예제 #1
파일: MakeList.py 프로젝트: 3100/MoinMacro
 def save_page(self, output):
     editor = PageEditor(self.macro.request, self.pagename)
     text = self.create_header()
     text += editor.normalizeText(output)
     dummy, revision, exists = editor.get_rev() 
         res =  editor.saveText(text, revision, comment="updated by MakeList macro.")
         return res
     except editor.Unchanged:
         return "You did not change the page content, not saved!"
         return "An error occured!"
예제 #2
def do_savepage(pagename, request):
    from MoinMoin.PageEditor import PageEditor

    _ = request.getText

    if not request.user.may.write(pagename):
        Page(request, pagename).send_page(request,
            msg = _('You are not allowed to edit this page.'))

    pg = PageEditor(request, pagename)
    savetext = request.form.get('savetext', [u''])[0]
    rev = int(request.form.get('rev', ['0'])[0])
    comment = request.form.get('comment', [u''])[0]
    category = request.form.get('category', [None])[0]
    rstrip = int(request.form.get('rstrip', ['0'])[0])
    trivial = int(request.form.get('trivial', ['0'])[0])

    # IMPORTANT: normalize text from the form. This should be done in
    # one place before we manipulate the text.
    savetext = pg.normalizeText(savetext, stripspaces=rstrip)

    # Add category

    # TODO: this code does not work with extended links, and is doing
    # things behind your back, and in general not needed. Either we have
    # a full interface for categories (add, delete) or just add them by
    # markup.
    if category:
        # strip trailing whitespace
        savetext = savetext.rstrip()

        # Add category separator if last non-empty line contains
        # non-categories.
        lines = filter(None, savetext.splitlines())
        if lines:
            #TODO: this code is broken, will not work for extended links
            #categories, e.g ["category hebrew"]
            categories = lines[-1].split()
            if categories:
                confirmed = wikiutil.filterCategoryPages(request, categories)
                if len(confirmed) < len(categories):
                    # This was not a categories line, add separator
                    savetext += u'\n----\n'

        # Add new category
        if savetext and savetext[-1] != u'\n':
            savetext += ' '
        savetext += category + u'\n' # Should end with newline!

    # Clean comment - replace CR, LF, TAB by whitespace, delete control chars
    # TODO: move this to config, create on first call then return cached.
    remap_chars = {
        ord(u'\t'): u' ',
        ord(u'\r'): u' ',
        ord(u'\n'): u' ',
    control_chars = u'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e\x0f' \
    for c in control_chars:
        remap_chars[c] = None
    comment = comment.translate(remap_chars)

    # Preview, spellcheck or spellcheck add new words
    if (request.form.has_key('button_preview') or
        request.form.has_key('button_spellcheck') or
        pg.sendEditor(preview=savetext, comment=comment)

    # Edit was canceled
    elif request.form.has_key('button_cancel'):
        pg.sendCancel(savetext, rev)
    # Save new text
            savemsg = pg.saveText(savetext, rev, trivial=trivial,
        except pg.EditConflict, msg:
            # Handle conflict and send editor

            # TODO: conflict messages are duplicated from PageEditor,
            # refactor to one place only.
            conflict_msg = _('Someone else changed this page while you were editing!')
            pg.set_raw_body(savetext, modified=1)
            if pg.mergeEditConflict(rev):
                conflict_msg = _("""Someone else saved this page while you were editing!
Please review the page and save then. Do not save this page as it is!
Have a look at the diff of %(difflink)s to see what has been changed.""") % {
                    'difflink': pg.link_to(pg.request,
                                           querystr='action=diff&rev=%d' % rev)
                # We don't send preview when we do merge conflict
                pg.sendEditor(msg=conflict_msg, comment=comment)
                savemsg = conflict_msg
        except pg.SaveError, msg:
            # msg contain a unicode string
            savemsg = unicode(msg)
예제 #3
파일: meh.py 프로젝트: silky/complexityzoo
# coding: utf-8
import py

from MoinMoin import wikiutil

from MoinMoin.PageEditor import PageEditor
from MoinMoin.web.contexts import ScriptContext

pagename = 'Class_%23AC0'
req = ScriptContext('localhost:8080', pagename)
editor = PageEditor(request, pagename)
text = editor.normalizeText('''= #AC<sup>0</sup> = 

The class of functions from {0,1}<sup>n</sup> to nonnegative integers computed by polynomial-size constant-depth arithmetic circuits, using addition and multiplication gates and the constants 0 and 1.

Contained in GapAC<sup>0</sup>.''')
_, rev, _ = editor.get_rev()
editor.saveText(text, rev)