def test_get_scripts_chunks(self): app = test_urllib() soup = app.read_html_from_file() strippedcontent = app.stripHTML(soup) list = app.parse(strippedcontent) self.assertEqual(len(list), 904, "Should be 904")
def test_get_dataFrame_from_scripts_chunks(self): app = test_urllib() soup = app.read_html_from_file() strippedcontent = app.stripHTML(soup) list = app.parse(strippedcontent) dataFrame = app.getDataFrame(list, ) self.assertEqual(len(dataFrame), 904, "Should be 904 rows")
def test_get_chris_from_dataFrame(self): app = test_urllib() soup = app.read_html_from_file() strippedcontent = app.stripHTML(soup) list = app.parse(strippedcontent) dataFrame = app.getDataFrame(list, ) chris = dataFrame.loc[dataFrame['name'] == 'CHRIS'] self.assertEqual(len(chris), 117, "Instances of Chris in dataframe should be 117")
def test_get_names_from_scripts_chunks(self): app = test_urllib() soup = app.read_html_from_file() strippedcontent = app.stripHTML(soup) list = app.parse(strippedcontent) dataFrame = app.getDataFrame(list, ) names = app.getNames(dataFrame) uniqueListOfNames = app.getNamesUnique(names) self.assertEqual(len(uniqueListOfNames), 73, "Should be 73")
def test_get_names_from_open_nlp(self): app = test_urllib() soup = app.read_html_from_file() strippedcontent = app.stripHTML(soup) list = app.parse(strippedcontent) dataFrame = app.getDataFrame(list, ) names = app.getNames(dataFrame) namesFromOpenNLP = app.opennlp_test(app.getNamesAsString(names)) uniqueListOfNamesFromOpenNLP = app.getNamesUnique(namesFromOpenNLP) self.assertEqual(len(uniqueListOfNamesFromOpenNLP), 20, "Should be 20")
def test_get_overall_sentiment_chris_from_dataFrame(self): app = test_urllib() soup = app.read_html_from_file() strippedcontent = app.stripHTML(soup) list = app.parse(strippedcontent) dataFrame = app.getDataFrame(list, ) pos = dataFrame.loc[(dataFrame['name'] == 'CHRIS') & (dataFrame['Sentiment'] == 'pos')] neg = dataFrame.loc[(dataFrame['name'] == 'CHRIS') & (dataFrame['Sentiment'] == 'neg')] self.assertEqual(len(pos), 38, "Positive sentiment of Chris should be 38") self.assertEqual(len(neg), 79, "Negative sentiment of Chris should be 79")
def test_get_chris_from_scripts_chunks(self): app = test_urllib() soup = app.read_html_from_file() strippedcontent = app.stripHTML(soup) list = app.parse(strippedcontent) number = 0; for splitchunk in list: if == 'CHRIS': number = number + 1 self.assertEqual(number, 117, "Instances of Chris in script should be 117")
def test_get_main_characters_from_dataFrame(self): app = test_urllib() soup = app.read_html_from_file() strippedcontent = app.stripHTML(soup) list = app.parse(strippedcontent) dataFrame = app.getDataFrame(list, ) chris = dataFrame.loc[dataFrame['name'] == 'CHRIS'] barnes = dataFrame.loc[dataFrame['name'] == 'BARNES'] elias = dataFrame.loc[dataFrame['name'] == 'ELIAS'] self.assertEqual(len(chris), 117, "Should be 117 instances of Chris") self.assertEqual(len(barnes), 69, "Should be 69 instances of Barnes") self.assertEqual(len(elias), 66, "Should be 904 instances of Elias")