def wrapped_on_stress_handler(self, channel, source, command, code, message, perf): check = self.get_random_check() self.results_count = self.results_count + 1 log_debug('Got result %s <%d/%d> on %s' % (message, self.results_count, self.check_count, channel)) return None
def log(self, show_all = False, prefix = '', indent = 0): if self.status: if show_all: log('%s%s%s'%(prefix, ''.rjust(indent, ' '), self)) log_debug('%s%s%s'%(prefix, ''.rjust(indent, ' '), self)) else: log_error('%s%s%s'%(prefix, ''.rjust(indent, ' '), self))
def serialize(self, string, filename): path = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) f = open(filename,"w") f.write(string) f.close() log_debug('Writing file: %s'%filename)
def log(self, prefix = '', indent = 0): start = '%s%s'%(prefix, ''.rjust(indent, ' ')) if self.status: log_debug('%s%s'%(start, self)) else: log_error('%s%s'%(start, self)) for c in self.children: c.log(prefix, indent+1)
def log(self, prefix="", indent=0): start = "%s%s" % (prefix, "".rjust(indent, " ")) if self.status: log_debug("%s%s" % (start, self)) else: log_error("%s%s" % (start, self)) for c in self.children: c.log(prefix, indent + 1)
def return_nagios(self): (total, ok) = self.count() log_debug(" | Test result log (only summary will be returned to query)") self.log(" | ") if total == ok: return (status.OK, "OK: %d test(s) successfull" % (total)) else: return (status.CRITICAL, "ERROR: %d/%d test(s) failed" % (total - ok, total))
def serialize(self, string, filename): path = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) f = open(filename, "w") f.write(string) f.close() log_debug('Writing file: %s' % filename)
def return_nagios(self): (total, ok) = self.count() log_debug(' | Test result log (only summary will be returned to query)') self.log(' | ') if total == ok: return (status.OK, "OK: %d test(s) successfull"%(total)) else: return (status.CRITICAL, "ERROR: %d/%d test(s) failed"%(total-ok, total))
def generate_rst(self, input_dir, output_dir): root = self.get_info() i = 0 env = Environment(extensions=["",]) env.filters['firstline'] = first_line env.filters['rst_link'] = make_rst_link env.filters['rst_table'] = render_rst_table env.filters['rst_csvtable'] = render_rst_csv_table env.filters['rst_heading'] = render_rst_heading env.filters['extract_value'] = extract_value env.filters['block_pad'] = block_pad env.filters['common_head'] = calculate_common_head env.filters['as_text'] = as_text for (module,minfo) in root.plugins.iteritems(): out_base_path = '%s/reference/'%output_dir sample_base_path = '%s/samples/'%output_dir if minfo.namespace: out_base_path = '%s/reference/%s/'%(output_dir, minfo.namespace) hash = root.get_hash() minfo.key = module minfo.queries = {} for (c,cinfo) in sorted(root.commands.iteritems()): if module in more_info = self.fetch_command(c,cinfo) if more_info: cinfo = more_info sfile = ''%(sample_base_path, module, c) if os.path.exists(sfile): cinfo.sample = os.path.basename(sfile) #all_samples.append((module, command, sfile)) cinfo.key = c minfo.queries[c] = cinfo minfo.aliases = {} for (c,cinfo) in sorted(root.aliases.iteritems()): if module in cinfo.key = c minfo.aliases[c] = cinfo minfo.paths = {} for (c,cinfo) in sorted(root.paths.iteritems()): if module in cinfo.key = c minfo.paths[c] = cinfo hash['module'] = minfo i=i+1 log_debug('Processing module: %d of %d [%s]'%(i, len(root.plugins), module)) template = env.from_string(module_template) render_template(hash, template, '%s/%s.rst'%(out_base_path, module)) log_debug('%s/samples/index.rst'%output_dir) hash = root.get_hash() template = env.from_string(samples_template) render_template(hash, template, '%s/samples/index.rst'%output_dir)
def simple_inbox_handler_wrapped(self, channel, source, command, status, message, perf): log_debug('Got message %s on %s'%(command, channel)) msg = NSCAMessage(command) msg.source = source msg.status = status msg.message = message msg.perfdata = perf msg.got_simple_response = True self.set_response(msg) return True
def get_paths(self): (code, data) = self.conf.query(self.build_inventory_request()) if code == 1: message = plugin_pb2.SettingsResponseMessage() message.ParseFromString(data) for payload in message.payload: if payload.inventory: log_debug('Found %d paths' % len(payload.inventory)) return payload.inventory return []
def get_paths(self): (code, data) = self.conf.query(self.build_inventory_request()) if code == 1: message = plugin_pb2.SettingsResponseMessage() message.ParseFromString(data) for payload in message.payload: if payload.inventory: log_debug('Found %d paths'%len(payload.inventory)) return payload.inventory return []
def get_keys(self, path): (code, data) = self.conf.query(self.build_inventory_request(path, False, True)) if code == 1: message = plugin_pb2.SettingsResponseMessage() message.ParseFromString(data) for payload in message.payload: if payload.inventory: log_debug('Found %d keys for %s'%(len(payload.inventory), path)) return payload.inventory return []
def get_plugins(self): (code, data) = self.registry.query(self.build_command_request(4)) if code == 1: message = plugin_pb2.RegistryResponseMessage() message.ParseFromString(data) for payload in message.payload: if payload.inventory: log_debug('Found %d plugins' % len(payload.inventory)) return payload.inventory log_error('No plugins') return []
def get_plugins(self): (code, data) = self.registry.query(self.build_command_request(4)) if code == 1: message = plugin_pb2.RegistryResponseMessage() message.ParseFromString(data) for payload in message.payload: if payload.inventory: log_debug('Found %d plugins'%len(payload.inventory)) return payload.inventory log_error('No plugins') return []
def simple_inbox_handler_wrapped(self, channel, source, command, status, message, perf): log_debug('Got message %s on %s' % (command, channel)) msg = NSCAMessage(command) msg.source = source msg.status = status msg.message = message msg.perfdata = perf msg.got_simple_response = True self.set_response(msg) return True
def get_query_aliases(self): log_debug('Fetching aliases...') (code, data) = self.registry.query(self.build_command_request(5)) if code == 1: message = plugin_pb2.RegistryResponseMessage() message.ParseFromString(data) for payload in message.payload: if payload.inventory: log_debug('Found %d aliases' % len(payload.inventory)) return payload.inventory log_error('No aliases found') return []
def get_query_aliases(self): log_debug('Fetching aliases...') (code, data) = self.registry.query(self.build_command_request(5)) if code == 1: message = plugin_pb2.RegistryResponseMessage() message.ParseFromString(data) for payload in message.payload: if payload.inventory: log_debug('Found %d aliases'%len(payload.inventory)) return payload.inventory log_error('No aliases found') return []
def setup(self, plugin_id, prefix): t = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.localtime())) t = t + datetime.timedelta(seconds=60) tm = time.strftime("%H:%M", t.timetuple()) folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) log("Adding scheduled tasks") for state in ['OK', 'WARN', 'CRIT', 'LONG']: cmd = "schtasks.exe /Create /SC DAILY /TN NSCPSample_%s /TR \"%s\\check_test.bat %s\" /ST %s /F"%(state, folder, state, tm) log_debug(cmd) check_output(cmd) log("Waiting 1 minute (for tasks to run)") time.sleep(60)
def inbox_handler_wrapped(self, channel, request): message = plugin_pb2.SubmitRequestMessage() message.ParseFromString(request) if len(message.payload) != 1: log_error("Got invalid message on channel: %s" % channel) return None command = message.payload[0].command log_debug('Got message %s on %s' % (command, channel)) msg = NSCAMessage(command) msg.got_response = True self.set_response(msg) return None
def setup(self, plugin_id, prefix): t = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.localtime())) t = t + datetime.timedelta(seconds=60) tm = time.strftime("%H:%M", t.timetuple()) folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) log("Adding scheduled tasks") for state in ['OK', 'WARN', 'CRIT', 'LONG']: cmd = "schtasks.exe /Create /SC DAILY /TN NSCPSample_%s /TR \"%s\\check_test.bat %s\" /ST %s /F" % ( state, folder, state, tm) log_debug(cmd) check_output(cmd) log("Waiting 1 minute (for tasks to run)") time.sleep(60)
def inbox_handler_wrapped(self, channel, request): message = plugin_pb2.SubmitRequestMessage() message.ParseFromString(request) if len(message.payload) != 1: log_error("Got invalid message on channel: %s"%channel) return None command = message.payload[0].command log_debug('Got message %s on %s'%(command, channel)) msg = NSCAMessage(command) msg.got_response = True self.set_response(msg) return None
def wait_and_validate(self, uuid, result, msg, perf, tag): found = False for i in range(0,10): if not self.has_response(uuid): log_debug('Waiting for %s (%d/10)'%(uuid, i+1)) sleep(200) else: log_debug('Got response %s'%uuid) found = True break if not found: result.add_message(False, 'Failed to recieve message %s using %s'%(uuid, tag)) return False for i in range(0,10): rmsg = self.get_response(uuid) if not rmsg.got_simple_response or not rmsg.got_response: log_debug('Waiting for delayed response %s s/m: %s/%s - (%d/10)'%(uuid, rmsg.got_simple_response, rmsg.got_response, i+1)) sleep(500) else: log_debug('Got delayed response %s'%uuid) break result.add_message(rmsg.got_response, 'Testing to recieve message using %s'%tag) result.add_message(rmsg.got_simple_response, 'Testing to recieve simple message using %s'%tag) result.assert_equals(rmsg.command, uuid, 'Verify that command is sent through using %s'%tag) result.assert_contains(rmsg.message, msg, 'Verify that message is sent through using %s'%tag) #result.assert_equals(rmsg.last_source, source, 'Verify that source is sent through') #result.assert_equals(rmsg.perfdata, perf, 'Verify that performance data is sent through using %s'%tag) self.del_response(uuid) return True
def check_ts_query(self, task, code): result = TestResult('Checking task %s'%task) for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]: # check_tasksched "filter=title = 'NSCPSample_CRIT'" "warn=exit_code != 3" args = ["filter=title = 'NSCPSample_%s'"%task, "warn=exit_code = %d"%i] log_debug(', '.join(args)) (ret, msg, perf) = self.core.simple_query('check_tasksched', args) if i == code: result.assert_equals(ret, status.WARNING, 'Verify WARN result: %s'%msg) else: result.assert_equals(ret, status.OK, 'Verify OK result: %s'%msg) return result
def install(self, arguments): t = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.localtime())) t = t + datetime.timedelta(seconds=60) tm = time.strftime("%H:%M", t.timetuple()) folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) log("Adding scheduled tasks") for state in ['OK', 'WARN', 'CRIT', 'LONG']: cmd = "SchTasks /Create /SC DAILY /TN NSCPSample_%s /TR \"%s\\check_test.bat %s\" /ST %s /F"%(state, folder, state, tm) log_debug(cmd) check_output(cmd) log("Waiting 1 minute (for tasks to run)") time.sleep(60) conf = self.conf conf.set_string('/modules', 'test_tsch', 'CheckTaskSched') conf.set_string('/modules', 'pytest', 'PythonScript') conf.set_string('/settings/pytest/scripts', 'test_w32_tsch', __file__)
def render_template(hash, template, filename): data = template.render(hash).encode('utf8') path = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) if os.path.exists(filename): m1 = hashlib.sha256() m1.update(data) sha1 = m1.digest() with open(filename) as f: m2 = hashlib.sha256() m2.update( sha2 = m2.digest() if sha1 == sha2: log_debug("no changes detected in: %s"%filename) return log_debug('Writing file: %s'%filename) f = open(filename,"wb") f.write(data) f.close()
def render_template(hash, template, filename): data = template.render(hash).encode('utf8') path = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) if os.path.exists(filename): m1 = hashlib.sha256() m1.update(data) sha1 = m1.digest() with open(filename) as f: m2 = hashlib.sha256() m2.update( sha2 = m2.digest() if sha1 == sha2: log_debug("no changes detected in: %s" % filename) return log_debug('Writing file: %s' % filename) f = open(filename, "wb") f.write(data) f.close()
def wait_and_validate(self, uuid, result, msg, perf, tag): found = False for i in range(0, 10): if not self.has_response(uuid): log_debug('Waiting for %s (%d/10)' % (uuid, i + 1)) sleep(200) else: log_debug('Got response %s' % uuid) found = True break if not found: result.add_message( False, 'Failed to recieve message %s using %s' % (uuid, tag)) return False for i in range(0, 10): rmsg = self.get_response(uuid) if not rmsg.got_simple_response or not rmsg.got_response: log_debug( 'Waiting for delayed response %s s/m: %s/%s - (%d/10)' % (uuid, rmsg.got_simple_response, rmsg.got_response, i + 1)) sleep(500) else: log_debug('Got delayed response %s' % uuid) break result.add_message(rmsg.got_response, 'Testing to recieve message using %s' % tag) result.add_message(rmsg.got_simple_response, 'Testing to recieve simple message using %s' % tag) result.assert_equals( rmsg.command, uuid, 'Verify that command is sent through using %s' % tag) result.assert_contains( rmsg.message, msg, 'Verify that message is sent through using %s' % tag) #result.assert_equals(rmsg.last_source, source, 'Verify that source is sent through') #result.assert_equals(rmsg.perfdata, perf, 'Verify that performance data is sent through using %s'%tag) self.del_response(uuid) return True
def install(self, arguments): global is_windows, route_via_python, route_via_nsca, use_threads # Configure required modules self.conf.set_string('/modules', 'pytest', 'PythonScript') self.conf.set_string('/modules', self.sched_alias, 'Scheduler') if is_windows: self.conf.set_string('/modules', 'CheckSystem', 'enabled') self.conf.set_string('/modules', 'CheckHelpers', 'enabled') if route_via_nsca: self.conf.set_string('/modules', self.nsca_server_alias, 'NSCAServer') self.conf.set_string('/modules', self.nsca_client_alias, 'NSCAClient') # Configure NSCA Server self.conf.set_string('/settings/NSCA/%s'%self.nsca_server_alias, 'port', '%d'%self.nsca_port) self.conf.set_string('/settings/NSCA/%s'%self.nsca_server_alias, 'inbox', self.python_channel) self.conf.set_string('/settings/NSCA/%s'%self.nsca_server_alias, 'encryption', 'xor') self.conf.set_string('/settings/NSCA/%s'%self.nsca_server_alias, 'password', 'HelloWorld') # Configure NSCA Client self.conf.set_string('/settings/NSCA/%s/targets/default'%self.nsca_client_alias, 'address', 'nsca://'%self.nsca_port) self.conf.set_string('/settings/NSCA/%s/targets/default'%self.nsca_client_alias, 'encryption', 'xor') self.conf.set_string('/settings/NSCA/%s/targets/default'%self.nsca_client_alias, 'password', 'HelloWorld') self.conf.set_string('/settings/NSCA/%s'%self.nsca_client_alias, 'channel', self.nsca_channel) if route_via_nrpe: self.conf.set_string('/modules', self.nrpe_server_alias, 'NRPEServer') self.conf.set_string('/modules', self.nrpe_client_alias, 'NRPEClient') # Configure NRPE Server self.conf.set_string('/settings/NRPE/%s'%self.nrpe_server_alias, 'port', '%d'%self.nrpe_port) self.conf.set_string('/settings/NRPE/%s'%self.nrpe_server_alias, 'allow arguments', 'true') # Configure NRPE Client self.conf.set_string('/settings/NRPE/%s/targets/default'%self.nsca_client_alias, 'address', 'nrpe://'%self.nrpe_port) # Configure python self.conf.set_string('/settings/pytest/scripts', 'test_stress', '') # Configure Scheduler if route_via_python: self.conf.set_string(self.sched_base_path, 'threads', '0') else: self.conf.set_string(self.sched_base_path, 'threads', '50') default_path = '%s/schedules/default'%self.sched_base_path if route_via_nsca: self.conf.set_string(default_path, 'channel', self.nsca_channel) else: self.conf.set_string(default_path, 'channel', self.python_channel) self.conf.set_string(default_path, 'alias', 'stress') #self.conf.set_string(default_path, 'target', 'stress_001') use_command = self.command if not route_via_python: if route_via_nrpe: use_command = 'nrpe_query host= port=%d command=CheckOK'%self.nrpe_port else: use_command = 'CheckOK' self.conf.set_string(default_path, 'command', use_command) self.conf.set_string(default_path, 'interval', '5s') log_debug('Adding %d checks'%int(check_per_second*5)) for i in range(1, int(check_per_second*5)+1): alias = 'stress_python_%i'%i self.conf.set_string('%s/schedules'%(self.sched_base_path), alias, use_command)
def log(self, prefix="", indent=0): if self.status: log_debug("%s%s%s" % (prefix, "".rjust(indent, " "), self)) else: log_error("%s%s%s" % (prefix, "".rjust(indent, " "), self))
def generate_rst(self, input_dir, output_dir): root = self.get_info() i = 0 env = Environment(extensions=[ "", ]) env.filters['firstline'] = first_line env.filters['rst_link'] = make_rst_link env.filters['rst_table'] = render_rst_table env.filters['rst_csvtable'] = render_rst_csv_table env.filters['rst_heading'] = render_rst_heading env.filters['extract_value'] = extract_value env.filters['block_pad'] = block_pad env.filters['common_head'] = calculate_common_head env.filters['as_text'] = as_text for (module, minfo) in root.plugins.iteritems(): out_base_path = '%s/reference/' % output_dir sample_base_path = '%s/samples/' % output_dir if minfo.namespace: out_base_path = '%s/reference/%s/' % (output_dir, minfo.namespace) hash = root.get_hash() minfo.key = module minfo.queries = {} for (c, cinfo) in sorted(root.commands.iteritems()): if module in more_info = self.fetch_command(c, cinfo) if more_info: cinfo = more_info sfile = '' % (sample_base_path, module, c) if os.path.exists(sfile): cinfo.sample = os.path.basename(sfile) #all_samples.append((module, command, sfile)) cinfo.key = c minfo.queries[c] = cinfo minfo.aliases = {} for (c, cinfo) in sorted(root.aliases.iteritems()): if module in cinfo.key = c minfo.aliases[c] = cinfo minfo.paths = {} for (c, cinfo) in sorted(root.paths.iteritems()): if module in cinfo.key = c minfo.paths[c] = cinfo hash['module'] = minfo i = i + 1 log_debug('Processing module: %d of %d [%s]' % (i, len(root.plugins), module)) template = env.from_string(module_template) render_template(hash, template, '%s/%s.rst' % (out_base_path, module)) log_debug('%s/samples/index.rst' % output_dir) hash = root.get_hash() template = env.from_string(samples_template) render_template(hash, template, '%s/samples/index.rst' % output_dir)
def generate_rst(self, dir): renderer = self.renderer docs = {} root = self.get_info() import_commands = [] import_config = "" i = 0 commands = [] for (module, minfo) in root.plugins.iteritems(): i = i + 1 log_debug('Processing module: %d of %d [%s]' % (i, len(root.plugins), module)) string = renderer.page_header('module', module) string += renderer.obj_anchor('module', module, string += renderer.title( 0, ':module:`%s` --- %s' % (module, string += renderer.para( queries = [] for (c, cinfo) in sorted(root.commands.iteritems()): if module in queries.append([ renderer.obj_link('query', c),'\n')[0] ]) if queries: queries.insert(0, ['Command', 'Description']) string += renderer.heading( 'Queries (Overview)', 'A list of all avalible queries (check commands)') string += renderer.table(queries) table = [] for (c, cinfo) in sorted(root.aliases.iteritems()): if module in if 'Alternative name for:'): command =[22:] table.append([ c, renderer.obj_link('query', command), ]) else: table.append([c, '',]) if table: table.insert(0, ['Alias', 'Command', 'Description']) string += renderer.heading( 'Aliases', 'A list of all short hand aliases for queries (check commands)' ) string += renderer.table(table) string += renderer.para('Commands (executable)', "**TODO:** Add command list") config_table = self.generate_rst_config_table(root.paths, module) if config_table: string += renderer.heading( 'Configuration (Overview)', 'A list of all configuration options') string += config_table if queries: string += renderer.title(1, 'Queries') string += renderer.para( 'A quick reference for all avalible queries (check commands) in the %s module.' % module) for (c, cinfo) in root.commands.iteritems(): if module in string += self.generate_rst_command_details( c, cinfo, module) if config_table: string += renderer.title(1, 'Configuration') string += renderer.para( 'A quick reference for all avalible configuration options in the %s module.' % module) string += self.generate_rst_config_details(root.paths, module) renderer.serialize(string, '%s/reference/%s.rst' % (dir, module)) commands.append('%s.rst' % module) all_config = self.generate_rst_config_table(root.paths) #renderer.serialize(all_config, '%s/reference/config.rst'%dir) string = """Modules ======= Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 """ for c in sorted(commands): string += ' %s\n' % c renderer.serialize(string, '%s/reference/index.rst' % dir)
def install(self, arguments): global is_windows, route_via_python, route_via_nsca, use_threads # Configure required modules self.conf.set_string("/modules", "pytest", "PythonScript") self.conf.set_string("/modules", self.sched_alias, "Scheduler") if is_windows: self.conf.set_string("/modules", "CheckSystem", "enabled") self.conf.set_string("/modules", "CheckHelpers", "enabled") if route_via_nsca: self.conf.set_string("/modules", self.nsca_server_alias, "NSCAServer") self.conf.set_string("/modules", self.nsca_client_alias, "NSCAClient") # Configure NSCA Server self.conf.set_string("/settings/NSCA/%s" % self.nsca_server_alias, "port", "%d" % self.nsca_port) self.conf.set_string("/settings/NSCA/%s" % self.nsca_server_alias, "inbox", self.python_channel) self.conf.set_string("/settings/NSCA/%s" % self.nsca_server_alias, "encryption", "xor") self.conf.set_string("/settings/NSCA/%s" % self.nsca_server_alias, "password", "HelloWorld") # Configure NSCA Client self.conf.set_string( "/settings/NSCA/%s/targets/default" % self.nsca_client_alias, "address", "nsca://" % self.nsca_port, ) self.conf.set_string("/settings/NSCA/%s/targets/default" % self.nsca_client_alias, "encryption", "xor") self.conf.set_string("/settings/NSCA/%s/targets/default" % self.nsca_client_alias, "password", "HelloWorld") self.conf.set_string("/settings/NSCA/%s" % self.nsca_client_alias, "channel", self.nsca_channel) if route_via_nrpe: self.conf.set_string("/modules", self.nrpe_server_alias, "NRPEServer") self.conf.set_string("/modules", self.nrpe_client_alias, "NRPEClient") # Configure NRPE Server self.conf.set_string("/settings/NRPE/%s" % self.nrpe_server_alias, "port", "%d" % self.nrpe_port) self.conf.set_string("/settings/NRPE/%s" % self.nrpe_server_alias, "allow arguments", "true") # Configure NRPE Client self.conf.set_string( "/settings/NRPE/%s/targets/default" % self.nsca_client_alias, "address", "nrpe://" % self.nrpe_port, ) # Configure python self.conf.set_string("/settings/pytest/scripts", "test_stress", "") # Configure Scheduler if route_via_python: self.conf.set_string(self.sched_base_path, "threads", "0") else: self.conf.set_string(self.sched_base_path, "threads", "50") default_path = "%s/schedules/default" % self.sched_base_path if route_via_nsca: self.conf.set_string(default_path, "channel", self.nsca_channel) else: self.conf.set_string(default_path, "channel", self.python_channel) self.conf.set_string(default_path, "alias", "stress") # self.conf.set_string(default_path, 'target', 'stress_001') use_command = self.command if not route_via_python: if route_via_nrpe: use_command = "nrpe_query host= port=%d command=CheckOK" % self.nrpe_port else: use_command = "CheckOK" self.conf.set_string(default_path, "command", use_command) self.conf.set_string(default_path, "interval", "5s") log_debug("Adding %d checks" % int(check_per_second * 5)) for i in range(1, int(check_per_second * 5) + 1): alias = "stress_python_%i" % i self.conf.set_string("%s/schedules" % (self.sched_base_path), alias, use_command)
def uninstall(self): log("Removing scheduled tasks") for state in ['OK', 'WARN', 'CRIT', 'LONG']: log_debug("SchTasks /Delete /TN NSCPSample_%s /F"%state) check_output("SchTasks /Delete /TN NSCPSample_%s /F"%state)
def generate_rst(self, dir): global all_samples renderer = self.renderer docs = {} root = self.get_info() import_commands = [] import_config = "" i = 0 commands = [] for (module,minfo) in root.plugins.iteritems(): i=i+1 log_debug('Processing module: %d of %d [%s]'%(i, len(root.plugins), module)) string = renderer.page_header('module', module) string += renderer.obj_anchor('module', module, string += renderer.title(0, ':module:`%s` --- %s'%(module, string += renderer.para( queries = [] for (c,cinfo) in sorted(root.commands.iteritems()): if module in queries.append([renderer.obj_link('query', c),'\n')[0]]) if queries: queries.insert(0, ['Command', 'Description']) string += renderer.heading('Queries (Overview)', 'A list of all avalible queries (check commands)') string += renderer.table(queries) table = [] for (c,cinfo) in sorted(root.aliases.iteritems()): if module in if'Alternative name for:'): command =[22:] table.append([c, renderer.obj_link('query', command),]) else: table.append([c, '',]) if table: table.insert(0, ['Alias', 'Command', 'Description']) string += renderer.heading('Aliases', 'A list of all short hand aliases for queries (check commands)') string += renderer.table(table) string += renderer.para('Commands (executable)', "**TODO:** Add command list") config_table = self.generate_rst_config_table(root.paths, module) if config_table: string += renderer.heading('Configuration (Overview)', 'A list of all configuration options') string += config_table if queries: string += renderer.title(1, 'Queries') string += renderer.para('A quick reference for all avalible queries (check commands) in the %s module.'%module) for (c,cinfo) in root.commands.iteritems(): if module in string += self.generate_rst_command_details(c, cinfo, module, '%s/reference/%s'%(dir, module)) if config_table: string += renderer.title(1, 'Configuration') string += renderer.para('A quick reference for all avalible configuration options in the %s module.'%module) string += self.generate_rst_config_details(root.paths, module) renderer.serialize(string, '%s/reference/%s.rst'%(dir, module)) commands.append('%s.rst'%module) string = renderer.page_header('samples', 'TODO') string += renderer.title(0, 'All samples') string += renderer.para('All samples') mods = set(map(lambda (m, c, f):m, all_samples)) for m1 in mods: string += renderer.title(1, m1) string += renderer.para('All samples for module: :module:`%s`'%m1) for (m2, c, f) in all_samples: if m1 == m2: string += renderer.title(2, c) string += renderer.para('All samples for command: :query:`%s.%s`'%(m1, c)) string += ".. include:: %s\n\n"%f renderer.serialize(string, '%s/reference/all_samples.rst'%dir) all_config = self.generate_rst_config_table(root.paths) #renderer.serialize(all_config, '%s/reference/config.rst'%dir) string = """Modules ======= Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 """ for c in sorted(commands): string += ' %s\n'%c string += ' all_samples.rst\n' renderer.serialize(string, '%s/reference/index.rst'%dir)
def teardown(self): for state in ['OK', 'WARN', 'CRIT', 'LONG']: log_debug("schtasks.exe /Delete /TN NSCPSample_%s /F"%state) check_output("schtasks.exe /Delete /TN NSCPSample_%s /F"%state)
def stress_handler(channel, source, command, code, message, perf): instance = PythonTest.getInstance() instance.stress_count = instance.stress_count + 1 log_debug('Got message %d/%d on %s' % (instance.stress_count, instance.noop_count, channel))
def stress_handler(channel, source, command, code, message, perf): instance = PythonTest.getInstance() instance.stress_count = instance.stress_count + 1 log_debug('Got message %d/%d on %s'%(instance.stress_count, instance.noop_count, channel))
def install(self, arguments): global is_windows, route_via_python, route_via_nsca, use_threads # Configure required modules self.conf.set_string('/modules', 'pytest', 'PythonScript') self.conf.set_string('/modules', self.sched_alias, 'Scheduler') if is_windows: self.conf.set_string('/modules', 'CheckSystem', 'enabled') self.conf.set_string('/modules', 'CheckHelpers', 'enabled') if route_via_nsca: self.conf.set_string('/modules', self.nsca_server_alias, 'NSCAServer') self.conf.set_string('/modules', self.nsca_client_alias, 'NSCAClient') # Configure NSCA Server self.conf.set_string('/settings/NSCA/%s' % self.nsca_server_alias, 'port', '%d' % self.nsca_port) self.conf.set_string('/settings/NSCA/%s' % self.nsca_server_alias, 'inbox', self.python_channel) self.conf.set_string('/settings/NSCA/%s' % self.nsca_server_alias, 'encryption', 'xor') self.conf.set_string('/settings/NSCA/%s' % self.nsca_server_alias, 'password', 'HelloWorld') # Configure NSCA Client self.conf.set_string( '/settings/NSCA/%s/targets/default' % self.nsca_client_alias, 'address', 'nsca://' % self.nsca_port) self.conf.set_string( '/settings/NSCA/%s/targets/default' % self.nsca_client_alias, 'encryption', 'xor') self.conf.set_string( '/settings/NSCA/%s/targets/default' % self.nsca_client_alias, 'password', 'HelloWorld') self.conf.set_string('/settings/NSCA/%s' % self.nsca_client_alias, 'channel', self.nsca_channel) if route_via_nrpe: self.conf.set_string('/modules', self.nrpe_server_alias, 'NRPEServer') self.conf.set_string('/modules', self.nrpe_client_alias, 'NRPEClient') # Configure NRPE Server self.conf.set_string('/settings/NRPE/%s' % self.nrpe_server_alias, 'port', '%d' % self.nrpe_port) self.conf.set_string('/settings/NRPE/%s' % self.nrpe_server_alias, 'allow arguments', 'true') # Configure NRPE Client self.conf.set_string( '/settings/NRPE/%s/targets/default' % self.nsca_client_alias, 'address', 'nrpe://' % self.nrpe_port) # Configure python self.conf.set_string('/settings/pytest/scripts', 'test_stress', '') # Configure Scheduler if route_via_python: self.conf.set_string(self.sched_base_path, 'threads', '0') else: self.conf.set_string(self.sched_base_path, 'threads', '50') default_path = '%s/schedules/default' % self.sched_base_path if route_via_nsca: self.conf.set_string(default_path, 'channel', self.nsca_channel) else: self.conf.set_string(default_path, 'channel', self.python_channel) self.conf.set_string(default_path, 'alias', 'stress') #self.conf.set_string(default_path, 'target', 'stress_001') use_command = self.command if not route_via_python: if route_via_nrpe: use_command = 'nrpe_query host= port=%d command=CheckOK' % self.nrpe_port else: use_command = 'CheckOK' self.conf.set_string(default_path, 'command', use_command) self.conf.set_string(default_path, 'interval', '5s') log_debug('Adding %d checks' % int(check_per_second * 5)) for i in range(1, int(check_per_second * 5) + 1): alias = 'stress_python_%i' % i self.conf.set_string('%s/schedules' % (self.sched_base_path), alias, use_command)
def wrapped_on_stress_handler(self, channel, source, command, code, message, perf): check = self.get_random_check() self.results_count = self.results_count + 1 log_debug('Got result %s <%d/%d> on %s'%(message, self.results_count, self.check_count, channel)) return None
def teardown(self): for state in ['OK', 'WARN', 'CRIT', 'LONG']: log_debug("schtasks.exe /Delete /TN NSCPSample_%s /F" % state) check_output("schtasks.exe /Delete /TN NSCPSample_%s /F" % state)