예제 #1
    x, s, u = longpath1(A, b, c, c_form = 1, info = 1, ip = 0)
    dful = cent_meas(x, u, label = 'LPF', plot = 0) 
    """                             LPF2                                    """
    #                             13 it
    x, s, u, sigma_l2 = longpath2(A, b, c, c_form = 1, info = 1, ip = 1)    
    dfc = cent_meas(x, u, label = 'LPF2', plot = 0)
    """                    LPF predictor corrector                          """
    #                          14 iterations
    x, s, u, sigma_pc = longpathPC(A, b, c, c_form = 1, info = 1, ip = 0)
    dfpc = cent_meas(x, u, label = 'LPF PC', plot = 0) 
    """                          Mehrotra                                   """
    #                            8 iterations
    x, s, u, sigma_m = mehrotra(A, b, c, c_form = 1, info = 1, ip = 1)
    dfm = cent_meas(x, u, label = 'Mehrotra', plot = 0) 

    """ Recall the simplex method """
    (A2, b2, c2) = ssteel2()
    P, u = SimplexMethod(A, b, c, rule = 1, c_form = 1) # 17!!!
    #        Start phase II
    #Iteration: 12
    #Current x: [ 75.  250.  568.   80.5 ...  24.    0.    0.    0. ] 
    #P2, u2 = SimplexMethodI(A, b, c, rule = 0, c_form = 1) # 0 it
#    P, u = SimplexMethod(A2, b2, c2, rule = 0) 
예제 #2
if __name__ == "__main__":
    (A, b, c) = tubprod()  # canonical form!
    """                              Affine                                 """
    #                                 29 it
    x, s, u = affine(A, b, c, ip=1)
    dfu = cent_meas(x, u, label='Affine', plot=0)
    """                            LPF1                                     """
    #                              IT DOESN'T WORK!!!
    #    x_l, s_l, u_l = longpath1(A, b, c, info = 1, ip = 1)
    """                            LPF2                                     """
    #                              21 it
    x, s, u, sigma_l2 = longpath2(A, b, c, info=1, ip=0)
    dfc = cent_meas(x, u, label='LPF2', plot=0)
    """                 LPF predictor corrector                           """
    #                          20 iterations
    x, s, u, sigma_pc = longpathPC(A, b, c, info=1, ip=1)
    dfpc = cent_meas(x, u, label='LPF PC', plot=0)
    """                        Mehrotra                                     """
    #                             10 iterations
    start = time.time()
    x_m, s_m, u_m, sigma_m = mehrotra(A, b, c, info=1, ip=1)
    dfm = cent_meas(x_m, u_m, label='Mehrotra', plot=0)

    " Recall the simplex method "

    #P, u = SimplexMethod(A, b, c, rule = 1) # 51 it
    # it doesn't work with rule = 0
    #dfu = pd.DataFrame(u)
    x = linprog(c, method='simplex', A_ub=A, b_ub=b)  # Exact solution
예제 #3
time_lpf2 = time.time()-start
print('Time of the algorithm is {} \n\n'.format("%2.2e"%time_lpf2))

dfc = cent_meas(x_c, u_c, label = 'LPF2', plot= 0)

"""                         LPF predictor corrector                         """
#                              12 iterations/ 14 iteraions
start = time.time()
x_pc, s_pc, u_pc, sigma_pc = longpathPC(A, b, c, c_form = 1, info = 1, ip = 0)
time_lpfpc = time.time()-start
print('Time of the algorithm is {} \n\n'.format("%2.2e"%time_lpfpc))

dfpc = cent_meas(x_pc, u_pc, label = 'LPF PC', plot = 0) 
"""                              Mehrotra                                   """
#                              7 iterations
start = time.time()
x_m, s_m, u_m, sigma_m = mehrotra(A, b, c, c_form = 1, info = 1, ip = 0)
time_mer = time.time()-start
print('Time of the algorithm is {} \n\n'.format("%2.2e"%time_mer))

dfm = cent_meas(x_m, u_m, label = 'Mehrotra', plot = 0) 

" Recall the simplex method "

#P, u = SimplexMethod(A, b, c, rule = 1, c_form = 1) # BAD

x = linprog(c, A_eq = A, b_eq = b) # Exact solution
x = linprog(c, A, b) # BAD
예제 #4
For every method we obtain the optimal vector (x,s), a dataframe with all sequences
time of the algorithm 

if __name__ == "__main__":

    (A, b, c) = forest()  # already in standard form
    IP = 0
    """                           Affine                                    """
    #                              29 it
    x, s, u = affine(A, b, -c, c_form=1, ip=IP)
    dfu = cent_meas(x, u, label='Affine', plot=0)
    """                               LPF1                                  """
    #                                183 it
    x, s, u = longpath1(A, b, -c, c_form=1, info=1, ip=IP)
    dful = cent_meas(x, u, label='LPF', plot=0)
    """                               LPF2                                  """
    #                                15 it
    x_c, s_c, u_c, sigma_l2 = longpath2(A, b, -c, c_form=1, info=1, ip=IP)
    dfc = cent_meas(x_c, u_c, label='LPF2', plot=0)
    """                            LPF predictor corrector                  """
    #                               19 iterations
    x, s, u, sigma_pc = longpathPC(A, b, -c, c_form=1, info=1, ip=IP)
    dfpc = cent_meas(x, u, label='LPF PC', plot=0)
    """                                  Mehrotra                           """
    #                                 9 iterations
    x, s, u, sigma = mehrotra(A, b, -c, c_form=1, info=1, ip=IP)
    dfm = cent_meas(x, u, label='Mehrotra', plot=0)

    P1, u = SimplexMethod(A, b, -c, rule=0, c_form=1)  # 45 iterations
예제 #5
# L2 regression of |Ax -b|_2 for LPF2
p = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(A), P)
y2 = p[0]*x + p[1]
plt.plot(x, y2, c = 'blue', linewidth = 2)

# L2 regression of |Ax -b|_2 for LPF pc
t = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(A), Z)
yl = t[0]*x + t[1]
plt.plot(x,yl, c = 'cyan', linewidth = 2)

# L2 regression of |Ax -b|_2 for Simplex
#p = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(A), W)
#ys = p[0]*x + p[1]
#plt.plot(x,ys, c = 'red', linewidth = 2)
#x = [-np.Inf,  np.Inf]


# L1 regression of the function |Ax - b|
r_A, c_A = np.shape(A)
A1 = np.hstack((A, -np.identity(r_A)))
A2 = np.hstack((-A, -np.identity(r_A)))

A = np.vstack((A1, A2))
b =  np.concatenate((-B, B))
c = np.concatenate((np.zeros(c_A),np.ones(r_A)))

xm, sm, um, sigmam = mehrotra(A, b, c)