def __init__(self,sess,input_placer,gold_placer,learn_rate_placer,keep_prob, window_size = 15,model_path = './model/version_15', image_path = './data/neuron/train', valid_flag = False,valid_num = 2048, nn = FbUp(), predict_flag = True, wd = 0.001, wdo = 0.001): self.sess = sess self.batch_generator = None self.nn = nn self.saver = None self.predict_flag = predict_flag self.fg_para_dict = dict() self.valid_flag = valid_flag self.window_size = window_size if valid_flag: self.batch_generator = ImageListBatchGenerator((window_size - 1)//2,image_path = image_path) self.valid = self.next_batch(valid_num) self.get_nn(input_placer,gold_placer,learn_rate_placer, keep_prob,wd = wd, wdo = wdo, window_size = window_size) print("Creation Complete\nIntialization") init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables() print("Start Intialization") print("Intialization Done") self.restore(model_path) print("Saving")
class TransferFbUpTrain(object): def __init__(self, sess, input_placer, gold_placer, learn_rate_placer, keep_prob, window_size=15, model_path='./model/version_15', image_path='./data/neuron/train', valid_flag=False, valid_num=2048, nn=FbUp(), predict_flag=True, wd=0.001, wdo=0.001): self.sess = sess self.batch_generator = None self.nn = nn self.saver = None self.predict_flag = predict_flag self.fg_para_dict = dict() self.valid_flag = valid_flag self.window_size = window_size if valid_flag: self.batch_generator = ImageListBatchGenerator( (window_size - 1) // 2, image_path=image_path) self.valid = self.next_batch(valid_num) self.get_nn(input_placer, gold_placer, learn_rate_placer, keep_prob, wd=wd, wdo=wdo, window_size=window_size) print("Creation Complete\nIntialization") init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables() print("Start Intialization") print("Intialization Done") self.restore(model_path) print("Saving") #self.saver = tf.train.Saver(),model_path + '/transfer_model.ckpt') #print("Saved at " + model_path + '/transfer_model.ckpt') def get_nn(self, input_placer, gold_placer, learn_rate_placer, keep_prob, window_size, conv_1_neuron_num=256, conv_2_neuron_num=128, conv_3_neuron_num=64, conv_4_neuron_num=64, conv_5_neuron_num=64, conv_1=1, conv_2=3, conv_3=3, conv_4=3, conv_5=1, wd=1e-9, wdo=1e-9): #create sub classes self.x = input_placer self.y_ = gold_placer self.l_rate = learn_rate_placer self.keep_prob = keep_prob fg_dict = dict() y_conv_combined = [] y_res_combined = [] for angle_xy in range(30, 181, 30): for angle_xz in range(30, 181, 30): print("Create FG NN %d %d" % (angle_xy, angle_xz)) fg_dict[(angle_xy,angle_xz)] = \ FbUpTrain(self.sess,input_placer,gold_placer,\ keep_prob,learn_rate_placer,\ angle_xy = angle_xy, \ angle_xz = angle_xz, train_flag = False, wd = 0e-9) fg_variables = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope="fg_" + str(angle_xy) + '_' + str(angle_xz)) fg_dict[(angle_xy,angle_xz)].saver = \ tf.train.Saver(fg_variables) #fg_dict[(angle_xy,angle_xz)].saver.restore(self.sess,\ # model_path + '/model_foreground_'+str(angle_xy)+'_'+str(angle_xz)+'.ckpt') y_conv_combined.append( tf.expand_dims( fg_dict[(angle_xy, angle_xz)].para_dict['h_conv4'], 5)) #y_res_combined.append( # tf.expand_dims(fg_dict[(angle_xy,angle_xz)].y_res,4)) FEAT_NUM = 32 self.fg_dict = fg_dict y_conv_combined = tf.concat(5, y_conv_combined) shape = tf.shape(y_conv_combined) dir_out = tf.reshape( y_conv_combined, [shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], shape[3], 36 * FEAT_NUM]) #dir_out = tf.reshape(y_conv_combined,[-1,window_size,window_size,window_size,36 * FEAT_NUM]) self.dir_out = dir_out with tf.variable_scope("transfer"): #h_pool2 = self.pool_3x3(h_conv2) with tf.variable_scope("transfer_layer_1"): W_conv1 = self.nn.weight_variable( [conv_1, conv_1, conv_1, 36 * FEAT_NUM, conv_1_neuron_num], wd, 1**3 * 36 * FEAT_NUM, conv_1**3 * conv_1_neuron_num) b_conv1 = self.nn.bias_variable([conv_1_neuron_num]) h_conv1 = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(self.nn.conv2d(dir_out, W_conv1), b_conv1)) with tf.variable_scope("transfer_layer_2"): W_conv2 = self.nn.weight_variable([ conv_2, conv_2, conv_2, conv_1_neuron_num, conv_2_neuron_num ], wd, conv_1**3 * conv_1_neuron_num, conv_2**3 * conv_2_neuron_num) b_conv2 = self.nn.bias_variable([conv_2_neuron_num]) h_conv2 = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(self.nn.conv2d(h_conv1, W_conv2), b_conv2)) with tf.variable_scope("transfer_layer_3"): W_conv3 = self.nn.weight_variable([ conv_3, conv_3, conv_3, conv_2_neuron_num, conv_3_neuron_num ], wd, conv_2**3 * conv_2_neuron_num, conv_3**3 * conv_3_neuron_num) b_conv3 = self.nn.bias_variable([conv_3_neuron_num]) h_conv3 = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(self.nn.conv2d(h_conv2, W_conv3), b_conv3)) with tf.variable_scope("transfer_layer_4"): W_conv4 = self.nn.weight_variable([ conv_4, conv_4, conv_4, conv_3_neuron_num, conv_4_neuron_num ], wd, conv_3**3 * conv_3_neuron_num, conv_4**3 * conv_4_neuron_num) b_conv4 = self.nn.bias_variable([conv_4_neuron_num]) h_conv4 = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(self.nn.conv2d(h_conv3, W_conv4), b_conv4)) with tf.variable_scope("transfer_layer_5"): W_conv5 = self.nn.weight_variable([ conv_5, conv_5, conv_5, conv_4_neuron_num, conv_5_neuron_num ], wd, conv_4**3 * conv_4_neuron_num, conv_5**3 * conv_5_neuron_num) b_conv5 = self.nn.bias_variable([conv_5_neuron_num]) h_conv5 = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(self.nn.conv2d(h_conv4, W_conv5), b_conv5)) weight_decay = tf.mul(tf.nn.l2_loss(h_conv5), wd, name='weight_loss') tf.add_to_collection('losses', weight_decay) with tf.variable_scope("transfer_final"): W_fc1 = self.nn.weight_variable( [1, 1, 1, conv_5_neuron_num, 2], wd=wdo) b_fc1 = self.nn.bias_variable([2]) h_fc1 = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(self.nn.conv2d(h_conv5, W_fc1), b_fc1)) if self.predict_flag: final_shape = tf.shape(h_fc1) self.y_conv = tf.nn.softmax(h_fc1[:, (final_shape[1] - 1) / 2, (final_shape[2] - 1) / 2, (final_shape[3] - 1) / 2, :]) #self.y_conv = tf.nn.softmax(h_fc1[:,(window_size-1)//2,(window_size-1)//2,(window_size-1)//2,:]) self.y_res = tf.argmax(self.y_conv, 1) else: curr_shape = tf.shape(h_fc1) reshaped_conv = tf.reshape(h_fc1, [-1, 2]) softmaxed_reshaped_conv = tf.nn.softmax(reshaped_conv) self.y_conv = tf.reshape(softmaxed_reshaped_conv, curr_shape) self.y_res = tf.argmax(self.y_conv, 4) self.y_conv_2x = dilation3D(self.y_conv) tmp = tf.expand_dims(self.y_res, 4) self.y_res_2x = tf.squeeze(dilation3D(tmp)) if self.valid_flag: cross_entropy_mean = -tf.reduce_mean(self.y_ * tf.log(self.y_conv)) tf.add_to_collection('losses', cross_entropy_mean) cross_entropy = tf.add_n(tf.get_collection('losses'), name='total_loss') transfer_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, "transfer") self.train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.l_rate).minimize( cross_entropy, var_list=transfer_vars) correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self.y_conv, 1), tf.argmax(self.y_, 1)) self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, "float")) else: print("Transfer Not For Training Singly") def restore(self, model_path): print("Restoring...") for angle_xy in range(30, 181, 30): for angle_xz in range(30, 181, 30): print("Restore %d %d" % (angle_xy, angle_xz)) self.fg_dict[(angle_xy,angle_xz)].saver.restore(self.sess,\ model_path + '/model_foreground_'+str(angle_xy)+'_'+str(angle_xz)+'.ckpt') print("Done") def next_batch(self, batch_size): return self.batch_generator.next_batch(batch_size) def get_valid_set(self): return self.valid def train(self, epic_num=8, loop_size=2100, batch_size=32, learning_rate=0.01, thres=0.01, keep_prob=1.0, tao=50): accuracies = [0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5] tao_counter = 0 for epic in range(epic_num): for i in range(loop_size): #ts = time.time() batch = self.next_batch(batch_size) #te = time.time() #print('Gen Batch: ', te-ts) if i % 10 == 0: print(learning_rate) train_accuracy = 0 valid = self.get_valid_set() print(np.max(valid[0])) valid_counter = 0 for v_idx in range(0, len(valid[0]), 256): train_accuracy += self.accuracy.eval( session=self.sess, feed_dict={ self.x: valid[0][v_idx:min(v_idx + 256, len(valid[0]))] / 255.0, self.y_: valid[1][v_idx:min(v_idx + 256, len(valid[0]))], self.keep_prob: 1.0, self.l_rate: learning_rate }) valid_counter += 1 dir_out = self.dir_out.eval( session=self.sess, feed_dict={ self.x: valid[0][v_idx:min(v_idx + 256, len(valid[0]))] / 255.0, self.y_: valid[1][v_idx:min(v_idx + 256, len(valid[0]))], self.keep_prob: 1.0, self.l_rate: learning_rate }) print(dir_out.shape, np.max(dir_out), np.min(dir_out)) train_accuracy /= valid_counter tao_counter += 1 #print corrects print("%d step %d, training accuracy %g" % (epic, i, train_accuracy)) if np.std(accuracies[-10:]) < thres or tao_counter > tao: learning_rate = max(1e-6, learning_rate / 2) thres /= 2 accuracies = [ 0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5 ] tao_counter = 0 accuracies.append(train_accuracy) #corrects = correct_prediction.eval(feed_dict={x1: batch[0],x2: batch[1], y_: batch[2], keep_prob: 1.0,l_rate: learn_rate * (4.0-epic)}) #reinforce = append_reinforce(corrects,batch,reinforce) #ts = time.time(), feed_dict={ self.x: batch[0] / 255.0, self.y_: batch[1], self.keep_prob: keep_prob, self.l_rate: learning_rate }) #te = time.time() #print('Train: ',te-ts) def predict_large(self, image, version='', batch_diameter=64, extra_edge_width=15): sx, sy, sz = image.shape print(sx, sy, sz) #batches,pos,neg = sampling(image) result = np.zeros((sx, sy, sz)) max_res = np.zeros((sx, sy, sz)) for x_start, y_start, z_start, batch in image3D_crop_generator( image, batch_diameter, extra_edge_width): ts = time.time() num, x_len, y_len, z_len, _ = batch.shape #print(batch.shape) tmp_res = self.y_res_2x.eval(session=self.sess, feed_dict={ self.x: batch / 255.0, self.y_: np.zeros((num, 2)), self.keep_prob: 1.0, self.l_rate: 0 }) print(tmp_res.shape) tmp_res = tmp_res[extra_edge_width:-extra_edge_width, extra_edge_width:-extra_edge_width, extra_edge_width:-extra_edge_width] tmp_cov = self.y_conv_2x.eval(session=self.sess, feed_dict={ self.x: batch / 255.0, self.y_: np.zeros((num, 2)), self.keep_prob: 1.0, self.l_rate: 0 }) tmp_cov = tmp_cov[0, extra_edge_width:-extra_edge_width, extra_edge_width:-extra_edge_width, extra_edge_width:-extra_edge_width, 1] #tmp_res = np.max(tmp_res,axis = 1) result[ x_start:x_start+x_len - 2*extra_edge_width, y_start:y_start+y_len - 2*extra_edge_width, z_start:z_start+z_len - 2*extra_edge_width]\ = tmp_cov max_res[ x_start:x_start+x_len - 2*extra_edge_width, y_start:y_start+y_len - 2*extra_edge_width, z_start:z_start+z_len - 2*extra_edge_width]\ = tmp_res te = time.time() print(x_start, y_start, z_start, te - ts) print(np.max(result)) print(np.max(max_res)) misc.imsave('test' + version + '_max0.png', np.max(max_res[10:-10, 10:-10, 10:-10], axis=0) * 255) misc.imsave('test' + version + '_max1.png', np.max(max_res[10:-10, 10:-10, 10:-10], axis=1) * 255) misc.imsave('test' + version + '_max2.png', np.max(max_res[10:-10, 10:-10, 10:-10], axis=2) * 255) misc.imsave('test' + version + '_cov0.png', np.max(result[10:-10, 10:-10, 10:-10], axis=0) * 255) misc.imsave('test' + version + '_cov1.png', np.max(result[10:-10, 10:-10, 10:-10], axis=1) * 255) misc.imsave('test' + version + '_cov2.png', np.max(result[10:-10, 10:-10, 10:-10], axis=2) * 255)
class TransferFgTrain(object): def __init__(self, sess, input_placer, gold_placer, learn_rate_placer, keep_prob, window_size=21, model_path='./model/version_11', image_path='./data/neuron/train', valid_flag=False, valid_num=2048, nn=DNNet(), predict_flag=True, wd=0.001, wdo=0.001): self.sess = sess self.batch_generator = ImageListBatchGenerator((window_size - 1) // 2, image_path=image_path) self.nn = nn self.saver = None self.predict_flag = predict_flag self.fg_para_dict = dict() self.valid_flag = valid_flag self.window_size = window_size if valid_flag: self.valid = self.next_batch(valid_num) self.get_nn(input_placer, gold_placer, learn_rate_placer, keep_prob, wd=wd, wdo=wdo, window_size=window_size) print("Creation Complete\nIntialization") init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables() print("Start Intialization") print("Intialization Done") self.restore(model_path) print("Saving") #self.saver = tf.train.Saver(),model_path + '/transfer_model.ckpt') #print("Saved at " + model_path + '/transfer_model.ckpt') def get_nn(self, input_placer, gold_placer, learn_rate_placer, keep_prob, window_size, conv_1_neuron_num=512, conv_2_neuron_num=256, conv_3_neuron_num=128, conv_4_neuron_num=64, conv_5_neuron_num=32, wd=1e-9, wdo=1e-9): #create sub classes self.x = input_placer self.y_ = gold_placer self.l_rate = learn_rate_placer self.keep_prob = keep_prob fg_dict = dict() y_conv_combined = [] y_res_combined = [] for angle_xy in range(30, 181, 30): for angle_xz in range(30, 181, 30): print("Create FG NN %d %d" % (angle_xy, angle_xz)) fg_dict[(angle_xy,angle_xz)] = \ CONVDNForegroundTrain(input_placer,gold_placer,\ learn_rate_placer,keep_prob,\ angle_xy = angle_xy, \ angle_xz = angle_xz, predict_flag = True, valid_flag = False, window_size = window_size) fg_variables = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope="fg_" + str(angle_xy) + '_' + str(angle_xz)) fg_dict[(angle_xy,angle_xz)].saver = \ tf.train.Saver(fg_variables) #fg_dict[(angle_xy,angle_xz)].saver.restore(self.sess,\ # model_path + '/model_foreground_'+str(angle_xy)+'_'+str(angle_xz)+'.ckpt') y_conv_combined.append( tf.expand_dims( fg_dict[(angle_xy, angle_xz)].fg_para_dict['h_conv5'], 5)) self.fg_dict = fg_dict y_conv_combined = tf.concat(5, y_conv_combined) dir_out = tf.reshape( y_conv_combined, [-1, window_size, window_size, window_size, 36 * 16]) with tf.variable_scope("transfer"): with tf.variable_scope("transfer_layer_1"): W_conv1 = self.nn.weight_variable( [3, 3, 3, 36 * 16, conv_1_neuron_num], wd, 27 * 36 * 16, 27 * conv_1_neuron_num) b_conv1 = self.nn.bias_variable([conv_1_neuron_num]) h_conv1 = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(self.nn.conv2d(dir_out, W_conv1), b_conv1)) with tf.variable_scope("transfer_layer_2"): W_conv2 = self.nn.weight_variable( [3, 3, 3, conv_1_neuron_num, conv_2_neuron_num], wd, 27 * conv_1_neuron_num, 27 * conv_2_neuron_num) b_conv2 = self.nn.bias_variable([conv_2_neuron_num]) h_conv2 = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(self.nn.conv2d(h_conv1, W_conv2), b_conv2)) with tf.variable_scope("transfer_layer_3"): W_conv3 = self.nn.weight_variable( [3, 3, 3, conv_2_neuron_num, conv_3_neuron_num], wd, 27 * conv_2_neuron_num, 27 * conv_3_neuron_num) b_conv3 = self.nn.bias_variable([conv_3_neuron_num]) h_conv3 = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(self.nn.conv2d(h_conv2, W_conv3), b_conv3)) with tf.variable_scope("transfer_layer_4"): W_conv4 = self.nn.weight_variable( [3, 3, 3, conv_3_neuron_num, conv_4_neuron_num], wd, 27 * conv_3_neuron_num, 27 * conv_4_neuron_num) b_conv4 = self.nn.bias_variable([conv_4_neuron_num]) h_conv4 = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(self.nn.conv2d(h_conv3, W_conv4), b_conv4)) with tf.variable_scope("transfer_layer_5"): W_conv5 = self.nn.weight_variable( [3, 3, 3, conv_4_neuron_num, conv_5_neuron_num], wd, 27 * conv_4_neuron_num, 27 * conv_5_neuron_num) b_conv5 = self.nn.bias_variable([conv_5_neuron_num]) h_conv5 = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(self.nn.conv2d(h_conv4, W_conv5), b_conv5)) with tf.variable_scope("transfer_final"): W_fc1 = self.nn.weight_variable( [1, 1, 1, conv_5_neuron_num, 2]) b_fc1 = self.nn.bias_variable([2]) h_fc1 = tf.nn.relu( tf.nn.bias_add(self.nn.conv2d(h_conv5, W_fc1), b_fc1)) if self.predict_flag: self.y_conv = tf.nn.softmax(h_fc1[:, (window_size - 1) / 2, (window_size - 1) / 2, (window_size - 1) / 2, :]) self.y_res = tf.argmax(self.y_conv, 1) else: curr_shape = tf.shape(h_fc1) reshaped_conv = tf.reshape(h_fc1, [-1, 2]) softmaxed_reshaped_conv = tf.nn.softmax(reshaped_conv) self.y_conv = tf.reshape(softmaxed_reshaped_conv, curr_shape) self.y_res = tf.argmax(self.y_conv, 4) if self.valid_flag: cross_entropy_mean = -tf.reduce_mean(self.y_ * tf.log(self.y_conv)) tf.add_to_collection('losses', cross_entropy_mean) cross_entropy = tf.add_n(tf.get_collection('losses'), name='total_loss') transfer_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, "transfer") self.train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.l_rate).minimize( cross_entropy) #, var_list = transfer_vars) correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self.y_conv, 1), tf.argmax(self.y_, 1)) self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, "float")) else: print("Transfer Not For Training Singly") def restore(self, model_path): print("Restoring...") for angle_xy in range(30, 181, 30): for angle_xz in range(30, 181, 30): print("Restore %d %d" % (angle_xy, angle_xz)) self.fg_dict[(angle_xy,angle_xz)].saver.restore(self.sess,\ model_path + '/model_foreground_'+str(angle_xy)+'_'+str(angle_xz)+'.ckpt') print("Done") def next_batch(self, batch_size): return self.batch_generator.next_batch(batch_size) def get_valid_set(self, valid_num): return self.batch_generator.next_batch(valid_num) def train(self, epic_num=8, loop_size=2100, batch_size=32, learning_rate=0.01, thres=0.01, keep_prob=1.0, tao=10): accuracies = [0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5] tao_counter = 0 for epic in range(epic_num): for i in range(loop_size): #ts = time.time() batch = self.next_batch(batch_size) #te = time.time() #print('Gen Batch: ', te-ts) if i % 10 == 0: print(learning_rate) train_accuracy = 0 for v_idx in range(4): valid = self.get_valid_set(256) train_accuracy += self.accuracy.eval( session=self.sess, feed_dict={ self.x: valid[0], self.y_: valid[1], self.keep_prob: 1.0, self.l_rate: learning_rate }) train_accuracy /= 4 tao_counter += 1 #print corrects print("%d step %d, training accuracy %g" % (epic, i, train_accuracy)) if np.std(accuracies[-10:]) < thres or tao_counter > tao: learning_rate = max(1e-6, learning_rate / 2) thres /= 2 accuracies = [ 0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5 ] tao_counter = 0 accuracies.append(train_accuracy) #corrects = correct_prediction.eval(feed_dict={x1: batch[0],x2: batch[1], y_: batch[2], keep_prob: 1.0,l_rate: learn_rate * (4.0-epic)}) #reinforce = append_reinforce(corrects,batch,reinforce) #ts = time.time(), feed_dict={ self.x: batch[0], self.y_: batch[1], self.keep_prob: keep_prob, self.l_rate: learning_rate }) #te = time.time() #print('Train: ',te-ts) def predict(self, image, batch_size=512): sx, sy, sz = image.shape batches, pos, neg = sampling(image) result = np.zeros((sx * sy * sz, 36)) max_res = np.zeros((sx * sy * sz)) counter = 0 for batch in batch_generator(batches, batch_size): num = batch.shape[0] #print(np.max(batch)) tmp_cov = self.y_conv_combined.eval(session=self.sess, feed_dict={ self.x: batch / 255.0, self.y_: np.zeros( (num, 2)), self.keep_prob: 1.0, self.l_rate: 0 }) tmp_cov = np.reshape(tmp_cov[:, 1, :], (num, -1)) """ tmp_cov = self.y_res_combined.eval(session = self.sess, feed_dict = { self.x:batch/255.0, self.y_:np.zeros((num,2)), self.keep_prob:1.0, self.l_rate: 0 }) """ #tmp_res = np.max(tmp_res,axis = 1) result[counter:counter + num, :] = tmp_cov max_res[counter:counter + num] = np.max(tmp_cov, axis=1) counter += num print(counter) print(np.max(result)) result = np.reshape(result, (sx, sy, sz, 36)) max_res = np.reshape(max_res, (sx, sy, sz)) misc.imsave('test_max.png', np.max(max_res[5:-5, 5:-5, 5:-5], axis=0) * 255) misc.imsave('test_max.png', np.max(max_res[5:-5, 5:-5, 5:-5], axis=1) * 255) misc.imsave('test_max.png', np.max(max_res[5:-5, 5:-5, 5:-5], axis=2) * 255) for i in range(36): misc.imsave('testr_' + str(i) + '_0.png', np.max(result[5:-5, 5:-5, 5:-5, i], axis=0) * 255) misc.imsave('testr_' + str(i) + '_1.png', np.max(result[5:-5, 5:-5, 5:-5, i], axis=1) * 255) misc.imsave('testr_' + str(i) + '_2.png', np.max(result[5:-5, 5:-5, 5:-5, i], axis=2) * 255) def predict_large(self, image, batch_diameter=512): sx, sy, sz = image.shape print(sx, sy, sz) #batches,pos,neg = sampling(image) result = np.zeros((sx, sy, sz, 36)) max_res = np.zeros((sx, sy, sz)) for x_start, y_start, z_start, batch in image3D_crop_generator( image, batch_diameter): ts = time.time() num, x_len, y_len, z_len, _ = batch.shape #print(batch.shape) tmp_cov = self.y_conv_combined.eval(session=self.sess, feed_dict={ self.x: batch / 255.0, self.y_: np.zeros( (num, 2)), self.keep_prob: 1.0, self.l_rate: 0 }) tmp_cov = tmp_cov[0, 5:-5, 5:-5, 5:-5, 1, :] """ tmp_cov = self.y_res_combined.eval(session = self.sess, feed_dict = { self.x:batch/255.0, self.y_:np.zeros((num,2)), self.keep_prob:1.0, self.l_rate: 0 }) tmp_cov = tmp_cov[0,5:-5,5:-5,5:-5,:] """ #tmp_res = np.max(tmp_res,axis = 1) result[x_start:x_start + x_len - 10, y_start:y_start + y_len - 10, z_start:z_start + z_len - 10, :] = tmp_cov te = time.time() print(x_start, y_start, z_start, te - ts) print(np.max(result)) max_res = np.max(result, axis=3) misc.imsave('test_max0.png', np.max(max_res[5:-5, 5:-5, 5:-5], axis=0) * 255) misc.imsave('test_max1.png', np.max(max_res[5:-5, 5:-5, 5:-5], axis=1) * 255) misc.imsave('test_max2.png', np.max(max_res[5:-5, 5:-5, 5:-5], axis=2) * 255) for i in range(36): misc.imsave('testr_' + str(i) + '_0.png', np.max(result[5:-5, 5:-5, 5:-5, i], axis=0) * 255) misc.imsave('testr_' + str(i) + '_1.png', np.max(result[5:-5, 5:-5, 5:-5, i], axis=1) * 255) misc.imsave('testr_' + str(i) + '_2.png', np.max(result[5:-5, 5:-5, 5:-5, i], axis=2) * 255)