예제 #1
    def __init__(self, arguments):
        self._arguments = arguments
        self._settings = self._arguments.get_settings("test_runner")
        self._failed = False

        self._import_manager = Import_Manager()
        self._preimported_modules = [
            "core.Import_Manager", "settings", "settings.Settings",

        self._loader = unittest.TestLoader()
        self._loader.testMethodPrefix = self._settings.get(

        if self._settings.get("coverage"):
            # Only consider our own module so that we exclude system and site
            # packages, and exclude the test bench, test runner and tests
            # themselves from code coverage.
            path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
            include_path = "{}/*".format(path)
            excluded_patterns = ["test.py", "bench/*", "tests/*"]
            excluded_paths = [
                "{}/{}".format(path, pattern) for pattern in excluded_patterns
            self._statement_coverage = coverage.Coverage(include=include_path,

            self._method_coverage = Method_Coverage(self._arguments,
            self._statement_coverage = None
            self._method_coverage = None
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, arguments):
        self._arguments = arguments
        self._settings = self._arguments.get_settings("test_runner")
        self._failed = False

        self._import_manager = Import_Manager()
        self._preimported_modules = [
            "core.Import_Manager", "settings", "settings.Settings",

        self._loader = unittest.TestLoader()
        self._loader.testMethodPrefix = self._settings.get("test_method_prefix")

        if self._settings.get("coverage"):
            # Only consider our own module so that we exclude system and site 
            # packages, and exclude the test bench, test runner and tests 
            # themselves from code coverage.
            path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
            include_path = "{}/*".format(path)
            excluded_patterns = ["test.py", "bench/*", "tests/*"]
            excluded_paths = [
                "{}/{}".format(path, pattern) for pattern in excluded_patterns
            self._statement_coverage = coverage.Coverage(include=include_path,

            self._method_coverage = Method_Coverage(self._arguments,
            self._statement_coverage = None
            self._method_coverage = None
예제 #3
class Test_Run(object):
    Test runner class.

    This class provides the means for running unit tests, code coverage, style
    checks and other steps that can be taken before, during and after the tests.
    def __init__(self, arguments):
        self._arguments = arguments
        self._settings = self._arguments.get_settings("test_runner")
        self._failed = False

        self._import_manager = Import_Manager()
        self._preimported_modules = [
            "core.Import_Manager", "settings", "settings.Settings",

        self._loader = unittest.TestLoader()
        self._loader.testMethodPrefix = self._settings.get(

        if self._settings.get("coverage"):
            # Only consider our own module so that we exclude system and site
            # packages, and exclude the test bench, test runner and tests
            # themselves from code coverage.
            path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
            include_path = "{}/*".format(path)
            excluded_patterns = ["test.py", "bench/*", "tests/*"]
            excluded_paths = [
                "{}/{}".format(path, pattern) for pattern in excluded_patterns
            self._statement_coverage = coverage.Coverage(include=include_path,

            self._method_coverage = Method_Coverage(self._arguments,
            self._statement_coverage = None
            self._method_coverage = None

    def is_passed(self):
        Check whether all the test run parts succeeded.

        return not self._failed

    def execute_unit_tests(self):
        Execute the unit tests.

        # Discard the module cache for the package modules imported in the test
        # runner. This ensures that they are reimported in the tests, which
        # makes the coverage consider start-up calls again.
        for module in self._preimported_modules:
            self._import_manager.unload(module, relative=True)

        if self._statement_coverage is not None:
            # Enable statement coverage around loading and running tests.

        pattern = self._settings.get("pattern")
        verbosity = self._settings.get("verbosity")

        tests = self._loader.discover("tests",

        factory = Test_Result_Factory(self._arguments)
        runner = unittest.runner.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity,

        result = runner.run(tests)

        if self._statement_coverage is not None:

        # Reload the Import_Manager so that the Method_Coverage can safely use
        # it again to load modules.
        if self._method_coverage is not None:

        if not result.wasSuccessful():
            self._failed = True

    def execute_statement_coverage_report(self):
        Create a statement coverage report if coverage is enabled. We
        automatically disable coverage if we do not run all tests or a test has
        failed. The test run also fails if the statement coverage is not 100%.

        This method returns the report text if coverage is enabled, otherwise
        it returns `None`.

        if self._statement_coverage is None:
            return None

        if self._failed or not self._settings.is_default("pattern"):
            return None

        report = StringIO()
        percentage = self._statement_coverage.report(file=report,

        if percentage < 100:
            self._failed = True

        return report.getvalue()

    def execute_method_coverage_report(self):
        Create a method coverage report if coverage is enabled. We automatically
        disable coverage if we do not run all tests or a test has failed.
        The test run also fails if the method coverage is not 100%.

        This method returns the report text if coverage is enabled, otherwise
        it returns `None`.

        if self._method_coverage is None:
            return None

        if self._failed or not self._settings.is_default("pattern"):
            return None

        output, percentage = self._method_coverage.get_results()

        if percentage < 100:
            self._failed = True

        return output

    def _get_travis_environment(self, name):
        Retrieve the string value of an environment variable with a name that
        starts with `TRAVIS_`, followed by the given `name`.

        If the environment variable is not found, an empty string is returned.

        environment_variable = "TRAVIS_{}".format(name)
        if environment_variable not in os.environ:
            return ""

        return os.environ[environment_variable]

    def _get_commit_range(self):
        Retrieve a Git commit range specification that includes the current
        branch, pull request or pushed commits.

        If no such range can be found, this returns an empty string.

        # Check the commit range determined by Travis.
        commit_range = self._get_travis_environment("COMMIT_RANGE")
        if not commit_range:
            # For branches with only one commit, there may be no commit range.
            # Try to find the one commit.
            return self._get_travis_environment("COMMIT")

        # Determine the commit range of the current branch.
        range_parts = commit_range.split('.')
        first_commit = range_parts[0]
        latest_commit = range_parts[-1]
        pull_request = self._get_travis_environment("PULL_REQUEST")
        base_commit = ""

        if pull_request == "false":
            branch = self._get_travis_environment("BRANCH")
            default_branch = self._settings.get("default_branch")
            if branch != default_branch:
                # Retrieve the FETCH_HEAD of the default branch, since Travis
                # has a partial clone that does not contain all branch heads.
                check_call(["git", "fetch", "origin", default_branch])
                base_commit = "FETCH_HEAD"
        elif pull_request:
            base_commit = self._get_travis_environment("BRANCH")

        if base_commit:
            # Find commit hash of the earliest boundary point, which should be
            # the fork point of the current branch, i.e. where the commits
            # diverge from master ignoring merges from master. This could also
            # be found using `git merge-base --fork-point`, but this is not
            # supported on Git 1.8. There are more contrived solutions at
            # http://stackoverflow.com/q/1527234 but this single call works
            # good enough.
            commits = check_output([
                "git", "rev-list", "--boundary",
                "{}...{}".format(base_commit, latest_commit)

            fork_commits = [
                commit[1:] for commit in commits if commit.startswith('-')
            if fork_commits:
                first_commit = fork_commits[-1]

        return "{}..{}".format(first_commit, latest_commit)

    def get_changed_files(self):
        Retrieve the files that were changed in a commit range.

        The Git commit range is retrieved from the environment variable
        `TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE`, which is set by Travis CI when the tests are run.
        The commit range is altered to contain all commits from the current
        branch stated in the `TRAVIS_BRANCH` environment variable, but only if
        the branch is not the default and the `TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST` environment
        variable has the value "false" denoting that it is not a PR build.

        Only files that were changed and not deleted in those commits are
        included in the returned list. The commit range is also returned.

        commit_range = self._get_commit_range()
        if not commit_range:
            # We can only determine the commit range on Travis.
            return [], ""

        # Retrieve all files that were changed in a commit. This excludes
        # deleted files which no longer exist at this point. Based on
        # a solution at http://stackoverflow.com/q/424071
        output = check_output([
            "git", "diff-tree", "--no-commit-id", "--name-only",
            "--diff-filter=ACMRTUXB", "-r", commit_range

        return output.splitlines(), commit_range

    def execute_pylint(self, files):
        Execute pylint on a given list of files.

        Only Python files are included in the lint check.

        # Filter list of file names to only include Python files.
        files = [filename for filename in files if filename.endswith('.py')]
        # There might not be any Python files left after filtering the list, so
        # do not run pylint if this is the case.
        if not files:

            pylint.lint.Run(["--disable=duplicate-code", "--reports=n"] +
        except SystemExit as e:
            if e.code != 0:
                self._failed = True

    def read_logs_directory(self):
        Read all logs in the logs directory.

        Returns the concatenared file contents of all the logs.

        files = glob.glob("logs/*.log")
        log_contents = ""
        for file in files:
            with open(file) as log_file:
                contents = log_file.read().rstrip("\n")
                if contents != "":
                    log_contents += contents + "\n"
                    self._failed = True

        return log_contents

    def clear_logs_directory(self):
        Clear all log files the logs directory.

        files = glob.glob("logs/*.log")
        for file in files:
예제 #4
class Test_Run(object):
    Test runner class.

    This class provides the means for running unit tests, code coverage, style
    checks and other steps that can be taken before, during and after the tests.

    def __init__(self, arguments):
        self._arguments = arguments
        self._settings = self._arguments.get_settings("test_runner")
        self._failed = False

        self._import_manager = Import_Manager()
        self._preimported_modules = [
            "core.Import_Manager", "settings", "settings.Settings",

        self._loader = unittest.TestLoader()
        self._loader.testMethodPrefix = self._settings.get("test_method_prefix")

        if self._settings.get("coverage"):
            # Only consider our own module so that we exclude system and site 
            # packages, and exclude the test bench, test runner and tests 
            # themselves from code coverage.
            path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
            include_path = "{}/*".format(path)
            excluded_patterns = ["test.py", "bench/*", "tests/*"]
            excluded_paths = [
                "{}/{}".format(path, pattern) for pattern in excluded_patterns
            self._statement_coverage = coverage.Coverage(include=include_path,

            self._method_coverage = Method_Coverage(self._arguments,
            self._statement_coverage = None
            self._method_coverage = None

    def is_passed(self):
        Check whether all the test run parts succeeded.

        return not self._failed

    def execute_unit_tests(self):
        Execute the unit tests.

        # Discard the module cache for the package modules imported in the test 
        # runner. This ensures that they are reimported in the tests, which 
        # makes the coverage consider start-up calls again.
        for module in self._preimported_modules:
            self._import_manager.unload(module, relative=True)

        if self._statement_coverage is not None:
            # Enable statement coverage around loading and running tests.

        pattern = self._settings.get("pattern")
        verbosity = self._settings.get("verbosity")

        tests = self._loader.discover("tests", pattern=pattern,

        factory = Test_Result_Factory(self._arguments)
        runner = unittest.runner.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity,

        result = runner.run(tests)

        if self._statement_coverage is not None:

        # Reload the Import_Manager so that the Method_Coverage can safely use 
        # it again to load modules.
        if self._method_coverage is not None:

        if not result.wasSuccessful():
            self._failed = True

    def execute_statement_coverage_report(self):
        Create a statement coverage report if coverage is enabled. We
        automatically disable coverage if we do not run all tests or a test has
        failed. The test run also fails if the statement coverage is not 100%.

        This method returns the report text if coverage is enabled, otherwise
        it returns `None`.

        if self._statement_coverage is None:
            return None

        if self._failed or not self._settings.is_default("pattern"):
            return None

        report = StringIO()
        percentage = self._statement_coverage.report(file=report,

        if percentage < 100:
            self._failed = True

        return report.getvalue()

    def execute_method_coverage_report(self):
        Create a method coverage report if coverage is enabled. We automatically
        disable coverage if we do not run all tests or a test has failed.
        The test run also fails if the method coverage is not 100%.

        This method returns the report text if coverage is enabled, otherwise
        it returns `None`.

        if self._method_coverage is None:
            return None

        if self._failed or not self._settings.is_default("pattern"):
            return None

        output, percentage = self._method_coverage.get_results()

        if percentage < 100:
            self._failed = True

        return output

    def _get_travis_environment(self, name):
        Retrieve the string value of an environment variable with a name that
        starts with `TRAVIS_`, followed by the given `name`.

        If the environment variable is not found, an empty string is returned.

        environment_variable = "TRAVIS_{}".format(name)
        if environment_variable not in os.environ:
            return ""

        return os.environ[environment_variable]

    def _get_commit_range(self):
        Retrieve a Git commit range specification that includes the current
        branch, pull request or pushed commits.

        If no such range can be found, this returns an empty string.

        # Check the commit range determined by Travis.
        commit_range = self._get_travis_environment("COMMIT_RANGE")
        if not commit_range:
            # For branches with only one commit, there may be no commit range. 
            # Try to find the one commit.
            return self._get_travis_environment("COMMIT")

        # Determine the commit range of the current branch.
        range_parts = commit_range.split('.')
        first_commit = range_parts[0]
        latest_commit = range_parts[-1]
        pull_request = self._get_travis_environment("PULL_REQUEST")
        base_commit = ""

        if pull_request == "false":
            branch = self._get_travis_environment("BRANCH")
            default_branch = self._settings.get("default_branch")
            if branch != default_branch:
                # Retrieve the FETCH_HEAD of the default branch, since Travis 
                # has a partial clone that does not contain all branch heads.
                check_call(["git", "fetch", "origin", default_branch])
                base_commit = "FETCH_HEAD"
        elif pull_request:
            base_commit = self._get_travis_environment("BRANCH")

        if base_commit:
            # Find commit hash of the earliest boundary point, which should be 
            # the fork point of the current branch, i.e. where the commits 
            # diverge from master ignoring merges from master. This could also 
            # be found using `git merge-base --fork-point`, but this is not 
            # supported on Git 1.8. There are more contrived solutions at 
            # http://stackoverflow.com/q/1527234 but this single call works 
            # good enough.
            commits = check_output([
                "git", "rev-list", "--boundary",
                "{}...{}".format(base_commit, latest_commit)

            fork_commits = [
                commit[1:] for commit in commits if commit.startswith('-')
            if fork_commits:
                first_commit = fork_commits[-1]

        return "{}..{}".format(first_commit, latest_commit)

    def get_changed_files(self):
        Retrieve the files that were changed in a commit range.

        The Git commit range is retrieved from the environment variable
        `TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE`, which is set by Travis CI when the tests are run.
        The commit range is altered to contain all commits from the current
        branch stated in the `TRAVIS_BRANCH` environment variable, but only if
        the branch is not the default and the `TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST` environment
        variable has the value "false" denoting that it is not a PR build.

        Only files that were changed and not deleted in those commits are
        included in the returned list. The commit range is also returned.

        commit_range = self._get_commit_range()
        if not commit_range:
            # We can only determine the commit range on Travis.
            return [], ""

        # Retrieve all files that were changed in a commit. This excludes 
        # deleted files which no longer exist at this point. Based on 
        # a solution at http://stackoverflow.com/q/424071
        output = check_output([
            "git", "diff-tree", "--no-commit-id", "--name-only",
            "--diff-filter=ACMRTUXB", "-r", commit_range

        return output.splitlines(), commit_range

    def execute_pylint(self, files):
        Execute pylint on a given list of files.

        Only Python files are included in the lint check.

        # Filter list of file names to only include Python files.
        files = [filename for filename in files if filename.endswith('.py')]
        # There might not be any Python files left after filtering the list, so 
        # do not run pylint if this is the case.
        if not files:

            pylint.lint.Run(["--disable=duplicate-code", "--reports=n"] + files)
        except SystemExit as e:
            if e.code != 0:
                self._failed = True

    def read_logs_directory(self):
        Read all logs in the logs directory.

        Returns the concatenared file contents of all the logs.

        files = glob.glob("logs/*.log")
        log_contents = ""
        for file in files:
            with open(file) as log_file:
                contents = log_file.read().rstrip("\n")
                if contents != "":
                    log_contents += contents + "\n"
                    self._failed = True

        return log_contents

    def clear_logs_directory(self):
        Clear all log files the logs directory.

        files = glob.glob("logs/*.log")
        for file in files: