def checkRecordingStatus(self): """Checks whether the backend is currently recording.""" try: recbe = MythBE() for recorder in recbe.getRecorderList(): if recbe.isRecording(recorder): self.isrecording = True break except: # If we can't connect to it then it can't be recording. self.isrecording = False
db = MythDB() if db == None: print "Database could not be open or found" exit() be = None be = MythBE() if be == None: print "Backend could not be found." #exit() for x in be.getRecorderList(): print "Tuner " + str(x) + " is recording: " + str(be.getCurrentRecording(x).title) fs = be.getFreeSpace() print "----------------------------------" for x in fs: print "Host: " + print "\tPath: " + x.path print "\t\tTotal space: " + str(x.totalspace / 1024 / 1024) + "MB" print "\t\tFree space: " + str(x.freespace / 1024 / 1024) + "MB" print "\t\tUsed space: " + str(x.usedspace / 1024 / 1024) + "MB" print "----------------------------------" prog = be.getRecordings() prog[0].keys()
if db == None: sendMessage("Database could not be open or found") exit(-1) be = None try: be = MythBE() except: be = None if be == None: sendMessage("Backend could not be found") exit(-1) if len(be.getRecorderList()) != 2: sendMessage("Tuner list is not what we expected") exit(-1) #if strftime("%S") == str('00') || strftime("%S") == str('30'): # exit(0) for x in be.getRecorderList(): filename = str(be.getCurrentRecording(x).filename) title = str(be.getCurrentRecording(x).title) channel = str(be.getCurrentRecording(x).channum) start = str(be.getCurrentRecording(x).starttime) # this is weird. x still returns something (a None program) # even though nothing is being recorded
from MythTV import MythDB, MythBE db = None db = MythDB() if db == None: print "Database could not be open or found" exit() be = None be = MythBE() if be == None: print "Backend could not be found." #exit() for x in be.getRecorderList(): print "Tuner " + str(x) + " is recording: " + str( be.getCurrentRecording(x).title) fs = be.getFreeSpace() print "----------------------------------" for x in fs: print "Host: " + print "\tPath: " + x.path print "\t\tTotal space: " + str(x.totalspace / 1024 / 1024) + "MB" print "\t\tFree space: " + str(x.freespace / 1024 / 1024) + "MB" print "\t\tUsed space: " + str(x.usedspace / 1024 / 1024) + "MB" print "----------------------------------"
def main(): ' setup logger, all to stdout and INFO and higher to LOGFILE ' logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.NOTSET) loggingfile = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(LOGFILE, maxBytes=(MAXLOGSIZE), backupCount=MAXLOGS) loggingfile.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M') loggingfile.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger('').addHandler(loggingfile) ' connect to mythtv database ' db = MythDB() be = MythBE(db=db) ' loop all files in lib_dir that are symlinks and create listing ' listings = [] for ld in LIBDIR: for dp, dn, files in os.walk(ld): for file in files: filepath = os.path.join(dp,file) if (os.path.islink(filepath)): listings.append(lib_listing(filepath)) ' get list of all recordings from MythDB, link with library, figure out their status ' recordings = [] activeRecordings = [] activeJobs = [] newExpireList = [] mythrecordings = db.searchRecorded() recorderList = be.getRecorderList() for mrec in mythrecordings: logging.debug(mrec) rec = recording(mrec) recordings.append(rec) ' skip items already set to autoexpire ' if (rec.mythrec.autoexpire == 1): logging.debug(" - already set to expire, skip") continue ' loop through the list of library items looking for matching recordings, linking them ' for l in listings: if rec.match(l.symlink): if rec.lib_listing != None: logging.error("UH OH! Linking with something already linked!") else: rec.lib_listing = l ' figure out if the recording is active ' for recorder in recorderList: arec = be.getCurrentRecording(recorder) if (arec['title'] is not None) and (arec['chanid'] is not 0) and \ (arec == rec.program): logging.debug(" - currently recording, skip") activeRecordings.append(rec) rec.state = RecordingState.Recording break if (rec.state != RecordingState.Recorded): continue ' figuire if the recording is part of an active job ' jobs = db.searchJobs() #need to generate jobs on each loop for job in jobs: if job.status in [Job.ABORTING, Job.ERRORING, Job.PAUSED, Job.PENDING, \ Job.QUEUED, Job.RETRY, Job.RUNNING, Job.STARTING, Job.STOPPING]: jobrec = Recorded((job.chanid, job.starttime), db=db) if rec.mythrec == jobrec: logging.debug(" - currently part of a job, skip") activeJobs.append(rec) rec.state = RecordingState.BusyJob break if (rec.state != RecordingState.Recorded): continue ' potentially add to auto-expire list, and set orphaned recordings to auto-expire ' if (rec.lib_listing == None) and (rec.state == RecordingState.Recorded): logging.debug(" - no link, auto-expire") newExpireList.append(rec) # rec.mythrec.delete(force=True, rerecord=False) rec.mythrec.autoexpire = 1 rec.mythrec.update() ' log summary '"")"** Summary **")" [MythDB Recordings][%s]" % len(recordings))" - active recordings: %s" % len(activeRecordings)) for arec in activeRecordings:" - %s [%s]" % (arec.program, arec.metadata.filename))" - in progress jobs: %s" % len(activeJobs)) for ajobs in activeJobs:" - %s [%s]" % (ajobs.program, ajobs.metadata.filename))"")" [Mythical Links][%s]" % len(listings))" - new auto-expire items: %s" % len(newExpireList)) for d in newExpireList: " - %s [%s]" % (d.program, d.metadata.filename))
if db == None: sendMessage("Database could not be open or found") exit(-1) be = None try: be = MythBE() except: be = None if be == None: sendMessage("Backend could not be found") exit(-1) if len(be.getRecorderList()) != 2: sendMessage("Tuner list is not what we expected") exit (-1) #if strftime("%S") == str('00') || strftime("%S") == str('30'): # exit(0) for x in be.getRecorderList(): filename = str(be.getCurrentRecording(x).filename) title = str(be.getCurrentRecording(x).title) channel = str(be.getCurrentRecording(x).channum) start = str(be.getCurrentRecording(x).starttime) # this is weird. x still returns something (a None program) # even though nothing is being recorded