예제 #1
def SPSA_kem(V, normalise):
    eta = 1e-4
    Delta = np.random.choice([-1,1], V.shape) * eta
    V0, V1 = V+eta*Delta, V-eta*Delta
    normalised0, normalised1 = normalise(V0), normalise(V1)
    K0, K1 = MarkovChain(normalised0).K, MarkovChain(normalised1).K
    return (K0-K1)/(2*eta*Delta)
예제 #2
def derivFD_K(P, normalise, i ,j):
	P1 = P.copy()
	P1[i,j] += h
	#P[i,j] -= h
	K1 = MarkovChain(normalise(P1)).K
	K2 = MarkovChain(normalise(P)).K
	return (K1-K2)/2*h
예제 #3
def main():
    start_time = time.time()

    n = 4
    P = np.ones((n, n)) / n
    MC = MarkovChain('Courtois')
    P = MC.P
    r = 2  #0,1,..,n-1 The state for which the stationary distribution will be maximized
    c = 1  #0, 1, .., n-2
    Theta = toTheta(P)
    epsilon = 0.2
    gamma = 0.001  #at M = 10/gamma (=100) the effect of M to the objective function will now start to become noticable
    N = 500  #Number of iterations

    print(np.round(P, 3))
    print(np.round(MC.pi, 3))
    simulation(P, r, epsilon, gamma, N)

    #Running time
    print('Running time of the programme:', time.time() - start_time)
def derivativeM(P, r, c):
        Calculate the derivative of the mean first passage time matrix of P(Theta) w.r.t. Theta(r,c)
        P - a (nxn)-matrix (numpy array) of transition probabilities
        r - indicates the row of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        c - indicates the column of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        derivM - (nxn)-matrix (numpy array) of the derivative of the M matrix 
    n, _ = P.shape
    Ones = np.ones((n, n))
    MC = MarkovChain(P)
    pi = MC.pi[0]
    Pi = MC.Pi
    D = MC.D
    dg_Pi = diag(Pi)
    dg_D = diag(D)
    derivD = derivativeD(P, r, c)
    dg_derivD = diag(derivD)
    #derivative of the inverse of dg_Pi
    deriv_dg_Pi_inv = np.zeros((n, n))
    deriv_dg_Pi_inv[r, r] = -1 * (derivative_pi(P, r, c)[r]) / (pi[r]**2)
    #using derivative of M formula
    derivM = (-derivD + Ones @ dg_derivD) @ np.linalg.inv(
        dg_Pi) + deriv_dg_Pi_inv @ (
            np.identity(n) - D + Ones @ dg_D
        )  #Column r and row r are (for most) nonzero, does this make sense?

    return derivM
예제 #5
def Kemeny(P):
	with torch.no_grad():
		tmp = P.clone().detach().numpy()
		tmp = torch.from_numpy(tmp)  
		K = torch.FloatTensor(MarkovChain(tmp).K)
	return K
예제 #6
def derivativeM(Theta, r, c, Delta):
        Calculate the derivative of the mean first passage time matrix of P(Theta) w.r.t. Theta(r,c)
        Theta - a (nx(n-1))-matrix (numpy array) with angles
        r - indicates the row of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        c - indicates the column of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        derivM - (nxn)-matrix (numpy array) of the derivative of the M matrix 
    n, _ = Theta.shape
    Ones = np.ones((n, n))
    MC = MarkovChain(toP(Theta))
    pi = MC.pi[0]
    Pi = MC.Pi
    D = MC.D
    dg_Pi = diag(Pi)
    dg_D = diag(D)
    #derivD = derivativeD(Theta,r,c)
    #derivD = derivativeD_SPSA(Theta,r,c, Delta)
    derivD = derivativeD_H(Theta, r, c)
    dg_derivD = diag(derivD)
    #derivative of the inverse of dg_Pi
    deriv_dg_Pi_inv = np.zeros((n, n))
    deriv_dg_Pi_inv[r, r] = -1 * (derivative_pi(Theta, r, c)[r]) / (pi[r]**2)
    #using derivative of M formula
    derivM = (-derivD + Ones @ dg_derivD) @ np.linalg.inv(
        dg_Pi) + deriv_dg_Pi_inv @ (np.identity(n) - D + Ones @ dg_D)

    return derivM
예제 #7
def Kemeny(indices, values, size, tol=1e-8):
    """Calculate the Kemeny constant."""
    values[abs(values) < tol] = 0.0  #cast values close to zero to zero.
    #NOTE: this is no longer needed if we do not allow values to drop below eps!
    P = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(indices, values, size)
    MC = MarkovChain(P.detach().to_dense().numpy())
    return torch.FloatTensor([MC.K])
예제 #8
def start():
    start_time = time.time()
    n = 8
    MC = MarkovChain('Courtois')
    P = MC.P
    #P = np.ones((n,n))/n
    #MC = MarkovChain(P)
    r = 0  #0,1,..,n-1 The state for which the stationary distribution will be maximized
    #c = 5 #0, 1, .., n-2
    Theta = toTheta(P)
    epsilon = 0.1
    gamma = 0.0005
    N = 300  #Number of iterations

    print('First stationary probabilities:\n', MC.pi[0])
    print('First Objective value:', objJ(Theta, r, gamma))
    print('First transition probabilities:\n', np.round(MC.P, 3))

    #print ('First M value:\n', np.round(MC.M*gamma,2))
    simulation(Theta, r, epsilon, gamma, N)

    #Running time
    print('Running time of the programme:', time.time() - start_time)
예제 #9
def start():
    start_time = time.time()
    n = 4
    MC = MarkovChain('Courtois')
    P = MC.P
    #P = np.ones((n,n))/n
    #MC = MarkovChain(P)
    r = 1  #0,1,..,n-1 The state for which the stationary distribution will be maximized
    #c = 5 #0, 1, .., n-2
    Theta = toTheta(P)
    epsilon = 0.1  #Epsilon = 0.005 and update (>200) epsilon decreasing factor with factor 10 worked for all r in example Courtois
    gamma = 10**-6
    N = 300  #Number of iterations

    subset = [0]
    psi = 3

    simulation(Theta, r, epsilon, subset, gamma, psi, N)

    #Running time
    print('Running time of the programme:', time.time() - start_time)
예제 #10
def Kemeny_spsa(indices, values, size, eta):
    """Calculate gradient of Kemeny constant using SPSA."""
    #NOTE: the gradients are only calculated for the edges in the network.
    n = values.shape[0]
    delta = np.random.choice([-1, 1], n)
    #is this implementation oke? Using clamp(0,1), but also using SPSA for not all params.
    #Use one of the normalisation functions!
    values1 = (values + eta * delta).clamp(0, 1)
    values2 = (values - eta * delta).clamp(0, 1)

    P1 = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(indices, values1, size)
    P2 = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(indices, values2, size)

    K1 = MarkovChain(P1.to_dense().numpy()).K
    K2 = MarkovChain(P2.to_dense().numpy()).K

    grads = torch.FloatTensor([(K1 - K2) / 2 * eta * delta])
    return grads
예제 #11
def simulation(Theta, r, epsilon, gamma, N):
        perform a simulation to optimize pi[r]
    P = toP(Theta)
    P_old = P
    n, _ = P.shape
    mTheta_changes = np.zeros((N, n - 1))
    mStatDist_changes = np.zeros((N, n))
    vObj_changes = np.zeros(N)
    vPr_changes = np.zeros(N)
    pi_old = stationaryDist(Theta, None)
    pi_new = pi_old

    for step_nr in range(N):
        if step_nr > 150: epsilon = 1 / (step_nr)
        if step_nr > 300: epsilon = 1 / (2 * step_nr)
        if step_nr > 450: epsilon = 1 / (4 * step_nr)
        if step_nr > 600: epsilon = 1 / (8 * step_nr)
        if step_nr > 750: epsilon = 1 / (16 * step_nr)
        if step_nr > 900: epsilon = 1 / (32 * step_nr)
        v_gradJ = np.zeros(n - 1)  #store derivJ for all Theta[r,.] angles
        for c in range(n - 1):  #c represents angle index
            derivJ = deriv_objJ(Theta, r, c, gamma)
            v_gradJ[c] = derivJ
        #Update row Theta[r]
        #Theta[r] = Theta[r] + epsilon*v_gradJ
        #Update singel Theta[r,c_max]
        c_max = np.argmax(abs(v_gradJ))
        Theta[r, c_max] = Theta[r, c_max] + epsilon * v_gradJ[c_max]
        #Update MC measures
        P = toP(Theta)
        pi = stationaryDist(Theta, None)
        MC = MarkovChain(P)
        #Track changes
        mStatDist_changes[step_nr] = pi
        vObj_changes[step_nr] = objJ(Theta, r, gamma)
        mTheta_changes[step_nr] = Theta[r]
        vPr_changes[step_nr] = P[r, r]

        print('theta[r]=', np.round(Theta, 3)[r])
        print('Gradient Obj=', np.round(v_gradJ, 3))
        print('Gradient Obj x Epsilon=', np.round(v_gradJ * epsilon, 3))
        print('epsilon=', epsilon)
        print('iteration=', step_nr)
        print('pi_new', np.round(pi_new, 4))
        print('P[r]=', np.round(P[r], 3))
        print('Obj=', np.round(vObj_changes[step_nr], 3))

    print('Maximum M value=', np.max(MC.M))
    print('Final self probability=', round(P[r, r], 3))
    plotThetaprocess(mTheta_changes, mStatDist_changes, vObj_changes,
                     vPr_changes, step_nr, r)
예제 #12
def derivativeD_SPSA(Theta, r, c, Delta):
        Estimate the derivative w.r.t. Theta(r,c) of the deviation matrix using SPSA
        Theta - a (nx(n-1))-matrix (numpy array) with angles
        r - indicates the row of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        c - indicates the column of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        derivD - (nxn)-matrix (numpy array) of the derivative of the D matrix 
    n, _ = Theta.shape
    nabla = 0.0001
    Theta1 = copy.deepcopy(Theta)
    Theta2 = copy.deepcopy(Theta)
    Theta1[r] = Theta[r] - nabla * Delta
    Theta2[r] = Theta[r] + nabla * Delta
    D1 = MarkovChain(toP(Theta1)).D
    D2 = MarkovChain(toP(Theta2)).D

    derivD = (D2 - D1) / (2 * nabla * Delta[c])

    return derivD
예제 #13
def simulation(P, r, epsilon, gamma, N):
        perform a simulation to optimize pi[r]
    Theta = toTheta(P)
    n, _ = P.shape
    mTheta_changes = np.zeros((N, n - 1))
    mStatDist_changes = np.zeros((N, n))

    for step_nr in range(N):
        v_derivJ = np.zeros(n - 1)  #store derivJ for all Theta[r,.] angles

        for c in range(n - 1):  #c represents angle index
            derivJ = deriv_objJ(P, r, c, gamma)
            v_derivJ[c] = derivJ
        #find angle with highest effect on the objective value
        c_max = np.argmax(abs(v_derivJ))
        #c_change = random.randint(0,n-2)
        #Update angle Theta[r,c_max], we are maximizing
        Theta[r, c_max] = Theta[r, c_max] + epsilon * v_derivJ[c_max]
        mTheta_changes[step_nr] = Theta[r]
        #New P matrix
        P = toP(Theta)
        MC = MarkovChain(P)
        mStatDist_changes[step_nr] = MC.pi[0]
        #stop condition for reducibility
        if (MC.bUniChain == False):
                'The Markov chain described by P is no longer uni-chain! This should not happen.'

        #print current progress
        print('r=', r)
        print('gradient obj=', v_derivJ)
        print('P leaving state r=', P[r])
        print('P entering  state r=', P[:, r])
        print('pi=', MC.pi[0])


    #print Final progress (again)
    print('Final stationary probabilities:', MC.pi[0])
    print('Final Objective value:', objJ(P, r, gamma))
    print('Final transition probabilities:\n', np.round(P, 3))
    print('Final M value:\n', MC.M)
    plotThetaprocess(mTheta_changes, mStatDist_changes)
예제 #14
def objJ(Theta, r):
        Compute the value of the objective function. The objective is to maximize pi[r] under the condition that the Markov chain remains irreducible,
             for this the (relevant) values of M are used as penalty in the objective function.
        Theta - a (nxn)-matrix (numpy array) of transition probabilities
        r - indicates the row of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        J - real number, the objective value
    MC = MarkovChain(toP(Theta))
    pi = MC.pi[0]

    return pi[r]
예제 #15
def objJ(P, r, gamma):
        Compute the value of the objective function. The objective is to maximize pi[r] under the condition that the Markov chain remains irreducible,
             for this the (relevant) values of M are used as penalty in the objective function.
        P - a (nxn)-matrix (numpy array) of transition probabilities
        r - indicates the row of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        gamma - real number, the penalty factor for M
        J - real number, the objective value
    MC = MarkovChain(P)
    pi = MC.pi[0]
    M = MC.M
    return pi[r]  #+ gamma*(sum(M[r]) + sum(M[:,r]))
예제 #16
def plot():
    n = 500
    Theta = toTheta(MarkovChain('Courtois').P)
    theta_rnd = np.array([0] +
                         list(np.sort(np.random.rand(n - 2) * np.pi / 2)) +
                         [np.pi / 2])
    mObj = np.zeros((n, 2))
    vP = np.zeros(n)
    gamma = 0.0000005
    r = 7
    for i in range(n):
        Theta_tmp1 = Theta
        Theta_tmp1[r,6] = theta_rnd[i]
        mObj[i,0] = objJ(Theta_tmp1,r,gamma)
        vP[i] = toP(Theta_tmp1)[r,r]
        #Theta_tmp2 = Theta
        #Theta_tmp2[r,5] = theta_rnd[i]
        #Theta_tmp3 = Theta
        #Theta_tmp3[r,4] = theta_rnd[i]
        #Theta_tmp4 = Theta
        #Theta_tmp4[r,3] = theta_rnd[i]
        #Theta_tmp5 = Theta
        #Theta_tmp5[r,2] = theta_rnd[i]
        #Theta_tmp6 = Theta
        #Theta_tmp6[r,1] = theta_rnd[i]
        #Theta_tmp7 = Theta
        #Theta_tmp7[r,0] = theta_rnd[i]
        # mObj[i,1] = objJ(Theta_tmp2,r,gamma)
    plt.plot(theta_rnd, vP, label ='P[r,r]')
    plt.plot(theta_rnd, mObj[:,0], label='J1')
    mDerivJ = np.zeros((n, 7))
    for i in range(n):
        Theta_tmp1 = Theta
        Theta_tmp1[r, 0] = theta_rnd[i]
        for c in range(7):
            mDerivJ[i, c] = deriv_objJ(Theta_tmp1, r, c, gamma)

    for c in range(7):
        plt.plot(theta_rnd, mDerivJ[:, c], label=c)
예제 #17
def simulation(Theta, r, epsilon, gamma, N):
        perform a simulation to optimize pi[r]
    P = toP(Theta)
    n, _ = P.shape
    mTheta_changes = np.zeros((N, n - 1))
    mStatDist_changes = np.zeros((N, n))
    mObj_changes = np.zeros(N)

    for step_nr in range(N):
        if (step_nr > 100): epsilon = 1 / (step_nr)
        v_derivJ = np.zeros(n - 1)  #store derivJ for all Theta[r,.] angles
        for c in range(n - 1):  #c represents angle index
            derivJ = deriv_objJ(Theta, r, c, gamma)
            v_derivJ[c] = derivJ
        #find angle with highest effect on the objective value
        c_max = np.argmax(abs(v_derivJ))
        #c_max = np.random.randint(n-1)
        #Update angle Theta[r,c_max], we are maximizing
        Theta[r, c_max] = Theta[r, c_max] + epsilon * v_derivJ[c_max]
        mTheta_changes[step_nr] = Theta[r]
        #New P matrix
        P = toP(Theta)
        MC = MarkovChain(P)
        mStatDist_changes[step_nr] = MC.pi[0]
        mObj_changes[step_nr] = objJ(Theta, r, gamma)

        print('iteration=', step_nr)
        print ('epsilon=', epsilon)
        print ('P[r]=', np.round(P[r],3))
        print ('theta[r]=', np.round(mTheta_changes[step_nr],3))
        print ('pi=', np.round(mStatDist_changes[step_nr],3))
        print ('Derivative Obj=', np.round(v_derivJ,3))
        print ('c max=', c_max)
        print ('Obj=', np.round(mObj_changes[step_nr],3))
        print ('==========')
    #print and plot final results
    print('Final Objective value:', objJ(Theta, r, gamma))
    print('Final transition probabilities:\n', np.round(MC.P, 3))
    print('Final stationary probabilities:\n', MC.pi[0])
    #print ('Final M value:\n', np.round(MC.M*gamma,2))
    plotThetaprocess(mTheta_changes, mStatDist_changes, mObj_changes)
예제 #18
def stationaryDist(Theta, mu):
        Determine the stationary distribution of the Markov chain described by the transition matrix P
        Theta - a (nx(n-1))-matrix (numpy array) with angles
        mu - a (nx1)-vector (numpy array) for the Markov chain's 'start values' or None 
        pi - a (nx1)-vector (numpy array) with the (unique) steady state probabilities
    MC = MarkovChain(toP(Theta))
    if MC.bUniChain:  #P is a uni-chain
        pi = MC.pi[0]
    else:  #P is a multi-chain
        Pi = MC.Pi
        pi = mu @ Pi

    return pi
예제 #19
def objJ(Theta, r, subset, gamma, psi, Theta_ini):
        Compute the value of the objective function. The objective is to maximize pi[r] under the condition that the Markov chain remains irreducible,
             for this the (relevant) values of M are used as penalty in the objective function.
        Theta - a (nxn)-matrix (numpy array) of transition probabilities
        r - indicates the row of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        gamma - real number, the penalty factor for M
        J - real number, the objective value
    MC = MarkovChain(toP(Theta))
    pi = MC.pi[0]
    #M = MC.M

    P_first = toP(Theta_ini)

    return pi[r] - psi * pen_subset(P_first, MC.P, subset, r)
예제 #20
def derivative_pi(P, r, c):
        Determine the derivative of the stationary distribution w.r.t. Theta(r,c)
        P - a (nxn)-matrix (numpy array) of transition probabilities
        r - indicates the row of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        c - indicates the column of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        deriv_pi - (nx1)-vector (numpy array) the derivative of pi
    n, _ = P.shape
    MC = MarkovChain(P)
    pi = MC.pi[0]
    D = MC.D
    deriv_P = derivativeP(P, r, c)
    deriv_pi = pi @ deriv_P @ D

    return deriv_pi
예제 #21
def derivativeD_H(Theta, r, c):
        Calculate the derivative of the deviation matrix of P w.r.t. Theta(r,c)
        Theta - a (nx(n-1))-matrix (numpy array) with angles
        r - indicates the row of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        c - indicates the column of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        derivD - (nxn)-matrix (numpy array) of the derivative of the D matrix 
    n, _ = Theta.shape
    P = toP(Theta)
    MC = MarkovChain(P)
    Pi = MC.Pi
    D = MC.D
    derivP = derivativeP(Theta, r, c)
    derivPi = derivativePi(Theta, r, c)
    derivD = -derivPi @ D + D @ derivP @ D

    return derivD
예제 #22
def derivativeD(Theta, r, c):
        Calculate the derivative of the deviation matrix of P w.r.t. Theta(r,c)
        Theta - a (nx(n-1))-matrix (numpy array) with angles
        r - indicates the row of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        c - indicates the column of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        derivD - (nxn)-matrix (numpy array) of the derivative of the D matrix 
    n, _ = Theta.shape
    P = toP(Theta)
    MC = MarkovChain(P)
    Pi = MC.Pi
    derivP = derivativeP(Theta, r, c)
    derivPi = derivativePi(Theta, r, c)
    inv_term = np.linalg.inv((np.identity(n) - P + Pi))
    derivD = -inv_term @ (-derivP + derivPi) @ inv_term - derivPi

    return derivD
예제 #23
def derivativePi(Theta, r, c):
        Calculate the derivative of the ergodic projector of P(Theta) w.r.t. Theta(r,c)
        Theta - a (nx(n-1))-matrix (numpy array) with angles
        r - indicates the row of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        c - indicates the column of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        derivPi - (nxn)-matrix (numpy array) of the derivative of the Pi matrix 
    n, _ = Theta.shape
    MC = MarkovChain(toP(Theta))
    Pi = MC.Pi

    if (MC.bUniChain == False):
        print('The MC is not a unichain, derivative not yet determined')

    #We have uni-chain
    return np.array([derivative_pi(Theta, r, c)] * n)
예제 #24
def derivative_pi(Theta, r, c):
        Determine the derivative of the stationary distribution w.r.t. Theta(r,c)
        Theta - a (nx(n-1))-matrix (numpy array) with angles
        r - indicates the row of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        c - indicates the column of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        deriv_pi - (nx1)-vector (numpy array) the derivative of pi
    n, _ = Theta.shape
    MC = MarkovChain(toP(Theta))
    pi = MC.pi[0]
    D = MC.D
    deriv_P = derivativeP(Theta, r, c)
    #deriv_P = np.zeros((n,n))
    #deriv_P[r,c] = 1.0
    deriv_pi = pi @ deriv_P @ D

    return deriv_pi
예제 #25
def derivativeD(P, r, c):
        Calculate the derivative of the deviation matrix of P w.r.t. Theta(r,c)
        P - a (nxn)-matrix (numpy array) of transition probabilities
        r - indicates the row of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        c - indicates the column of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        derivD - (nxn)-matrix (numpy array) of the derivative of the D matrix 
    n, _ = P.shape
    MC = MarkovChain(P)
    Pi = MC.Pi
    derivP = derivativeP(P, r, c)
    derivPi = derivativePi(P, r, c)
    inv_term = np.linalg.inv((np.identity(n) - P + Pi))
    derivD = -inv_term @ (
        -derivP + derivPi
    ) @ inv_term - derivPi  #Column r and row r are (for most) nonzero, does this make sense?

    return derivD
예제 #26
def start(r):
    #print ("===============================================================")
    start_time = time.time()
    MC = MarkovChain('Courtois')
    P = MC.P
    #P = np.ones((n,n))/n
    #MC = MarkovChain(P)
    #r = 2   #0,1,..,n-1 The state for which the stationary distribution will be maximized
    #c = 5 #0, 1, .., n-2
    Theta = toTheta(P)
    epsilon = 0.0005
    N = 1500    #Number of iterations

    pi = simulation(Theta,r,epsilon,N)
    print ('Final stationary distribution for r=%d:\n' % r, np.round(pi,3))
    #Running time
    print ('Running time of the programme:', time.time() - start_time)
    print ("===============================================================")
def start():
    start_time = time.time()
    n = 8
    MC = MarkovChain('Courtois')
    P = MC.P
    #P = np.ones((n,n))/n
    #MC = MarkovChain(P)
    r = 1  #0,1,..,n-1 The state for which the stationary distribution will be maximized
    #c = 5 #0, 1, .., n-2
    Theta = toTheta(P)
    gamma = 0.01
    epsilon = 0.1
    N = 5000  #Number of iterations

    simulation(Theta, r, epsilon, gamma, N)

    #Running time
    print('Running time of the programme:', time.time() - start_time)
예제 #28
def objJ(Theta, r, gamma):
        Compute the value of the objective function. The objective is to maximize pi[r] under the condition that the Markov chain remains irreducible,
             for this the (relevant) values of M are used as penalty in the objective function.
        Theta - a (nxn)-matrix (numpy array) of transition probabilities
        r - indicates the row of the theta element we differentiate to, i.e., for Theta(r,c).
        gamma - real number, the penalty factor for M
        J - real number, the objective value
    n, _ = Theta.shape
    MC = MarkovChain(toP(Theta))
    pi = MC.pi[0]
    M = MC.M
    K = 10**5
    pen1 = np.max(M[:, r] - np.ones(n) * K, 0)
    pen2 = np.max(M[r, :] - np.ones(n) * K, 0)

    return pi[r] - gamma * (
        euclidean(pen1, np.zeros(n)) + euclidean(pen2, np.zeros(n))
    )  #gamma*sum(sum(M))   #gamma*(max(np.max(M[r]), np.max((M[:,r])), 1))
예제 #29
def spsa(mx, eta):
    n = mx.shape[0]
    delta = np.random.choice([-1, 1], (n, n))
    P1, P2 = normalise1(mx + eta * delta), normalise1(mx - eta * delta)
    K1, K2 = MarkovChain(P1).K, MarkovChain(P2).K
    return (K1 - K2) / 2 * eta * delta
예제 #30
def SPSA_kem_sph(sph, eta):
    #eta = 1e-4
    Delta = np.random.choice([-1, 1], sph.shape) * eta
    sph0, sph1 = sph + eta * Delta, sph - eta * Delta
    K0, K1 = MarkovChain(sph_to_mx(sph0)).K, MarkovChain(sph_to_mx(sph1)).K
    return K0, K1, (K0 - K1) / (2 * eta * Delta)