class GravityGame(): def __init__(self): self.playerscolors = ColorCollection() self.clock=pygame.time.Clock() self.ThisWorld = MyWorld(self) self.ThisWorld.makeworld(0) def run(self): while self.ThisWorld.done == False: HandleEvents(self.ThisWorld) self.ThisWorld.update() for epl in self.ThisWorld.list_of_explosions: pygame.sprite.spritecollide(epl, self.ThisWorld.players, True, pygame.sprite.collide_circle) for p in self.ThisWorld.list_of_planets: pygame.sprite.spritecollide(p, self.ThisWorld.list_of_bullets, True, pygame.sprite.collide_circle) p.update() self.ThisWorld.players.draw(background) self.ThisWorld.list_of_bullets.draw(background) self.ThisWorld.list_of_explosions.draw(background) screen.blit(background, (0,0)) self.clock.tick(20) pygame.display.flip() self.playerscolors.reset() if len(self.ThisWorld.players)<2: # assuming we have some winner now that the game is over wscreen = winscreen(self.ThisWorld.players.sprites()[0].id) else: messagescreen("Cancelled by User") screen.blit(background, (0,0)) pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(5)
def main(): wsizex = 512 wsizey = 512 margin = 10 root = Tk() root.title(" Simulador de Doenças ") world = MyWorld() # maps the world rectangle onto a viewport of wsizex x wsizey pixels . canvas = Canvas(root, width=512, height=512, background='dark grey') sp = SimulationPanel(world, canvas) sp.wvmap = mapper([0, 0, world.getWidth() - 1, world.getHeight() - 1], [margin, margin, wsizex - margin, wsizey - margin], False, False) print([0, 0, world.getWidth() - 1, world.getHeight() - 1], [margin, margin, wsizex - margin, wsizey - margin]) poll = Timer(root, sp.draw, 500) canvas.bind("<Configure>", sp.resize) root.bind("<Escape>", lambda _: root.destroy()) root.bind("s", lambda _: poll.stop()) root.bind("r", lambda _: poll.restart()) root.bind("p", sp.printData) root.bind("<Button-1>", lambda e: sp.mousePressed(e)) root.mainloop()
def main(args=None): numItr = 5 if len(args) > 1: numItr = (args[1]) print('Simulation of MyWorld') world = MyWorld() for x in range(numItr): world.act() obj = world.getObjects() for each in obj: each.act() print('Simulation of World') world = World(100, 100) world.addObject(Actor(), 10, 10) world.addObject(Actor(), 90, 90) for x in range(numItr): world.act() obj = world.getObjects() for each in obj: each.act()
def __init__(self): self.playerscolors = ColorCollection() self.clock=pygame.time.Clock() self.ThisWorld = MyWorld(self) self.ThisWorld.makeworld(0)