예제 #1
파일: IMAP.py 프로젝트: Johns4ls/Website
def dbTemp(WithdrawDeposit, Company, Date, Amount):
    print("dbTemp works!")
    query = (
        "INSERT INTO tTemporary (WithdrawDeposit, Company, Date, Amount) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"
    data = (WithdrawDeposit, Company, Date, Amount)
    cur = Tlbx.dbConnect()
        cur.execute(query, data)
        print("PNC Database insert Failed! Sending email...")
        body = "IMAP failed. Subject was " + WithdrawDeposit + " Company was " + Company + " Date was " + Date + " Amount was " + str(
예제 #2
파일: IMAP.py 프로젝트: Johns4ls/Website
def dbTrans(Name, Description, WithdrawDeposit, Company, Date, Amount,
            Comments, Receipt):
    print("dbTrans works!")
    cur = Tlbx.dbConnect()
    query = "INSERT INTO tTransaction (Name, Description, WithdrawDeposit, Company, Date, Amount, Comments, Receipt) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
    data = (Name, Description, WithdrawDeposit, Company, Date, Amount,
            Comments, Receipt)
        cur.execute(query, data)
        body = "IMAP failed. Name was %s, Description was %s, Subject was %s, Company was %s, Date was %s Amount was %s Comments was %s Receipt was %s", (
            Name, Description, WithdrawDeposit, Company, Date, Amount,
            Comments, Receipt)
예제 #3
파일: IMAP.py 프로젝트: Johns4ls/Website
def IMAP():

    #Global variable to use inside of the class above
    global body

    #Connect to gmails imap service
        mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('imap.gmail.com')
        mail.login('*****@*****.**', 'Momrocks38')
        print("Could not connect to Gmail!")
        body = "IMAP failed. Could not connect to Gmail."

    #this will search the email and give me all unread emails.
    response = mail.search(None, '(UNSEEN)')
    response = response[0].split()

    #For each email we will parse out the data and commit to the database
    for e_id in response:

        #reset variables for each loop
        body = []
        raw_email = ''

        #Fetch one email and decode as utf-8
        _, response = mail.fetch(e_id, 'RFC822')
            raw_email = response[0][1].decode("utf-8")
            print("Email cannot be decoded")
        email_message = email.message_from_string(raw_email)

        #these pull each heading and place into variables
        from_ = email_message['From']
        subject_ = str(email_message['Subject'])
        date_ = str(email_message['date'])
        #set up array for date
        date = []
            date = date_.split()
            Day = (date[0])
            Month = (date[1])
            Year = (date[2])
            Date = Tlbx.dateConvert(Day, Month, Year)
            print("Date Failed!")
            body = "IMAP Date parsing failed. %s was the date pulled in" % date_

        #If this data from pncalerts, we run it through this parsing group
        if (from_ == "PNC Alerts <*****@*****.**>"):
            #An alert for using the debit card
            if ("ATM" in subject_):
                print("There should be no ATM usage!")
                body = "Someone pulled money out of the ATM using Andrew's card."
            #Compares account balance to the current database sum
            elif ("Your Checking Account Balance" in subject_):
                parser = MyCheckParser()
                PNCBalance = body[0]
                PNCBalance = PNCBalance.split(":")
                PNCBalance = PNCBalance[1]
                PNCBalance = PNCBalance.replace("$", "")
                PNCBalance = PNCBalance.replace(",", "")
                PNCBalance = PNCBalance.strip()
                PNCBalance = float(PNCBalance)
                db = pymysql.connect(host='',
                cur = db.cursor()
                query = ("Select SUM(Amount) FROM tTemporary")
                TempAmount = cur.fetchone()[0]
                query = ("Select SUM(Amount) FROM tTransaction")
                TransAmount = cur.fetchone()[0]
                    balance = TransAmount + TempAmount
                    balance = TransAmount
                if balance is not None:
                    balance = ('%.2f' % balance)
                balance = float(balance)
                if (balance != PNCBalance):
                    PNCBalance = str(PNCBalance)
                    balance = str(balance)
                    print("Balances do not match!")
                    body = "PNC and app balances do not match. PNC balance is " + PNCBalance + " and app balance is " + balance + "."
            #If a check is used
            elif ("Check(s)" in subject_):
                parser = MyCheckParser()
                if ("Deducted" in subject_):
                    WithdrawDeposit = "Withdraw"
                    WithdrawDeposit = "Deposit"
                Company = 'Check'
                Amount = body[2]
                Amount = Amount.strip()
                Amount = Amount.split(":")
                Amount = Amount[1]
                Amount = Amount.replace("$", "")
                Amount = Amount.strip()
                Day = date[1]
                Month = date[2]
                Year = date[3]
                #Fix date to Y/M/D
                Date = Tlbx.dateConvert(Day, Month, Year)
                #Function to connect to database and commit data to tTemporary
                dbTemp(WithdrawDeposit, Company, Date, Amount)
                #This sets up our html parser which is the class above and feeds it in.
                parser = MyHTMLParser()
                Company = ''
                Amount = ''
                #The global variable body we parse down for the company and amount
                    Company = body[1]
                    Company = Company.strip('\t')
                    Company = Company.strip('\n')
                    Company = Company.strip()

                    #pull how much the amount was for and strip excess
                    Amount = body[2]
                    Amount = Amount.strip('\t')
                    Amount = Amount.strip('\n')
                    Amount = Amount.strip()
                    Amount = re.findall(r"\d+\.\d+", Amount)
                #Send e-mail if parsing fails
                    print("Company and Amount parsing Failed!")
                    body = "IMAP Company/Amount parsing failed. %s was the Company pulled in, and %s was the the Amount pulled in" % (
                        Company, Amount)

                #try to convert Amount for database commit
                    Amount = Amount[0]
                    Amount = float(Amount)
                    print("no money I guess")

                #Date comes in differently, parse again. Could be avoided with external function
                if ('Payment' in subject_ or 'Withdraw' in subject_):
                    subject_ = 'Withdraw'
                    Day = date[1]
                    Month = date[2]
                    Year = date[3]
                    Date = Tlbx.dateConvert(Day, Month, Year)
                #Fix to not parse e-mail with no data
                elif ('Available Balance' in subject_):
                #Fix to not parse e-mail with no data
                elif ('Online Banking alerts' in subject_):
                    subject_ = 'Deposit'
                    Day = date[1]
                    Month = date[2]
                    Year = date[3]
                    #Converts the date to Y/M/D
                    Date = Tlbx.dateConvert(Day, Month, Year)

                # switch the Amount to negative if it is a withdraw
                if ('Withdraw' in subject_):
                    Amount = -Amount

                #Strip excess data
                Company = Company.replace('Payment', '')
                Company = Company.replace('From:', '')
                Company = Company.replace('1', '')
                Company = Company.replace('To:', '')
                Company = Company.strip()

                #If we fit this logic, we will correct the naming and automatically commit to tTransaction
                if ("DUKE ENERGY OH" in Company
                        or "RUMPKE RESIDENTI" in Company
                        or "CLERMONT COUNTY" in Company
                        or "SSI  TREAS 30    9" in Company
                        or "US BANK HOME MTG" in Company):
                    Name = ''
                    Description = ''
                    Comments = ''
                    Receipt = ''
                    if ("CLERMONT COUNTY" in Company):
                        Company = "Clermont County Utilities"
                        Description = "Monthly Water Bill Payment"
                        Name = "Clermont County Water"
                    if ("RUMPKE RESIDENTI" in Company):
                        Company = "Rumpke"
                        Description = "Monthly Payment for Waste Disposal"
                        Name = "Trash Removal"
                    if ("DUKE ENERGY OH" in Company):
                        Company = "Duke Energy"
                        Description = "Monthly Electric Bill"
                        Name = "Duke Energy"
                    if ("SSI  TREAS 30    9" in Company):
                        Company = "SSI"
                        Description = "Monthly Social Security Deposit"
                        Name = "SSI Check Deposit"
                    if ("US BANK HOME MTG" in Company):
                        Company = "US Bank"
                        Description = "Monthly House Payment"
                        Name = "Housing"
                    #Function to connect to our database and insert into tTransaction
                    dbTrans(Name, Description, subject_, Company, Date, Amount,
                            Comments, Receipt)
                #commit data to our tTemporary table
                    #Function to connect to our database and insert into tTemporary
                    dbTemp(subject_, Company, Date, Amount)

        #If the email is from [email protected] it will run through here
        elif (from_ == '*****@*****.**'):

            #Pull email and decode because it is in base64
            ascil = email_message.get_payload(decode=base64).decode("utf-8")

            #Here we split the array and place them into variables. From there we will strip them down.
            array = (ascil.split("\n", 1))
            startType = 'Your'
            endType = 'specified'
            start = 'Amount:'
            end = 'USD'
            Start1 = 'Name:'
            end1 = 'Merchant'
            s = array[1]
            WithdrawDeposit = ((s.split(startType))[1].split(endType)[0])
            if ("purchase" in WithdrawDeposit):
                WithdrawDeposit = "Withdraw"
            if ("deposit" in WithdrawDeposit):
                WithdrawDeposit = "Deposit"
            if ("recently used" in WithdrawDeposit):
                WithdrawDeposit = "Withdraw"

            #Setup our amount to commit to the database
            Amount = ''

            #Attempt to strip down the Amount and convert to a float.
                Amount = ((s.split(start))[1].split(end)[0])
                Amount = Amount.strip('\t')
                Amount = Amount.strip('\n')
                Amount = Amount.strip()
                Amount = Amount.replace('\'', '')
                Amount = Amount.replace("'", '')
                Amount = float(Amount)

                #Set amount to negative if this transaction is a withdraw
                if (WithdrawDeposit == "Withdraw"):
                    Amount = Amount * -1

            #A catch in case the amount does not exist in the e-mail
                print("No Amount I Guess")

            #remove excess data in company to commit into the database
            Company = ((s.split(Start1))[1].split(end1)[0])
            Company = Company.strip('\t')
            Company = Company.strip('\n')
            Company = Company.strip()

            #if the scraped data fits in this logic, commit directly to tTransaction
            if ("ORDER" in Company or "BALANC" in Company or "TIP" in Company
                    or "Northshore Care Supply" in Company):
                Name = ''
                Description = ''
                Comments = ''
                Receipt = ''
                if ("ORDER" in Company):
                    Company = "Shipt"
                    Name = "Groceries"
                    Description = "Monthly Groceries"
                if ("BALANC" in Company):
                    Company = "Shipt"
                    Name = "Groceries"
                    Description = "Balance differential for adding an item"
                if ("TIP" in Company):
                    Company = "Shipt"
                    Name = "Groceries"
                    Description = "Added tip for Delivery"
                if ("Northshore Care Supply" in Company):
                    Company = "Northshore Care Supply"
                    Name = "Diapers"
                    Description = "Tranquility All Night Through Adult Disposable Briefs"

                #Function call to instantiate database connection and insert scraped data into the tTransaction table.
                dbTrans(Name, Description, WithdrawDeposit, Company, Date,
                        Amount, Comments, Receipt)

            #commit to tTemporary table
                #Parse company names to reduce later work when completing the transaction
                if ("CW BOTANICALS" in Company or "MEIJER" in Company
                        or "FIVE BELOW" in Company or "LOWE'S" in Company
                        or "KROGER" in Company or "MCDONALD'S" in Company
                        or "WALGREENS" in Company
                        or "AMZN MKTP US AMZN.COM/" in Company
                        or "AMAZON" in Company or "AMZN Mktp" in Company
                        or "Amazon" in Company or "amazon" in Company
                        or "THORNTONS" in Company or "KFC" in Company
                        or "TARGET" in Company):
                    if ("CW BOTANICALS" in Company):
                        Company = "CW Botanicals"
                    if ("MEIJER" in Company):
                        Company = "Meijer"
                    if ("FIVE BELOW" in Company):
                        Company = "Five Below"
                    if ("LOWE'S" in Company):
                        Company = "Lowe's"
                    if ("KROGER" in Company):
                        Company = "Kroger"
                    if ("WALGREENS" in Company):
                        Company = "Walgreens"
                    if ("AMAZON" in Company
                            or "AMZN MKTP US AMZN.COM/" in Company
                            or "Amazon" in Company or "amazon" in Company):
                        Company = "Amazon"
                    if ("THORNTONS" in Company):
                        Company = "Thorntons"
                    if ("KFC" in Company):
                        Company = "KFC"
                    if ("TARGET" in Company):
                        Company = "Target"

                #Function call to instantiate database connection and insert scraped data into the tTemporary table
                dbTemp(WithdrawDeposit, Company, Date, Amount)