def createTasks(self, job):
     task = Hydra_rendertask( status = READY,
                              command = repr( self.command ),
                              job_id =, 
                              priority = self.priority,
                              project = self.project,
                              createTime = job.createTime)
     with transaction() as t:
    def jobCellClickedHandler(self, row, column):
        # populate the task table widget
        item = self.jobTable.item(row, 0)
        job_id = int(item.text())
        self.taskTableLabel.setText("Task List (job: " + item.text() + ")")
            tasks = Hydra_rendertask.fetch("where job_id = %d" % job_id)
            for pos, task in enumerate(tasks):
                # calcuate time difference
                tdiff = None
                if task.endTime:
                    tdiff = task.endTime - task.startTime
                elif task.startTime:
                    tdiff = - task.startTime

                # populate table
                self.taskTable.setItem(pos, 0, QTableWidgetItem_int(str(
                self.taskTable.setItem(pos, 1, QTableWidgetItem_int(str(task.priority)))
                self.taskTable.setItem(pos, 2, QTableWidgetItem(str(
                self.taskTable.setItem(pos, 3, QTableWidgetItem(str(task.status)))
                self.taskTable.setItem(pos, 4, QTableWidgetItem_dt(task.startTime))
                self.taskTable.setItem(pos, 5, QTableWidgetItem_dt(task.endTime))
                self.taskTable.setItem(pos, 6, QTableWidgetItem_dt(str(tdiff)))
        except sqlerror as err:
            aboutBox(self, "SQL Error", str(err))
예제 #3
    def testRenderCommand( self ):
        """Tests a Render Command, a command that invokes the Maya renderer."""
        command = [
                r'c:\program files\autodesk\maya2011\bin\render.exe',
                '-mr:v', '5',
        render_task = Hydra_rendertask()
        render_task.status = 'R'
        render_task.command = repr( command )


        render_question = Questions.RenderQuestion( )
        render_answer = self.getAnswer( render_question )
        logger.debug( render_answer )        
 def createTasks( self, job ):
     starts = range( self.startFrame, self.endFrame + 1, self.batchSize )
     ends = [min( start + self.batchSize - 1,
                  self.endFrame )
             for start in starts
     for start, end in zip( starts, ends ):
         command = self.renderCommand(start, end)
         logger.debug( command )
         task = Hydra_rendertask( status = READY, 
                                  command = repr( command ),
                                  job_id =, 
                                  priority = self.priority, 
                                  project = self.project,
                                  createTime = job.createTime,
                                  requirements = job.requirements,
         with transaction() as t:
def killTask(task_id):
    """Kills the task with the specified id. If the task has been started, a 
    kill request is sent to the node running it.
    @return: True if there were no errors killing the task, else False."""
    [task] = Hydra_rendertask.fetch("where id = '%d'" % task_id)
    if task.status == READY:
        task.status = KILLED
        with transaction() as t:
        # if we reach this point: transaction successful, no exception raised
        return True
    elif task.status == STARTED:
        killed = sendKillQuestion(renderhost =, newStatus = KILLED)
        # if we reach this point: TCPconnection successful, no exception raised
        return killed
    return False
def unstick (taskID=None, newTaskStatus=READY,
             host=None, newHostStatus=IDLE):
    with transaction () as t:
        if taskID:
            [task] = Hydra_rendertask.fetch ("where id = %d" % taskID)

            # if the task is marked, say, CRASHED, leave the host name alone.
            # only READY would be confusing with a host named filled in. I think.
            if newTaskStatus == READY:
       = None

            task.status = newTaskStatus
            task.startTime = None
            task.endTime = None
            task.update (t)
        if host:
            [host] = Hydra_rendernode.fetch ("where host = '%s'" % host)
            host.task_id = None
            host.status = newHostStatus
            host.update (t)
def resurrectTask(task_id, ignoreStarted = False):
    """Resurrects the task with the specified id. 
    @return: True if there was an error, such as when the user tries to 
             resurrect a task that is marked as Started, else False."""
    [task] = Hydra_rendertask.fetch("where id = '%d'" % task_id)
    if (
            task.status == 'K' or task.status == 'F' or 
            (task.status == 'S' and ignoreStarted == True)
        task.status = 'R' = None
        task.startTime = None
        task.endTime = None
        return True

    with transaction() as t:
    return False
import re

from MySQLSetup import transaction, Hydra_rendertask

badTasks = Hydra_rendertask.fetch ("where command like '%-p''%'")
print len(badTasks)
for task in badTasks:
    task.command = task.command.replace("'-p'", "'-proj'")
    task.status = 'R'
    task.startTime = None
    task.endTime = None
    task.exitCode = None
    #task.command = re.sub (r"PyQt4.QtCore.QString\(u(.*)\)", r'\1', task.command)
    with transaction () as t:
        task.update (t)