예제 #1
            13, -13, 1000015, -1000015
        topSequence.ExtrapolatedStauPerformanceAlg.ConsideredPDGs = [
            13, -13, 1000015, -1000015
        topSequence.MuonPerformanceAlg.ConsideredPDGs = [
            13, -13, 1000015, -1000015

    doMon = False
    if (doMon):
        from MuonPhysValMonitoring.MuonPhysValMonitoringConf import MuonPhysValMonitoring__MuonPhysValMonitoringTool
        tool1 = MuonPhysValMonitoring__MuonPhysValMonitoringTool()
        tool1.EnableLumi = False
        tool1.DetailLevel = 1
        tool1.OutputLevel = VERBOSE
        tool1.MuonContainerName = colname

        ToolSvc += tool1

        from AthenaMonitoring.AthenaMonitoringConf import AthenaMonManager
        topSequence += AthenaMonManager("PhysValMonManager")

        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
        from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
        ServiceMgr += THistSvc()
        svcMgr.THistSvc.Output += [
            "MuonMonExample DATAFILE='MuonMonExample.root' OPT='RECREATE'"

        monMan = topSequence.PhysValMonManager
예제 #2
tool1.DoBinnedResolutionPlots = False

tool1.TrackContainerName = ''
tool1.FwdTrackContainerName = ''
tool1.MuonTrackContainerName = ''
tool1.MuonExtrapolatedTrackContainerName = ''
tool1.MuonOnlyExtrapolatedTrackContainerName = ''
tool1.MuonSegmentContainerName = ''

#Select Muon Working Points... (empty: all, -1: None, 0: Tight, 1: Medium, 2: Loose, 3: VeryLoose)
tool1.SelectMuonWorkingPoints = [-1]

#Select Muon Authors... (empty: all authors, 0: None, 1: combined, 2: STACO, 4: MuTagIMO, 5: Standalone, 6: MuGirl, 8: CaloTag)
tool1.SelectMuonAuthors = [
]  # only one author is defined in this case... no need to specify

#Select Muon Categories... (origin of muons, empty: all categories, 0: ALL, 1: PROMPT, 2: IN-FLIGHT, 3: NON-ISOLATED, 4: REST)
#tool1.SelectMuonCategories = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] # all possible categories
tool1.SelectMuonCategories = [
    0, 1
]  # lighter version, good for official validation tasks; overriden when in data mode

tool1.IsoTool = IsolationTool
tool1.EnableLumi = False
tool1.OutputLevel = ERROR
tool1.DetailLevel = 10

monMan = CfgMgr.AthenaMonManager("PhysValMonManager")
monMan.AthenaMonTools += [tool1]
예제 #3

#Select Muon Working Points... (empty: all, -1: None, 0: Tight, 1: Medium, 2: Loose, 3: VeryLoose)
tool1.SelectMuonWorkingPoints = [1]

#Select Muon Authors... (empty: all authors, 0: None, 1: combined, 2: STACO, 4: MuTagIMO, 5: Standalone, 6: MuGirl, 8: CaloTag)
tool1.SelectMuonAuthors = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9]

#Select Muon Categories... (origin of muons, empty: all categories, 0: ALL, 1: PROMPT, 2: IN-FLIGHT, 3: NON-ISOLATED, 4: REST)
#tool1.SelectMuonCategories = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] # all possible categories
tool1.SelectMuonCategories = [
    0, 1
]  # lighter version, good for official validation tasks; overriden when in data mode

from IsolationSelection.IsolationSelectionConf import CP__IsolationSelectionTool
IsolationTool = CP__IsolationSelectionTool(
ToolSvc += IsolationTool
tool1.IsoTool = IsolationTool
tool1.EnableLumi = False
tool1.OutputLevel = WARNING
tool1.DetailLevel = 10

#Flag for saving a ROOT TTree in an output ntuple... default value is False --> no TTree is saved
#tool1.DoMuonTree = True

monMan = CfgMgr.AthenaMonManager("PhysValMonManager")
monMan.AthenaMonTools += [tool1]
예제 #4
from MuonTruthAlgs.MuonTruthAlgsConf import MuonTruthAssociationAlg

topSequence += MuonTruthAssociationAlg(

doMon = True
if (doMon):
    from MuonPhysValMonitoring.MuonPhysValMonitoringConf import MuonPhysValMonitoring__MuonPhysValMonitoringTool
    tool1 = MuonPhysValMonitoring__MuonPhysValMonitoringTool(
    tool1.EnableLumi = False
    tool1.DetailLevel = 1
    tool1.OutputLevel = INFO
    tool1.MuonContainerName = "HLT_xAOD__MuonContainer_MuonEFInfo"
    tool1.MuonTruthParticleContainerName = "HLT_EFMuonTruthParticle"

    ToolSvc += tool1

    from AthenaMonitoring.AthenaMonitoringConf import AthenaMonManager
    topSequence += AthenaMonManager("PhysValMonManager", OutputLevel=DEBUG)

    from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
    from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
    ServiceMgr += THistSvc()
    svcMgr.THistSvc.Output += [
        "EFMuonMonExample DATAFILE='EFMuonMonExample.root' OPT='RECREATE'"