class ControlFood: def __init__(self): = Food() def check_food(self): return def set_devoured(self, view): def draw(self, view): pygame.draw.rect( view, pygame.Color(204, 51, 0), pygame.Rect([0],[1], 10, 10))
def createFood(): data = request.get_json() new_food = Food(food=data['name']) db.session.add(new_food) db.session.commit() return jsonify({'message': 'New food added!'})
def updateFood(id): data = request.get_json() new_food = Food(food=data['name']) food = Food.query.filter_by(id=id).first() = db.session.commit() return jsonify({'message': 'updated!'})
def execute(self, choice): if choice == 1: print("-----------Add Food-------------") foodName = input("Enter the Name: ") foodType = input("Enter the Food Type: ") foodCategory = input("Enter the Food Category") foodDescription = input("Enter the Description") foodPrice = float(input("Enter the Food Price")) food = Food(foodName, foodType, foodCategory, foodDescription, foodPrice) test.view.addFood(food) elif choice == 2: print("--------update food----------------") foodId = int( input("ENter the existing foodID ehich you want to update ")) foodName = input("Enter the Name: ") foodType = input("Enter the Food Type: ") foodCategory = input("Enter the Food Category") foodDescription = input("Enter the Description") foodPrice = float(input("Enter the Food Price")) food = Food(foodName, foodType, foodCategory, foodDescription, foodPrice) food.setFoodId(foodId) test.view.updateFood(food) elif choice == 3: print('---------------delete food---------------') foodId = int(input("Enter the existing foodId you want to delete")) test.view.deleteFood(foodId) elif choice == 4: print("----------search food------------") foodId = int(input("Enter the existing foodid you want to search")) food = test.view.searchFood(foodId) print(food) elif choice == 5: print("----------search food by name------------") foodName = input("Enter the foodname you want to search") foodlist = test.view.searchbyName(foodName) for food in foodlist: print(food) elif choice == 6: print("------------show menu---------------- ") foodlist = test.view.getAllData() for food in foodlist: print(food) elif choice == 7: print("thank you") error # Exception to handle exit of while loop else: print("please enter a valid choice")
def searchFood(self, foodId): try: sql = "select * from food where foodId=%d" i = c.execute(sql % (foodId)) data = c.fetchone() food = Food(data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5]) database.commit() if i == 0: print("food Id doesn't exist") else: print("data search", i, "rows added") except Exception as ex: print(ex) return food
def getAllData(self): foodlist = [] try: sql = "select * from food" i = c.execute(sql) data = c.fetchall() for result in data: food = Food(result[1], result[2], result[3], result[4], result[5]) foodlist.append(food) database.commit() if i == 0: print("menu data doesn't exist") else: pass except Exception as ex: print(ex) return foodlist
def searchbyName(self, foodName): foodlist = [] try: sql = 'select * from food where foodName like "%' "{}" '%"'.format( foodName) i = c.execute(sql) data = c.fetchall() for result in data: food = Food(result[1], result[2], result[3], result[4], result[5]) foodlist.append(food) database.commit() if i == 0: print("Food doesn't exist") else: print("data search", i, "rows added") except Exception as ex: print(ex) return foodlist
def __init__(self): = Food()