def tables(): form = MyForm.MyForm_input() if try: ts = db_name = if ts and db_name: ts = set(ts) tt=('ip','port','数据库','表名','引擎','表行数','编码','版本') vv=[] Indexs = [] INDEXS = [] db = db_idc.idc_tableinfo for t_name in ts: val = db.query.filter(and_(db.database_name == db_name,db.table_name == t_name)).all() if val: v = [str(v).encode('UTF-8').split(',') for v in val if v] vv.append(v) v = v[0] cmds = ("show create table %s;" %v[3],"show index from %s;" %v[3]) for cmd in cmds: Indexs.append(Mysql.Query_sql(v[0],v[1],v[2],cmd)) else: return render_template_string('没有找到库{0}或者表{1}!'.format(db_name,t_name)) for index in Indexs: INDEX = [] for info in index: info = [str(i).encode('UTF-8') for i in info] INDEX.append(info) INDEXS.append(INDEX) return render_template('tables_show.html',values=vv,tables=tt,INDEXS=INDEXS) except Exception as e: loging.write(e) return render_template_string('获取数据错误!') return render_template('tables.html',form=form)
def sql_kill(): user = app.config.get('MYSQL_USER') password = app.config.get('MYSQL_PASSWORD') form = MyForm.MyForm_sql_kill() if try: if and # 获取页面相关信息 ip = port = keyword = MYSQL = Mysql.MYSQL(user, password, ip, port) cmd = 'show processlist;' i = 0 for pid in MYSQL.Run(cmd): if keyword in pid: pid = pid[0] cmd = 'kill %s;' % pid MYSQL.Run(cmd) i = i + 1 MYSQL.Close() flash('清理完毕,共清除%i个sql连接......' % i) except Exception as e: flash(e) finally: return render_template('Message_static.html') return render_template('mysql_kill.html', form=form)
def update_java(): produce.Async_log(g.user, request.url) K = '%s_%s' %(g.user,g.secret_key) messageKey = '%s_update_java' % K taskKey = 'update_java' form = MyForm.MyForm_updateJboss() if try: if tags = assert len(tags)==1,'Can only execute a project at a time!' project = warname = project.split('-')[0] Action = Gray = Type = 1 dbTable = db_op.java_list #灰度发布 if Gray: ServerList = dbTable.query.with_entities(dbTable.ip, dbTable.user).filter(db_op.DB.and_(dbTable.project == warname, dbTable.type == Type,dbTable.Gray == '1')).limit(1).all() if not ServerList: ServerList = dbTable.query.with_entities(dbTable.ip, dbTable.user).filter(db_op.DB.and_(dbTable.project == warname, dbTable.type == Type)).limit(1).all() loging.write(ServerList[:]) if ServerList: for ip, username in ServerList: dbTable.query.filter(db_op.DB.and_(dbTable.ip == ip, dbTable.user == username)).update({dbTable.Gray:'1'}) else: flash('%s Not found' % warname) return render_template('Message.html') else: ServerList = dbTable.query.with_entities(dbTable.ip,dbTable.user).filter(db_op.DB.and_(dbTable.project == warname,dbTable.type == Type)).all() if ServerList: information = {} information['warname'] = warname information['project'] = project information['ServerList'] = ServerList information['Action'] = Action information['key'] = messageKey information['Gray'] = Gray myRedis.delete(messageKey) myRedis.lpush(taskKey,information) mysql_operation = Mysql.mysql_op(g.user,Action,Type,project,Gray) mysql_operation.op_operation() Scheduler = produce.Scheduler_publish() Scheduler = Scheduler.Scheduler_mem(Scheduler.job_update_java) Scheduler.start() else: flash('%s Not found' % warname) return render_template('Message.html') except Exception as e: flash(e) return render_template('Message.html') return render_template('java_update_show.html') return render_template('java_update.html',form=form)
def update_php(): produce.Async_log(g.user, request.url) K = '%s_%s' % (g.user, g.secret_key) Key = '%s_update_php' % K publish_key = '%s_update_key' % K form = MyForm.MyForm_php() if try: if Redis.exists(Key): raise flash('项目上线操作正在执行,不能并行上线操作.请稍候......') Redis.lpush(Key, 'check env......') tm = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.localtime()) Key_file_list = 'file_list_%s' % tm if List = Action = Gray = else: return redirect(url_for('update_php.update_php')) lines = [line.strip() for line in List] lines = str(lines) Redis.set(Key_file_list, lines) Redis.expire(Key_file_list, 1800) Info = {} Type = 1 Info['arg'] = Type Info['action'] = Action Info['Key_file_lis'] = Key_file_list Info['gray'] = Gray Redis.rpush(publish_key, str(Info)) Redis.lpush(Key, ' --->check env pass!') Redis.lpush(Key, '-' * 80 + '\n') mysql_operation = Mysql.mysql_op(g.user, Action, Type, lines, Gray) mysql_operation.op_operation() Scheduler = produce.Scheduler_publish() Scheduler = Scheduler.Scheduler_mem(php_update.php_update, publish_key, Key) Scheduler.start() except Exception as e: Redis.lpush(Key, e) return render_template('php_update_show.html') return render_template('php_update.html', form=form)
def update_php(): produce.Async_log(g.user, request.url) K = '%s_%s' %(g.user,g.secret_key) Key = '%s_update_php' %K publish_key = '%s_update_key' %K form = MyForm.MyForm_php() if try: if Redis.exists(Key): raise flash('上线操作过于频繁,请稍等%s秒......' %Redis.ttl(Key)) Redis.lpush(Key, 'check env......') tm = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S',time.localtime()) Key_file_list ='file_list_%s' %tm if List = Action = Gray = else: return redirect(url_for('update_php.update_php')) lines = [line.strip() for line in List] lines = str(lines) Redis.set(Key_file_list,lines) Redis.expire(Key_file_list,1800) Info = {} Type = 1 Info['arg'] = Type Info['action'] = Action Info['Key_file_lis'] = Key_file_list Info['gray'] = Gray Redis.rpush(publish_key,str(Info)) Redis.lpush(Key, ' --->check env pass!') Redis.lpush(Key, '-' * 80 + '\n') mysql_operation = Mysql.mysql_op(g.user,Action,Type,lines,Gray) mysql_operation.op_operation() Scheduler = produce.Scheduler_publish() Scheduler = Scheduler.Scheduler_mem(php_update.php_update,publish_key,Key) Scheduler.start() except Exception as e: Redis.lpush(Key,e) return render_template('php_update_show.html',Main_Infos=g.main_infos) return render_template('php_update.html',Main_Infos=g.main_infos,form=form)
def sql_create(): form = MyForm.MyForm_sql_create() if try: tt = time.strftime('%Y%m', time.localtime()) db_name = assert db_name, '数据库库名不能为空!' sql_master = assert sql_master, '主库服务器地址不能为空' db_mysql = db_idc.idc_mysqldb master_port = db_mysql.query.with_entities(db_mysql.port).filter( and_(db_mysql.master == '是', db_mysql.ip == sql_master)).all() assert master_port, '没有找到主库端口信息!' sql_slave = db_mysql.query.with_entities( db_mysql.ip, db_mysql.port).filter( and_(db_mysql.slave == '是', db_mysql.Master_Host == sql_master)).all() assert sql_slave, '没有找到相关从库信息!' #创建数据库 master_port = master_port[0][0] MYSQL = Mysql.MYSQL(host=sql_master, port=master_port) MYSQL.Run( "UPDATE `mysql`.`user` SET `Grant_priv` = 'Y' WHERE `Grant_priv` = 'N' AND `User` = 'mysql_op';" ) MYSQL.Run("FLUSH PRIVILEGES;") Error_info = MYSQL.Run('create database %s;' % db_name) if Error_info: raise flash(Error_info) else: flash('%s数据库已创建!' % db_name) Error_info = MYSQL.Run( "GRANT SELECT,DELETE,UPDATE,INSERT ON {0}.* TO '{0}'@'172.16.%' IDENTIFIED BY '{0}@baihe_{1}';" .format(db_name, tt)) MYSQL.Run("FLUSH PRIVILEGES;") if Error_info: raise flash(Error_info) else: flash('%s数据库权限已开通!' % db_name) MYSQL.Close() #写入dns配置库 db = db_op.dns_innr #master c = db(domain='sql.baihe', field='%s.master' % db_name.replace('_', '-'), Type='A', ip=sql_master, stats='1', system='xs') db_op.DB.session.add(c) db_op.DB.session.commit() flash('主库DNS解析完毕!') #slave flash('*' * 50) flash('用户名:%s' % db_name) flash('密码:%s@baihe_%s' % (db_name, tt)) flash('主库地址:%s 端口:%s' % ('%s.master.sql.baihe' % db_name.replace('_', '-'), master_port)) for slave_ip, slave_port in sql_slave: c = db(domain='sql.baihe', field='%s.slave%s' % (db_name.replace('_', '-'), slave_ip.split('.')[-1]), Type='A', ip=slave_ip, stats='1', system='xs') db_op.DB.session.add(c) db_op.DB.session.commit() flash('从库地址:%s 端口:%s' % ('%s.slave%s.sql.baihe' % (db_name.replace('_', '-'), slave_ip.split('.')[-1]), slave_port)) flash('*' * 50) flash('从库DNS解析完毕!') except Exception as e: if 'old-style' not in str(e): flash(e) return render_template('mysql_create.html', Main_Infos=g.main_infos, form=form)
def publish_php(): produce.Async_log(g.user, request.url) K = '%s_%s' %(g.user,g.secret_key) Key = '%s_publish_php' %K form = MyForm.MyForm_php() qrcode_url = "{0}/{1}".format(g.user,g.grade) if try: Redis.lpush(Key, 'check env......') if and action = Type = int( Way = if Type == 1: platfrom = '线上' if Type == 2: platfrom = '测外' Tags = Gray = code = work = grade = changelog = if Way == 'SVN': if len(Tags) > 1: raise flash('错误:只能同时上线一个项目!') else: for line in Tags: if line.startswith('#') or not line.split(): continue m = re.match(r'[0-9]', line) if m: raise flash('错误:不能以数字开头!') if not line.startswith('/'): raise flash('错误:' + line + '路径必须以"/"开头!') path = line.strip() path = path.replace('\\', '/') App = path.split('/') if len(App)<4: raise flash('错误:路径错误,无法获取项目名!') App = App[3] if len(path.split('-')) >= 2: version = path.split('-')[-1] else: raise flash('错误:项目名称格式错误!') if version.endswith('.zip'): version = version.replace('.zip', '') elif Way == 'GIT': if len(Tags) != 2: raise flash('错误:GIT上线格式不对!') elif not Tags[0].strip().startswith('http://'): raise flash('错误:' + Tags[0] + '路径需以"http://"开头!') elif not Tags[0].strip().endswith('.git'): raise flash('错误:' + Tags[0] + '应该以".git"结尾!') elif 'tag' not in Tags[1]: raise flash('错误:没有tag版本号!') path = ';'.join(Tags) path = path.replace('', '/') App = Tags[0].strip().split('/')[-1] App = App.split('.')[0] version = Tags[1].split('-')[-1] else: raise flash('错误:文本框内容不能为空!') except Exception as e: pass else: try: #用户权限判断 if g.grade == 2: if code: verify_key = "{0}_{1}".format(g.user,g.grade) verify_code = Redis.get(verify_key) if verify_code == str(code): Redis.lpush(Key, ' --->verify code pass!') Redis.delete(verify_key) code_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) db = db_op.publish_code db_op.DB.session.add(db(project=App, code=str(code), platfrom=platfrom, user=g.user, Time=code_time)) db_op.DB.session.commit() else: flash('上线码验证错误!') return redirect(url_for('publish_php.publish_php')) else: flash('上线码不能为空!') return redirect(url_for('publish_php.publish_php')) Redis.lpush(Key,' --->check env pass!') Redis.lpush(Key,'-'*80+'\n') db = db_op.php_list if Gray: if App == 'baihePhpGlobalLibrary_publish': val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.Gray == '1',db.operation == 'baihe')).limit(1).all() if not val: val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.type == '%i' % Type,db.operation == 'baihe')).limit(1).all() elif App == 'Baihe': val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.Gray == '1',db.operation == 'hunli')).limit(1).all() if not val: val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.type == '%i' % Type,db.operation == 'hunli')).limit(1).all() else: val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.Gray == '1',db.project == '%s' % App)).limit(1).all() if not val: val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.project == '%s' % App, db.type == '%i' % Type)).limit(1).all() if val: sip = [v[0].encode('UTF-8') for v in val if v] db.query.filter(and_(db.project == App, db.ip == sip[0])).update({db.Gray: '1'}) else: raise flash('%s 没有在上线列表中找到!' % App) else: if App == 'baihePhpGlobalLibrary_publish': val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.type == '%i' %Type,db.operation == 'baihe')).all() elif App == 'Baihe': val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.type == '%i' %Type,db.operation == 'hunli')).all() else: val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.project == '%s' %App,db.type == '%i' %Type)).all() if val: val = set(val) sip = [v[0].encode('UTF-8') for v in val if v] else: raise flash('%s 没有在上线列表中找到!' %App) Redis.delete(Key) Info = {} Info['action'] = action Info['key'] = Key Info['path'] = path Info['app'] = App Info['sip'] = sip Info['gray'] = Gray Info['Type'] = Type Info['Way'] = Way Redis.lpush('publish_php',str(Info)) mysql_operation = Mysql.mysql_op(g.user,action,Type,App,version,Gray,work,grade,changelog) mysql_operation.op_operation() Scheduler = produce.Scheduler_publish() Scheduler = Scheduler.Scheduler_mem(Scheduler.job_publish_php) Scheduler.start() except Exception as e: if 'old' not in str(e): flash(e) Redis.lpush(Key,'End') return render_template('Message.html') return render_template('php_publish_show.html') return render_template('php_publish.html',form=form,qrcode_url = qrcode_url )
def publish_java(): produce.Async_log(g.user, request.url) K = '%s_%s' %(g.user,g.secret_key) messageKey = '%s_publish_java' % K publish_key = '%s_publish_key' % K qrcode_url = None form = MyForm.MyForm_publishJboss() if Action = Type = int( Gray = Way = code = work = changelog = tags = if tags and changelog: try: if myRedis.exists(messageKey): raise flash('上线操作过于频繁,请稍等%s秒......' %myRedis.ttl(messageKey)) assert len(tags) == 1, '错误:只能同时上线一个项目!' warTagName = tags[0] version = '0.0.0' if Action == 'restart': warname = warTagName elif Way == 'SVN': assert '' in warTagName, '错误:格式错误!格式应为:' warname = warTagName.split('-')[:-1] version = warTagName.split('-')[-1].replace('','') warname = '-'.join(warname) + '.war' elif Way == 'GIT': warname = "{0}.war".format(warTagName.split('/')[-1]) except Exception as e: flash(e) else: try: project_db = db_op.project_level project_level = project_db.query.with_entities(project_db.level).filter(project_db.project == warname).all() # 测外不强制项目等级 if Type == 2: if project_level: project_level = int(project_level[0][0]) else: project_level = 1 else: if project_level: project_level = int(project_level[0][0]) crypto = Md5.crypto(crypto_key) qrcode_url = "{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}".format(crypto.encrypt(g.user),g.grade,crypto.encrypt(warname),project_level) else: raise flash('没有找到该项目的对应项目等级!') publish_time = time.strftime("%H", time.localtime()) if code: verify_key = "{0}_{1}".format(g.user,warname) verify_code = myRedis.get(verify_key) if verify_code == str(code): myRedis.lpush(messageKey, ' --->verify code pass!') myRedis.expire(messageKey,30) myRedis.delete(verify_key) else: raise flash('%s 该上线码验证不通过!' %str(code)) else: # 用户权限及行为判断 tw = int(time.strftime('%w', time.localtime(time.time()))) if g.grade >= 2 and Type == 1 and Action == 'publish': if project_level >= 5: raise flash('该项目等级为%s级,需申请上线码!' % project_level) if tw in (2, 4): if project_level <= 4 and (int(publish_time) >= 17 or int(publish_time) <= 9): raise flash('仅允许在10-17点时间段进行上线操作,需申请上线码!') else: raise flash('4级及以下常规项目只限在周二和周四上线,修复BUG需申请上线码!') if g.grade >= 2 and Action == 'rollback': raise flash('没有权限进行回滚操作!') dbTable = db_op.java_list #灰度发布 if Gray: ServerList = dbTable.query.with_entities(dbTable.ip, dbTable.user).filter(db_op.DB.and_(dbTable.project == warname, dbTable.type == Type,dbTable.Gray == '1')).limit(1).all() if not ServerList: ServerList = dbTable.query.with_entities(dbTable.ip, dbTable.user).filter(db_op.DB.and_(dbTable.project == warname, dbTable.type == Type)).limit(1).all() if ServerList: for ip, username in ServerList: dbTable.query.filter(db_op.DB.and_(dbTable.ip == ip, dbTable.user == username)).update({dbTable.Gray:'1'}) else: raise flash('%s 没有在上线列表中找到!' % warname) else: ServerList = dbTable.query.with_entities(dbTable.ip,dbTable.user).filter(db_op.DB.and_(dbTable.project == warname,dbTable.type == Type)).all() if Type == 1: ServerList.append(('','java')) if ServerList: myRedis.lpush(messageKey, 'check security policy......') myRedis.expire(messageKey, 30) information = {} information['warname'] = warname information['warTagName'] = warTagName information['ServerList'] = ServerList information['Action'] = Action information['Gray'] = Gray information['Type'] = Type information['Way'] = Way myRedis.lpush(publish_key,information) mysql_operation = Mysql.mysql_op(g.user,Action,Type,warname,version,Gray,work,project_level,changelog) mysql_operation.op_operation() Scheduler = produce.Scheduler_publish() Scheduler = Scheduler.Scheduler_mem(java_publish.java_publish,publish_key,messageKey) Scheduler.start() myRedis.lpush(messageKey, ' --->check pass!') myRedis.lpush(messageKey, '-' * 80 + '\n') else: raise flash('%s 没有在上线列表中找到!' % warname) except Exception as e: if 'old' not in str(e): flash(e) if qrcode_url: return render_template('java_publish.html',Main_Infos=g.main_infos, form=form, qrcode_url=qrcode_url) else: return render_template('java_publish_show.html',Main_Infos=g.main_infos) else: flash("错误:文本框内容不能为空!") return render_template('java_publish.html',Main_Infos=g.main_infos,form=form,qrcode_url=qrcode_url)
def mysql_parse(): form = MyForm.MyForm_input() db = db_idc.idc_mysqldb db_table = db_idc.idc_tableinfo if if and mysql_db = try: if ';' in sql_lines ='\r\n', ' ') for Line in sql_lines.split(';'): if '.' in Line: raise flash('%s 语句中不能有库名!' % Line) if Line: Line = '%s ;' % Line.strip() line = Line.lower() if 'delete' in line: table_name = Line.split('from')[1].split()[0] elif 'update' in line: table_name = Line.split()[1] elif 'alter' in line: table_name = Line.split()[2] else: flash(Line) flash('------->该SQL语句不在审查范围内!') continue # 从sql语句中抽取表名 val = db_table.query.with_entities( db_table.ip, db_table.port, db_table.Engine_name, db_table.Rows).filter( and_( db_table.database_name == mysql_db, db_table.table_name == table_name.replace('`', ''))).all() if val: mysql_ip, mysql_port, Engine_name, Rows = val[ 0] flash('----' * 24) flash('数据库IP:{0},数据库端口:{1},表引擎:{2},表行数:{3}'. format(mysql_ip, mysql_port, Engine_name, Rows)) flash('----' * 24) MYSQL = Mysql.MYSQL(user, password, mysql_ip, mysql_port) cmd = "explain %s" % Line flash(Line) result = MYSQL.Run(cmd) if isinstance(result, list): flash('------->语法检查通过!') else: raise flash('------->语法有错误! %s' % str(result)) MYSQL.Close() if (int(Rows) >= 10000 and Engine_name == 'MyISAM') or ( int(Rows) >= 50000 and Engine_name == 'InnoDB'): result = 'SQL语句建议进行定时执行!' else: result = 'SQL语句可以直接执行!' flash('----' * 24) flash('审核结果:{0}'.format(result)) flash('----' * 24) else: raise flash('没有找到%s数据库的相关服务器信息!' % mysql_db) else: flash('SQL语句没有以分号结尾!') return render_template('Message.html') except Exception as e: if 'old-style' not in str(e): flash(e) return render_template('Message_static.html') else: flash('输入框内容不能为空!') return render_template('Message.html') return render_template('mysql_parse.html', form=form)
def publish_java(): produce.Async_log(g.user, request.url) K = '%s_%s' % (g.user, g.secret_key) messageKey = '%s_publish_java' % K publish_key = '%s_publish_key' % K qrcode_url = "{0}/{1}".format( g.user, g.grade) form = MyForm.MyForm_publishJboss() if Action = Type = int( Gray = Way = code = work = grade = changelog = tags = if tags and changelog: try: if myRedis.exists(messageKey): raise flash('项目上线操作正在执行,不能并行上线操作.请稍候......') myRedis.lpush(messageKey, 'check env......') assert len(tags) == 1, '错误:只能同时上线一个项目!' warTagName = tags[0] version = '0.0.0' if Action == 'restart': warname = warTagName elif Way == 'SVN': assert '' in warTagName, '错误:格式错误!格式应为:' warname = warTagName.split('-')[:-1] version = warTagName.split('-')[-1].replace('', '') warname = '-'.join(warname) + '.war' elif Way == 'GIT': warname = "{0}.war".format(warTagName.split('/')[-1]) except Exception as e: flash(e) else: try: publish_time = time.strftime("%H", time.localtime()) if code: verify_key = "{0}_{1}".format(g.user, g.grade) verify_code = myRedis.get(verify_key) if verify_code == str(code): myRedis.lpush(messageKey, ' --->verify code pass!') myRedis.delete(verify_key) else: raise flash('上线码验证错误!') else: # 用户权限判断 if g.grade >= 2 and Type == 1 and int(grade) >= 5: raise flash('需申请验证码!') if g.grade >= 2 and int(grade) <= 4 and Type == 1 and ( int(publish_time) >= 17 or int(publish_time) <= 9): raise flash('仅允许在10-17点时间段进行自助操作,需申请验证码!') dbTable = db_op.java_list #灰度发布 if Gray: ServerList = dbTable.query.with_entities( dbTable.ip, dbTable.user).filter( db_op.DB.and_( dbTable.project == warname, dbTable.type == Type, dbTable.Gray == '1')).limit(1).all() if not ServerList: ServerList = dbTable.query.with_entities( dbTable.ip, dbTable.user).filter( db_op.DB.and_( dbTable.project == warname, dbTable.type == Type)).limit(1).all() loging.write(ServerList[:]) if ServerList: for ip, username in ServerList: dbTable.query.filter( db_op.DB.and_( dbTable.ip == ip, dbTable.user == username)).update( {dbTable.Gray: '1'}) else: raise flash('%s 没有在上线列表中找到!' % warname) else: ServerList = dbTable.query.with_entities( dbTable.ip, dbTable.user).filter( db_op.DB.and_(dbTable.project == warname, dbTable.type == Type)).all() if Type == 1: ServerList.append(('', 'java')) if ServerList: myRedis.lpush(messageKey, ' --->check env pass!') myRedis.lpush(messageKey, '-' * 80 + '\n') information = {} information['warname'] = warname information['warTagName'] = warTagName information['ServerList'] = ServerList information['Action'] = Action information['Gray'] = Gray information['Type'] = Type information['Way'] = Way myRedis.lpush(publish_key, information) mysql_operation = Mysql.mysql_op( g.user, Action, Type, warname, version, Gray, work, grade, changelog) mysql_operation.op_operation() Scheduler = produce.Scheduler_publish() Scheduler = Scheduler.Scheduler_mem( java_publish.java_publish, publish_key, messageKey) Scheduler.start() else: raise flash('%s 没有在上线列表中找到!' % warname) except Exception as e: if 'old' not in str(e): flash(e) else: return render_template('java_publish_show.html') else: flash("错误:文本框内容不能为空!") return render_template('java_publish.html', form=form, qrcode_url=qrcode_url)
def get_mysqldb_info(): try: db_third = db_idc.third_resource db_mysqldb = db_idc.idc_mysqldb IDC_MySql = Mysql.MYSQL(MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PW, MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_PORT, 'idc') IDC_MySql.Run("TRUNCATE TABLE tableinfo;") infos = IDC_MySql.Run("select ip,port from mysqldb where master = '是' or slave = '是';") except Exception as e: logging.error(e) else: for info in infos: ip,port = info try: INFO_MySql = Mysql.MYSQL(MYSQL_INFO_USER, MYSQL_INFO_PW, ip, port, 'mysql') exclude_db = ('mysql', 'test', 'information_schema', 'performance_schema') cmd = "show databases;" Lists = INFO_MySql.Run(cmd) Lists = [db[0] for db in Lists if db[0] not in exclude_db] db_lists = ','.join(Lists) except: continue else: try: cmd = "SHOW SLAVE STATUS;" result = INFO_MySql.Run(cmd) if result: result = list(result[0]) m_ip = result[1].strip() m_user = result[2].strip() m_port = result[3] s_io = result[10].strip() s_sql = result[11].strip() #判断获取的master主机信息是否需要解析 if len(m_ip.split('.')) != 4: ssh_port = db_third.query.with_entities(db_third.ssh_port).filter(and_(db_third.ip==ip,db_third.app_port==port)).all() ssh_port = ssh_port[0][0] Ssh = SSH.ssh(ip=ip, ssh_port=ssh_port) ssh_cmd = "/bin/cat /etc/hosts|/bin/grep {0}".format(str(m_ip)) values = Ssh.Run(ssh_cmd) if values['stdout']: m_ip = values['stdout'][0].split()[0] else: m_ip = None if m_ip: if s_io == 'Yes' and s_sql == 'Yes': #判断真实的主库服务器信息 values = db_mysqldb.query.with_entities(db_mysqldb.Master_Host,db_mysqldb.Master_Port).filter( and_(db_mysqldb.ip == m_ip, db_mysqldb.port == m_port,db_mysqldb.slave == '是')).all() if values: m_ip,m_port = values[0] cmd = "update mysqldb set slave='是',master='否',db='%s',Master_Host='%s',Master_Port='%s',Master_User='******' where ip='%s' and port=%i;" % \ (db_lists, m_ip, m_port, m_user, ip, int(port)) else: check_cmd = "show slave hosts;" check_result = IDC_MySql.Run(check_cmd) if check_result: cmd = "update mysqldb set slave='否',master='是',db='%s',Master_Host='',Master_Port='',Master_User='' where ip='%s' and port=%i;" % ( db_lists, ip, int(port)) else: cmd = "update mysqldb set slave='否',master='是',db='%s',Master_Host='',Master_Port='',Master_User='' where ip='%s' and port=%i;" % ( db_lists, ip, int(port)) IDC_MySql.Run(cmd) except Exception as e: INFO_MySql.Close() logging.error(e) try: version = INFO_MySql.Run("show variables like 'version';") version = version[0][-1] for db in Lists: cmd = "SHOW TABLE STATUS from %s;" % db results = INFO_MySql.Run(cmd) if results: for result in results: table_name = result[0] table_engine = result[1] table_Rows = int(result[4]) table_size = int(result[6]) + int(result[8]) if len(str(table_size)) > 9: table_size = '%sGB' % (table_size / 1000 / 1000 / 1000) elif len(str(table_size)) > 6: table_size = '%sMB' % (table_size / 1000 / 1000) else: table_size = '%sKB' % (table_size / 1000) table_charset = result[14] cmd = "insert into tableinfo (ip, port, database_name, table_name, Engine_name, Rows,size,Charset, version,update_time) VALUES ('%s',%i,'%s','%s','%s',%i,'%s','%s','%s',now());" % \ (ip, int(port), db, table_name, table_engine, table_Rows, table_size, table_charset, version) IDC_MySql.Run(cmd) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) INFO_MySql.Close() finally: IDC_MySql.Close() db_idc.DB.session.remove()
def task_run(): try: try: # 获取业务访问数据 db_business = db_project = db_op.project_list business = db_business.query.with_entities(, business = {busi[0]: busi[1] for busi in business} year = time.strftime('%Y', time.localtime()) ot = - datetime.timedelta(days=0) ot = ot.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00Z') Key = 'op_business_pv_%s' % ot.split('T')[0] Influx_cli = InfluxDBClient(influxdb_host, influxdb_port, influxdb_user, influxdb_pw, 'analysis_logs') for id in business: business_domain = db_project.query.with_entities(distinct(db_project.domain)).filter( db_project.business_id == int(id)).all() if business_domain: hosts = [domain[0] for domain in business_domain] pv_sum = [] for host in hosts: if ',' in host: hosts.extend(host.split(',')) else: try: cmd = 'select sum(mean_pv) from ' + 'analysis%s' % year + " where time >='%s' and host = '%s';" % ( ot, host) result = Influx_cli.query(cmd) if result: for infos in result.get_points(): if infos: pv_sum.append(infos['sum'] * 60) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) if pv_sum: pv_sum = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, pv_sum) RC_CLUSTER.hset(Key, business[id], pv_sum) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) #获取数据库状态 now_date = gd = now_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') influx_fields = defaultdict() db_mysqldb = db_idc.idc_mysqldb infos = db_mysqldb.query.with_entities(db_mysqldb.ip,db_mysqldb.port).filter(or_(db_mysqldb.master == '是',db_mysqldb.slave == '是')).all() Influx_cli = InfluxDBClient(influxdb_host, influxdb_port, influxdb_user, influxdb_pw,'mysqld_status') for info in infos: try: ip, port = info MySql = Mysql.MYSQL(MYSQL_INFO_USER, MYSQL_INFO_PW, ip, port, 'mysql') vals = MySql.Run("SHOW GLOBAL STATUS;") except: continue else: if vals: vals = {val[0]: val[1] for val in vals} #获取QPS Key = 'op_mysqld_QPS_%s_%s' %(ip,port) QPS = RC.getset(Key, int(vals['Questions'])) RC.expire(Key,3600) if not QPS: QPS = int(vals['Questions']) influx_fields['QPS'] = float(int(vals['Questions']) - int(QPS)) / 3000 #获取TPS Key = 'op_mysqld_TPS_%s_%s' % (ip, port) TPS = RC.getset(Key, int(vals['Com_commit']) + int(vals['Com_rollback'])) RC.expire(Key,3600) if not TPS: TPS = int(vals['Com_commit']) + int(vals['Com_rollback']) influx_fields['TPS'] = float(int(vals['Com_commit']) + int(vals['Com_rollback']) - int(TPS)) / 3000 #获取读写比 influx_fields['R/W'] = (int(vals['Com_select']) + int(vals['Qcache_hits'])) / (float(int(vals['Com_insert']) +int(vals['Com_update']) + int(vals['Com_delete']) + int(vals['Com_replace']))) * 100 #获取慢查询占比 influx_fields['S/Q'] = float(vals['Slow_queries']) / int(vals['Questions']) * 100 #获取接受流量 Key = 'op_mysqld_Bytes_received_%s_%s' % (ip, port) Bytes_received =RC.getset(Key, int(vals['Bytes_received'])) RC.expire(Key,3600) if not Bytes_received: Bytes_received = int(vals['Bytes_received']) influx_fields['Bytes_r'] = float((int(vals['Bytes_received']) - int(float(Bytes_received))))/1000 #获取发送流量 Key = 'op_mysqld_Bytes_sent_%s_%s' % (ip, port) Bytes_sent =RC.getset(Key, float(vals['Bytes_sent'])) RC.expire(Key,3600) if not Bytes_sent: Bytes_sent = int(vals['Bytes_sent']) influx_fields['Bytes_s'] = (int(vals['Bytes_sent']) - int(float(Bytes_sent)))/1000 #获取连接数 influx_fields['Connections'] = len(MySql.Run("SHOW processlist;")) # 写入influxdb数据库 if influx_fields: try: json_body = [{"measurement": "performance", "tags": {"ip": ip, "port":port}, "fields": influx_fields, "time": gd}] Influx_cli.write_points(json_body) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) MySql.Close() except Exception as e: logging.error(e) finally: db_idc.DB.session.remove() db_op.DB.session.remove() #获取k8s的hpa副本数量 try: td = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime()) th = time.strftime('%H:%M',time.localtime()) v1 = client.AutoscalingV1Api() ret = v1.list_horizontal_pod_autoscaler_for_all_namespaces() Key = 'op_hpa_chart_%s' %td for i in ret.items: RC.hset(Key,'%s_%s'%(,th),i.status.current_replicas) except Exception as e: logging.error(e)
def tables(db_name=None, table_name=None, host_info=None): table_infos = {} tb_index = ('Non_unique', 'Key_name', 'Seq_in_index', 'Column_name', 'Collation', 'Cardinality', 'Sub_part', 'Packed', 'Null', 'Index_type', 'Comment', 'Index_comment') tb_columns = ('Field', 'Type', 'Collation', 'Null', 'Key', 'Default', 'Extra', 'Comment') tables = ('ip', 'port', '主从', '数据库', '表名', '引擎', '行数', '大小', '编码', '版本') Indexs = None values = None Columns = None create_table = None #数据库表列表 if db_name and not table_name and not host_info: try: db_tableinfo = db_idc.idc_tableinfo db_mysqldb = db_idc.idc_mysqldb values = db_tableinfo.query.with_entities( db_tableinfo.ip, db_tableinfo.port, db_tableinfo.database_name, db_tableinfo.table_name, db_tableinfo.Engine_name, db_tableinfo.Rows, db_tableinfo.size, db_tableinfo.Charset, db_tableinfo.version).filter( db_tableinfo.database_name == db_name).all() if values: values = [list(v) for v in values] ips = [val[:2] for val in values] for info in ips: ip, port = info ms_infos = db_mysqldb.query.with_entities( db_mysqldb.master, db_mysqldb.slave).filter( and_(db_mysqldb.ip == ip, db_mysqldb.port == port)).all() if ms_infos[0][0] == '是': table_infos['%s:%s' % (ip, port)] = '主库' elif ms_infos[0][1] == '是': table_infos['%s:%s' % (ip, port)] = '从库' else: table_infos['%s:%s' % (ip, port)] = '未知' except Exception as e: logging.error(e) #表结构和索引详情 if table_name and host_info and db_name: try: ip, app_port = host_info.split(':') INFO_MySql = Mysql.MYSQL(MYSQL_INFO_USER, MYSQL_INFO_PW, ip, app_port, 'mysql') Columns = INFO_MySql.Run("SHOW full COLUMNS FROM %s.%s;" % (db_name, table_name)) Indexs = INFO_MySql.Run("SHOW INDEX FROM %s.%s;" % (db_name, table_name)) create_table = INFO_MySql.Run("SHOW CREATE TABLE %s.%s;" % (db_name, table_name)) create_table = create_table[0][1] except Exception as e: logging.error(e) finally: INFO_MySql.Close return render_template('tables_show.html', values=values, tables=tables, db_name=db_name, table_name=table_name, table_infos=table_infos, Columns=Columns, tb_columns=tb_columns, tb_index=tb_index, Indexs=Indexs, create_table=create_table)
def sql_query(): form = MyForm.MyForm_sql_run() if #获取页面相关信息 try: db_name = assert db_name, '数据库库名不能为空!' if cmds = else: raise flash('没有SQL语句可执行!') if cmds: if cmds.endswith(';'): cmds = cmds.split(';') if len(cmds) > 6: raise flash('SQL语句查询一次不能大于5条!') #获取库表对应的主库服务器信息 db = db_idc.idc_mysqldb db_table = db_idc.idc_tableinfo for sql_cmd in cmds: if sql_cmd: sql_cmd = sql_cmd.strip() if 'limit' in sql_cmd: if int(sql_cmd.split()[-1]) > 5: raise flash('SQL语句中limit 的值不能大于5') sql_cmd = '%s;' % sql_cmd else: sql_cmd = '%s limit 5;' % sql_cmd if sql_cmd.lower().startswith('select'): table_name = sql_cmd.split('from')[1] table_name = table_name.split()[0] table_name = table_name.replace('`', '') val_ips = db.query.with_entities( db_table.ip).filter( and_(db_table.database_name == db_name, db_table.table_name == table_name)).all() if val_ips: val_ips = set([ip[0] for ip in val_ips]) else: raise flash('没有找到%s表相关信息!' % table_name) val = db.query.with_entities( db.ip, db.port, db.db).filter( and_(db.master == '是', db.ip.in_(val_ips))).all() if val: for info in val: #执行sql语句 master_ip, master_port, master_db = info if db_name in master_db.split('|'): flash('SQL语句:{0}'.format(sql_cmd)) flash('查询结果:') results = Mysql.Query_sql( master_ip, master_port, db_name, sql_cmd) if results: for result in results: result = [ str(re) for re in result ] flash('\t'.join(result)) produce.Async_log( g.user, sql_cmd) flash('--' * 40) else: raise flash('没有找到%s数据库的相关服务器信息!' % db_name) else: raise flash("%s 不符合执行规则!" % sql_cmd) else: raise flash("每条sql语句需要以分号结尾!") except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return render_template('Message_static.html', Main_Infos=g.main_infos) return render_template('mysql_query.html', Main_Infos=g.main_infos, form=form)
def update_java(): produce.Async_log(g.user, request.url) K = '%s_%s' % (g.user, g.secret_key) messageKey = '%s_update_java' % K publish_key = '%s_update_key' % K form = MyForm.MyForm_updateJboss() if try: if if myRedis.exists(messageKey): raise flash('上线操作过于频繁,请稍等%s秒......' % myRedis.ttl(messageKey)) myRedis.lpush(messageKey, 'check env......') tags = assert len(tags) == 1, 'Can only execute a project at a time!' project = warname = project.split('-')[0] Action = Gray = Type = 1 dbTable = db_op.java_list #灰度发布 if Gray: ServerList = dbTable.query.with_entities( dbTable.ip, dbTable.user).filter( db_op.DB.and_(dbTable.project == warname, dbTable.type == Type, dbTable.Gray == '1')).limit(1).all() if not ServerList: ServerList = dbTable.query.with_entities( dbTable.ip, dbTable.user).filter( db_op.DB.and_( dbTable.project == warname, dbTable.type == Type)).limit(1).all() if ServerList: for ip, username in ServerList: dbTable.query.filter( db_op.DB.and_( dbTable.ip == ip, dbTable.user == username)).update( {dbTable.Gray: '1'}) else: flash('%s Not found' % warname) return render_template('Message_static.html', Main_Infos=g.main_infos) else: ServerList = dbTable.query.with_entities( dbTable.ip, dbTable.user).filter( db_op.DB.and_(dbTable.project == warname, dbTable.type == Type)).all() if ServerList: myRedis.lpush(messageKey, ' --->check env pass!') myRedis.lpush(messageKey, '-' * 80 + '\n') information = {} information['warname'] = warname information['project'] = project information['ServerList'] = ServerList information['Action'] = Action information['Gray'] = Gray myRedis.lpush(publish_key, information) mysql_operation = Mysql.mysql_op(g.user, Action, Type, project, Gray) mysql_operation.op_operation() Scheduler = produce.Scheduler_publish() Scheduler = Scheduler.Scheduler_mem( java_update.java_update, publish_key, messageKey) Scheduler.start() else: flash('%s Not found' % warname) return render_template('Message_static.html', Main_Infos=g.main_infos) except Exception as e: flash(e) return render_template('Message_static.html', Main_Infos=g.main_infos) return render_template('java_update_show.html', Main_Infos=g.main_infos) return render_template('java_update.html', Main_Infos=g.main_infos, form=form)
def sql_run(): form = MyForm.MyForm_sql_run() if #获取页面相关信息 try: db_name = assert db_name, '数据库库名不能为空!' if File = request.files['File'] if File: if File.filename.endswith( '.sql') or File.filename.endswith('.txt'):, File.filename)) with open( '{0}{1}'.format(UPLOAD_FOLDER, File.filename), 'r') as f: cmds = chart = chardet.detect(cmds) if chart['encoding'].lower() not in ('ascii', 'utf-8'): raise flash( 'sql文件当前编码是{0},不是utf-8或者ascii编码!'.format( chart['encoding'])) else: raise flash('文件名应以.sql或者.txt结尾!') elif cmds = else: raise flash('没有SQL语句可执行!') if cmds: if cmds.endswith(';'): cmds = cmds.split(';') if len(cmds) > 200: raise flash('SQL语句不能超过200条!') #获取库表对应的主库服务器信息 db = db_idc.idc_mysqldb db_table = db_idc.idc_tableinfo for sql_cmd in cmds: if sql_cmd: sql_cmd = sql_cmd.strip() sql_cmd = '%s;' % sql_cmd if 'update' or 'insert' or 'delete' or 'alter' or 'create' in sql_cmd.lower( ): if sql_cmd.lower().startswith('update'): table_name = sql_cmd.split()[1] else: table_name = sql_cmd.split()[2] table_name = table_name.replace('`', '') val_ips = db.query.with_entities( db_table.ip).filter( and_(db_table.database_name == db_name, db_table.table_name == table_name)).all() if sql_cmd.lower().startswith('create'): if val_ips: raise flash('{0}在{1}库已存在!'.format( table_name, db_name)) else: val_ips = db.query.with_entities( db_table.ip).filter( and_(db_table.database_name == db_name)).all() if val_ips: val_ips = set([ip[0] for ip in val_ips]) else: raise flash('没有找到%s表相关数据库信息!' % table_name) val = db.query.with_entities( db.ip, db.port, db.db).filter( and_(db.master == '是', db.ip.in_(val_ips))).all() if val: for info in val: #执行sql语句 master_ip, master_port, master_db = info if db_name in master_db.split('|'): flash('服务器:{0} 端口:{1} 数据库:{2}'. format( master_ip, master_port, db_name)) result = Mysql.Query_sql( master_ip, master_port, db_name, sql_cmd) if result: flash(result) else: flash('SQL语句:{0}'.format( sql_cmd)) flash('SQL执行成功!') else: raise flash('没有找到%s数据库的相关服务器信息!' % db_name) else: raise flash("%s 不符合执行规则!" % sql_cmd) else: raise flash("每条sql语句需要以分号结尾!") except Exception as e: if 'old-style' not in str(e): flash(e) return render_template('Message_static.html', Main_Infos=g.main_infos) return render_template('mysql_run.html', Main_Infos=g.main_infos, form=form)
def publish_php(): produce.Async_log(g.user, request.url) K = '%s_%s' %(g.user,g.secret_key) Key = '%s_publish_php' %K publish_key = '%s_publish_key' %K qrcode_url = None form = MyForm.MyForm_php() if try: if Redis.exists(Key): raise flash('上线操作过于频繁,请稍等%s秒......' %Redis.ttl(Key)) if and action = Type = int( Way = if Type == 1: platfrom = '线上' if Type == 2: platfrom = '测外' Tags = Gray = code = work = changelog = if Way == 'SVN': if len(Tags) > 1: raise flash('错误:只能同时上线一个项目!') else: for line in Tags: if line.startswith('#') or not line.split(): continue m = re.match(r'[0-9]', line) if m: raise flash('错误:不能以数字开头!') if not line.startswith('/'): raise flash('错误:' + line + '路径必须以"/"开头!') path = line.strip() path = path.replace('\\', '/') App = path.split('/') if len(App)<4: raise flash('错误:路径错误,无法获取项目名!') App = App[3] if len(path.split('-')) >= 2: version = path.split('-')[-1] else: raise flash('错误:项目名称格式错误!') if version.endswith('.zip'): version = version.replace('.zip', '') elif Way == 'GIT': if len(Tags) != 2: raise flash('错误:GIT上线格式不对!') elif not Tags[0].strip().startswith('http://'): raise flash('错误:' + Tags[0] + '路径需以"http://"开头!') elif not Tags[0].strip().endswith('.git'): raise flash('错误:' + Tags[0] + '应该以".git"结尾!') elif not Tags[1].strip().startswith('tag-'): raise flash('错误:输入的tag版本号格式错误!') path = ';'.join(Tags) path = path.replace('', '/') App = Tags[0].strip().split('/')[-1] App = App.split('.')[0] version = Tags[1].split('-')[-1] else: raise flash('错误:文本框内容不能为空!') except Exception as e: if 'old' not in str(e): flash(e) else: try: project_db = db_op.project_level project_level = project_db.query.with_entities(project_db.level).filter(project_db.project == App).all() #测外不强制项目等级 if Type == 2: if project_level: project_level = int(project_level[0][0]) else: project_level = 1 else: if project_level: project_level = int(project_level[0][0]) crypto = Md5.crypto(crypto_key) qrcode_url = "{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}".format(crypto.encrypt(g.user),g.grade,crypto.encrypt(App),project_level) else: raise flash('没有找到该项目的对应项目等级!') publish_time = time.strftime("%H", time.localtime()) if code: verify_key = "{0}_{1}".format(g.user,App) verify_code = Redis.get(verify_key) if verify_code == str(code): Redis.lpush(Key, ' --->verify code pass!') Redis.expire(Key, 30) Redis.delete(verify_key) code_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) db = db_op.publish_code db_op.DB.session.add( db(project=App, code=str(code), platfrom=platfrom, user=g.user, Time=code_time)) db_op.DB.session.commit() else: raise flash('%s 该上线码验证不通过!' %str(code)) else: # 用户权限及行为判断 tw = int(time.strftime('%w',time.localtime(time.time()))) if g.grade >= 2 and Type == 1 and action == 'publish': if project_level >= 5: raise flash('该项目等级为%s级,需申请上线码!' % project_level) if tw in (2,4): if project_level <= 4 and (int(publish_time) >= 17 or int(publish_time) <= 9): raise flash('仅允许在10-17点时间段进行上线操作,需申请上线码!') else: raise flash('4级及以下常规项目只限在周二和周四上线,修复BUG需申请上线码!') if g.grade >= 2 and action == 'rollback': raise flash('没有权限进行回滚操作!') db = db_op.php_list if Gray: if App == 'baihePhpGlobalLibrary_publish': val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.Gray == '1',db.operation == 'baihe')).limit(1).all() if not val: val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.type == '%i' % Type,db.operation == 'baihe')).limit(1).all() elif App == 'Baihe': val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.Gray == '1',db.operation == 'hunli')).limit(1).all() if not val: val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.type == '%i' % Type,db.operation == 'hunli')).limit(1).all() else: val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.Gray == '1',db.project == '%s' % App)).limit(1).all() if not val: val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.project == '%s' % App, db.type == '%i' % Type)).limit(1).all() if val: sip = [v[0].encode('UTF-8') for v in val if v] db.query.filter(and_(db.project == App, db.ip == sip[0])).update({db.Gray: '1'}) else: raise flash('%s 没有在上线列表中找到!' % App) else: if App == 'baihePhpGlobalLibrary_publish': val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.type == '%i' %Type,db.operation == 'baihe')).all() elif App == 'Baihe': val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.type == '%i' %Type,db.operation == 'hunli')).all() else: val = db.query.with_entities(db.ip).filter(and_(db.project == '%s' %App,db.type == '%i' %Type)).all() if val: val = set(val) sip = [v[0].encode('UTF-8') for v in val if v] if Type == 1: sip.append('') else: raise flash('%s 没有在上线列表中找到!' %App) Redis.lpush(Key, 'check security policy......') Redis.expire(Key, 30) Info = {} Info['action'] = action Info['path'] = path Info['app'] = App Info['sip'] = sip Info['gray'] = Gray Info['Type'] = Type Info['Way'] = Way Redis.lpush(publish_key,Info) mysql_operation = Mysql.mysql_op(g.user,action,Type,App,version,Gray,work,project_level,changelog) mysql_operation.op_operation() Scheduler = produce.Scheduler_publish() Scheduler = Scheduler.Scheduler_mem(php_publish.php_publish,publish_key,Key) Scheduler.start() Redis.lpush(Key,' --->check pass!') Redis.lpush(Key,'-'*80+'\n') except Exception as e: if 'old' not in str(e): flash(e) if qrcode_url: return render_template('php_publish.html',Main_Infos=g.main_infos, form=form, qrcode_url=qrcode_url) else: return render_template('php_publish_show.html',Main_Infos=g.main_infos) return render_template('php_publish.html',Main_Infos=g.main_infos,form=form,qrcode_url = qrcode_url)