def build_dom_table(self, rows, head=None, cls=None): """ Build a DOM table with data from <rows>. """ table = moin_page.table() if cls is not None: table.attrib[moin_page('class')] = cls if head is not None: table_head = moin_page.table_header() table_row = moin_page.table_row() for idx, cell in enumerate(head): table_cell = moin_page.table_cell(children=[cell, ],) if rows: # add "align: right" to heading cell if cell in first data row is numeric self.add_numeric_class(rows[0][idx], table_cell) table_row.append(table_cell) table_head.append(table_row) table.append(table_head) table_body = moin_page.table_body() for row in rows: table_row = moin_page.table_row() for cell in row: if isinstance(cell, ET.Node) and isinstance(cell[0], unicode) and \ len(cell[0].split()) == 1 and len(cell[0]) > WORDBREAK_LEN: # avoid destroying table layout by applying special styling to cells with long file name hyperlinks table_cell = moin_page.table_cell(children=[cell, ], attrib={moin_page.class_: 'moin-wordbreak'}) else: table_cell = moin_page.table_cell(children=[cell, ],) self.add_numeric_class(cell, table_cell) table_row.append(table_cell) table_body.append(table_row) table.append(table_body) return table
def macro(self): request = self.request groups = [] for groupname in defaultconfig.options: groups.append((groupname, True, defaultconfig.options)) for groupname in defaultconfig.options_no_group_name: groups.append( (groupname, False, defaultconfig.options_no_group_name)) groups.sort() result = moin_page.div() for groupname, addgroup, optsdict in groups: heading, desc, opts = optsdict[groupname] result.append( moin_page.h(attrib={moin_page.outline_level: '1'}, children=[heading])) if desc: result.append(moin_page.p(children=[desc])) table = moin_page.table() result.append(table) header = moin_page.table_header() table.append(header) row = moin_page.table_row() header.append(row) for text in [ _('Variable name'), _('Default'), _('Description'), ]: strong_text = moin_page.strong(children=[text]) row.append(moin_page.table_cell(children=[strong_text])) body = moin_page.table_body() table.append(body) opts = list(opts) opts.sort() for name, default, description in opts: if addgroup: name = groupname + '_' + name if isinstance(default, defaultconfig.DefaultExpression): default_txt = default.text else: default_txt = '%r' % (default, ) if len(default_txt) > 30: default_txt = moin_page.span( attrib={moin_page.title: default_txt}, children=['...']) description = _(description or '') row = moin_page.table_row() body.append(row) row.append(moin_page.table_cell(children=[name])) default = moin_page.code(children=[default_txt]) row.append(moin_page.table_cell(children=[default])) row.append(moin_page.table_cell(children=[description])) return result
def visit_version(self, node): self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.table_row()) self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.table_cell()) self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.strong()) # TODO: i18n for docutils: self.open_moin_page_node(u"Version:") self.close_moin_page_node() self.close_moin_page_node() self.close_moin_page_node() self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.table_cell())
def visit_author(self, node): self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.table_row()) self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.table_cell()) self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.strong()) # TODO: i18n for docutils: self.open_moin_page_node(u"Author:") self.close_moin_page_node() self.close_moin_page_node() self.close_moin_page_node() self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.table_cell())
def visit_copyright(self, node): self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.table_row()) self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.table_cell()) self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.strong()) # TODO: i18n for docutils: self.open_moin_page_node(u"Copyright:") self.close_moin_page_node() self.close_moin_page_node() self.close_moin_page_node() self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.table_cell())
def tablerow_cell_repl(self, stack, cell, cell_text, cell_head=None): element = moin_page.table_cell() stack.push(element) # TODO: support table headings self.parse_inline(cell_text, stack) stack.pop_name("table-cell")
def tablerow_cell_repl(self, stack, cell, cell_text, cell_head=None): element = moin_page.table_cell() stack.push(element) # TODO: How to handle table headings self.parse_inline(cell_text, stack) stack.pop_name('table-cell')
def block_table_repl(self, iter_content, stack, table, table_args=''): stack.clear() # TODO: table attributes elem = moin_page.table() stack.push(elem) if table_args: table_args = _TableArguments()(table_args) for key, value in table_args.keyword.iteritems(): attrib = elem.attrib if key in ('class', 'style', 'number-columns-spanned', 'number-rows-spanned'): attrib[moin_page(key)] = value element = moin_page.table_body() stack.push(element) lines = _Iter(self.block_table_lines(iter_content), startno=iter_content.lineno) element = moin_page.table_row() stack.push(element) preprocessor_status = [] for line in lines: m = self.tablerow_re.match(line) if not m: return if'newrow'): stack.pop_name('table-row') element = moin_page.table_row() stack.push(element) cells ='cells') if cells: cells = cells.split('||') for cell in cells: if stack.top_check('table-cell'): stack.pop() cell = re.split(r'\s*\|\s*', cell) element = moin_page.table_cell() if len(cell) > 1: cell_args = _TableArguments()(cell[0]) for key, value in cell_args.keyword.iteritems(): attrib = element.attrib if key in ('class', 'style', 'number-columns-spanned', 'number-rows-spanned'): attrib[moin_page(key)] = value cell = cell[1] else: cell = cell[0] stack.push(element) self.preprocessor.push() self.parse_inline(cell, stack, self.inline_re) preprocessor_status = self.preprocessor.pop() elif'text'): self.preprocessor.push(preprocessor_status) self.parse_inline('\n{0}'.format('text')), stack, self.inline_re) preprocessor_status = self.preprocessor.pop() stack.pop_name('table')
def build_dom_table(self, rows, head=None, cls=None): """ Build a DOM table with data from <rows>. """ table = moin_page.table() if cls is not None: table.attrib[moin_page('class')] = cls if head is not None: table_head = moin_page.table_header() table_row = moin_page.table_row() for idx, cell in enumerate(head): table_cell = moin_page.table_cell(children=[ cell, ], ) if rows and len(rows[0]) == len(head): # add "align: right" to heading cell if cell in first data row is numeric self.add_numeric_class(rows[0][idx], table_cell) table_row.append(table_cell) table_head.append(table_row) table.append(table_head) table_body = moin_page.table_body() for row in rows: table_row = moin_page.table_row() for cell in row: if isinstance(cell, ET.Node) and len(cell) and isinstance(cell[0], unicode) and \ len(cell[0].split()) == 1 and len(cell[0]) > WORDBREAK_LEN: # avoid destroying table layout by applying special styling to cells with long file name hyperlinks table_cell = moin_page.table_cell( children=[ cell, ], attrib={moin_page.class_: 'moin-wordbreak'}) elif isinstance(cell, ET.Node): table_cell = moin_page.table_cell(children=[ cell, ]) else: table_cell = moin_page.table_cell(children=[ cell, ], ) self.add_numeric_class(cell, table_cell) table_row.append(table_cell) table_body.append(table_row) table.append(table_body) return table
def visit_entry(self, node): new_element = moin_page.table_cell() if 'morerows' in node.attributes: new_element.set(moin_page.number_rows_spanned, repr(int(node['morerows']) + 1)) if 'morecols' in node.attributes: new_element.set(moin_page.number_cols_spanned, repr(int(node['morecols']) + 1)) self.open_moin_page_node(new_element)
def block_table_repl(self, iter_content, stack, table, table_args=""): stack.clear() # TODO: table attributes elem = moin_page.table() stack.push(elem) if table_args: table_args = _TableArguments()(table_args) for key, value in table_args.keyword.iteritems(): attrib = elem.attrib if key in ("class", "style", "number-columns-spanned", "number-rows-spanned"): attrib[moin_page(key)] = value element = moin_page.table_body() stack.push(element) lines = _Iter(self.block_table_lines(iter_content)) element = moin_page.table_row() stack.push(element) preprocessor_status = [] for line in lines: m = self.tablerow_re.match(line) if not m: return if"newrow"): stack.pop_name("table-row") element = moin_page.table_row() stack.push(element) cells ="cells") if cells: cells = cells.split("||") for cell in cells: if stack.top_check("table-cell"): stack.pop() cell = re.split(r"\s*\|\s*", cell) element = moin_page.table_cell() if len(cell) > 1: cell_args = _TableArguments()(cell[0]) for key, value in cell_args.keyword.iteritems(): attrib = element.attrib if key in ("class", "style", "number-columns-spanned", "number-rows-spanned"): attrib[moin_page(key)] = value cell = cell[1] else: cell = cell[0] stack.push(element) self.preprocessor.push() self.parse_inline(cell, stack, self.inline_re) preprocessor_status = self.preprocessor.pop() elif"text"): self.preprocessor.push(preprocessor_status) self.parse_inline("\n{0}".format("text")), stack, self.inline_re) preprocessor_status = self.preprocessor.pop() stack.pop_name("table")
def build_dom_table(self, rows): """ Build a DOM table with data from <rows>. """ table_body = moin_page.table_body() for row in rows: table_row = moin_page.table_row() for cell in row: table_cell = moin_page.table_cell(children=[cell, ]) table_row.append(table_cell) table_body.append(table_row) return moin_page.table(children=[table_body, ])
def tablerow_cell_repl(self, stack, cell, cell_text, cell_head=None): """ Creole has feature that allows table headings to be either row based or column based. We avoid use of HTML5 row based thead tag and apply CSS styling to any cell marked as a heading. """ attrib = {} if cell_head: attrib[moin_page.class_] = 'moin-thead' element = moin_page.table_cell(attrib=attrib) stack.push(element) self.parse_inline(cell_text, stack) stack.pop_name('table-cell')
def build_dom_table(self, rows, head=None, cls=None): """ Build a DOM table with data from <rows>. """ table = moin_page.table() if cls is not None: table.attrib[moin_page('class')] = cls if head is not None: table_head = moin_page.table_header() table_row = moin_page.table_row() for cell in head: table_cell = moin_page.table_cell(children=[cell, ]) table_row.append(table_cell) table_head.append(table_row) table.append(table_head) table_body = moin_page.table_body() for row in rows: table_row = moin_page.table_row() for cell in row: table_cell = moin_page.table_cell(children=[cell, ]) table_row.append(table_cell) table_body.append(table_row) table.append(table_body) return table
def visit_field_name(self, node): self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.table_cell()) self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.strong()) self.open_moin_page_node(u'%s:' % node.astext()) node.children = [] self.close_moin_page_node()
def macro(self): if not flaskg.user or not flaskg.user.isSuperUser(): return '' settings = {} for groupname in defaultconfig.options: heading, desc, opts = defaultconfig.options[groupname] for name, default, description in opts: name = groupname + '_' + name if isinstance(default, defaultconfig.DefaultExpression): default = default.value settings[name] = default for groupname in defaultconfig.options_no_group_name: heading, desc, opts = defaultconfig.options_no_group_name[ groupname] for name, default, description in opts: if isinstance(default, defaultconfig.DefaultExpression): default = default.value settings[name] = default result = moin_page.div() result.append( moin_page.h(attrib={moin_page.outline_level: '1'}, children=[_("Wiki configuration")])) desc = _( "This table shows all settings in this wiki that do not have default values. " "Settings that the configuration system doesn't know about are shown in italic, " "those may be due to third-party extensions needing configuration or settings that " "were removed from Moin.") result.append(moin_page.p(children=[desc])) table = moin_page.table() result.append(table) header = moin_page.table_header() table.append(header) row = moin_page.table_row() header.append(row) for text in [ _('Variable name'), _('Setting'), ]: strong_text = moin_page.strong(children=[text]) row.append(moin_page.table_cell(children=[strong_text])) body = moin_page.table_body() table.append(body) def iter_vnames(cfg): dedup = {} for name in cfg.__dict__: dedup[name] = True yield name, cfg.__dict__[name] for cls in cfg.__class__.mro(): if cls == defaultconfig.ConfigFunctionality: break for name in cls.__dict__: if not name in dedup: dedup[name] = True yield name, cls.__dict__[name] found = [] for vname, value in iter_vnames(app.cfg): if hasattr(defaultconfig.ConfigFunctionality, vname): continue if vname in settings and settings[vname] == value: continue found.append((vname, value)) found.sort() for vname, value in found: if not vname in settings: vname = moin_page.emphasis(children=[vname]) vtxt = '%r' % (value, ) row = moin_page.table_row() body.append(row) row.append(moin_page.table_cell(children=[vname])) vtxt_code = moin_page.code(children=[vtxt]) row.append(moin_page.table_cell(children=[vtxt_code])) return result
def tablerow_cell_repl(self, stack, table, row, cell, cell_marker, cell_text, cell_args=None): def add_attr_to_style(attrib, attr): attr = attr.strip().decode('unicode-escape') if not attr.endswith(';'): attr += ';' if attrib.get(moin_page('style'), ""): attrib[moin_page('style')] = attrib.get(moin_page('style'), "") + " " + attr else: attrib[moin_page('style')] = attr element = moin_page.table_cell() stack.push(element) if len(cell_marker) // 2 > 1: element.set(moin_page.number_columns_spanned, len(cell_marker) // 2) if cell_args: cell_args = _TableArguments()(cell_args) no_errors = True # any positional parameters will be errors; retrieved as (key=None, value="some-positional-param"); for key, value in cell_args.items(): if key == 'bgcolor': if no_errors: # avoid overriding error highlighting add_attr_to_style(element.attrib, 'background-color: {0};'.format(value)) elif key == 'rowbgcolor': add_attr_to_style(row.attrib, 'background-color: {0};'.format(value)) elif key == 'tablebgcolor': add_attr_to_style(table.attrib, 'background-color: {0};'.format(value)) elif key == 'width': add_attr_to_style(element.attrib, 'width: {0};'.format(value)) elif key == 'tablewidth': add_attr_to_style(table.attrib, 'width: {0};'.format(value)) elif key == 'tableclass': table.attrib[moin_page('class')] = value elif key == 'rowclass': row.attrib[moin_page('class')] = value elif key == 'class': element.attrib[moin_page('class')] = value elif key == 'tablestyle': add_attr_to_style(table.attrib, value) elif key == 'rowstyle': add_attr_to_style(row.attrib, value) elif key == 'style': if no_errors: add_attr_to_style(element.attrib, value) elif key == 'tableid': table.attrib[moin_page('id')] = value elif key == 'rowid': row.attrib[moin_page('id')] = value elif key == 'id': element.attrib[moin_page('id')] = value elif key == 'number-columns-spanned': element.attrib[moin_page(key)] = value elif key == 'number-rows-spanned': element.attrib[moin_page(key)] = value else: if key == 'error' or key is None: error = value else: error = key cell_markup = cell.split('>')[0] cell_markup = cell_markup.split('<')[1] msg1 = _('Error:') msg2 = _('is invalid within') cell_text = '[ {0} "{1}" {2} <{3}> ]<<BR>>{4}'.format( msg1, error, msg2, cell_markup, cell_text) if no_errors: add_attr_to_style(element.attrib, 'background-color: pink; color: black;') no_errors = False self.parse_inline(cell_text, stack, self.inline_re) stack.pop_name('table-cell')
def visit_field_body(self, node): self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.table_cell())
def visit_field_name(self, node): self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.table_cell()) self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.strong()) self.open_moin_page_node(u'{0}:'.format(node.astext())) node.children = [] self.close_moin_page_node()
def tablerow_cell_repl(self, stack, table, row, cell, cell_marker, cell_text, cell_args=None): def add_attr_to_style(attrib, attr): attr = attr.strip().decode('unicode-escape') if not attr.endswith(';'): attr += ';' if attrib.get(moin_page('style'), ""): attrib[moin_page('style')] = attrib.get(moin_page('style'), "") + " " + attr else: attrib[moin_page('style')] = attr element = moin_page.table_cell() stack.push(element) if len(cell_marker) // 2 > 1: element.set(moin_page.number_columns_spanned, len(cell_marker) // 2) if cell_args: cell_args = _TableArguments()(cell_args) no_errors = True # any positional parameters will be errors; retrieved as (key=None, value="some-positional-param"); for key, value in cell_args.items(): if key == 'bgcolor': if no_errors: # avoid overriding error highlighting add_attr_to_style(element.attrib, 'background-color: {0};'.format(value)) elif key == 'rowbgcolor': add_attr_to_style(row.attrib, 'background-color: {0};'.format(value)) elif key == 'tablebgcolor': add_attr_to_style(table.attrib, 'background-color: {0};'.format(value)) elif key == 'width': add_attr_to_style(element.attrib, 'width: {0};'.format(value)) elif key == 'tablewidth': add_attr_to_style(table.attrib, 'width: {0};'.format(value)) elif key == 'caption': table.insert(0, moin_page.caption(children=[value, ])) elif key == 'tableclass': table.attrib[moin_page('class')] = value + u' moin-wiki-table' elif key == 'rowclass': row.attrib[moin_page('class')] = value elif key == 'class': element.attrib[moin_page('class')] = value elif key == 'tablestyle': add_attr_to_style(table.attrib, value) elif key == 'rowstyle': add_attr_to_style(row.attrib, value) elif key == 'style': if no_errors: add_attr_to_style(element.attrib, value) elif key == 'tableid': table.attrib[moin_page('id')] = value elif key == 'rowid': row.attrib[moin_page('id')] = value elif key == 'id': element.attrib[moin_page('id')] = value elif key == 'number-columns-spanned': element.attrib[moin_page(key)] = value elif key == 'number-rows-spanned': element.attrib[moin_page(key)] = value else: if key == 'error' or key is None: error = value else: error = key cell_markup = cell.split('>')[0] cell_markup = cell_markup.split('<')[1] msg1 = _('Error:') msg2 = _('is invalid within') cell_text = '[ {0} "{1}" {2} <{3}> ]<<BR>>{4}'.format( msg1, error, msg2, cell_markup, cell_text) if no_errors: add_attr_to_style(element.attrib, 'background-color: pink; color: black;') no_errors = False self.parse_inline(cell_text, stack, self.inline_re) stack.pop_name('table-cell')
def visit_option(self, node): self.open_moin_page_node(moin_page.table_cell())