def __init__(self,all_folders): self.all_folders = all_folders self.all_save_folders = List_Op.List_Annex(self.all_folders,['Results']) self.Aligned_frame_folders = List_Op.List_Annex(self.all_save_folders,['Aligned_Frames']) for i in range(len(self.all_save_folders)): OS_Tools.mkdir(self.all_save_folders[i]) OS_Tools.mkdir(self.Aligned_frame_folders[i]) self.Before_Align_Tif_Name = [] for i in range(len(self.all_folders)): current_run_tif = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(self.all_folders[i]) self.Before_Align_Tif_Name.append(current_run_tif)
def Intensity_Selector(data_folder, graph_type='.tif', mode='biggest', propotion=0.05, list_write=True): ''' Select frames have biggest or smallest a.i., and generate average graphs. Parameters ---------- data_folder : (str) Data folder. graph_type : (str), optional Data type of . The default is '.tif'. mode : ('biggest' or 'smallest'), optional Type of frame selection. The default is 'biggest'. propotion : (float), optional Propotion of graph selection. The default is 0.05. list_write : (bool), optional Whether we write down graph intensity data. The default is True. Returns ------- averaged_graph : (2D Array) Averaged graph of selected frames. selected_graph_name : (ND List) List of selected graph names. ''' all_graph_name = np.array( OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(data_folder, file_type=graph_type)) graph_Num = len(all_graph_name) bright_data = np.zeros(graph_Num, dtype='f8') for i in range(graph_Num): current_graph = cv2.imread(all_graph_name[i], -1) bright_data[i] = np.mean(current_graph) # write bright data if required. if list_write == True: OS_Tools.Save_Variable(data_folder, 'brightness_info', bright_data) # Then select given mode frames. used_graph_num = int(graph_Num * propotion) if mode == 'biggest': used_graph_id = np.argpartition(bright_data, -used_graph_num)[-used_graph_num:] elif mode == 'smallest': used_graph_id = np.argpartition(bright_data, used_graph_num)[0:used_graph_num] selected_graph_name = all_graph_name[used_graph_id] averaged_graph = Graph_Tools.Average_From_File(selected_graph_name) return averaged_graph, selected_graph_name
def Cell_Find(run_folder): output_folder = run_folder+r'\Results' aligned_frame_folder = output_folder+r'\Aligned_Frames' all_tif_name = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(aligned_frame_folder) Stim_Frame_Dic = OS_Tools.Load_Variable(output_folder,'Stim_Frame_Align.pkl') on_off_graph,Finded_Cells = On_Off_Cell_Finder(all_tif_name, Stim_Frame_Dic,shape_boulder=[20,20,20,35],filter_method = 'Gaussian',LP_Para = ((5,5),1.5)) cell_folder = output_folder+r'\Cells' OS_Tools.Save_Variable(cell_folder, 'Finded_Cells', Finded_Cells,'.cell') Graph_tools.Show_Graph(on_off_graph, 'on-off_graph', cell_folder) all_keys = list(Finded_Cells.keys()) all_keys.remove('All_Cell_Information') for i in range(len(all_keys)): Graph_tools.Show_Graph(Finded_Cells[all_keys[i]], all_keys[i], cell_folder) return True
def After_Align_Average(self): """ This Functin will generate after align average graph of Run and Global, and then save them. Returns ------- None. """ print('Aligning done. ') self.After_Align_Graphs = {} # Initialize a dictionary, will record all aligned graphs averages and graph nums. # Fill After Align Graph Dictionary first total_graph_num = 0 for i in range(len(self.Aligned_frame_folders)): current_run_names = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(self.Aligned_frame_folders[i]) temp_average = Graph_Tools.Average_From_File(current_run_names) # This will generate an average graph with 'f8' formation. current_graph_aligned = Graph_Tools.Clip_And_Normalize(temp_average,clip_std = 5) Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(current_graph_aligned, 'Run_Average_After_Align', self.all_save_folders[i]) current_run_Frame_Num = len(current_run_names) total_graph_num += current_run_Frame_Num self.After_Align_Graphs[i] = (current_graph_aligned,current_run_Frame_Num) global_average_after_align = np.zeros(np.shape(current_graph_aligned),dtype = 'f8') # Then calculate global average in each run. for i in range(len(self.all_save_folders)): global_average_after_align += self.After_Align_Graphs[i][0].astype('f8')*self.After_Align_Graphs[i][1]/total_graph_num global_average_after_align = Graph_Tools.Clip_And_Normalize(global_average_after_align,clip_std = 5) # Then save global graph into each folder. for i in range(len(self.all_save_folders)): if i == 0: Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(global_average_after_align, 'Global_Average_After_Align', self.all_save_folders[i]) else: Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(global_average_after_align, 'Global_Average_After_Align', self.all_save_folders[i],show_time = 0)
def Least_Tremble_Average_Graph(data_folder, average_prop=0.1, cut_shape=(9, 9)): all_tif_name = np.array(OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(data_folder)) _, frac_disps = Tremble_Evaluator(data_folder, cut_shape=cut_shape) frac_num, frame_num, _ = frac_disps.shape # Then calculate average center and least error graph. frac_centers = np.zeros(shape=(frac_num, 2), dtype='f8') for i in range(frac_num): frac_centers[i, 0] = frac_disps[i, :, 0].mean() frac_centers[i, 1] = frac_disps[i, :, 1].mean() # And all frac_total movings total_movings = np.zeros(frame_num, dtype='f8') for i in range(frame_num): c_dist = 0 for j in range(frac_num): c_dist += (frac_centers[j][0] - frac_disps[j, i, 0])**2 + ( frac_centers[j][1] - frac_disps[j, i, 1])**2 total_movings[i] = c_dist # Then find least props. used_num = int(frame_num * average_prop) if used_num < 300: # least num of average is set to 300 to avoid problem. used_num = min(300, frame_num) print('Average of most stable ' + str(used_num) + ' Frames.') if used_num < 300: # meaning all frame used graph_names = all_tif_name else: used_frame_ind = np.argpartition(total_movings, used_num)[0:used_num] graph_names = all_tif_name[used_frame_ind] averaged_graph = Graph_Tools.Average_From_File(graph_names) return averaged_graph, graph_names
def Partial_Average_From_File(data_folder, start_frame, stop_frame, graph_type='.tif', LP_Para=False, HP_Para=False, filter_method=False): ''' Average specific part of graphs in the folder. Parameters ---------- data_folder : (str) Data folder. start_frame : (int) Start ID of frame selection. stop_frame : (int) Stop ID of frame selection. graph_type : (str), optional Frame dtype. The default is '.tif'. LP_Para\HP_Para\filter_method : optional Filter parameters. The default is False. Returns ------- Averaged_Graph : (2D Array) Averaged graphs. ''' all_tif_name = np.array( OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(data_folder, file_type=graph_type)) used_tif_name = all_tif_name[start_frame:stop_frame] Averaged_Graph = Graph_Tools.Average_From_File(used_tif_name, LP_Para, HP_Para, filter_method) return Averaged_Graph
def Global_Averagor(all_folder_list, sub_folders=r'\Results\Affined_Frames'): ''' Average global graph from all subgraphs. Parameters ---------- all_folder_list : TYPE DESCRIPTION. sub_folders : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is r'\Results\Affined_Frames'. Returns ------- global_averaged_graph : TYPE DESCRIPTION. ''' all_folders = lt.List_Annex(all_folder_list, [sub_folders]) all_tif_name = [] for i in range(len(all_folders)): current_tif_name = ot.Get_File_Name(all_folders[i]) all_tif_name.extend(current_tif_name) global_averaged_graph = Average_From_File(all_tif_name) return global_averaged_graph
def Do_Align(self): """ Main Function. Use this function will finish align work, useful for module using Returns ------- Align Properties(Dic): Property of this alignment, including useful path and useful names. """ start_time = time.time() # Processing Start time self.Before_Run_Average() self.Align_Cores() self.After_Align_Average() finish_time = time.time() time_cost = finish_time-start_time print('Alignment Done, time cost = '+str(time_cost) +'s') # Output a dictionary, coding Align_Properties = {} Align_Properties['all_save_folders'] = self.all_save_folders all_tif_name = [] for i in range(len(self.Aligned_frame_folders)): current_tif_list = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(self.Aligned_frame_folders[i],file_type = '.tif') all_tif_name.append(current_tif_list) Align_Properties['all_tif_name'] = all_tif_name return Align_Properties
def One_Key_Frame_Graphs( data_folder, sub_dic, show_clip=3, alinged_sub_folder=r'\Results\Final_Aligned_Frames', Stim_Align_sub_folder=r'\Results\Stim_Frame_Align.pkl'): result_folder = data_folder + r'\Results' graph_save_folder = result_folder + r'\Only_Frame_SubGraphs' OS_Tools.mkdir(result_folder) OS_Tools.mkdir(graph_save_folder) stim_path = data_folder + Stim_Align_sub_folder stim_dic = OS_Tools.Load_Variable(stim_path) all_tif_name = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(data_folder + alinged_sub_folder) graph_num = len(sub_dic) all_sub_graph_names = list(sub_dic.keys()) for i in range(graph_num): current_name = all_sub_graph_names[i] current_a = Frame_ID_Extractor(stim_dic, sub_dic[current_name][0]) current_b = Frame_ID_Extractor(stim_dic, sub_dic[current_name][1]) current_sub_graph, current_t_graph, current_info_dic = Single_Subgraph_Generator( all_tif_name, current_a, current_b) current_sub_graph = Graph_Tools.Clip_And_Normalize( current_sub_graph, show_clip) current_t_graph = Graph_Tools.Clip_And_Normalize( current_t_graph, show_clip) # Save graphs Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(current_sub_graph, current_name + '_Sub_Graph', graph_save_folder) Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(current_t_graph, current_name + '_t_Graph', graph_save_folder) OS_Tools.Save_Variable(graph_save_folder, current_name + r'_Sub_Info', current_info_dic, '.info') return True
def Tremble_Calculator_From_File( data_folder, graph_type='.tif', cut_shape=(8, 8), boulder=20, base_method='former', base=[], ): ''' Calculate align tremble from graph. This program is used to evaluate align quality. Parameters ---------- data_folder : (str) Data folder of graphs. graph_type : (str),optional Extend name of input grahp. The default is '.tif'. cut_shape : (turple), optional Shape of fracture cut. Proper cut will . The default is (10,5). boulder : (int),optional Boulder of graph. Cut and not used in following calculation.The default is 20. base_method : ('average'or'former'or'input'), optional Method of bais calculation. The default is 'former'. 'average' bais use all average; 'former' bais use fomer frame; 'input' bais need to be given. base : (2D_NdArray), optional If move_method == 'input', base should be given here. The default is []. Returns ------- mass_center_maps(Graph) A plotted graph, showing movement trace of mass center. tremble_plots : (List) List of all fracture graph tremble list. tremble_information : (Dic) Dictionary of tramble informations. Data type of tremble_information: ''' all_tif_name = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(data_folder, file_type=graph_type) average_graph = Graph_Tools.Average_From_File(all_tif_name) tremble_information = {} #1. Get base graph first. if base_method == 'input': base_graph = base elif base_method == 'average': base_graph = average_graph elif base_method == 'former': base_graph = cv2.imread(all_tif_name[0], -1) # First input graph. else: raise IOError('Invalid Base Method, check please.\n')
def Tremble_Evaluator(data_folder, ftype='.tif', boulder_ignore=20, cut_shape=(9, 9), mask_thres=0): all_file_name = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(data_folder, ftype) template = cv2.imread(all_file_name[0], -1) origin_dtype = template.dtype graph_shape = template.shape graph_num = len(all_file_name) origin_graph_matrix = np.zeros(shape=graph_shape + (graph_num, ), dtype=origin_dtype) for i in range(graph_num): origin_graph_matrix[:, :, i] = cv2.imread(all_file_name[i], -1) average_graph = origin_graph_matrix.mean(axis=2).astype('u2') # Show schematic of cutted graph. schematic, _, _, _ = Graph_Cutter(average_graph, boulder_ignore, cut_shape) # Then,save cutted graphs into dics. cutted_graph_dic = {} fracture_num = cut_shape[0] * cut_shape[1] for i in range(fracture_num): # initialize cut dics. cutted_graph_dic[i] = [] for i in range(graph_num): # Cycle all graphs current_graph = origin_graph_matrix[:, :, i] _, _, _, cutted_graphs = Graph_Cutter(current_graph, boulder_ignore, cut_shape) for j in range(fracture_num): # save each fracture cutted_graph_dic[j].append(cutted_graphs[j]) # Calculate graph center of each fracture trains. Use weighted center. all_frac_center = np.zeros(shape=(fracture_num, graph_num, 2), dtype='f8') for i in range(fracture_num): current_frac = cutted_graph_dic[i] for j in range(graph_num): current_graph = current_frac[j] if mask_thres == 'otsu': thres = filters.threshold_otsu(current_graph) elif (type(mask_thres) == int or type(mask_thres) == float): thres = mask_thres else: raise IOError('Invalid mask threshold.') mask = (current_graph > thres).astype(int) properties = regionprops(mask, current_graph) current_mc = properties[0].weighted_centroid all_frac_center[i, j, :] = current_mc #In sequence YX return schematic, all_frac_center
def Cell_Find_And_Plot( graph_folder, graph_name, Cell_Label, find_thres = 2.5, max_pix = 1000, min_pix = 20, shape_boulder = [20,20,20,20], sharp_gauss = ([7,7],1.5), back_gauss = ([15,15],7), size_limit = 20 ): """ Cell find from file. Parameters ---------- graph_folder : (str) Graph folder. graph_name : (str) Graph name. Extend name shall be contained. Cell_Label : (str) Save sub Folder. Cell data and cell graphs will be saved in this sub folder. find_thres,max_pix,min_pix,shape_boulder,sharp_gauss,back_gauss,size_limit : As Function 1, optional As Function 1. Returns ------- Cell_Finded : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ Base_Graph = cv2.imread(graph_folder + r'\\' + graph_name,-1) graph_save_folder = graph_folder + r'\\' + Cell_Label Finded_Cells = Cell_Find_From_Graph(Base_Graph,find_thres,max_pix,min_pix,shape_boulder,sharp_gauss,back_gauss,size_limit) OS_Tools.Save_Variable(graph_save_folder,Cell_Label,Finded_Cells,extend_name = '.cell') all_keys = list(Finded_Cells.keys()) all_keys.remove('All_Cell_Information') for i in range(len(all_keys)): Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(Finded_Cells[all_keys[i]],graph_name = all_keys[i],save_path = graph_save_folder,show_time = 2000,write = True) return Finded_Cells
def AI_Calculator(graph_folder, start_frame=0, end_frame=-1, masks='No_Mask'): ''' This function is used to calculate average intensity variation. Masks can be given to calculate cells Parameters ---------- graph_folder : (str) All graphs folder. start_frame : (int,optional) Start frame num. The default is 0. end_frame : (int,optional) End frame. The default is -1. masks : (2D_Array,optional) 2D arrays. Input will be binary, so be careful. The default is None. Returns ------- intensity_series : (Array) Return average intensity. ''' #initialize all_tif_name = np.array(OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(graph_folder)) used_tif_name = all_tif_name[start_frame:end_frame] frame_Num = len(used_tif_name) intensity_series = np.zeros(frame_Num, dtype='f8') graph_shape = np.shape(cv2.imread(used_tif_name[0], -1)) #calculate mask if type(masks) == str: masks = np.ones(graph_shape, dtype='bool') elif masks.dtype != 'bool': masks = masks > (masks // 2) pix_num = masks.sum() #calculate ai trains for i in range(frame_Num): current_graph = cv2.imread(used_tif_name[i], -1) masked_graph = current_graph * masks current_ai = masked_graph.sum() / pix_num intensity_series[i] = current_ai return intensity_series
def One_Key_Stim_Maps(data_folder, cell_folder, sub_dic, have_blank=None, alinged_sub_folder=r'\Results\Aligned_Frames', Stim_Align_sub_folder=r'\Results\Stim_Frame_Align.pkl'): ''' 1 key generate stim map. Befor using this, you need to : 1.align graphs 2.give cell file path. 3.Finish stim frame align. ''' result_folder = data_folder + r'\Results' stim_path = data_folder + Stim_Align_sub_folder cell_path = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(cell_folder, '.cell')[0] cell_dic = OS_Tools.Load_Variable(cell_path) # Then generate spiketrain stim_train = OS_Tools.Load_Variable(stim_path)['Original_Stim_Train'] all_tif_name = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(data_folder + alinged_sub_folder) cell_information = cell_dic['All_Cell_Information'] if have_blank != None: warnings.warn( 'Have blank is detected automatically, this API is useless now.', FutureWarning) have_blank = (0 in stim_train) if have_blank == True: F_train, dF_F_train = Spike_Train_Generator(all_tif_name, cell_information, Base_F_type='nearest_0', stim_train=stim_train) else: print('No blank, use previous ISI to calculate trains') F_train, dF_F_train = Spike_Train_Generator(all_tif_name, cell_information, Base_F_type='before_ISI', stim_train=stim_train) # Then save F and dF/F trains OS_Tools.Save_Variable(result_folder, 'F_Trains', F_train) OS_Tools.Save_Variable(result_folder, 'dF_F_Trains', dF_F_train) # At last, calculate Maps. Standard_Stim_Processor(data_folder, stim_path, sub_dic, cell_method=cell_path, spike_train_path=result_folder + r'\dF_F_Trains.pkl')
import My_Wheels.Graph_Operation_Kit as Graph_Tools import numpy as np import cv2 #%% First, read in config file. # All Read in shall be in this part to avoid bugs = = f = open('Config.punch','r') config_info = f.readlines() del f frame_folder = config_info[3][:-1]# Remove '\n' stim_folder = config_info[6][:-1]# Remove '\n' cap_freq = float(config_info[9]) frame_thres = float(config_info[12]) #%% Second do graph align. save_folder = frame_folder+r'\Results' aligned_tif_folder = save_folder+r'\Aligned_Frames' all_tif_name = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(frame_folder) graph_size = np.shape(cv2.imread(all_tif_name[0],-1)) Translation_Alignment([frame_folder],align_range = 10,align_boulder = 40,big_memory_mode=True,graph_shape = graph_size) aligned_all_tif_name = np.array(OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(aligned_tif_folder)) #%% Third, Stim Frame Align jmp_step = int(5000//cap_freq) _,Frame_Stim_Dic = Stim_Frame_Align(stim_folder,frame_thres = frame_thres,jmp_step = jmp_step) #%% Forth, generate Morpho graph and find cell. cell_Dic = Cell_Find_And_Plot(save_folder, 'Run_Average_After_Align.tif', 'Morpho_Cell') cell_mask = (cell_Dic['Cell_Graph'][:,:,0])>0 #%% Fifth, calculate RF reaction. RF_Data = np.zeros(shape = (5,5,2),dtype = 'f8')# use 5*5 matrix, set 0 are frames, set 1 are cells loc_ids = np.array([1,26,51,76,101,126,151,176,201,226,251,276]) for i in range(5):# i as vector1 for j in range(5):# j as vector2 start_id = i*5+j
from My_Wheels.Cell_Find_From_Graph import Cell_Find_And_Plot from Stim_Frame_Align import Stim_Frame_Align all_stim_cell = Cell_Find_And_Plot(r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\1-007\Results', 'Global_Average_After_Align.tif','All_Stim',find_thres = 1.5) all_stim_folders = [ r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\210112_L76_stimuli\Run07_2P_OD8_auto', r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\210112_L76_stimuli\Run08_2P_G8', r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\210112_L76_stimuli\Run09_2P_G8_RF', r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\210112_L76_stimuli\Run11_2P_G8_RF', r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\210112_L76_stimuli\Run13_color7_dir8_grating_squarewave_prefsize_BG', r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\210112_L76_stimuli\Run14_2P_RGLum4_RF', r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\210112_L76_stimuli\Run15_2P_RGLum4', r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\210112_L76_stimuli\Run16_shape3_dir8_modified_WJY_201228' ] for i in range(8): _,current_stim_dic = Stim_Frame_Align(all_stim_folders[i]) OS_Tools.Save_Variable(all_stim_folders[i], 'Stim_Frame_Align', current_stim_dic) #%%Get F and dF trains here. cell_folder = r'H:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\1-007\Results\All_Stim' from Standard_Parameters.Sub_Graph_Dics import Sub_Dic_Generator from Standard_Stim_Processor import One_Key_Stim_Maps # Run07,OD OD_Para = Sub_Dic_Generator('OD_2P') One_Key_Stim_Maps(r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\1-007', cell_folder, OD_Para) # Run08_G8 G8_Para = Sub_Dic_Generator('G8+90') One_Key_Stim_Maps(r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\1-008', cell_folder, G8_Para) One_Key_Stim_Maps(r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\1-009', cell_folder, G8_Para) One_Key_Stim_Maps(r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\1-011', cell_folder, G8_Para) RG_Para = Sub_Dic_Generator('RGLum4') One_Key_Stim_Maps(r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\1-014', cell_folder, RG_Para) One_Key_Stim_Maps(r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210112_L76_2P\1-015', cell_folder, RG_Para)
def Translation_Alignment(all_folders, base_mode='global', input_base=np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]]), align_range=20, align_boulder=20, before_average=True, average_std=5, big_memory_mode=False, save_aligned_data=False, graph_shape=(512, 512), timer=True): ''' This function will align all tif graphs in input folders. Only translation transaction here. Affine transformation need further discussion. Parameters ---------- all_folders:(list) List of all tif folders, elements are strs. base_mode:('global',int,'input',optional. The default is 'global') How to select base frame. 'global': use global average as base. int: use average of specific run as base. 'input':Manually input base graph, need to be a 2D-Ndarray. input_base:(2D-Ndarray,optional. The default is none.) If base_mode = 'input', input_base must be given. This will be the base for alignment. align_range:(int,optional. The default is 20) Max pixel of alignment. align_boulder:(int,optional. The default is 20) boulder cut for align. For different graph size, this variable shall be change. before_average:(bool,optional. The default is True) Whether before average is done. It can be set False to save time, on this case base graph shall be given. average_std:(float,optional. The default is 5) How much std you want for average graph generation. Different std can effect graph effect. big_memory_mode:(bool,optional. The default is False) If memory is big enough, use this mode is faster. save_aligned_data:(bool,optional. The default is False) Can be true only in big memory mode. This will save all aligned graph in a single 4D-Ndarray file.Save folder is the first folder. graph_shape:(2-element-turple,optional. The default is (512,512)) Shape of graphs. All input graph must be in same shape. timer:(bool,optional. The default is True) Show runtime of function and each procedures. Returns ------- bool Whether new folder is generated. ''' time_tic_start = time.time() #%% Step1, generate folders and file cycle. all_save_folders = List_Op.List_Annex(all_folders, ['Results']) Aligned_frame_folders = List_Op.List_Annex(all_save_folders, ['Aligned_Frames']) for i in range(len(all_save_folders)): OS_Tools.mkdir(all_save_folders[i]) OS_Tools.mkdir(Aligned_frame_folders[i]) Before_Align_Tif_Name = [] for i in range(len(all_folders)): current_run_tif = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(all_folders[i]) Before_Align_Tif_Name.append(current_run_tif) #%% Step2, Generate average map before align. if before_average == True: print('Before run averaging ...') Before_Align_Dics = { } # This is the dictionary of all run averages. Keys are run id. total_graph_num = 0 # Counter of graph numbers. for i in range(len(Before_Align_Tif_Name)): current_run_graph_num = len(Before_Align_Tif_Name[i]) total_graph_num += current_run_graph_num current_run_average = Graph_Tools.Average_From_File( Before_Align_Tif_Name[i]) current_run_average = Graph_Tools.Clip_And_Normalize( current_run_average, clip_std=average_std) Before_Align_Dics[i] = ( current_run_average, current_run_graph_num ) # Attention here, data recorded as turple. Graph_Tools.Show_Graph( current_run_average, 'Run_Average', all_save_folders[i]) # Show and save Run Average. # Then Use Weighted average method to generate global tif. global_average_graph = np.zeros(shape=np.shape( Before_Align_Dics[0][0]), dtype='f8') # Base on shape of graph for i in range(len(Before_Align_Tif_Name)): global_average_graph += Before_Align_Dics[i][0].astype( 'f8') * Before_Align_Dics[i][1] / total_graph_num global_average_graph = Graph_Tools.Clip_And_Normalize( global_average_graph, clip_std=average_std) # Then save global average in each run folder. if len(all_folders) > 1: for i in range(len(Before_Align_Tif_Name)): Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(global_average_graph, 'Global_Average', all_save_folders[i], show_time=0) else: print('Only One run, no global average.') else: print('Before average Skipped.') time_tic_average0 = time.time() #%% Step3, Core Align Function. print('Aligning...') if base_mode == 'global': base = global_average_graph elif base_mode == 'input': base = input_base elif type(base_mode) == int: base = Before_Align_Dics[base_mode][0] else: raise IOError('Invalid base mode.') # In big memory mode, save aligned_data in a dictionary file. if big_memory_mode == True: All_Aligned_Frame = {} for i in range(len(Before_Align_Tif_Name)): All_Aligned_Frame[i] = np.zeros( shape=(graph_shape + (len(Before_Align_Tif_Name[i]), )), dtype='u2') # Generate empty graph matrix. for i in range(len(Before_Align_Tif_Name)): # Cycle all runs for j in range(len( Before_Align_Tif_Name[i])): # Cycle all graphs in current run current_graph = cv2.imread(Before_Align_Tif_Name[i][j], -1) # Read in current graph. _, _, current_aligned_graph = Alignment(base, current_graph, boulder=align_boulder, align_range=align_range) graph_name = Before_Align_Tif_Name[i][j].split( '\\')[-1][:-4] # Ignore extend name'.tif'. Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(current_aligned_graph, graph_name, Aligned_frame_folders[i], show_time=0) if big_memory_mode == True: All_Aligned_Frame[i][:, :, j] = current_aligned_graph print('Align Finished, generating average graphs...') time_tic_align_finish = time.time() #%% Step4, After Align Average After_Align_Graphs = {} if big_memory_mode == True: # Average can be faster. temp_global_average_after_align = np.zeros(shape=graph_shape, dtype='f8') for i in range(len(All_Aligned_Frame)): current_run_average = Graph_Tools.Clip_And_Normalize( np.mean(All_Aligned_Frame[i], axis=2), clip_std=average_std) # Average run graphs, in type 'u2' After_Align_Graphs[i] = (current_run_average, len(All_Aligned_Frame[i][0, 0, :])) temp_global_average_after_align += After_Align_Graphs[i][0].astype( 'f8') * After_Align_Graphs[i][1] / total_graph_num global_average_after_align = Graph_Tools.Clip_And_Normalize( temp_global_average_after_align, clip_std=average_std) else: # Traditional ways. temp_global_average_after_align = np.zeros(shape=graph_shape, dtype='f8') for i in range(len(Aligned_frame_folders)): current_run_names = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name( Aligned_frame_folders[i]) current_run_average = Graph_Tools.Average_From_File( current_run_names) current_run_average = Graph_Tools.Clip_And_Normalize( current_run_average, clip_std=average_std) After_Align_Graphs[i] = (current_run_average, len(current_run_names)) temp_global_average_after_align += After_Align_Graphs[i][0].astype( 'f8') * After_Align_Graphs[i][1] / total_graph_num global_average_after_align = Graph_Tools.Clip_And_Normalize( temp_global_average_after_align, clip_std=average_std) # After average, save aligned graph in each save folder. for i in range(len(all_save_folders)): current_save_folder = all_save_folders[i] Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(After_Align_Graphs[i][0], 'Run_Average_After_Align', current_save_folder) if i == 0: # Show global average only once. global_show_time = 5000 else: global_show_time = 0 if len(all_folders) > 1: Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(global_average_after_align, 'Global_Average_After_Align', current_save_folder, show_time=global_show_time) time_tic_average1 = time.time() #%% Step5, save and timer if save_aligned_data == True: OS_Tools.Save_Variable(all_save_folders[0], 'All_Aligned_Frame_Data', All_Aligned_Frame) if timer == True: whole_time = time_tic_average1 - time_tic_start before_average_time = time_tic_average0 - time_tic_start align_time = time_tic_align_finish - time_tic_average0 after_average_time = time_tic_average1 - time_tic_align_finish print('Total Time = ' + str(whole_time) + ' s.') print('Before Average Time = ' + str(before_average_time) + ' s.') print('Align Time = ' + str(align_time) + ' s.') print('After Average Time = ' + str(after_average_time) + ' s.') return True
def Standard_Cell_Processor( animal_name, date, day_folder, cell_file_path, #average_graph_path, # not necessary. run_id_lists, location='A', # For runs have Stim_Frame_Align_name='_All_Stim_Frame_Infos.sfa', #Stim_Frame_Align_subfolder = r'\Results\Stim_Frame_Align.pkl',# API changed. align_subfolder=r'\Results\Aligned_Frames', response_head_extend=3, response_tail_extend=3, base_frame=[0, 1, 2], filter_para=(0.02, False)): # Folder and name initialization print('Just make sure average and cell find is already done.') cell_dic = ot.Load_Variable(cell_file_path) cell_info = cell_dic['All_Cell_Information'] cell_name_prefix = animal_name + '_' + str(date) + location + '_' all_cell_num = len(cell_info) all_run_subfolders = lt.List_Annex([day_folder], lt.Run_Name_Producer_2P(run_id_lists)) save_folder = day_folder all_Stim_Frame_Align = ot.Load_Variable(day_folder + r'\\' + Stim_Frame_Align_name) # Set cell data formats. all_cell_list = [] for i in range(all_cell_num): current_cell_name = cell_name_prefix + ot.Bit_Filler(i, 4) current_cell_dic = {} current_cell_dic['Name'] = current_cell_name current_cell_dic['Cell_Info'] = cell_info[i] # Cycle all runs for F and dF trains. current_cell_dic['dF_F_train'] = {} current_cell_dic['F_train'] = {} current_cell_dic['Raw_CR_trains'] = {} current_cell_dic['CR_trains'] = {} all_cell_list.append(current_cell_dic) # Then cycle all runs, fill in for i in range(len(all_run_subfolders)): current_runid = 'Run' + (all_run_subfolders[i][-3:] ) # Use origin run id to avoid bugs. current_all_tif_name = ot.Get_File_Name( all_run_subfolders[i] + align_subfolder, '.tif') current_Stim_Frame_Align = all_Stim_Frame_Align[current_runid] if current_Stim_Frame_Align == None or len( current_Stim_Frame_Align ) == 302: # meaning this run is spon or RF25. current_run_Fs, current_run_dF_Fs = Spike_Train_Generator( current_all_tif_name, cell_info, 'most_unactive', None) else: current_run_stim_train = current_Stim_Frame_Align[ 'Original_Stim_Train'] if 0 in current_run_stim_train: # having 0 current_run_Fs, current_run_dF_Fs = Spike_Train_Generator( current_all_tif_name, cell_info, Base_F_type='nearest_0', stim_train=current_run_stim_train) else: current_run_Fs, current_run_dF_Fs = Spike_Train_Generator( current_all_tif_name, cell_info, Base_F_type='before_ISI', stim_train=current_run_stim_train) # Then put trains above into each cell files. for j in range(all_cell_num): all_cell_list[j]['dF_F_train'][current_runid] = current_run_dF_Fs[ j] all_cell_list[j]['F_train'][current_runid] = current_run_Fs[j] # Then, we generate Condition Reaction Train for each cell and each condition. if current_Stim_Frame_Align == None: all_cell_list[j]['CR_trains'][current_runid] = None all_cell_list[j]['Raw_CR_trains'][current_runid] = None else: for j in range(all_cell_num): all_cell_list[j]['CR_trains'][current_runid], all_cell_list[j][ 'Raw_CR_trains'][ current_runid] = Single_Condition_Train_Generator( current_run_Fs[j], current_Stim_Frame_Align, response_head_extend, response_tail_extend, base_frame, filter_para) # Till now, all cell data of all runs is saved in 'all_cell_list'. # Last part, saving files. All cells in one file, dtype = dic. all_cell_dic = {} for i in range(all_cell_num): all_cell_dic[all_cell_list[i]['Name']] = all_cell_list[i] ot.Save_Variable(save_folder, '_' + animal_name + '_' + date + location + '_All_Cells', all_cell_dic, '.ac') return True
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Oct 27 13:41:07 2020 @author: ZR Codes to process L76 Data """ import My_Wheels.Graph_Operation_Kit as Graph_Tools import My_Wheels.OS_Tools_Kit as OS_Tools #%% Cell1, Average Graph. graph_folder = r'I:\Test_Data\201023_L76_LM\1-003' save_path = graph_folder + r'\Results' OS_Tools.mkdir(save_path) all_tif_name = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(graph_folder) average_graph = Graph_Tools.Average_From_File(all_tif_name) norm_average_graph = Graph_Tools.Clip_And_Normalize(average_graph, clip_std=3) Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(norm_average_graph, 'Average_Graph', save_path) #%% Then Calculate Runs graph_folder = r'I:\Test_Data\201023_L76_LM\1-013' import My_Wheels.Translation_Align_Function as Align Align.Translation_Alignment([graph_folder]) #%% Align Stim and Frame import My_Wheels.Stim_Frame_Align as Stim_Frame_Align stim_folder = r'I:\Test_Data\201023_L76_LM\201023_L76_LM_Stimulus\Run13_RGLum4' Frame_Stim_Sequence, Frame_Stim_Dictionary = Stim_Frame_Align.Stim_Frame_Align( stim_folder) aligned_tif_name = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name( r'I:\Test_Data\201023_L76_LM\1-013\Results\Aligned_Frames') #%% Generate On-Off Map on_id = []
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Mar 30 14:37:51 2021 @author: ZR """ from My_Wheels.Standard_Parameters.Stim_Name_Tools import Stim_ID_Combiner from My_Wheels.Cell_Processor import Cell_Processor import My_Wheels.OS_Tools_Kit as ot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt day_folder = r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210320_L76_2P' save_folder = day_folder + r'\_All_Results' ot.mkdir(save_folder) #%% Analyze Run05-G16 First. G16_CP = Cell_Processor(day_folder, 'Run005') all_cell_name = G16_CP.all_cell_names Ori_IDs = Stim_ID_Combiner('G16_Oriens') sub_sf = save_folder + r'\G16_Oriens' ot.mkdir(sub_sf) for i in range(len(all_cell_name)): _, raw_data, _ = G16_CP.Single_Cell_Response_Data(Ori_IDs, all_cell_name[i]) ot.Save_Variable(sub_sf, all_cell_name[i], raw_data, '.raw') test_fig = G16_CP.Average_Response_Map() test_fig.savefig(sub_sf + r'\\' + all_cell_name[i] + '_Response.png', dpi=180) plt.clf() #%% Then directions Dir_IDs = Stim_ID_Combiner('G16_Dirs')
def Tremble_Comparision(before_folder, after_folder, boulder_ignore=20, cut_shape=(9, 9), mask_thres=0): # Initialization save_folder = after_folder + r'\Results' OS_Tools.mkdir(save_folder) save_folder = save_folder + r'\Tremble_Compare' OS_Tools.mkdir(save_folder) row_num = cut_shape[0] col_num = cut_shape[1] frac_num = row_num * col_num cov_matrix_dic = {} var_matrix_dic = {} variation = np.zeros(shape=(row_num, col_num, 2), dtype='f8') variation_change = np.zeros(shape=(row_num, col_num), dtype='f8') variation_prop = np.zeros(shape=(row_num, col_num), dtype='f8') # Calculation Begins before_schematic, before_frac_center = Tremble_Evaluator( before_folder, boulder_ignore=boulder_ignore, cut_shape=cut_shape, mask_thres=mask_thres) after_schematic, after_frac_center = Tremble_Evaluator( after_folder, boulder_ignore=boulder_ignore, cut_shape=cut_shape, mask_thres=mask_thres) fig, ax = plt.subplots(row_num, col_num, figsize=(30, 28)) # Initialize graphs fig.suptitle('Mass Center Distribution', fontsize=54) # Cycle all fracture,get scatter map and variance for i in range(frac_num): # Graph_Plot current_row = i % row_num current_col = i // row_num ax[current_row, current_col].scatter(before_frac_center[i, :, 1], before_frac_center[i, :, 0], s=1, c='r') ax[current_row, current_col].scatter(after_frac_center[i, :, 1], after_frac_center[i, :, 0], s=1, c='g') # After plot, calculate cov matrix and variance. before_cov = np.cov(before_frac_center[i, :, :].T) after_cov = np.cov(after_frac_center[i, :, :].T) cov_matrix_dic[i] = (before_cov, after_cov) before_eig, _ = np.linalg.eig(before_cov) after_eig, _ = np.linalg.eig(after_cov) before_var = np.round(before_eig.sum(), 4) after_var = np.round(after_eig.sum(), 4) variation[current_row, current_col, 0] = before_var variation[current_row, current_col, 1] = after_var variation_change[current_row, current_col] = before_var - after_var variation_prop[current_row, current_col] = (before_var - after_var) / before_var # Text annotate anchored_text = AnchoredText('Before variance:' + str(before_var) + '\n After variance:' + str(after_var), loc='lower left') ax[current_row, current_col].add_artist(anchored_text) # After this, save figures and matrixs. var_matrix_dic['Before'] = variation[:, :, 0] var_matrix_dic['After'] = variation[:, :, 1] Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(before_schematic, 'Before_Schematic', save_folder) Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(after_schematic, 'After_Schematic', save_folder) fig.savefig(save_folder + '\Scatter Plots.png', dpi=330) OS_Tools.Save_Variable(save_folder, 'cov_matrix', cov_matrix_dic) OS_Tools.Save_Variable(save_folder, 'variance_matrix', var_matrix_dic) # Calculate variance change and plot variance map. # Before variance map plt.clf() fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) plt.title('Before Align Variance', fontsize=36) fig2 = sns.heatmap(variation[:, :, 0], cmap='bwr', annot=True, annot_kws={"size": 20}, square=True, yticklabels=False, xticklabels=False, center=0) fig2.figure.savefig(save_folder + '\Before_Variance.png', dpi=330) # After variance map plt.clf() fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) plt.title('After Align Variance', fontsize=36) fig2 = sns.heatmap(variation[:, :, 1], cmap='bwr', annot=True, annot_kws={"size": 20}, square=True, yticklabels=False, xticklabels=False, center=0) fig2.figure.savefig(save_folder + '\After_Variance.png', dpi=330) # Variance change map plt.clf() fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) plt.title('Variance Change', fontsize=36) fig2 = sns.heatmap(variation_change, cmap='bwr', annot=True, annot_kws={"size": 20}, square=True, yticklabels=False, xticklabels=False, center=0) fig2.figure.savefig(save_folder + '\Variance_Change.png', dpi=330) # Variance change propotion map plt.clf() fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) plt.title('Variance Change Propotion', fontsize=36) fig2 = sns.heatmap(variation_prop, cmap='bwr', annot=True, annot_kws={"size": 20}, square=True, yticklabels=False, xticklabels=False, center=0) fig2.figure.savefig(save_folder + '\Variance_Change_Prop.png', dpi=330) return cov_matrix_dic, var_matrix_dic
def Tremble_Calculator_From_File(data_folder, graph_type='.tif', cut_shape=(10, 5), boulder=20, move_method='former', base=[], center_method='weight'): ''' Calculate align tremble from graph. This program is used to evaluate align quality. Parameters ---------- data_folder : (str) Data folder of graphs. graph_type : (str),optional Extend name of input grahp. The default is '.tif'. cut_shape : (turple), optional Shape of fracture cut. Proper cut will . The default is (10,5). boulder : (int),optional Boulder of graph. Cut and not used in following calculation.The default is 20. move_method : ('average'or'former'or'input'), optional Method of bais calculation. The default is 'former'. 'average' bais use all average; 'former' bais use fomer frame; 'input' bais need to be given. base : (2D_NdArray), optional If move_method == 'input', base should be given here. The default is []. center_method : ('weight' or 'binary'), optional Method of center find. Whether we use weighted intense.The default is 'weight'. Returns ------- mass_center_maps(Graph) A plotted graph, showing movement trace of mass center. tremble_plots : (List) List of all fracture graph tremble list. tremble_information : (Dic) Dictionary of tramble informations. Data type of tremble_information: keys:frame ID data are lists, every element in list indicate a fracture grpah, ID in cut graph. list elements are turples, each turple[0] are move vector, turple[1] as move distance. ''' all_tif_name = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(data_folder, graph_type) average_graph = Graph_Tools.Average_From_File(all_tif_name) tremble_information = {} # get base of align first. if move_method == 'average': base_graph = average_graph elif move_method == 'input': base_graph = base elif move_method == 'former': base_graph = cv2.imread(all_tif_name[0], -1) # Use first frame as base. # cycle all graph to generate tremble plots. for i in range(len(all_tif_name)): # Process input graph, get cell current_graph = cv2.imread(all_tif_name[i], -1) processed_cell_graph = None #Cut Graph as described _, _, _, cutted_current_graph = Graph_Cutter(processed_cell_graph, boulder, cut_shape) _, _, _, cutted_base = Graph_Cutter(base_graph, boulder, cut_shape) # Renew base if former mode. if move_method == 'former': base_graph = cv2.imread(all_tif_name[i], -1) # Then cycle all cutted_fracture, to calculate movement of every fracture graph. current_frame_move_list = [] for j in range(len(cutted_current_graph)): temp_graph_part = cutted_current_graph[j] temp_base_part = cutted_base[j] temp_graph_center, _ = Graph_Tools.Graph_Center_Calculator( temp_graph_part, center_mode=center_method) temp_base_center, _ = Graph_Tools.Graph_Center_Calculator( temp_base_part, center_mode=center_method) temp_tremble_vector, temp_tremble_dist = Calculator.Vector_Calculate( temp_base_center, temp_graph_center) current_frame_move_list.append( (temp_tremble_vector, temp_tremble_dist)) tremble_information[i] = current_frame_move_list # Then, plot mass center plots. This will show change of mass center position. if move_method == 'input': print('No Mass Center plot Generated.') mass_center_maps = False elif move_method == 'average': # If average, use current location mass_center_maps = [] for i in range(len(tremble_information[0])): # Cycle all fracture fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot() for j in range(len(tremble_information)): # Cycle all frame current_point = tremble_information[j][i][0] ax.scatter(current_point[1], current_point[0], alpha=1, s=5) mass_center_maps.append(fig) plt.close() elif move_method == 'former': mass_center_maps = [] for i in range(len(tremble_information[0])): # Cycle all fracture fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot() current_point = (0, 0) for j in range(len(tremble_information)): # Cycle all frame current_point = (current_point[0] + tremble_information[j][i][0][0], current_point[1] + tremble_information[j][i][0][1]) ax.scatter(current_point[1], current_point[0], alpha=1, s=5) mass_center_maps.append(fig) plt.close() # At last, plot tremble dist plots. Each fracture have a plot. tremble_plots = {} for i in range(len(tremble_information[0])): # Cycle all fractures current_tremble_plot = [] for j in range(len(tremble_information)): # Cycle all frame current_dist = tremble_information[j][i][1] current_tremble_plot.append(current_dist) tremble_plots[i] = np.asarray(current_tremble_plot) return mass_center_maps, tremble_plots, tremble_information
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Jul 12 10:34:23 2021 @author: ZR """ from Standard_Aligner import Standard_Aligner Sa = Standard_Aligner(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210708_L76_2P', list(range(1, 21)), final_base='1-017') Sa.One_Key_Aligner() from My_Wheels.Stim_Frame_Align import One_Key_Stim_Align One_Key_Stim_Align(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210708_L76_2P\210709_L76_2P_stimuli') from My_Wheels.Standard_Stim_Processor import One_Key_Frame_Graphs from My_Wheels.Standard_Parameters.Sub_Graph_Dics import Sub_Dic_Generator OD_Para = Sub_Dic_Generator('OD_2P') One_Key_Frame_Graphs(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210708_L76_2P\1-015', OD_Para) G8_Para = Sub_Dic_Generator('G8+90') One_Key_Frame_Graphs(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210708_L76_2P\1-018', G8_Para) RG_Para = Sub_Dic_Generator('RGLum4') One_Key_Frame_Graphs(r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210708_L76_2P\1-020', RG_Para) import My_Wheels.OS_Tools_Kit as ot all_cell_dic = ot.Load_Variable( r'K:\Test_Data\2P\210629_L76_2P\')
Translation_Alignment(all_folders,base_mode=1,align_range=35,align_boulder=35) '''Attention here,1-012 and 1-013 have more movement than 20pix, making this hard to use.''' #%% Align Stim and frame of each stim folder. from My_Wheels.Stim_Frame_Align import Stim_Frame_Align all_stim_folders = [ r'G:\Test_Data\2P\201111_L76_LM\201111_L76_2P_stimuli\Run02_2P_G8', r'G:\Test_Data\2P\201111_L76_LM\201111_L76_2P_stimuli\Run03_2P_manual_OD8', r'G:\Test_Data\2P\201111_L76_LM\201111_L76_2P_stimuli\Run07_2P_RGLum4', r'G:\Test_Data\2P\201111_L76_LM\201111_L76_2P_stimuli\Run08_2P_RGLum4_RG', r'G:\Test_Data\2P\201111_L76_LM\201111_L76_2P_stimuli\Run09_2P_RGLum4', ] for i in range(len(all_stim_folders)): current_stim_folder = all_stim_folders[i] _,current_Stim_Frame_Align = Stim_Frame_Align(current_stim_folder) OS_Tools.Save_Variable(current_stim_folder, 'Stim_Frame_Align', current_Stim_Frame_Align) #%% Cell Find. from My_Wheels.Cell_Find_From_Graph import On_Off_Cell_Finder import My_Wheels.Graph_Operation_Kit as Graph_tools def Cell_Find(run_folder): output_folder = run_folder+r'\Results' aligned_frame_folder = output_folder+r'\Aligned_Frames' all_tif_name = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(aligned_frame_folder) Stim_Frame_Dic = OS_Tools.Load_Variable(output_folder,'Stim_Frame_Align.pkl') on_off_graph,Finded_Cells = On_Off_Cell_Finder(all_tif_name, Stim_Frame_Dic,shape_boulder=[20,20,20,35],filter_method = 'Gaussian',LP_Para = ((5,5),1.5)) cell_folder = output_folder+r'\Cells' OS_Tools.Save_Variable(cell_folder, 'Finded_Cells', Finded_Cells,'.cell') Graph_tools.Show_Graph(on_off_graph, 'on-off_graph', cell_folder) all_keys = list(Finded_Cells.keys()) all_keys.remove('All_Cell_Information') for i in range(len(all_keys)):
def Video_From_File(data_folder, plot_range=(0, 9999), graph_size=(472, 472), file_type='.tif', fps=15, gain=20, LP_Gaussian=([5, 5], 1.5), frame_annotate=True, cut_boulder=[20, 20, 20, 20]): ''' Write all files in a folder as a video. Parameters ---------- data_folder : (std) Frame folder. All frame in this folder will be write into video. Dtype shall be u2 or there will be a problem. graph_size : (2-element-turple), optional Frame size AFTER cut. The default is (472,472). file_type : (str), optional Data type of graph file. The default is '.tif'. fps : (int), optional Frame per second. The default is 15. gain : (int), optional Show gain. The default is 20. LP_Gaussian : (turple), optional LP Gaussian Filter parameter. Only do low pass. The default is ([5,5],1.5). frame_annotate : TYPE, optional Whether we annotate frame number on it. The default is True. cut_boulder : TYPE, optional Boulder cut of graphs, UDLR. The default is [20,20,20,20]. Returns ------- bool True if function processed. ''' all_tif_name = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(path=data_folder, file_type=file_type) start_frame = plot_range[0] end_frame = min(plot_range[1], len(all_tif_name)) all_tif_name = all_tif_name[start_frame:end_frame] graph_num = len(all_tif_name) video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(data_folder + r'\\Video.mp4', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('X', 'V', 'I', 'D'), fps, graph_size, 0) #video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(data_folder+r'\\Video.avi',-1,fps,graph_size,0) for i in range(graph_num): raw_graph = cv2.imread(all_tif_name[i], -1).astype('f8') # Cut graph boulder. raw_graph = Graph_Tools.Graph_Cut(raw_graph, cut_boulder) # Do gain then gained_graph = np.clip(raw_graph.astype('f8') * gain / 256, 0, 255).astype('u1') # Then do filter, then if LP_Gaussian != False: u1_writable_graph = Filters.Filter_2D(gained_graph, LP_Gaussian, False) else: u1_writable_graph = gained_graph if frame_annotate == True: cv2.putText(u1_writable_graph, 'Stim ID = ' + str(i), (250, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, (255), 1) video_writer.write(u1_writable_graph) del video_writer return True
] all_run_folder = List_Tools.List_Annex(data_folder, run_folder) Align.Translation_Alignment(all_run_folder,base_mode = 1,align_range=50,align_boulder=50,big_memory_mode=True) #%% Then find cell from after align spon graph. from My_Wheels.Cell_Find_From_Graph import Cell_Find_And_Plot Cell_Find_And_Plot(r'G:\Test_Data\2P\201211_L76_2P\1-001\Results', 'Global_Average_After_Align.tif', 'Global_Morpho',find_thres= 1.5,shape_boulder = [20,20,30,20]) #%% Then calculate the stim train of each stim series. from My_Wheels.Stim_Frame_Align import Stim_Frame_Align all_stim_folder = [ r'G:\Test_Data\2P\201211_L76_2P\201211_L76_2P_stimuli\Run10_2P_G8', r'G:\Test_Data\2P\201211_L76_2P\201211_L76_2P_stimuli\Run12_2P_OD8_auto', r'G:\Test_Data\2P\201211_L76_2P\201211_L76_2P_stimuli\Run14_2P_RGLum4', ] for i in range(3): _,current_stim_dic = Stim_Frame_Align(all_stim_folder[i]) OS_Tools.Save_Variable(all_stim_folder[i], 'Stim_Frame_Align', current_stim_dic) #%% Then calculate spike train of different runs. from My_Wheels.Spike_Train_Generator import Spike_Train_Generator #Cycle basic stim map. this maps have for i,index in enumerate([1,2,4]): current_aligned_tif_name = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(all_run_folder[index]+r'\Results\Aligned_Frames') current_stim = OS_Tools.Load_Variable(all_stim_folder[i],file_name='Stim_Frame_Align.pkl')['Original_Stim_Train'] current_cell_info = OS_Tools.Load_Variable(all_run_folder[index]+r'\Results\Global_Morpho\Global_Morpho.cell')['All_Cell_Information'] F_train,dF_F_train = Spike_Train_Generator(current_aligned_tif_name, current_cell_info,Base_F_type= 'nearest_0',stim_train = current_stim) OS_Tools.Save_Variable(all_run_folder[index]+r'\Results', 'F_train', F_train) OS_Tools.Save_Variable(all_run_folder[index]+r'\Results', 'dF_F_train', dF_F_train) #%% Then calculate standard stim map. from My_Wheels.Standard_Stim_Processor import Standard_Stim_Processor from My_Wheels.Standard_Parameters.Sub_Graph_Dics import Sub_Dic_Generator Standard_Stim_Processor(r'G:\Test_Data\2P\201211_L76_2P\1-010',
base_graph = cv2.imread(r'E:\Test_Data\2P\210101_L76_2P\1-002\Results\Global_Average_After_Align.tif',-1) Translation_Alignment(after_spons,base_mode = 'input',input_base = base_graph,graph_shape = (376,352)) #%% Then analyze full frame stim maps. basic_stim_folders = [r'I:\Test_Data\2P\210101_L76_2P\1-014', r'I:\Test_Data\2P\210101_L76_2P\1-016', r'I:\Test_Data\2P\210101_L76_2P\1-017' ] Translation_Alignment(basic_stim_folders,base_mode = 0) #Get stim frame aligns all_stim_folders = [r'I:\Test_Data\2P\210101_L76_2P\210101_L76_2P_stimuli\Run14_2P_OD8_auto', r'I:\Test_Data\2P\210101_L76_2P\210101_L76_2P_stimuli\Run16_2P_G8', r'I:\Test_Data\2P\210101_L76_2P\210101_L76_2P_stimuli\Run17_2P_RGLum4' ] for i in range(3): _,Stim_Frame_Dic = Stim_Frame_Align(all_stim_folders[i]) OS_Tools.Save_Variable(all_stim_folders[i], 'Stim_Frame_Align', Stim_Frame_Dic) #%% Then cell find for all stim maps. from My_Wheels.Cell_Find_From_Graph import Cell_Find_And_Plot Cell_Find_And_Plot(r'I:\Test_Data\2P\210101_L76_2P\1-014\Results','Global_Average_After_Align.tif','Stim_Global',find_thres = 1.5) cell_folder = r'I:\Test_Data\2P\210101_L76_2P\1-014\Results\Stim_Global' #%%Then calculate all stim graphs. from My_Wheels.Standard_Parameters.Sub_Graph_Dics import Sub_Dic_Generator from My_Wheels.Standard_Stim_Processor import One_Key_Stim_Maps OD_para = Sub_Dic_Generator('OD_2P') One_Key_Stim_Maps(r'I:\Test_Data\2P\210101_L76_2P\1-014', cell_folder, OD_para) # Then G8 G8_para = Sub_Dic_Generator('G8+90') One_Key_Stim_Maps(r'I:\Test_Data\2P\210101_L76_2P\1-016', cell_folder, G8_para) # Then RGLum4 RG_para = Sub_Dic_Generator('RGLum4') One_Key_Stim_Maps(r'I:\Test_Data\2P\210101_L76_2P\1-017', cell_folder, RG_para)
def Cell_Find_From_Mannual(mask_graph_path,average_graph_path = None,boulder = 8,save = True): ''' Find cell from mannual mask. Parameters ---------- mask_graph_path : (str) Save path of manuual plotted mask. average_graph_path : (str,optional) If not given, combined graph will not be produced. boulder : int, optional Boulder of cells. Centroid of cell over this boulde will be ignored. The default is 20. save : bool, optional Whether we save cell graphs in specific folder. The default is True. Returns ------- Cell_Finded : (Dic) Same cell dtype as before. ''' save_path = OS_Tools.CDdotdot(mask_graph_path) mask_graph = cv2.imread(mask_graph_path,0) height,width = mask_graph.shape thres = mask_graph.max()/2 thres_graph = mask_graph>thres# Get binary cell graph washed_thres_graph = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(thres_graph,5,connectivity = 1)# remove draw errors. cell_label = skimage.measure.label(washed_thres_graph) All_Cells = skimage.measure.regionprops(cell_label) # Delete cell for i in range(len(All_Cells)-1,-1,-1): current_cell = All_Cells[i] current_height,current_width = current_cell.centroid if current_height<boulder or (height-current_height)<boulder: All_Cells.pop(i) elif current_width<boulder or (width-current_width)<boulder: All_Cells.pop(i) # Visualization here. visual_cell_graph = Visualize.Cell_Visualize(All_Cells) annotated_graph = Visualize.Label_Cell(visual_cell_graph,All_Cells,color = (255,255,0)) if average_graph_path == None: print('Average graph not given, no combined graph.') combined_graph = [] labled_combined_graph = [] else: average_graph = cv2.imread(average_graph_path,1)# Read in 8 bit color map # Then annotate cell mask on average graph. cell_mask = visual_cell_graph[:,:,0]/2 combined_graph = average_graph.astype('f8')*0.7 combined_graph[:,:,1] = np.clip((combined_graph[:,:,1]+cell_mask),0,255) combined_graph = combined_graph.astype('u1') labled_combined_graph = Visualize.Label_Cell(combined_graph, All_Cells,color = (255,255,0)) # At last, save all cell information and cell maps, Cell_Finded = {} Cell_Finded['All_Cell_Information'] = All_Cells Cell_Finded['Cell_Graph'] = visual_cell_graph Cell_Finded['Annotate_Cell_Graph'] = annotated_graph Cell_Finded['Combined_Graph'] = combined_graph Cell_Finded['Combined_Graph_With_Number'] = labled_combined_graph if save == True: OS_Tools.Save_Variable(save_path, 'Manuall_Cells', Cell_Finded,'.cell') Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(visual_cell_graph, 'Cell_Graph', save_path) Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(annotated_graph, 'Annotate_Cell_Graph', save_path) if type(combined_graph) != type([]): Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(combined_graph, 'Combined_Graph', save_path) Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(labled_combined_graph, 'Combined_Graph_With_Number', save_path) return Cell_Finded
import My_Wheels.List_Operation_Kit as List_Tools import My_Wheels.Graph_Operation_Kit as Graph_Tools import My_Wheels.OS_Tools_Kit as OS_Tools import cv2 data_folder = [r'E:\Test_Data\2P\201222_L76_2P'] run_list = [ '1-001', # Spon '1-008', # OD '1-010', # G8 '1-011', # RGLum4 '1-014' # Spon After ] all_runs = List_Tools.List_Annex(data_folder, run_list) #%% Add 3 list for run01 to fit ROI change. run_1 = all_runs[0] run1_all_tif = OS_Tools.Get_File_Name(run_1) save_path = run_1 + r'\shape_extended' OS_Tools.mkdir(save_path) for i in range(len(run1_all_tif)): current_graph = cv2.imread(run1_all_tif[i], -1) extended_graph = Graph_Tools.Boulder_Extend( current_graph, [0, 0, 0, 3]) # 3 pix on the right. current_graph_name = run1_all_tif[i].split('\\')[-1] Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(extended_graph, current_graph_name, save_path, show_time=0) #%% Then align Run01_Spon. from My_Wheels.Translation_Align_Function import Translation_Alignment Translation_Alignment([all_runs[0] + r'\shape_extended'], graph_shape=(325, 324))
All0_Graph[:,:,2] += ROI_boulder_prev All0_Graph_Annotate = np.clip(All0_Graph,0,255).astype('u1') Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(All0_Graph_Annotate, 'All-0_Annotate', save_folder) #%% Last, RG-Lum RG_Graph = cv2.imread(r'I:\Test_Data\2P\201211_L76_2P\1-014\Results\Subtraction_Graphs\RG-Lum_SubGraph.tif').astype('f8') RG_Graph[:,:,2] += ROI_boulder_prev RG_Graph_Annotate = np.clip(RG_Graph,0,255).astype('u1') Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(RG_Graph_Annotate, 'RG_Annotate', save_folder) #%% Next job, video compare. import My_Wheels.Video_Writer as Video_Writer roi_spon_folder = r'I:\Test_Data\2P\201222_L76_2P\1-001\Results\Aligned_Frames' Video_Writer.Video_From_File(roi_spon_folder,(325,324),fps = 30,cut_boulder = [0,0,0,0]) full_frame_folder = r'I:\Test_Data\2P\201211_L76_2P\1-001\Results\Aligned_Frames' Video_Writer.Video_From_File(full_frame_folder,(492,492),fps = 15,cut_boulder = [10,10,10,10]) #%% Then find a exp cell of ROI and full graph. roi_cell_dic = OS_Tools.Load_Variable(r'I:\Test_Data\2P\201222_L76_2P\1-008\Results\Global_Morpho','Global_Morpho.cell') ROI_G8_F_Train = OS_Tools.Load_Variable(r'I:\Test_Data\2P\201222_L76_2P\1-010\Results\F_Trains.pkl') ROI_G8_Stim_Dic = OS_Tools.Load_Variable(r'I:\Test_Data\2P\201222_L76_2P\1-010\Results\Stim_Frame_Align.pkl') full_cell_dic = OS_Tools.Load_Variable(r'I:\Test_Data\2P\201211_L76_2P\1-010\Results\Global_Morpho\Global_Morpho.cell') full_G8_F_Train = OS_Tools.Load_Variable(r'I:\Test_Data\2P\201211_L76_2P\1-010\Results\F_train.pkl') full_Stim_Dic = OS_Tools.Load_Variable(r'I:\Test_Data\2P\201211_L76_2P\1-010\Results\Stim_Frame_Align.pkl') #%% Run01 Bright and Low aligned_folder = r'I:\Test_Data\2P\201222_L76_2P\1-001\Results\Aligned_Frames' save_path = r'I:\Test_Data\2P\201222_L76_2P\1-001\Results' bright_graph,_ = Selector.Intensity_Selector(aligned_folder,list_write= False) bright_graph = np.clip(bright_graph.astype('f8')*32,0,65535).astype('u2') Graph_Tools.Show_Graph(bright_graph, 'Brightest_Graph', save_path) low_graph,_ = Selector.Intensity_Selector(aligned_folder,list_write= False,mode = 'smallest') low_graph = np.clip(low_graph.astype('f8')*32,0,65535).astype('u2')