def get_ngQuantity_line(model_name, process_at, sql_timepart, lineNum): result = [] try: cur = connections[model_name].cursor() sql = "SELECT\ line_cd,\ assy_text,\ dayornight,\ SUM( ng_quantity ) AS ng_quantity \ FROM\ (\ SELECT DISTINCT\ auto_ng.line_cd,\ m_assy.assy_text,\ auto_ng.process_id,\ auto_ng.dayornight,\ auto_ng.ng_quantity AS ng_quantity \ FROM\ m_assy\ INNER JOIN (\ SELECT\ line_cd,\ process_id,\ dayornight,\ SUM( quantity ) AS ng_quantity\ FROM\ (\ SELECT\ line_cd,\ process_id,\ time_part AS dayornight,\ quantity \ FROM\ t_1_auto_io_" + lineNum + " \ WHERE\ process_at = '(process_at)' \ AND judge_text = 'ng' \ AND " + sql_timepart + " \ ) AS auto \ GROUP BY\ line_cd,\ process_id,\ dayornight \ ) AS auto_ng ON m_assy.process_id = auto_ng.process_id\ ) AS main \ GROUP BY\ line_cd,\ assy_text,\ dayornight \ ORDER BY line_cd,assy_text,dayornight" sql = sql.replace("(process_at)", process_at) cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: result.append({"line_cd":row[0],"assy_text":row[1],"dayornight":row[2], "ng_quantity":int(row[3]),}) except BaseException as exp: print(exp) result = models_common.databaseException(exp) connections[model_name].close() return result
def getSummaryTimeType(model_name): try: from MfcOpeSys.models import models_common result = [] cur = connections[model_name].cursor() SQL = 'select time_tbl_cd from m_time_table order by time_tbl_cd limit 1' cur.execute(SQL) row = cur.fetchone() SQL = 'SELECT time_part from m_time_table WHERE time_tbl_cd = %s order by time_part;' cur.execute(SQL, (row[0], )) rows = cur.fetchall() result_temp1 = [] result_temp2 = [] for row in rows: if row[0] == 'All' or row[0] == 'Night' or row[0] == 'Day': result_temp1.append(row[0]) else: result_temp2.append(row[0]) result = result_temp1 result.extend(result_temp2) except BaseException as exp: print(exp) result = models_common.databaseException(exp) connections[model_name].close() return result
def get_processIDs(model_name, from_process_at, to_process_at, config, line, datatype_id, pernum, firstDatatypeFlg): result = [] from_process_at = from_process_at + '+08' to_process_at = to_process_at + '+08' sql1 = "SELECT \ process_id,\ process_text,\ assy_text,\ process_cd,\ hold_for \ FROM(" sql2 = "SELECT DISTINCT \ assy.process_id,\ assy.process_text,\ assy.assy_text,\ tracert.process_cd,\ assy.hold_for \ FROM \ t_1_sn_tracert tracert \ INNER JOIN t_1_sn_target target ON tracert.serial_cd = target.serial_cd \ AND target.line_cd = '(line_cd)' \ AND target.config_cd = '(config_cd)' " sql3 = "INNER JOIN m_assy assy ON assy.datatype_id = target.datatype_id \ AND assy.process_cd = tracert.process_cd \ AND assy.tracert_sw = 'ON' \ AND assy.datatype_id = '(datatype_id)' \ ORDER BY assy.process_id " sql_limit = " LIMIT 1 ) t1 UNION " sql_offset = " OFFSET 1 ) t2 ORDER BY process_id" # 是第一datatype的场合 if firstDatatypeFlg: sub_datetime_sql = " AND tracert.process_at >= '" + from_process_at + "' AND tracert.process_at <= '" + to_process_at + "' " sql = sql1 + sql2 + sql3 + sql_limit + sql1 + sql2 + sub_datetime_sql + sql3 + sql_offset else: sql = sql2 + sql3 try: cur = connections[model_name].cursor() sql = sql.replace("(line_cd)", line).replace("(datatype_id)", datatype_id).replace( "(config_cd)", config) cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: result.append( \ {"process_id": row[0], "process_code": row[3], "process_name": row[1], "assy_name": row[2],\ "ok": 0, "ng": 0, "input": 0,\ "yield": "0.00%", "ipqc": 0, "wip": 0,\ "index": 0, "s_index": 0, "e_index": pernum, "first_display": 1, "next_display": 1,\ "detail": [], "hold_for": row[4], }) except BaseException as exp: print(exp) result = models_common.databaseException(exp) connections[model_name].close() return result
def initSummaryOffsetData(model_name): result = [] try: today = oneday = datetime.timedelta(days=1) yesterday = today - oneday cur = connections[model_name].cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT DISTINCT assy_text,min(process_id) as a FROM m_assy GROUP BY assy_text ORDER BY a;" ) rows = cur.fetchall() create_summary_offset_table(model_name, cur) for row in rows: assy_text = row[0] cur.execute( "SELECT ng_count,reason,date FROM m_summary_offset WHERE assy_text = %s;", (assy_text, )) row_m = cur.fetchone() if (row_m != None): if (row_m[2] == yesterday): result.append({ 'assy_text': row[0], 'ng_count': row_m[0], 'reason': row_m[1] }) else: result.append({ 'assy_text': row[0], 'ng_count': 0, 'reason': '' }) else: result.append({ 'assy_text': row[0], 'ng_count': 0, 'reason': '' }) except BaseException as exp: print(exp) result = models_common.databaseException(exp) connections[model_name].close() return result
def get_inspect(model_name, start_date, end_date, process_cd): result = [] try: cur = connections[model_name].cursor() sql = "SELECT DISTINCT \ defect.inspect_cd \ FROM \ t_1_defect_2nd defect \ INNER JOIN t_1_auto_io_2nd auto ON defect.data_seq = auto.data_seq \ AND auto.process_at >= %s \ AND auto.process_at <= %s \ INNER JOIN m_assy assy ON auto.process_id = auto.process_id \ AND assy.process_cd = %s \ ORDER BY inspect_cd" cur.execute(sql, (start_date, end_date, process_cd)) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: result.append(row[0]) except BaseException as exp: print(exp) result = models_common.databaseException(exp) connections[model_name].close() return result
def set_sntracert(model_name, from_process_at, to_process_at, config, line, datatype_id, pernum, relationDic): result = [] try: # 第一工位全部信息 result_first = {} # 第一工位的serial_cd数组 result_first_serialCd = [] index = 0 for key in relationDic: index = index + 1 # 最底层的datatype_id场合 if relationDic[key][0] == datatype_id: # 获取数据 resultDic = getDataByDatatype(model_name, from_process_at, to_process_at, config, line,\ relationDic[key][0], pernum, False, [], True) # 异常场合 if type(resultDic) == int: return resultDic if len(resultDic['result']) == 0: return result else: result = result + resultDic['result'] if len(resultDic['lastDataArr']) == 0: return result else: # 获取parent的第一工位数据 result_firstDic = get_parentFirstData(model_name, from_process_at, to_process_at, config, line,\ relationDic[key][0], resultDic['lastDataArr'],\ relationDic[key][1], pernum) # 异常场合 if type(result_firstDic) == int: return result_firstDic result_first_serialCd = result_firstDic['serial_cds'] result_first = result_firstDic['result'] else: # parent的第一工位无数据的场合 if len(result_first_serialCd) == 0: return result else: # 获取数据 resultDic = getDataByDatatype(model_name, from_process_at, to_process_at, config, line,\ relationDic[key][0], pernum, True, result_first_serialCd, False) # 异常场合 if type(resultDic) == int: return resultDic if len(resultDic['result']) == 0: return result else: # 替换第一工位的数据 resultDic["result"][0] = result_first # 不是最上层的datatype_id场合 if index < len(relationDic): getLastFlg = True else: getLastFlg = False result = result + resultDic['result'] if len(resultDic['lastDataArr']) > 0: # 不是最上层的datatype_id场合 if getLastFlg: # 获取parent的第一工位数据 result_firstDic = get_parentFirstData(model_name, from_process_at, to_process_at,\ config, line,\ relationDic[key][0], resultDic['lastDataArr'],\ relationDic[key][1], pernum) # 异常场合 if type(result_firstDic) == int: return result_firstDic result_first_serialCd = result_firstDic[ 'serial_cds'] result_first = result_firstDic['result'] else: return result return result except BaseException as exp: print(exp) result = models_common.databaseException(exp) return result
def get_sntracert(model_name, from_process_at, to_process_at, config, line, datatype_id, mode, pernum): result = [] relationDic = {} try: if mode == "LINK": cur = connections[model_name].cursor() # 获取父子继承关系 sql_relation = "WITH RECURSIVE r AS (\ SELECT \ child_sn,\ parent_sn, \ datatype_seq \ FROM \ m_sn_datatype_relation son \ WHERE \ child_sn = %s \ UNION ALL \ SELECT \ parent.child_sn,\ parent.parent_sn, \ parent.datatype_seq \ FROM \ m_sn_datatype_relation parent,\ r \ WHERE \ parent.child_sn = r.parent_sn \ ) SELECT datatype_seq,child_sn,parent_sn FROM r ORDER BY datatype_seq" cur.execute(sql_relation, (datatype_id, )) rows_relation = cur.fetchall() # key:son,value:parent for row in rows_relation: arr = [] arr.append(row[1]) arr.append(row[2]) relationDic[row[0]] = arr # 最上层场合 if len(relationDic) == 1 or mode == "INDIVID": # 获取数据 resultDic = getDataByDatatype(model_name, from_process_at, to_process_at, config, line,\ datatype_id, pernum, False, [], True) # 异常场合 if type(resultDic) == int: return resultDic # wip的再设定 result = set_sntracert_wip(resultDic['result']) else: # sntracert信息的取得和设定 resultArr = set_sntracert(model_name, from_process_at, to_process_at, config, line, datatype_id, pernum, relationDic) # wip的再设定 result = set_sntracert_wip(resultArr) except BaseException as exp: print(exp) result = models_common.databaseException(exp) connections[model_name].close() return result
def get_dataByProcessId(model_name, from_process_at, to_process_at, config, line, process_id, pernum, firstFlg, previousSerialNoArr, holdForFlg, firstProFlg): result = {} from_process_at = from_process_at + '+08' to_process_at = to_process_at + '+08' sub_serial_sql = "" sub_judge_sql = "" sub_datetime_sql = "" # 不是第一工位的场合 if firstFlg == False: sub_serial_sql = " AND tracert.serial_cd IN( %s ) " # 当前检索的工位数据是hold_for数据 if holdForFlg: sub_judge_sql = " AND tracert.judge_text IN ( '1','IPQC') " # 是第一datatype且是第一工位的场合 if firstProFlg: sub_datetime_sql = " AND tracert.process_at >= '" + from_process_at + "' AND tracert.process_at <= '" + to_process_at + "' " try: cur = connections[model_name].cursor() sql = "SELECT \ tracert.serial_cd,\ tracert.judge_text \ FROM \ t_1_sn_tracert tracert \ INNER JOIN t_1_sn_target target ON tracert.serial_cd = target.serial_cd " + sub_serial_sql + \ "AND target.line_cd = '(line_cd)' \ AND target.config_cd = '(config_cd)' " + sub_datetime_sql + \ "INNER JOIN m_assy assy ON assy.datatype_id = target.datatype_id \ AND assy.process_cd = tracert.process_cd \ AND assy.process_id = '(process_id)' " + sub_judge_sql + \ "ORDER BY tracert.serial_cd" sql = sql.replace("(line_cd)", line).replace("(process_id)", str(process_id)).replace( "(config_cd)", config) if firstFlg: cur.execute(sql) else: sql = sql % ','.join(['%s'] * len(previousSerialNoArr)) cur.execute(sql, previousSerialNoArr) rows = cur.fetchall() ok_quantity = 0 ng_quantity = 0 ipqc_quantity = 0 data_exist_flg = False holdFor_input = len(previousSerialNoArr) detail = [] detail_temp = [] yield2 = "0.00%" next_display = 1 for row in rows: data_exist_flg = True detailResult = '' if operator.eq(row[1], '0'): detailResult = 'OK' ok_quantity = ok_quantity + 1 elif operator.eq(row[1], '1'): detailResult = 'NG' ng_quantity = ng_quantity + 1 elif operator.eq(row[1], 'IPQC'): detailResult = 'IPQC' ipqc_quantity = ipqc_quantity + 1 detail.append({ "serial_no": row[0], "result": detailResult, }) # 当前检索的工位数据是hold_for数据 if holdForFlg: detail_temp.append(row[0]) # 当前检索的工位数据是hold_for数据 if holdForFlg: # 翻页按钮活性设定 if holdFor_input > pernum: next_display = 0 # holdFor工位的NG数据不存在的场合 if data_exist_flg == False: for value in previousSerialNoArr: detail.append({ "serial_no": value, "result": "OK", }) result = {"ok": holdFor_input, "ng": 0, "input": holdFor_input,\ "yield": "100.00%", "ipqc": 0, "wip": 0,\ "next_display": next_display,\ "detail": detail, } else: ok_quantity = holdFor_input - ng_quantity - ipqc_quantity if ok_quantity + ng_quantity > 0: yield2 = "%.2f%%" % (ok_quantity / ( (ok_quantity + ng_quantity) * 1.0) * 100) for value in previousSerialNoArr: if value not in detail_temp: detail.append({ "serial_no": value, "result": "OK", }) # detail按照序列号排序 detail = sorted(detail, key=lambda x: (x['serial_no'])) result = {"ok": ok_quantity, "ng": ng_quantity, "input": holdFor_input,\ "yield": yield2, "ipqc": ipqc_quantity, "wip": 0,\ "next_display": next_display,\ "detail": detail, } else: if ok_quantity + ng_quantity > 0: yield2 = "%.2f%%" % (ok_quantity / ((ok_quantity + ng_quantity) * 1.0) * 100) # 翻页按钮活性设定 if len(detail) > pernum: next_display = 0 result = {"ok": ok_quantity, "ng": ng_quantity, "input": ok_quantity + ng_quantity + ipqc_quantity,\ "yield": yield2, "ipqc": ipqc_quantity, "wip": 0,\ "next_display": next_display,\ "detail": detail, } except BaseException as exp: print(exp) result = models_common.databaseException(exp) connections[model_name].close() return result
def get_parentFirstData(model_name, from_process_at, to_process_at, config, line, datatype_id, lastDataArr, parentDatatype, pernum): result = {} resultDic = {} serial_cd = [] from_process_at = from_process_at + '+08' to_process_at = to_process_at + '+08' try: cur = connections[model_name].cursor() # 获取第一工位的process相关信息 sql = "SELECT\ assy.process_id,\ assy.process_text,\ assy.assy_text,\ tracert.process_cd,\ assy.hold_for \ FROM\ t_1_sn_tracert tracert\ INNER JOIN t_1_sn_target target ON tracert.serial_cd = target.serial_cd \ AND target.line_cd = '(line_cd)' \ AND target.config_cd = '(config_cd)' \ INNER JOIN m_assy assy ON assy.datatype_id = target.datatype_id\ AND assy.process_cd = tracert.process_cd \ AND assy.tracert_sw = 'ON' \ AND assy.datatype_id = '(datatype_id)'\ ORDER BY\ assy.process_id\ limit 1" sql = sql.replace("(line_cd)", line).replace("(datatype_id)", parentDatatype).replace( "(config_cd)", config) cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() first_processId = "" for row in rows: first_processId = str(row[0]) result = {"process_id": row[0], "process_code": row[3], "process_name": row[1], "assy_name": row[2],\ "ok": 0, "ng": 0, "input": 0, \ "yield": "0.00%", "ipqc": 0, "wip": 0, \ "index": 0, "s_index": 0, "e_index": pernum, "first_display": 1, "next_display": 1,\ "detail": [], "hold_for": row[4], } # 获取第一工位的OK,NG,detail等相关信息 sql = "SELECT\ tracert.serial_cd,\ tracert.judge_text \ FROM\ t_1_sn_tracert tracert\ INNER JOIN t_1_sn_target target ON tracert.serial_cd = target.serial_cd \ AND target.line_cd = '(line_cd)' \ AND target.config_cd = '(config_cd)' \ AND tracert.serial_cd IN ( SELECT serial_cd FROM t_1_sn_matg WHERE child_cd IN ( %s ) AND datatype_id = '(datatype_id)' ) \ INNER JOIN m_assy assy ON assy.datatype_id = target.datatype_id \ AND assy.process_cd = tracert.process_cd \ AND assy.tracert_sw = 'ON' \ AND assy.datatype_id = '(parent_datatype_id)'\ AND assy.process_id = '(process_id)'\ ORDER BY tracert.serial_cd" % ','.join( ['%s'] * len(lastDataArr)) sql = sql.replace("(line_cd)", line).replace("(datatype_id)", datatype_id).replace("(config_cd)", config)\ .replace("(parent_datatype_id)", parentDatatype).replace("(process_id)", first_processId) cur.execute(sql, lastDataArr) rows = cur.fetchall() ok_quantity = 0 ng_quantity = 0 ipqc_quantity = 0 for row in rows: detailResult = '' yield2 = '0.00%' if operator.eq(row[1], '0'): detailResult = 'OK' ok_quantity = ok_quantity + 1 elif operator.eq(row[1], '1'): detailResult = 'NG' ng_quantity = ng_quantity + 1 elif operator.eq(row[1], 'IPQC'): detailResult = 'IPQC' ipqc_quantity = ipqc_quantity + 1 if ok_quantity + ng_quantity > 0: yield2 = "%.2f%%" % (ok_quantity / ((ok_quantity + ng_quantity) * 1.0) * 100) result['ok'] = ok_quantity result['ng'] = ng_quantity result['input'] = ok_quantity + ng_quantity + ipqc_quantity result['yield'] = yield2 result['ipqc'] = ipqc_quantity result['detail'].append({ "serial_no": row[0], "result": detailResult, }) # 翻页按钮活性设定 if result['detail']: if len(result['detail']) > pernum: result['next_display'] = 0 serial_cd.append(row[0]) except BaseException as exp: print(exp) result = models_common.databaseException(exp) resultDic['result'] = result resultDic['serial_cds'] = serial_cd return resultDic
def get_trend(model_name, start_date, end_date, process_cd, inspect_cd, time_part, type): process_at_list = models_common.get_periodDate(start_date, end_date) timePartStr = "" for value in time_part: timePartStr = timePartStr + "'" + value + "'," timePartStr = timePartStr[:-1] inspect_cd = inspect_cd.upper() # typeName设定 if type == "NG": typeName = "failed_quantity" else: typeName = "yield2" data_zero = [] data_NP = [] try: i = 0 while i < len(process_at_list): data_zero.append(0) data_NP.append("NP") i = i + 1 cur = connections[model_name].cursor() sql = "SELECT DISTINCT \ auto_ng.line_cd,\ auto_ng.time_part,\ auto_ng.line_cd || ' ' || auto_ng.time_part AS lineAndTimepart, \ auto_ng.process_at, \ COALESCE ( auto_ok.ok_quantity, 0 ) AS ok_quantity,\ COALESCE ( auto_ng.ng_quantity, 0 ) AS ng_quantity,\ COALESCE ( defect.inspect_count, 0 ) AS failed_quantity,\ ( COALESCE ( auto_ok.ok_quantity, 0 ) + COALESCE ( auto_ng.ng_quantity, 0 ) ) AS input_quantity,\ COALESCE ( defect.inspect_count, 0 ) / ( COALESCE ( auto_ok.ok_quantity, 0 ) + COALESCE ( auto_ng.ng_quantity, 0 ) ) AS detractor \ FROM \ ( \ SELECT \ line_cd,\ time_part,\ process_at,\ SUM( quantity ) AS ok_quantity \ FROM \ m_assy A \ INNER JOIN t_1_auto_io_2nd auto ON A.process_id = auto.process_id \ WHERE \ process_at >= '(start_date)' \ AND process_at <= '(end_date)' \ AND time_part IN( '(time_part)' ) \ AND judge_text = 'ok' \ AND process_cd = '(process_cd)' \ GROUP BY \ line_cd,\ time_part,\ process_at \ ) AS auto_ok \ INNER JOIN (\ SELECT \ line_cd,\ time_part,\ process_at,\ SUM( quantity ) AS ng_quantity \ FROM \ m_assy A \ INNER JOIN t_1_auto_io_2nd auto ON A.process_id = auto.process_id \ WHERE \ process_at >= '(start_date)' \ AND process_at <= '(end_date)' AND time_part IN('(time_part)') AND judge_text = 'ng' AND quantity > 0 \ AND process_cd = '(process_cd)' \ GROUP BY \ line_cd,\ time_part,\ process_at \ ) AS auto_ng ON auto_ok.line_cd = auto_ng.line_cd \ AND auto_ok.time_part = auto_ng.time_part \ AND auto_ok.process_at = auto_ng.process_at \ INNER JOIN (\ SELECT \ line_cd,\ time_part,\ process_at,\ COUNT( serial_cd ) AS inspect_count \ FROM \ (\ SELECT DISTINCT \ line_cd,\ time_part,\ process_at,\ defect.data_seq,\ defect.serial_cd \ FROM \ m_assy A \ INNER JOIN t_1_auto_io_2nd auto ON A.process_id = auto.process_id \ INNER JOIN t_1_defect_2nd defect ON auto.data_seq = defect.data_seq \ WHERE \ process_at >= '(start_date)' \ AND process_at <= '(end_date)' AND time_part IN('(time_part)') AND judge_text = 'ng' AND quantity > 0 \ AND process_cd = '(process_cd)' \ AND UPPER(inspect_cd) LIKE '%(inspect_cd_str)%' \ ) AS defect1 \ GROUP BY \ line_cd,\ time_part,\ process_at \ ) AS defect ON auto_ng.line_cd = defect.line_cd \ AND auto_ng.time_part = defect.time_part \ AND auto_ng.process_at = defect.process_at \ ORDER BY \ line_cd,\ time_part,\ process_at" sql = sql.replace("(start_date)", start_date).replace("(end_date)", end_date).replace("(process_cd)", process_cd) \ .replace("(inspect_cd_str)", inspect_cd).replace("'(time_part)'", timePartStr) cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() result_quantity = [] for row in rows: # result_quantity.append({"line_cd":row[0], "lineAndTimepart":row[2], "process_at": str(row[3]),\ # "failed_quantity": int(row[6]), "yield2":float(1-float(row[8])),}) result_quantity.append({"line_cd": row[0], "lineAndTimepart": row[2], "process_at": str(row[3]), \ "failed_quantity": int(row[6]), "yield2": float(float(row[8])), }) if type == 'NG': # 获取All Line(sum)数据 subSql_sum1 = "SELECT process_at,SUM( failed_quantity ) AS sum_failed_quantity FROM(" subSql_sum2 = ")AS TB GROUP BY process_at ORDER BY process_at" sql = subSql_sum1 + sql + subSql_sum2 cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() result_quantity_all = [] for row in rows: result_quantity_all.append({"process_at": str(row[0]), "sum_quantity": int(row[1]), }) # get all lines lineArr = models_common.get_allLines(model_name) if lineArr == 101 or lineArr == 102: return lineArr # 设定目标json数据 result = setDataList(process_at_list, result_quantity, typeName, lineArr, time_part) # sort result = sorted(result, key=lambda x: (x['name'])) # All Line追加 if type == 'NG': if len(result_quantity) == 0: result_all = {"name": "All Line", "data_tb": data_zero, 'data':data_zero} else: result_all = models_common.supplementZero("All Line", result_quantity_all, process_at_list, 'trend_chart') else: # get allLine if len(result_quantity) == 0: result_all = {'name': 'All Line', 'data_tb': data_zero, 'data':data_zero} else: # 求取平均值 data = models_common.getAvg_allLine(result, process_at_list) result_all = {'name': 'All Line', 'data_tb': data, 'data':data} result.append(result_all) # 数据format if type == 'Y2': for row in result: row_data = [] row_data_tb = [] i = 0 for value in row['data_tb']: if value != 'NP': row_data_tb.append("%.2f%%" % (value * 100)) row_data.append(float("%.2f" % (value * 100))) else: row_data_tb.append("NP") row_data.append(float("%.2f" % 0)) i = i + 1 row['data'] = row_data row['data_tb'] = row_data_tb else: for row in result: row_data = [] i = 0 for value in row['data']: if value == 'NP': row_data.append(0) else: row_data.append(value) i = i + 1 row['data'] = row_data except BaseException as exp: print(exp) result = models_common.databaseException(exp) connections[model_name].close() return result
def get_progressDetail(model_name, search_date,lineNum): result = [] header_data = [] lineArr = [] # 页面跳转用 lines_hid = [] lineArr_temp = [] dateArr = [] dayNightArr = [] timepartArr = [] time_part = '' try: database_list = models_common.get_config("database") assyDic = {} assyDic_int = {} formulaDic = {} timepartDic = {} fpy_sub_formula_dic = {} # timeparts:例:{0:"D01"} timeparts = {} timepartName = "--" timepartValue = "--" for row in database_list: if operator.eq(row['MODEL'], model_name): # 从配置文件里取得ASSY assyDic = row['ASSY'] # 从配置文件里取得FORMULA formulaDic = row['FORMULA_SUMMARY'] # 从配置文件里取得time_part timepartDic = row['TIME_PART'] break # 系统日期的取得 now = process_at = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") times = now.strftime("%H:%M") sysdatatime = process_at + ' ' + times yesterday = now + datetime.timedelta(days=-1) yesterday = yesterday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # 从config文件取得time_part j = 1 sorted(timepartDic.keys()) timepartList = sorted(timepartDic.items(), key=lambda d: d[0], reverse=False) for key in timepartDic: timeparts[int(key)] = timepartDic[key].split(',')[0] for key in timepartList: timepartStart = process_at + ' ' + key[1].split(',')[1].split('-')[0] timepartEnd = process_at + ' ' + key[1].split(',')[1].split('-')[1] if compare_time(sysdatatime, timepartStart, timepartEnd): j = int(key[0]) break sql_timepart = "time_part = '" + time_part + "' " if j != 1: time_part = timeparts[j - 1] timepartName = time_part timepartValue = timepartDic[str(j - 1)].split(',')[1] if time_part[0] == "N": sql_timepart = "(time_part = '" + time_part + "' or time_part = 'Day') " else: sql_timepart = "time_part = '" + time_part + "' " # 根据time_part,设定日期(00:00-夜班下班点:日期为前一天) # 夜班下班时间取得 closeTime = timepartDic[str(len(timeparts))].split(',')[1].split('-')[1] if times < closeTime and times >= "00:00": process_at = yesterday # 各个line的first processid的取得 lineOfFirstPro = models_common.get_lineFirstProcess(model_name, process_at,lineNum) #lineNum切换 if lineOfFirstPro == 101 or lineOfFirstPro == 102: return lineOfFirstPro # input result_inputQuantity = get_inputQuantity_line(model_name, process_at, sql_timepart,lineNum) #lineNum切换 if result_inputQuantity == 101 or result_inputQuantity == 102: return result_inputQuantity # output result_outputQuantity = get_outputQuantity_line(model_name, process_at, sql_timepart, lineNum) #lineNum切换 if result_outputQuantity == 101 or result_outputQuantity == 102: return result_outputQuantity # ng result_ngQuantity = get_ngQuantity_line(model_name, process_at, sql_timepart, lineNum) #lineNum切换 if result_ngQuantity == 101 or result_ngQuantity == 102: return result_ngQuantity # get assy assyArr = models_common.get_allAssy(model_name) if assyArr == 101 or assyArr == 102: return assyArr # 给key为整数的字典assyDic_int赋值 for key in assyDic: assyDic_int[int(key)] = assyDic[key] # 字典排序 sorted(assyDic_int.keys()) fpy_sub_formula = formulaDic["Assembly Yield(sub+main)"] assembly_yield_sub_formula = formulaDic["Assy Yield(main)"] fpy_formula = formulaDic["FPY(sub+main)"] assembly_yield_formula = formulaDic["FPY(main)"] # 将Assembly Yield(sub+main)的计算公式存放到字典 for i in range(len(fpy_sub_formula)): fpy_sub_formula_dic[i] = fpy_sub_formula[i].split(',') for row in lineOfFirstPro: flag = True for inputrow in result_inputQuantity: if row['line_cd'] == inputrow['line_cd'] and row['assy_text'] == inputrow['assy_text'] \ and row['dayornight'][0] == inputrow['dayornight'][0]: flag = False if flag: result_inputQuantity.append({"line_cd":row['line_cd'],"assy_text":row['assy_text'], "process_id":row['process_id'],"first_ok_quantity":0,"first_ng_quantity":0,"dayornight":row['dayornight'],"input_quantity":0,}) # outputQuantity,ngQuantity合并到inputQuantity for inputrow in result_inputQuantity : output_quantity = 0 for outputrow in result_outputQuantity : if operator.eq(outputrow['line_cd'], inputrow['line_cd']) and operator.eq(outputrow['assy_text'], inputrow['assy_text']) \ and operator.eq(outputrow['dayornight'], inputrow['dayornight']): output_quantity = outputrow['output_quantity'] break inputrow["output_quantity"] = output_quantity ng_quantity = 0 for ngrow in result_ngQuantity : if operator.eq(ngrow['line_cd'], inputrow['line_cd']) and operator.eq(ngrow['assy_text'], inputrow['assy_text']) \ and operator.eq(ngrow['dayornight'], inputrow['dayornight']): ng_quantity = ngrow['ng_quantity'] break inputrow["ng_quantity"] = ng_quantity if inputrow["input_quantity"] > 0: inputrow["y1"] = inputrow["output_quantity"] / (inputrow["input_quantity"] * 1.0) else: inputrow["y1"] = 0 if inputrow["output_quantity"] + inputrow["ng_quantity"] > 0: inputrow["y2"] = inputrow["output_quantity"] / ((inputrow["output_quantity"] + inputrow["ng_quantity"]) * 1.0) else: inputrow["y2"] = 0 cur = connections[model_name].cursor() cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT\ line_cd,\ m_assy.assy_text \ FROM\ m_assy\ INNER JOIN m_work ON m_work.assy_text = m_assy.assy_text \ ORDER BY line_cd,m_assy.assy_text") rows = cur.fetchall() last_line = '' lineArr.append("Config Test SW") dateArr.append("Production Date") dayNightArr.append("Shift") temp = process_at.split('-') date = temp[1] + "/" + temp[2] for row in rows: if operator.eq(row[0], last_line) == False: lineArr.append(row[0]) lineArr_temp.append(row[0]) dateArr.append(date) dateArr.append(date) dayNightArr.append("Day") dayNightArr.append("Night") if time_part == "": timepartArr.append(time_part) timepartArr.append(time_part) elif time_part[0] == 'D': timepartArr.append(time_part) timepartArr.append("Night") else: timepartArr.append("Day") timepartArr.append(time_part) last_line = row[0] lines_hid.append(row[0]) lines_hid.append(row[0]) lineArr.append("All Line") dateArr.append(date) dayNightArr.append("") header_data.append(lineArr) header_data.append(dateArr) header_data.append(dayNightArr) lines_hid.append("all") # FPY(sub+main)等的计算 y1_fpy_sub_data = ["Assembly Yield1(sub+main)"] y2_fpy_sub_data = ["Assembly Yield2(sub+main)"] y1_assembly_yield_sub_data = ["Assy Yield(main)"] y1_fpy_data = ["FPY(sub+main)"] y1_assembly_yield_data = ["FPY(main)"] assy_len = len(assyDic) for line in lineArr_temp: y1_day = {} y2_day = {} y1_night = {} y2_night = {} y1_day_temp = {} y2_day_temp = {} y1_night_temp = {} y2_night_temp = {} for inputrow in result_inputQuantity: if operator.eq(inputrow['line_cd'], line) == False: continue for key in assyDic: if operator.eq(inputrow['assy_text'], assyDic[key]): if operator.eq(inputrow['dayornight'][0], 'D'): if inputrow['y1'] == float(0): y1_day[int(key)] = float(1) y1_day_temp[int(key)] = 'NP' else: y1_day[int(key)] = inputrow['y1'] y1_day_temp[int(key)] = inputrow['y1'] if inputrow['y2'] == float(0): y2_day[int(key)] = float(1) y2_day_temp[int(key)] = 'NP' else: y2_day[int(key)] = inputrow['y2'] y2_day_temp[int(key)] = inputrow['y2'] if operator.eq(inputrow['dayornight'][0], 'N'): if inputrow['y1'] == float(0): y1_night[int(key)] = float(1) y1_night_temp[int(key)] = 'NP' else: y1_night[int(key)] = inputrow['y1'] y1_night_temp[int(key)] = inputrow['y1'] if inputrow['y2'] == float(0): y2_night[int(key)] = float(1) y2_night_temp[int(key)] = 'NP' else: y2_night[int(key)] = inputrow['y2'] y2_night_temp[int(key)] = inputrow['y2'] break # 字典排序 sorted(y1_day.keys()) sorted(y1_night.keys()) sorted(y2_day.keys()) sorted(y2_night.keys()) sorted(y1_day_temp.keys()) sorted(y1_night_temp.keys()) sorted(y2_day_temp.keys()) sorted(y2_night_temp.keys()) index = 0 # y1,y2不存在的情况,默认设为0.00 while index < assy_len: if index not in y1_day.keys(): y1_day[index] = float(1) y1_day_temp[index] = 'NP' if index not in y1_night.keys(): y1_night[index] = float(1) y1_night_temp[index] = 'NP' if index not in y2_day.keys(): y2_day[index] = float(1) y2_day_temp[index] = 'NP' if index not in y2_night.keys(): y2_night[index] = float(1) y2_night_temp[index] = 'NP' index = index + 1 y1_day_list = [] y1_night_list = [] y2_day_list = [] y2_night_list = [] y1_day_list_temp = [] y1_night_list_temp = [] y2_day_list_temp = [] y2_night_list_temp = [] # y1,y2的值分别保存在数组中 for key in y1_day: y1_day_list.append(y1_day[key]) y2_day_list.append(y2_day[key]) y1_day_list_temp.append(y1_day_temp[key]) y2_day_list_temp.append(y2_day_temp[key]) for key in y1_night: y1_night_list.append(y1_night[key]) y2_night_list.append(y2_night[key]) y1_night_list_temp.append(y1_night_temp[key]) y2_night_list_temp.append(y2_night_temp[key]) # 计算Assembly Yield(sub+main) y1_fpy_sub_day_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y1_day_list, y1_day_list_temp, fpy_sub_formula) y1_fpy_sub_night_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y1_night_list, y1_night_list_temp, fpy_sub_formula) y2_fpy_sub_day_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y2_day_list, y2_day_list_temp, fpy_sub_formula) y2_fpy_sub_night_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y2_night_list, y2_night_list_temp, fpy_sub_formula) # 计算Assy Yield(main) y1_assembly_yield_sub_day_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y1_day_list, y1_day_list_temp, assembly_yield_sub_formula) y1_assembly_yield_sub_night_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y1_night_list, y1_night_list_temp, assembly_yield_sub_formula) # 计算FPY(sub+main) y1_fpy_day_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y1_day_list, y1_day_list_temp, fpy_formula) y1_fpy_night_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y1_night_list, y1_night_list_temp, fpy_formula) # 计算FPY(main) y1_assembly_yield_day_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y1_day_list, y1_day_list_temp, assembly_yield_formula) y1_assembly_yield_night_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y1_night_list, y1_night_list_temp, assembly_yield_formula) # y1_fpy_sub的计算 y1_fpy_sub_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y1_fpy_sub_day_value * 100)) y1_fpy_sub_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y1_fpy_sub_night_value * 100)) # y2_fpy_sub的计算 y2_fpy_sub_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y2_fpy_sub_day_value * 100)) y2_fpy_sub_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y2_fpy_sub_night_value * 100)) # y1_assembly_yield_sub的计算 y1_assembly_yield_sub_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y1_assembly_yield_sub_day_value * 100)) y1_assembly_yield_sub_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y1_assembly_yield_sub_night_value * 100)) # y1_fpy的计算 y1_fpy_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y1_fpy_day_value * 100)) y1_fpy_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y1_fpy_night_value * 100)) # y1_assembly_yield的计算 y1_assembly_yield_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y1_assembly_yield_day_value * 100)) y1_assembly_yield_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y1_assembly_yield_night_value * 100)) img_path = models_common.get_config("img_path") result_allLine = [] result_assy = [] # 各assy的内容的取得和追加 for assy in assyArr: assy_data = [] input_data = ["Input"] input_data_int = [] output_data = ["Output"] output_data_int = [] ng_data = ["NG"] ng_data_int = [] yield_data = ["Yield2"] for line in lineArr_temp: input_day = 0 input_night = 0 output_day = 0 output_night = 0 ng_day = 0 ng_night = 0 yield_day = "NP" yield_night = "NP" for inputrow in result_inputQuantity: if operator.eq(inputrow['line_cd'], line) and operator.eq(inputrow['assy_text'], assy) \ and operator.eq(inputrow['dayornight'][0], 'D'): input_day = int(inputrow['input_quantity']) output_day = int(inputrow['output_quantity']) ng_day = int(inputrow['ng_quantity']) if inputrow['y2'] != 0: yield_day = "%.2f%%" % (inputrow['y2'] * 100) elif operator.eq(inputrow['line_cd'], line) and operator.eq(inputrow['assy_text'], assy) \ and operator.eq(inputrow['dayornight'][0], 'N'): input_night = int(inputrow['input_quantity']) output_night = int(inputrow['output_quantity']) ng_night = int(inputrow['ng_quantity']) if inputrow['y2'] != 0: yield_night = "%.2f%%" % (inputrow['y2'] * 100) input_data.append(input_day) input_data.append(input_night) input_data_int.append(input_day) input_data_int.append(input_night) output_data.append(output_day) output_data.append(output_night) output_data_int.append(output_day) output_data_int.append(output_night) ng_data.append(ng_day) ng_data.append(ng_night) ng_data_int.append(ng_day) ng_data_int.append(ng_night) yield_data.append(yield_day) yield_data.append(yield_night) sums = sum(input_data_int) input_data.append(sums) sums = sum(output_data_int) output_data.append(sums) sums = sum(ng_data_int) ng_data.append(sums) if (sum(output_data_int) + sum(ng_data_int)) > 0: sums = "%.2f%%" % (sum(output_data_int)/((sum(output_data_int) + sum(ng_data_int))*1.0) * 100) else: sums = "NP" yield_data.append(sums) assy_data.append(input_data) assy_data.append(output_data) assy_data.append(ng_data) assy_data.append(yield_data) img_full_name = img_path + models_common.getPicture(assy) # 获取Target target = models_common.get_target(assy,model_name) result_assy.append({"name": assy,"target":target,"img": img_full_name,"data": assy_data, }) result_allLine.append({"assy_text": assy,"input_quantity": sum(input_data_int),"output_quantity": sum(output_data_int),\ "ng_quantity": sum(ng_data_int), }) y1_list = [] y1_list_temp = [] y2_list = [] y2_list_temp = [] # All Line的FPY(sub+main)等的计算 for key in assyDic_int: flg = False for row in result_allLine: if operator.eq(row['assy_text'], assyDic_int[key]): flg = True if row["input_quantity"] > 0: y1_list.append(row["output_quantity"] / (row["input_quantity"] * 1.0)) y1_list_temp.append(row["output_quantity"] / (row["input_quantity"] * 1.0)) else: y1_list.append(float(1)) y1_list_temp.append('NP') if row["output_quantity"] + row["ng_quantity"] > 0: y2_list.append(row["output_quantity"] / ((row["output_quantity"] + row["ng_quantity"]) * 1.0)) y2_list_temp.append(row["output_quantity"] / ((row["output_quantity"] + row["ng_quantity"]) * 1.0)) else: y2_list.append(float(1)) y2_list_temp.append('NP') break # 当前Assy在result_allLine里不存在的场合 if flg == False: y1_list.append(float(1)) y1_list_temp.append('NP') y2_list.append(float(1)) y2_list_temp.append('NP') # Assembly Yield(sub+main) y1_fpy_sub_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y1_list, y1_list_temp, fpy_sub_formula) y2_fpy_sub_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y2_list, y2_list_temp, fpy_sub_formula) # 计算Assy Yield(main) y1_assembly_yield_sub_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y1_list, y1_list_temp, assembly_yield_sub_formula) # 计算FPY(sub+main) y1_fpy_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y1_list, y1_list_temp, fpy_formula) # 计算FPY(main) y1_assembly_yield_value = models_common.get_formula_value(y1_list, y1_list_temp, assembly_yield_formula) # y1_fpy_sub的计算 y1_fpy_sub_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y1_fpy_sub_value * 100)) # y2_fpy_sub的计算 y2_fpy_sub_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y2_fpy_sub_value * 100)) # y1_assembly_yield_sub的计算 y1_assembly_yield_sub_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y1_assembly_yield_sub_value * 100)) # y1_fpy的计算 y1_fpy_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y1_fpy_value * 100)) # y1_assembly_yield的计算 y1_assembly_yield_data.append("%.2f%%" % (y1_assembly_yield_value * 100)) header_data.append(y1_fpy_sub_data) header_data.append(y2_fpy_sub_data) header_data.append(y1_assembly_yield_sub_data) header_data.append(y1_fpy_data) header_data.append(y1_assembly_yield_data) result.append({"name": "VS", "img": "", "data": header_data, "lines": lines_hid, \ "timepart":timepartArr, "timepartName":timepartName, "timepartValue":timepartValue, \ "process_at":process_at,}) result.extend(result_assy) except BaseException as exp: print(exp) result = models_common.databaseException(exp) connections[model_name].close() return result
def get_outputQuantity_line(model_name, process_at, sql_timepart, lineNum): result = [] try: cur = connections[model_name].cursor() sql = "SELECT DISTINCT\ last_process.line_cd,\ last_process.assy_text,\ auto_ok.process_id,\ auto_ok.dayornight,\ auto_ok.ok_quantity AS output_quantity\ FROM\ (\ SELECT\ line_cd,\ process_id,\ dayornight,\ SUM( quantity ) AS ok_quantity\ FROM\ (\ SELECT\ line_cd,\ process_id,\ time_part AS dayornight,\ quantity\ FROM\ t_1_auto_io_" + lineNum + "\ WHERE\ process_at = '(process_at)' \ AND judge_text = 'ok' \ AND " + sql_timepart + " \ ) AS auto\ GROUP BY\ line_cd,\ process_id,\ dayornight\ ) AS auto_ok\ INNER JOIN (\ SELECT\ line_cd,\ assy_text,\ dayornight,\ MAX( process_id ) AS process_id\ FROM\ (\ SELECT\ auto2.line_cd,\ assy_text,\ auto2.process_id,\ time_part AS dayornight,\ SUM( auto2.quantity )\ FROM\ m_assy\ INNER JOIN t_1_auto_io_" + lineNum + " auto2 ON m_assy.process_id = auto2.process_id\ AND auto2.judge_text = 'ok' \ AND auto2.quantity > 0 \ AND process_at = '(process_at)' \ AND " + sql_timepart + " \ GROUP BY\ auto2.line_cd,\ assy_text,\ auto2.process_id,\ dayornight\ ) AS a\ GROUP BY\ line_cd,\ assy_text,\ dayornight\ ) AS last_process ON auto_ok.process_id = last_process.process_id\ AND auto_ok.line_cd = last_process.line_cd\ AND auto_ok.dayornight = last_process.dayornight\ ORDER BY last_process.line_cd,auto_ok.process_id,dayornight" sql = sql.replace("(process_at)", process_at) cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: result.append({"line_cd":row[0],"assy_text":row[1], "process_id":row[2],"dayornight":row[3],"output_quantity":int(row[4]),}) except BaseException as exp: print(exp) result = models_common.databaseException(exp) connections[model_name].close() return result
def get_trend(model_name, start_date, end_date, object, content, type): process_at_list = models_common.get_periodDate(start_date, end_date) # typeName设定 if type == "Y1": typeName = "Y1" elif type == "Y2": typeName = "Y2" elif type == "Input": typeName = "input_quantity" elif type == "Output": typeName = "output_quantity" else: typeName = "ng_quantity" data_zero = [] data_NP = [] i = 0 while i < len(process_at_list): data_zero.append(0) data_NP.append("NP") i = i + 1 try: if operator.eq('Line', object): if operator.eq('Input', type): # input lineNum = "2nd" result_quantity = models_common.get_inputQuantity( model_name, start_date, end_date, 'All', False, content, lineNum) if result_quantity == 101 or result_quantity == 102: return result_quantity if operator.eq('Output', type): # output result_quantity = models_common.get_outputQuantity( model_name, start_date, end_date, 'All', False, content, lineNum) if result_quantity == 101 or result_quantity == 102: return result_quantity if operator.eq('NG', type): # input lineNum = "2nd" result_quantity = models_common.get_inputQuantity( model_name, start_date, end_date, 'All', False, content, lineNum) if result_quantity == 101 or result_quantity == 102: return result_quantity # ng result_ngQuantity = models_common.get_ngQuantity( model_name, start_date, end_date, 'All', False, content, lineNum) if result_ngQuantity == 101 or result_ngQuantity == 102: return result_ngQuantity # ngQuantity合并到inputQuantity for inputrow in result_quantity: ng_quantity = 0 for ngrow in result_ngQuantity: if operator.eq(ngrow['assy_text'], inputrow['assy_text']) and operator.eq(\ ngrow['process_at'], inputrow['process_at']): ng_quantity = ngrow['ng_quantity'] break inputrow["ng_quantity"] = ng_quantity if operator.eq('Y1', type) or operator.eq('Y2', type): # input lineNum = "2nd" result_quantity = models_common.get_inputQuantity( model_name, start_date, end_date, 'All', False, content, lineNum) if result_quantity == 101 or result_quantity == 102: return result_quantity # output result_outputQuantity = models_common.get_outputQuantity( model_name, start_date, end_date, 'All', False, content, lineNum) if result_outputQuantity == 101 or result_outputQuantity == 102: return result_outputQuantity # ng result_ngQuantity = models_common.get_ngQuantity( model_name, start_date, end_date, 'All', False, content, lineNum) if result_ngQuantity == 101 or result_ngQuantity == 102: return result_ngQuantity # 计算y2,合并到inputQuantity for inputrow in result_quantity: output_quantity = 0 for outputrow in result_outputQuantity: if operator.eq(outputrow['assy_text'], inputrow['assy_text']) and operator.eq(\ outputrow['process_at'], inputrow['process_at']): output_quantity = outputrow['output_quantity'] break ng_quantity = 0 for ngrow in result_ngQuantity: if operator.eq(ngrow['assy_text'], inputrow['assy_text']) and operator.eq(\ ngrow['process_at'], inputrow['process_at']): ng_quantity = ngrow['ng_quantity'] break if output_quantity + ng_quantity > 0: inputrow["Y2"] = output_quantity / ( (output_quantity + ng_quantity) * 1.0) else: inputrow["Y2"] = "NP" if inputrow["input_quantity"] > 0: inputrow["Y1"] = output_quantity / ( inputrow["input_quantity"] * 1.0) else: inputrow["Y1"] = "NP" # get assy objectArr = models_common.get_allAssyAndProcessId(model_name) if objectArr == 101 or objectArr == 102: return objectArr # sort result_quantity = sorted(result_quantity, key=lambda x: (x['assy_text'], x['process_at'])) else: if operator.eq('Input', type): # input result_quantity = models_common.get_inputQuantity_sumOfLine( model_name, start_date, end_date, content, False) if result_quantity == 101 or result_quantity == 102: return result_quantity # get allLine result_quantity_all = models_common.get_inputQuantity_sumOfLine( model_name, start_date, end_date, content, True) if result_quantity_all == 101 or result_quantity_all == 102: return result_quantity_all if operator.eq('Output', type): # output result_quantity = models_common.get_outputQuantity_sumOfLine( model_name, start_date, end_date, content, False) if result_quantity == 101 or result_quantity == 102: return result_quantity # get allLine result_quantity_all = models_common.get_outputQuantity_sumOfLine( model_name, start_date, end_date, content, True) if result_quantity_all == 101 or result_quantity_all == 102: return result_quantity_all if operator.eq('NG', type): # ng result_quantity = models_common.get_ngQuantity_sumOfLine( model_name, start_date, end_date, content, False) if result_quantity == 101 or result_quantity == 102: return result_quantity # get allLine result_quantity_all = models_common.get_ngQuantity_sumOfLine( model_name, start_date, end_date, content, True) if result_quantity_all == 101 or result_quantity_all == 102: return result_quantity_all if operator.eq('Y1', type) or operator.eq('Y2', type): # input result_quantity = models_common.get_inputQuantity_sumOfLine( model_name, start_date, end_date, content, False) if result_quantity == 101 or result_quantity == 102: return result_quantity # output result_outputQuantity = models_common.get_outputQuantity_sumOfLine( model_name, start_date, end_date, content, False) if result_outputQuantity == 101 or result_outputQuantity == 102: return result_outputQuantity # ng result_ngQuantity = models_common.get_ngQuantity_sumOfLine( model_name, start_date, end_date, content, False) if result_ngQuantity == 101 or result_ngQuantity == 102: return result_ngQuantity # 计算y2,合并到inputQuantity for inputrow in result_quantity: output_quantity = 0 for outputrow in result_outputQuantity: if operator.eq(outputrow['line_cd'], inputrow['line_cd']) and operator.eq(\ outputrow['process_at'], inputrow['process_at']): output_quantity = outputrow['output_quantity'] break ng_quantity = 0 for ngrow in result_ngQuantity: if operator.eq(ngrow['line_cd'], inputrow['line_cd']) and operator.eq(\ ngrow['process_at'], inputrow['process_at']): ng_quantity = ngrow['ng_quantity'] break if output_quantity + ng_quantity > 0: inputrow["Y2"] = output_quantity / ( (output_quantity + ng_quantity) * 1.0) else: inputrow["Y2"] = "NP" if inputrow["input_quantity"] > 0: inputrow["Y1"] = output_quantity / ( inputrow["input_quantity"] * 1.0) else: inputrow["Y1"] = "NP" # get line objectArr = models_common.get_allLines(model_name) if objectArr == 101 or objectArr == 102: return objectArr # 设定目标json数据 result = models_common.setDataList(process_at_list, result_quantity, objectArr, model_name, object, content, typeName) # sort if operator.eq('Line', object): result = sorted(result, key=lambda x: (x['process_id'])) else: result = sorted(result, key=lambda x: (x['process'])) # All Line追加 if object == 'Assy': if type != 'Y1' and type != 'Y2': if len(result_quantity_all) == 0: result_all = {"process": "All Line", "data": data_zero} else: result_all = models_common.supplementZero( "All Line", result_quantity_all, process_at_list, 'trend') else: # get allLine if len(result_quantity) == 0: if type == 'Y2': # 获取TARGET target = models_common.get_target(content, model_name) result_all = { 'process': 'All Line', 'data': data_zero, 'target': target, } else: result_all = { 'process': 'All Line', 'data': data_zero, } else: data = models_common.getAvg_allLine( result, process_at_list) if type == 'Y2': # 获取TARGET target = models_common.get_target(content, model_name) result_all = { 'process': 'All Line', 'data': data, 'target': target, } else: result_all = { 'process': 'All Line', 'data': data, } result.append(result_all) # 计算公式项追加 if object == 'Line' and (type == 'Y1' or type == 'Y2'): database_list = models_common.get_config("database") formulaDic = {} assyDic = {} assyDic_int = {} for row in database_list: if operator.eq(row['MODEL'], model_name): # 从配置文件里取得ASSY assyDic = row['ASSY'] # 从配置文件里取得FORMULA formulaDic = row['FORMULA_TREND'] break # 给key为整数的字典assyDic_int赋值 for key in assyDic: assyDic_int[int(key)] = assyDic[key] # 字典排序 sorted(assyDic_int.keys()) # fpy计算公式的取得 fpy_formula = formulaDic["FPY(main)"] # FPY(sub+main)计算公式的取得 tester_yield_formula = formulaDic["FPY(sub+main)"] # Assembly Yield(sub+main)计算公式的取得 assembly_yield_formula = formulaDic["Assembly Yield(sub+main)"] # 按配置文件里ASSY的顺序排列result result_temp = [] for key in assyDic_int: flg = False for row in result: if operator.eq(row['process'], assyDic_int[key]): flg = True result_temp.append(row) break # 当前config里设定的Assy在result里不存在的场合 if flg == False: # 获取TARGET target = models_common.get_target(assyDic_int[key], model_name) result_temp.append({ 'process': assyDic_int[key], 'data': data_NP, 'target': target, }) assembly_yield_list = [] tester_yield_list = [] fpy_list = [] for i in range(len(process_at_list)): y2_list = [] y2_list_temp = [] for row in result_temp: yield2 = row['data'][i] y2_list_temp.append(yield2) if operator.eq(yield2, 'NP'): yield2 = float(1) y2_list.append(yield2) # 计算y2_FPY(main) y2_fpy_value = models_common.get_formula_value( y2_list, y2_list_temp, fpy_formula) # 计算y2_FPY(sub+main) y2_tester_yield_value = models_common.get_formula_value( y2_list, y2_list_temp, tester_yield_formula) # 计算y2_Assembly Yield(sub+main) y2_assembly_yield_value = models_common.get_formula_value( y2_list, y2_list_temp, assembly_yield_formula) # 将当前计算值添加到list assembly_yield_list.append(y2_assembly_yield_value) tester_yield_list.append(y2_tester_yield_value) fpy_list.append(y2_fpy_value) # 获取TARGET assembly_yield_target = models_common.get_target( 'Assembly Yield(sub+main)', model_name) tester_yield_target = models_common.get_target( 'Assembly Yield(sub+main)', model_name) fpy_target = models_common.get_target('FPY(main)', model_name) result.append({ 'process': 'Assembly Yield(sub+main)', 'data': assembly_yield_list, 'target': assembly_yield_target, }) result.append({ 'process': 'FPY(sub+main)', 'data': tester_yield_list, 'target': tester_yield_target, }) result.append({ 'process': 'FPY(main)', 'data': fpy_list, 'target': fpy_target, }) if type == 'Y1' or type == 'Y2': # 转成百分比 for row in result: i = 0 for value in row['data']: if value != 'NP': row['data'][i] = "%.2f%%" % (value * 100) i = i + 1 except BaseException as exp: print(exp) result = models_common.databaseException(exp) connections[model_name].close() return result