()

    def add_sell_filters(self, *filters):
        """Add one or many filters to reduce the list of companies in our portfolio.

        Functions are regrouped in "Filters.py". They must take as parameters a list of strings, an
        object "Market" and an object "Portfolio".
        The list contains all symbols of the companies in our portfolio that will be sold.
        The "Market" is an instance of the class "Market"; ditto for "Portfolio".

        The filter function must return the same type of list as the one in the parameters. It should be
        reduced to remove all companies in our portfolio that we want to keep because they satisfy a
        specific criterion (or many criteria).

        :param filters: One or many functions as described above.
        :return: None
        for f in filters:

    def add_buy_filters(self, *filters):
        """Add one or many filters to reduce the list of companies where we should invest.

        Functions are regrouped in "Filters.py". They must take as parameters a list of strings, an
        object "Market" and an object "Portfolio".
        The list contains all symbols of the companies in our portfolio that will be sold.
        The "Market" is an instance of the class "Market"; ditto for "Portfolio".

        The function must return the same type of list as the one in the parameters. It should be reduced
        to remove all companies where we don't want to invest because they don't satisfy a specific
        criterion (or many criteria).

        :param filters: One or many functions as described above.
        :return: None
        for f in filters:

    def add_max_nb_of_stocks_to_buy(self, nb_stocks):

    def calculate_global_ranking(self, calculate_glob_ranking, dict_params):
        Set variable to say if we compute global ranking
        :param calculate_glob_ranking: boolean to say if we need calculate global ranking
        :type calculate_glob_ranking: bool
        :param dict_params: dict criteria for compute global ranking
        :type dict_params: dict{dict}
        :return: None
        self._market._calculate_global_ranking = calculate_glob_ranking
        self._market._dict_criteria_glob_ranking = dict_params

    #                                Run the simulation
    def _sell(self):
        Sell company
        :return: None
        # Get the list of all companies that we can sell (those we have in our portfolio);
        lst = self._portfolio.get_companies()

        # Filter the list to only keep the companies that should be sold;
        for f in self._sell_filters:
            lst = f.run(lst, self._market, self._portfolio)

        # For all companies that we should sell, sell 'em;
        for symbol in lst:
            # Instruct the portfolio to sell all stocks it has for this company
            gain = self._portfolio.sell_all_stocks(
                symbol, self._market.get_price(symbol),

            # If it succeeded, calculate the commission
            if gain > 0:
                commission = self._commission.calculate(gain)
                self._bill += commission

    def _buy(self):
        Buy company
        :return: None
        # Get the list of all companies that we can buy (those trading that day in the market);
        lst = self._market.get_trading_stocks()

        # Filter the list to only keep the companies that we should buy;
        # TODO : Remove those that we already have and which are maxed out.
        for f in self._buy_filters:
            lst = f.run(lst, self._market, self._portfolio)

        # For all companies that we should buy, as long as we have money, buy 'em (random order)
        for symbol in lst:
            # Attempt to buy as many stocks as possible for this company
            # TODO : Allow to choose a different algorithm for buying
            cost = self._portfolio.buy_stocks(symbol,

            # If it succeeded, calculate the commission
            if cost > 0:
                commission = self._commission.calculate(cost)
                self._bill += commission

            # Validate if we can continue to buy
            if not self._portfolio.can_buy():

    def get_value(self, d):
        return d

    def _tracking(self, mode_debug=False):
        Log transaction of day
        :param mode_debug: if want print the logs
        :type mode_debug: bool
        :return: None
        # Calculate how much we have
            self._portfolio.get_cash_money() +
            self._portfolio.get_value_of_portfolio(self._market) - self._bill)
            self._market.get_current_date()] = self._simulation_port_value[-1]
                                         [0])[-1]) *
        if mode_debug:
            self._market.get_current_date(), self._portfolio.get_cash_money(),
            self._portfolio.get_value_of_portfolio(self._market), self._bill,

    def run_simulation(self, mode_debug=False):
        Start simulation
        :param mode_debug: if want print the logs
        :type mode_debug: bool
        :return: None
        # As long as there is a new business day in our simulation;
        trading = True
        while trading:
            # Sell companies in our portfolio that satisfy our criteria for selling;

            # If we have enough money, buy companies trading this day that satisfy our criteria for buying;
            if self._portfolio.can_buy():

            # Keep track of our assets

            # Go to the next trading day.
            trading = self._market.next()

        # Update plot QT
        if self._fig:
            # Calculate portfolio_value with ref_curve for ref_curve optimal
                self._fig, sorted(self._hist_market_value.keys()),
                self._simulation_port_value, self._ref_curve_value)
                self.log_broker.name.replace('log_brok', 'simulation')[:-3] +
        if mode_debug: