def mit_carpet_floor(MiroSystem): # Add MIT floor as a box MIT_floor_x = 4.5 + 4.8 + 4.5 MIT_floor_z = 4.5 + 4.8 + 4.5 MIT_floor_pos = np.array([1.6, -1, -1.9]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, MIT_floor_x, 2, MIT_floor_z, MIT_floor_pos, 'MITfloor.png',scale=[23,18])
def trialsurface(MiroSystem, target): nx = 10 dz = 1.4 diag = 0.2 eps = 0.008 box_side = diag/np.sqrt(2) h = diag/2 for i in range(nx): pos = np.array([target[0] - (nx - 1 - 2*i)*diag/2, target[1]-h, target[2]]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, box_side, box_side, dz, pos, rotZ=45, texture='white concrete.jpg') th = 1.2*h pos = np.array([target[0], target[1]-h-th/2, target[2]]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, nx*diag+2*eps, th, dz+2*eps, pos, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') r = 0.03 h = target[1]-th-h d = 0.1 # [+, +] pos = np.array([target[0] + nx*diag/2 - d, h/2, target[2] + dz/2 -d]) MiroAPI.add_cylinderShape(MiroSystem, r, h, 2500, pos, 'chrome.png', scale=[2,2]) # [-, +] pos = np.array([target[0] - nx*diag/2 + d, h/2, target[2] + dz/2 -d]) MiroAPI.add_cylinderShape(MiroSystem, r, h, 2500, pos, 'chrome.png', scale=[2,2]) # [-, -] pos = np.array([target[0] - nx*diag/2 + d, h/2, target[2] - dz/2 +d]) MiroAPI.add_cylinderShape(MiroSystem, r, h, 2500, pos, 'chrome.png', scale=[2,2]) # [+, -] pos = np.array([target[0] + nx*diag/2 - d, h/2, target[2] - dz/2 +d]) MiroAPI.add_cylinderShape(MiroSystem, r, h, 2500, pos, 'chrome.png', scale=[2,2])
def build(MiroSystem, SPEEDMODE=False): MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.5, 1.85, 0.5, [1, 6.64 + 1.85 / 2, 6], Fixed=False) return
def Plan4_Rum3(MiroSystem): MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 4, 0.85, 3, [-4.5, 6.64, -10.3], rotX=-16, friction=2000)
def MC907(rot=[0, 0, 0], pos=[0, 0, 0], Fixed=False): size_x = 0.8 size_y = 0.1 size_z = 0.9 density_brick = density['Steel Forged Concrete'] # kg/m^3 body_brick = MiroAPI.add_boxShape(False, size_x, size_y, size_z, pos, texture='white_bricks.jpg', density=density_brick, Fixed=Fixed) # Generate MiroComponent with above ChBody COMPONENT = mc.MiroComponent(body_brick) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('A', [0, 1, 0], [3 * size_x / 8, size_y / 2, 3 * size_z / 8]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('B', [0, 1, 0], [-3 * size_x / 8, size_y / 2, 3 * size_z / 8]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('C', [0, 1, 0], [3 * size_x / 8, size_y / 2, -3 * size_z / 8]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('D', [0, 1, 0], [-3 * size_x / 8, size_y / 2, -3 * size_z / 8]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('E', [0, 1, 0], [0, size_y / 2, 0]) COMPONENT.Rotate(rot) return COMPONENT
def MC906(rot=[0, 0, 0], pos=[0, 0, 0], Fixed=False): size_x = 0.8 size_y = 0.8 size_z = 0.6 density_brick = density['Steel Forged Concrete'] # kg/m^3 body_brick = MiroAPI.add_boxShape(False, size_x, size_y, size_z, pos, texture='white_bricks.jpg', density=density_brick, Fixed=Fixed) # Generate MiroComponent with above ChBody COMPONENT = mc.MiroComponent(body_brick) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('A', [0, 0, 1], [0, 0.9 * size_y / 2, size_z / 2]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('B', [0, 0, -1], [0, 0.9 * size_y / 2, -size_z / 2]) # Bottom mounting sockets COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('C', [0, -1, 0], [0, -size_y / 2, size_z / 4]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('D', [0, -1, 0], [0, -size_y / 2, -size_z / 4]) # Top mounting sockets COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('E', [0, 1, 0], [0, size_y / 2, size_z / 4]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('F', [0, 1, 0], [0, size_y / 2, -size_z / 4]) COMPONENT.Rotate(rot) return COMPONENT
def MC1XX(M1, M2, M3, rot=[0, 0, 0], pos=[0, 0, 0], Fixed=False): size_x = M1 size_y = M2 size_z = M2 density_brick = density['Aluminium'] # kg/m^3 body_brick = MiroAPI.add_boxShape(False, size_x, size_y, size_z, pos, texture='brushsteel.jpg', density=density_brick, Fixed=Fixed) # Generate MiroComponent with above ChBody COMPONENT = mc.MiroComponent(body_brick) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('A', [-1, 0, 0], [-size_x / 2, 0, 0]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('B', [1, 0, 0], [size_x / 2, 0, 0]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('C', [0, 0, -1], [0, 0, -size_z / 2]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('D', [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, size_z / 2]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('E', [0, -1, 0], [-(size_x / 2 - M3), -size_y / 2, 0]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('F', [0, -1, 0], [(size_x / 2 - M3), -size_y / 2, 0]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('G', [0, 1, 0], [-(size_x / 2 - M3), size_y / 2, 0]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('H', [0, 1, 0], [(size_x / 2 - M3), size_y / 2, 0]) COMPONENT.Rotate(rot) return COMPONENT
def MC3XX(M1, M2, M3, rot=[0, 0, 0], pos=[0, 0, 0], Fixed=False): size_x = M1 size_y = M3 size_z = M2 density_brick = density['PVC'] # kg/m^3 body_brick = MiroAPI.add_boxShape(False, size_x, size_y, size_z, pos, texture='pvc_weave_brown.png', density=density_brick, Fixed=Fixed) # Generate MiroComponent with above ChBody COMPONENT = mc.MiroComponent(body_brick) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('A', [-1, 0, 0], [-size_x / 2, 0, 0]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('B', [1, 0, 0], [size_x / 2, 0, 0]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('C', [0, 0, -1], [0, 0, -size_z / 2]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('D', [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, size_z / 2]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('E', [0, -1, 0], [0, -size_y / 2, 0]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('F', [0, 1, 0], [0, size_y / 2, 0]) COMPONENT.Rotate(rot) return COMPONENT
def sponsorFlag(MiroSystem, pos, logo, spin=0): foot_h = 0.08 foot_r = 0.3 leg_h = 0.4 leg_r = 0.02 sign_h = 1.6 sign_w = 0.6 sign_t = 0.03 foot_pos = [pos[0], pos[1]+foot_h/2, pos[2]] leg_pos = [pos[0], pos[1]+foot_h+leg_h/2, pos[2]] sign_pos = [pos[0], pos[1]+foot_h+leg_h+sign_h/2, pos[2]] # Foot foot = MiroAPI.add_cylinderShape(MiroSystem, foot_r, foot_h, 1000, foot_pos, texture='black_smere.jpg', Fixed=False, scale=[1,-1]) # Pole leg = MiroAPI.add_cylinderShape(MiroSystem, leg_r, leg_h, 500, leg_pos, texture='black_smere.jpg', Fixed=False, scale=[1,-1]) # Sign sign = MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, sign_w, sign_h, sign_t, sign_pos, density=30, texture=logo, Fixed=False) # Hinges h1 = [pos[0], pos[1]+foot_h, pos[2]] h2 = [pos[0], pos[1]+foot_h+leg_h, pos[2]] MiroAPI.LinkBodies_Hinge(foot, leg, h1, [0,1,0], MiroSystem) MiroAPI.LinkBodies_Hinge(leg, sign, h2, [0,1,0], MiroSystem) if spin: MiroAPI.SetBodyAngularFrequency(sign, spin)
def measureBox(MiroSystem, pos, dims): pos = np.array(pos) d = 0.02 lx = dims[0] + 2*d ly = dims[1] + d lz = dims[2] # Base MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, dims[0], d, dims[2], pos+np.array([0,d/2,0]), texture='wood_ikea_style.png') # x - MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, d, ly, lz, pos+np.array([-(dims[0]+d)/2, (dims[1]+d)/2, 0]), texture='wood_ikea_style.png') # x + MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, d, ly, lz, pos+np.array([ (dims[0]+d)/2, (dims[1]+d)/2, 0]), texture='wood_ikea_style.png') # z - MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, lx, ly, d, pos+np.array([ 0, (dims[1]+d)/2,-(dims[2]+d)/2]), texture='wood_ikea_style.png') # z + MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, lx, ly, d, pos+np.array([ 0, (dims[1]+d)/2, (dims[2]+d)/2]), texture='wood_ikea_style.png')
def tabletop(MiroSystem, table_pos, size_table): if(size_table[0] < 0.6): tex = 'textures/MITstol.jpg' else: tex = 'textures/MITbord.jpg' pos = table_pos + np.array([0,size_table[1]/2 + size_table[3],0]) return MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, size_table[0], size_table[1], size_table[2], pos, tex, Fixed=FIXED)
def back_stage(system): coner_pos = np.array([-5.3, 1.55, -8.8]) # Real coner -5.3,1.25,-8.8 length = 1.3 in_screen_pos = coner_pos + np.array([1 / np.sqrt(2), 0, 1 / np.sqrt(2) ]) * length size_len = 2.5 size_width = 0.05 size_height = 2.5 MiroAPI.add_boxShape(system, size_len, size_height, size_width, in_screen_pos, texture='tf-logo.jpg', scale=[4, 3], rotY=45)
def greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, spin, tilt, pos, Fixed=True): p = np.array(pos) return MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, d, l, d, p, 'MITentrance.png', rotY=spin, rotZ=tilt, rotOrder=['z', 'y'], scale=[0.5, 50], color=[0.02, 0.1, 0.01], Fixed=Fixed)
def QuickEntrance(MiroSystem, pos_south, pos_north): h = 3.1 center = np.array([(pos_south[0] + pos_north[0]) / 2, (pos_south[1] + pos_north[1]) / 2 + h / 2, (pos_south[2] + pos_north[2]) / 2]) wid = np.abs(pos_south[0] - pos_north[0]) # Door wall MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, wid / 2, h / 2, 0.05, center, texture='MITentrance_quick.png') # south wall p = np.array([pos_south[0] - 0.05, 1.51, pos_south[2] - 0.89 / 2]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.1, 3.02, 0.89, p, texture='MITentrance_quick.png')
def MC0XX(M1, M2, M3, rot=[0, 0, 0], pos=[0, 0, 0], Fixed=False): size_x = M1 size_y = M3 size_z = M2 density_brick = density['ABS'] # kg/m^3 body_brick = MiroAPI.add_boxShape(False, size_x, size_y, size_z, pos, texture='MITstol.jpg', density=density_brick, Fixed=Fixed) # Generate MiroComponent with above ChBody COMPONENT = mc.MiroComponent(body_brick) # Top COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('A', [0, 1, 0], [(size_x / 2 - 0.02), size_y / 2, (size_z / 2 - 0.02)]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint( 'B', [0, 1, 0], [-(size_x / 2 - 0.02), size_y / 2, (size_z / 2 - 0.02)]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint( 'C', [0, 1, 0], [(size_x / 2 - 0.02), size_y / 2, -(size_z / 2 - 0.02)]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint( 'D', [0, 1, 0], [-(size_x / 2 - 0.02), size_y / 2, -(size_z / 2 - 0.02)]) # Bottom COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('E', [0, -1, 0], [0, -size_y / 2, 0]) # Sides COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('F', [0, 0, -1], [-(size_x / 2 - 0.02), 0, -size_z / 2]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('G', [0, 0, -1], [(size_x / 2 - 0.02), 0, -size_z / 2]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('H', [0, 0, 1], [-(size_x / 2 - 0.02), 0, size_z / 2]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('I', [0, 0, 1], [(size_x / 2 - 0.02), 0, size_z / 2]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('J', [-1, 0, 0], [-size_x / 2, 0, 0]) COMPONENT.AddLinkPoint('K', [1, 0, 0], [size_x / 2, 0, 0]) COMPONENT.Rotate(rot) return COMPONENT
def MSL03(rot=[0, 0, 0]): size_x = 0.02 size_y = 0.02 size_z = 0.02 sensor_body = MiroAPI.add_boxShape(False, size_x, size_y, size_z, [0, 0, 0], texture='MSA01.png', Fixed=False) # Generate MiroComponent based MiroSensor with above ChBody SENSOR = mc.MiroSensor_Lidar(sensor_body, 50, 90, 2) # Top SENSOR.AddLinkPoint('Linkpoint', [0, 1, 0], [0, size_y / 2, 0]) SENSOR.Rotate(rot) return SENSOR
def mit_outside_ground(MiroSystem): # Add a ground outside as a huge box MIT_ground_x = 1000 MIT_ground_z = 80 MIT_floor_pos = np.array([300, -1.15, 20]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, MIT_ground_x, 2, MIT_ground_z, MIT_floor_pos, 'grey concrete.jpg',scale=[23,18]) dims = [4, 0.6, 10] pos = [15, -0.15, 25] MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, dims[0], dims[1], dims[2], pos, rotX= 0*np.arcsin(dims[1]/dims[2]), rotZ= 1*np.arcsin(dims[1]/dims[0]), texture='grey concrete.jpg',scale=[23,18], rotDegrees=False) dims = [4, 0.6, 10] pos = [20, -0.15, 25] MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, dims[0], dims[1], dims[2], pos, rotX= 0*np.arcsin(dims[1]/dims[2]), rotZ= -1*np.arcsin(dims[1]/dims[0]), texture='grey concrete.jpg',scale=[23,18], rotDegrees=False)
def MSO01(rot=[0, 0, 0]): size_x = 0.04 size_y = 0.012 size_z = 0.024 # density_brick = 1000 # kg/m^3 mass_brick = 0.040 sensor_body = MiroAPI.add_boxShape(False, size_x, size_y, size_z, [0, 0, 0], texture='MSO01.png', Fixed=False, mass=mass_brick) # Generate MiroComponent based MiroSensor with above ChBody SENSOR = mc.MiroSensor_Odometer(sensor_body) # Top SENSOR.AddLinkPoint('Linkpoint', [0, 1, 0], [0, size_y / 2, 0]) SENSOR.Rotate(rot) return SENSOR
def build(MiroSystem, SPEEDMODE=False): H = 3.32 wall_t = 0.1 * 2 posW = np.array([0.6, 5 / 2 * H, 5.1]) posE = np.array([1.6, 3 / 2 * H, -8.9]) posS = np.array([-5.4, 3 / 2 * H, -1.9]) #3/2 * H if (SPEEDMODE): MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 11.8, H, wall_t, posW, 'MITwall_West.jpg') MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 2 * 6.9, 3 * H, wall_t, posE, 'MITwall_East.jpg', [-4, -3]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, wall_t, 3 * H, 2 * 6.9, posS, 'MITwall_South.jpg', [4, 3]) else:, SPEEDMODE), SPEEDMODE), SPEEDMODE) MIT_Officewalls(MiroSystem, H, wall_t, posW, posE, posS)
def MIT_Officewalls(MiroSystem, H, wall_t, posW, posE, posS): corner_windowpane0 = np.array([-5.29, 2 * H + 1.5, 4.99]) first_windowpane0 = np.array([ corner_windowpane0[0] + 0.10, corner_windowpane0[1], corner_windowpane0[2] ]) corner_windowpane1 = np.array([-0.7, 2 * H + 1.5, 4.99]) first_windowpane1 = np.array([ corner_windowpane1[0] + 0.25, corner_windowpane1[1], corner_windowpane1[2] ]) corner_windowpane2 = np.array([4.125, 2 * H + 1.5, 4.99]) first_windowpane2 = np.array([ corner_windowpane2[0] + 0.25, corner_windowpane2[1], corner_windowpane2[2] ]) v_windowpane_size = np.array([0.05, 3, 0.01]) #vertical window pane size pos_down = np.array([posW[0], posW[1] - 1.26, posW[2]]) pos_up = np.array([posW[0], posW[1] + 1.51, posW[2]]) #concrete part under and over windows MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 11.8, 0.8, 0.2, pos_down, texture='white concrete.jpg', scale=[9, 12]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 11.8, 0.3, 0.2, pos_up, texture='white concrete.jpg', scale=[9, 12]) #1st window vertical MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], corner_windowpane0, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') spacingA = 0.61 for k in range(0, 8): tmp = np.array([spacingA * k, 0, 0]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], tmp + first_windowpane0, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') if k == 3: MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], np.array([spacingA / 2, 0, 0]) + tmp + first_windowpane0, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') #2nd window vertical MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], corner_windowpane1, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], first_windowpane1, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') spacingB = 0.685 for k in range(0, 7): tmp = np.array([spacingB * k, 0, 0]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], tmp + first_windowpane1, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') if k == 1: MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], np.array([spacingB / 2, 0, 0]) + tmp + first_windowpane1, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') if k == 4: MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], np.array([spacingB / 2, 0, 0]) + tmp + first_windowpane1, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') if k == 6: MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], np.array([0.25, 0, 0]) + tmp + first_windowpane1, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') #3rd window vertical MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], corner_windowpane2, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], first_windowpane2, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') spacingC = 0.685 for k in range(0, 4): tmp = np.array([spacingC * k, 0, 0]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], tmp + first_windowpane2, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') if k == 2: MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], np.array([spacingC / 2, 0, 0]) + tmp + first_windowpane2, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') #horizontal windowpanes h_windowpane_size = np.array([0.05, 4.255, 0.01]) #horizontal window pane size #2nd window horizontal MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, h_windowpane_size[0], h_windowpane_size[1] + 0.6, h_windowpane_size[2], [1.51, 2 * H + 0.015, 4.985], rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, h_windowpane_size[0], h_windowpane_size[1] + 0.6, h_windowpane_size[2], [1.51, 2 * H + 0.8, 4.985], rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, h_windowpane_size[0], h_windowpane_size[1] + 0.6, h_windowpane_size[2], [1.51, 2 * H + 3 - 0.7, 4.985], rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, h_windowpane_size[0], h_windowpane_size[1] + 0.6, h_windowpane_size[2], [1.51, 2 * H + 3, 4.985], rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') # This box is the window window_pos = [1.51, 2 * H + 1.5 + 0.4, 4.985 + 0.0025] MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.0025, 3.0 - 0.8, h_windowpane_size[1] + 0.6 - 0.015, window_pos, rotY=90, color=[0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.4]) #1st window horizontal MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, h_windowpane_size[0], h_windowpane_size[1] + 0.36, h_windowpane_size[2], [-3, 2 * H + 0.015, 4.985], rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, h_windowpane_size[0], h_windowpane_size[1] + 0.36, h_windowpane_size[2], [-3, 2 * H + 0.8, 4.985], rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, h_windowpane_size[0], h_windowpane_size[1] + 0.36, h_windowpane_size[2], [-3, 2 * H + 3 - 0.7, 4.985], rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, h_windowpane_size[0], h_windowpane_size[1] + 0.36, h_windowpane_size[2], [-3, 2 * H + 3, 4.985], rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') # This box is the window window_pos = [-3, 2 * H + 1.5 + 0.4, 4.985 + 0.0025] MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.0025, 3.0 - 0.8, h_windowpane_size[1] + 0.36 - 0.015, window_pos, rotY=90, color=[0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.4]) #3rd window horizontal MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, h_windowpane_size[0], h_windowpane_size[1] / 2 + 0.3, h_windowpane_size[2], [5.25, 2 * H + 0.015, 4.985], rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, h_windowpane_size[0], h_windowpane_size[1] / 2 + 0.3, h_windowpane_size[2], [5.25, 2 * H + 0.8, 4.985], rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, h_windowpane_size[0], h_windowpane_size[1] / 2 + 0.3, h_windowpane_size[2], [5.25, 2 * H + 3 - 0.7, 4.985], rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, h_windowpane_size[0], h_windowpane_size[1] / 2 + 0.3, h_windowpane_size[2], [5.25, 2 * H + 3, 4.985], rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') # This box is the window window_pos = [5.25, 2 * H + 1.5 + 0.4, 4.985 + 0.0025] MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.0025, 3.0 - 0.8, h_windowpane_size[1] / 2 + 0.3 - 0.015, window_pos, rotY=90, color=[0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.4]) test_posS = np.array([posS[0] + 0.105, -0.16 + 0.025, posS[2]]) test_posE = np.array([posE[0], -0.16 + 0.025, posE[2] + 0.11]) make_window(v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], h_windowpane_size[0], h_windowpane_size[1], h_windowpane_size[2], test_posS, 'south', 0.685, MiroSystem) make_window(v_windowpane_size[0], v_windowpane_size[1], v_windowpane_size[2], h_windowpane_size[0], h_windowpane_size[1], h_windowpane_size[2], test_posE, 'east', 0.685, MiroSystem)
def AddToSystem(self, system): MiroAPI.add_boxShape(system, self.width, self.height, 0.05, self.position, 'textures/notifboard.png', rotX=self.tilt_angle, rotY=self.turn_angle, rotDegrees=False) self.bulb = MiroAPI.add_sphereShape(system, self.radius, self.position+self.bulb_pos, 'textures/notifbulb.png', rotX=self.tilt_angle+np.pi/2, rotY=self.turn_angle, rotDegrees=False)
def revolute_door(MiroSystem, d, l, spin, pos): # Revolving door bottom ring pos_down = np.array([pos[0], 0.0, pos[2]]) disk_bot = MiroAPI.add_cylinderShape(MiroSystem, l, 0.01, 1000, pos_down, 'MITentrance_floor.png', Collide=False) # Revolving door top ring pos_up = np.array([pos[0], pos[1] + 0.1 / 2 + d / 2, pos[2]]) disk_top = MiroAPI.add_cylinderShape(MiroSystem, l, 0.1, 1000, pos_up, 'MITentrance.png') l = l - 0.03 eps = 0.004 top = pos[1] - eps mid = pos[1] / 2 + d / 4 bot = d / 2 + eps dh = np.array([0, d / 2, 0]) # middle pole pos[1] = mid mid_pole = greenpole(MiroSystem, d, top - bot - d, spin, 0, pos, Fixed=FIXED) # top cross pos[1] = top top_x = greenpole(MiroSystem, d, 2 * (l - d), spin, 90, pos, Fixed=FIXED) top_y = greenpole(MiroSystem, d, 2 * (l - d), spin + 90, 90, pos, Fixed=FIXED) if not FIXED: dir1 = [np.cos(np.deg2rad(spin)), 0, np.sin(np.deg2rad(spin))] dir2 = [ np.cos(np.deg2rad(spin + 90)), 0, np.sin(np.deg2rad(spin + 90)) ] MiroAPI.LinkBodies_Hinge(top_x, top_y, pos, dir1, MiroSystem) MiroAPI.LinkBodies_Hinge(top_x, top_y, pos, dir2, MiroSystem) MiroAPI.LinkBodies_Hinge(top_x, mid_pole, pos - dh, dir1, MiroSystem) MiroAPI.LinkBodies_Hinge(top_x, disk_top, pos + dh, [0, 1, 0], MiroSystem) MiroAPI.LinkBodies_Hinge(top_y, disk_top, pos + dh, [0, 1, 0], MiroSystem) # bottom cross pos[1] = bot bot_x = greenpole(MiroSystem, d, 2 * (l - d), spin, 90, pos, Fixed=FIXED) bot_y = greenpole(MiroSystem, d, 2 * (l - d), spin + 90, 90, pos, Fixed=FIXED) if not FIXED: MiroAPI.LinkBodies_Hinge(bot_x, bot_y, pos, dir1, MiroSystem) MiroAPI.LinkBodies_Hinge(bot_x, bot_y, pos, dir2, MiroSystem) MiroAPI.LinkBodies_Hinge(bot_x, mid_pole, pos + dh, dir1, MiroSystem) MiroAPI.LinkBodies_Hinge(bot_x, disk_top, pos - dh, [0, -1, 0], MiroSystem) MiroAPI.LinkBodies_Hinge(bot_y, disk_top, pos - dh, [0, -1, 0], MiroSystem) cross = [[top_x, bot_x], [top_y, bot_y]] p = np.array([pos[0], mid, pos[2]]) for phi in [0, 90, 180, 270]: angle = spin + phi dp = np.array([ np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)) * (l - d / 2), 0, -np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)) * (l - d / 2) ]) rod = greenpole(MiroSystem, d, top - bot + d, angle, 0, p + dp, Fixed=FIXED) if not FIXED: dh = np.array([0, (top - bot + d) / 2, 0]) top_bar = cross[round(phi / 90) % 2][0] bot_bar = cross[round(phi / 90) % 2][1] MiroAPI.LinkBodies_Hinge(top_bar, rod, p + dp + dh, -dp, MiroSystem) MiroAPI.LinkBodies_Hinge(bot_bar, rod, p + dp - dh, -dp, MiroSystem) # side walls wid = 0.4 thick = 0.02 angle = -13 height = top - bot + d + 2 * eps p = np.array([pos[0] - (l + 0.03 + thick / 2), mid, pos[2]]) p[0] = p[0] - np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)) * wid / 2 p[2] = p[2] - np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)) * wid / 2 MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, thick, height, wid, p, 'MITentrance.png', rotY=angle, color=[0.02, 0.1, 0.01]) p[2] = p[2] + np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)) * wid MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, thick, height, wid, p, 'MITentrance.png', rotY=-angle, color=[0.02, 0.1, 0.01]) p[0] = p[0] + np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)) * wid + 2 * (l + 0.03 + thick / 2) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, thick, height, wid, p, 'MITentrance.png', rotY=angle, color=[0.02, 0.1, 0.01]) p[2] = p[2] - np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)) * wid MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, thick, height, wid, p, 'MITentrance.png', rotY=-angle, color=[0.02, 0.1, 0.01])
def FullEntrance(MiroSystem, pos_south, pos_north): d = 0.08 l = 3.02 # Pole in front of doors p = np.array([pos_south[0] + 2.89, 1.51, pos_south[2] - 0.6]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 2 * d, l, 2 * d, p, texture='white concrete.jpg', scale=[4, 12]) # Emergency exit sign p = np.array([pos_south[0] + 2.89, 2.7, pos_south[2] - 0.6 - d - 0.01]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.568 * 0.7, 0.285 * 0.7, 0.02, p, texture='exit.png') # Inner doorframe greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + (1 / 2) * d, 1.51, pos_south[2]]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 0.68, 1.51, pos_south[2]]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 2.72, 1.51, pos_south[2]]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 3.06, 1.51, pos_south[2]]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 5.10, 1.51, pos_south[2]]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 5.44, 1.51, pos_south[2]]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 6.58, 1.51, pos_south[2]]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_north[0] - (1 / 2) * d, 1.51, pos_north[2]]) # Horizontal parts greenpole(MiroSystem, d, (pos_north[0] - pos_south[0]), 0, 90, [ (pos_north[0] + pos_south[0]) / 2, 2.5 + d / 2, pos_north[2] - d / 20 ]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, (pos_north[0] - pos_south[0]), 0, 90, [ (pos_north[0] + pos_south[0]) / 2, 3.0 - d / 2, pos_north[2] - d / 20 ]) # Small bits on floor for s in [[(1 / 2) * d, 0.68], [2.72, 3.06], [5.10, 5.44], [6.58, pos_north[0] - pos_south[0] - (1 / 2) * d]]: greenpole(MiroSystem, d, (s[1] - s[0] - d), 0, 90, [pos_south[0] + (s[1] + s[0]) / 2, d / 2, pos_north[2]]) # Revolving doors revolute_door(MiroSystem, d, 0.98, 15, [pos_south[0] + 1.70, 2.4 - d / 2, pos_south[2]]) revolute_door(MiroSystem, d, 0.98, 50, [pos_south[0] + 4.08, 2.4 - d / 2, pos_south[2]]) # Side door, inner normal_door(MiroSystem, d, 1.1 - d, 232, [pos_south[0] + 6.58 - d, 2.5 - d / 2, pos_south[2]]) ########### INNER PART STOPS HERE ########### width = pos_north[0] - pos_south[0] + 3.04 depth = 5 inner_depth = 2.8 p = np.array( [pos_south[0] - 2 + width / 2, -0.08, pos_south[2] + depth / 2]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, width, 0.16, 5, p, 'MIT_stone_floor.jpg') p = np.array([p[0], 3.08, p[2]]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, width, 0.16, 5, p, 'MIT_stone_floor.jpg') # Outer door frames z = pos_south[2] + inner_depth greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 0.00 + d / 2, 1.51, z]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 0.33, 1.51, z]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 1.51, 1.51, z]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 1.59, 1.51, z]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 2.77, 1.51, z]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 3.25, 1.51, z]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 4.43, 1.51, z]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 4.51, 1.51, z]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 5.69, 1.51, z]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, l, 0, 0, [pos_south[0] + 6.02 - d / 2, 1.51, z]) # Outer doors normal_door(MiroSystem, d, 1.1 - d, -42, [pos_south[0] + 0.33 + d, 2.5 - d / 2, z]) # south outward normal_door(MiroSystem, d, 1.1 - d, 180, [pos_south[0] + 2.77 - d, 2.5 - d / 2, z]) # south inward normal_door(MiroSystem, d, 1.1 - d, -0, [pos_south[0] + 3.25 + d, 2.5 - d / 2, z]) # north outward normal_door(MiroSystem, d, 1.1 - d, 180, [pos_south[0] + 5.69 - d, 2.5 - d / 2, z]) # north inward greenpole(MiroSystem, d, 6.02, 0, 90, [pos_south[0] + 3.01, 2.5 + d / 2, z - d / 20]) greenpole(MiroSystem, d, 6.02, 0, 90, [pos_south[0] + 3.01, 3.0 - d / 2, z - d / 20]) # Small bits on floor for s in [[d / 2, 0.33], [2.77, 3.25], [5.69, 6.02 - d / 2]]: greenpole(MiroSystem, d, (s[1] - s[0] - d), 0, 90, [pos_south[0] + (s[1] + s[0]) / 2, d / 2, z]) # south wall p = np.array( [pos_south[0] - 0.05, 1.51, pos_south[2] + inner_depth / 2 - 0.89 / 2]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.1, 3.02, inner_depth + 0.89, p, 'yellow_brick.jpg', scale=[7, 9]) # north wall np.array([pos_north[0] + 0.05, 1.51, pos_south[2] + inner_depth / 2]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.1, 3.02, inner_depth, p, 'yellow_brick.jpg', scale=[6, 9]) # WEST WALL w = 2 dw = 0.96 p = np.array([pos_north[0] + w / 2 - dw, 1.51, z]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, w, 3.02, 0.16, p, 'yellow_brick.jpg', scale=[2, 9], color=[0.6, 0.4, 0.0]) p = np.array([pos_south[0] - dw, 1.51, z]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, w, 3.02, 0.16, p, 'yellow_brick.jpg', scale=[2, 9], color=[0.6, 0.4, 0.0]) # Cement pillars outside r = 0.12 p = np.array( [pos_south[0] - 1, 1.51, z - r + (depth - inner_depth) * (3 / 4)]) MiroAPI.add_cylinderShape(MiroSystem, r, 3.02, 1000, p, 'white concrete.jpg', color=[0.8, 0.8, 0.8]) p = np.array([ pos_north[0] + 1 - 0.96, 1.51, z - r + (depth - inner_depth) * (3 / 4) ]) MiroAPI.add_cylinderShape(MiroSystem, r, 3.02, 1000, p, 'white concrete.jpg', color=[0.8, 0.8, 0.8]) p = np.array([pos_south[0] + 1.6, 1.51, z - r + (depth - inner_depth)]) MiroAPI.add_cylinderShape(MiroSystem, r, 3.02, 1000, p, 'white concrete.jpg', color=[0.8, 0.8, 0.8]) p = np.array( [pos_north[0] - 1.6 - 0.96, 1.51, z - r + (depth - inner_depth)]) MiroAPI.add_cylinderShape(MiroSystem, r, 3.02, 1000, p, 'white concrete.jpg', color=[0.8, 0.8, 0.8])
def make_window(size_vx, size_vy, size_vz, size_hx, size_hy, size_hz, mid_pos, wall, spacing, MiroSystem): #size_hx, size_hy, size_hz #wall sets orientation of window, set wall = 'south' or 'east' # pos sets position #and spacing sets the spacing between windowpanes H = 3.32 W = 4.6 dists = np.array([97, 207, 358, 436, 510, 654, 802, 876, 951, 1102, 1213]) dists = dists - (dists[-1] + dists[0]) / 2 dists = dists / dists[-1] * (W - 3 * 0.16) / 2 test = 0.085 if wall == 'south': #concrete part under and over windows for fl in range(3): bot_pos = mid_pos + np.array( [-0.104, 0.15 + fl * 3.32 + 0.8 / 2, 0]) top_pos = mid_pos + np.array( [-0.104, 0.15 + fl * 3.32 + 3.33 - 0.3 / 2, 0]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.2, 0.8, W * 3, bot_pos, texture='white concrete.jpg', scale=[9, 12]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.2, 0.3, W * 3, top_pos, texture='white concrete.jpg', scale=[9, 12]) for wid in range(3): left_pos = mid_pos + np.array( [-0.102, 1.5 * 3.32, -6.78 + wid * W]) right_pos = mid_pos + np.array( [-0.102, 1.5 * 3.32, -6.78 + W - 0.25 + wid * W]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.2, 3.32 * 3, 0.25, left_pos, texture='white concrete.jpg', scale=[9, 12]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.2, 3.32 * 3, 0.25, right_pos, texture='white concrete.jpg', scale=[9, 12]) for i in range(1, 6, 2): lvl_height = np.array([0, i / 2 * H, 0]) for j in [-1, 0, 1]: lvl_width = np.array([0, 0, j * W]) # This box is the windows. MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.0025, 3.0 - 0.8, W - 3 * 0.16, mid_pos + lvl_width + lvl_height + np.array([-0.0025, 0.4, 0]), color=[0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.6]) for k in range(0, len(dists)): tmp = np.array([-0.005, 0, dists[k]]) result_pos = mid_pos + lvl_width + lvl_height + tmp MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, size_vx, size_vy, size_vz, result_pos, rotY=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') for n in [-1, 1]: hzt_pos = np.array([0, 3 / 2, 0]) r_hzt_pos = mid_pos + n * hzt_pos + lvl_height + lvl_width MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, size_hx, size_hy - test, size_hz, r_hzt_pos, rotX=90, rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') if n == -1: MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, size_hx, size_hy - test, size_hz, r_hzt_pos + np.array([0, 0.8 * n * (-1), 0]), rotX=90, rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') else: MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, size_hx, size_hy - test, size_hz, r_hzt_pos + np.array([0, 0.7 * n * (-1), 0]), rotX=90, rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') if wall == 'east': for fl in range(3): bot_pos = mid_pos + np.array( [0, 0.15 + fl * 3.32 + 0.8 / 2, -0.104]) top_pos = mid_pos + np.array( [0, 0.15 + fl * 3.32 + 3.32 - 0.3 / 2, -0.104]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, W * 3, 0.8, 0.2, bot_pos, texture='white concrete.jpg', scale=[9, 12]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, W * 3, 0.3, 0.2, top_pos, texture='white concrete.jpg', scale=[9, 12]) for wid in range(3): left_pos = mid_pos + np.array([-6.8 + wid * W, 1.5 * 3.32, -0.102]) right_pos = mid_pos + np.array( [-6.8 + W - 0.25 + wid * W, 1.5 * 3.32, -0.102]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.25, 3.32 * 3, 0.2, left_pos, texture='white concrete.jpg', scale=[9, 12]) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.25, 3.32 * 3, 0.2, right_pos, texture='white concrete.jpg', scale=[9, 12]) for i in range(1, 6, 2): lvl_height = np.array([0, i / 2 * H, 0]) for j in [-1, 0, 1]: lvl_width = np.array([j * W, 0, 0]) # This box is the windows. if j != -1 or i != 5: MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.0025, 3.0 - 0.8, W - 3 * 0.16, mid_pos + lvl_width + lvl_height + np.array([0, 0.4, -0.0025]), rotY=90, color=[0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.6]) for k in range(0, len(dists)): tmp = np.array([dists[k], 0, 0]) result_pos = mid_pos + lvl_width + lvl_height + tmp MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, size_vz, size_vy, size_vx, result_pos, rotY=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png', Collide=(j != -1 or i != 5)) for n in [-1, 1]: hzt_pos = np.array([0, 3 / 2, -0.005]) r_hzt_pos = mid_pos + n * hzt_pos + lvl_height + lvl_width MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, size_hx, size_hy - test, size_hz, r_hzt_pos, rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') if n == -1: MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, size_hx, size_hy - test, size_hz, r_hzt_pos + np.array([0, 0.8 * n * (-1), 0]), rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png') else: MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, size_hx, size_hy - test, size_hz, r_hzt_pos + np.array([0, 0.7 * n * (-1), 0]), rotZ=90, texture='wood_ikea_style.png')
def screen(system, SPEEDMODE=False): size_length = 4 size_width = 0.01 size_height = size_length / (4 / 3) # Screen grouplogo_file = '../GroupLogo_local.png' if not os.path.isfile('GroupLogo_local.png'): grouplogo_file = '../GroupLogo.png' alpha = np.pi / 10 beta = np.pi / 4 corner_pos = np.array([-5.3, 3.55, -8.8]) delta_tilt = np.array([ np.sin(alpha) / np.sqrt(2), np.cos(alpha), np.sin(alpha) / np.sqrt(2) ]) * size_height / 2 screen_pos = corner_pos + np.array([1 / np.sqrt(8), 0, 1 / np.sqrt(8) ]) * size_length + delta_tilt MiroAPI.add_boxShape(system, size_length, size_height, size_width, screen_pos, texture=grouplogo_file, scale=[-4, -3], rotX=alpha, rotY=beta, rotDegrees=False) # Top cylinder r = 0.08 roll_pos = screen_pos + delta_tilt * ( (1.9 * r + size_height) / size_height) MiroAPI.add_cylinderShape(system, 0.08, 4.15, 1000, roll_pos, texture=False, rotAngle=90, rotAxis=[1, 0, 1]) if not SPEEDMODE: # Hanging bars bar_h = 0.05 roller_mid = screen_pos + delta_tilt * ( (3.9 * r + size_height) / size_height) + np.array( [0, bar_h / 2, 0]) dz = np.array([0, 0, 0.25]) dx = np.array([0.25, 0, 0]) offset = np.array([1 / np.sqrt(2), 0, -1 / np.sqrt(2)]) * 1.8 MiroAPI.add_boxShape(system, bar_h, bar_h, 1.2, roller_mid + offset - dz, texture=False) MiroAPI.add_boxShape(system, 1.2, bar_h, bar_h, roller_mid - offset - dx, texture=False)
def UNbox(MiroSystem, pos, goal_nr, skew): pos[1] = pos[1]+0.2 MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, pos, density=8, rotY=skew, texture='UN_'+str(goal_nr)+'.png', Fixed=False)
def MIT_door(MiroSystem, pos, rot = 0): b = 1.0 h = 2.1 pos = [pos[0], pos[1]+h/2, pos[2]] MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, b, h, 0.16, pos, rotY=rot, texture='MIT_door.png', Collide=False)
def chair_back(MiroSystem, pos_back, size_back_x,size_back_y, size_back_z): return MiroAPI.add_boxShape(MiroSystem, size_back_x, size_back_y, size_back_z, pos_back, 'MITstol.jpg', Fixed=FIXED)