예제 #1
	def __init__ (self, trackingSystem: ReproductionShared.ReproductiveSystem):

		self.EffectAddedEvent = Events.EventHandler()
		self.EffectRemovedEvent = Events.EventHandler()

		self._activeEffects = list()  # type: typing.List[EffectsBase.EffectBase]
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, trackingSystem: ReproductionShared.ReproductiveSystem):

        self.HandlerAddedEvent = Events.EventHandler()
        self.HandlerRemovedEvent = Events.EventHandler()

        self._activeHandlers = list(
        )  # type: typing.List[HandlersBase.HandlerBase]

        def handlerSaveSkipTest(
                testingHandler: HandlersBase.HandlerBase) -> bool:
            if not isinstance(testingHandler, HandlersBase.HandlerBase):
                return True

            return testingHandler.ShouldSave

                lambda typeIdentifier: HandlersTypes.GetHandlerType(
                lambda: list(),
                typeFetcher=lambda attributeValue: attributeValue.
예제 #3
	def __init__ (self, effectingSystem: ReproductionShared.ReproductiveSystem):

		self.BuffAddedEvent = Events.EventHandler()
		self.BuffRemovedEvent = Events.EventHandler()
		self.BuffSelectionTestingEvent = Events.EventHandler()

		self._buffCoolDown = None  # type: typing.Optional[float]

		self.RegisterSavableAttribute(Savable.StandardAttributeHandler("BuffCoolDown", "BuffCoolDown", self.BuffCoolDown))

		self.BuffSelectionTestingEvent += self._BuffSelectionTestingCallback
예제 #4
파일: Sperm.py 프로젝트: NeonOcean/S4.Cycle
	def Generate (self, generationArguments: CycleEvents.SpermGeneratingArguments) -> None:
		Fill the sperm object's attributes with instruction from the input.
		:param generationArguments: Event arguments to instruct how to set the sperm's attributes.
		:type generationArguments: EventsSperm.SpermGeneratingArguments

		if not isinstance(generationArguments, CycleEvents.SpermGeneratingArguments):
			raise Exceptions.IncorrectTypeException(generationArguments, "generationArguments", (CycleEvents.SpermGeneratingArguments,))

		generationArguments.PreGenerationEvent.Invoke(generationArguments, Events.EventArguments())
		generationArguments.PostGenerationEvent.Invoke(generationArguments, Events.EventArguments())
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, trackingSystem: ReproductionShared.ReproductiveSystem):

        self.PregnancyStartedEvent = Events.EventHandler()
        self.PregnancyEndedEvent = Events.EventHandler()
        self.FetusGeneratingEvent = Events.EventHandler()

        self.MonitoringPregnancy = False

        self._cachedPregnancyTestResult = None  # type: typing.Optional[bool]
        self._cachedPregnancyTestGameMinutesRemaining = None  # type: typing.Optional[float]

        self._nonPregnantBellyModifier = 0  # type: float
        self._pregnancyVisualsActive = False  # type: bool

        self.PregnancyStartedEvent += self._PregnancyStartedCallback
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, seed: int, targetedObject: typing.Any, *args, **kwargs):
		Reproductive event arguments for when a new object needs its values randomized.

		:param seed: The seed used in the creation of random values for this event. The seed should be mixed with another number specific to each
		randomization operation, otherwise everything would generate the same numbers.
		:type seed: int
		:param targetedObject: The object the event has been triggered for.
		:type targetedObject: typing.Any


        self.PreGenerationEvent = Events.EventHandler()
        self.PostGenerationEvent = Events.EventHandler()
예제 #7
def _InvokeOnLoadWrapperEvent () -> Events.EventArguments:
	eventArguments = Events.EventArguments()  # type: Events.EventArguments

	for updateCallback in _onUpdateWrapper:  # type: typing.Callable[[types.ModuleType, Events.EventArguments], None]
			updateCallback(sys.modules[__name__], eventArguments)
			Debug.Log("Failed to run the 'OnLoadWrapper' callback '" + Types.GetFullName(updateCallback) + "'.", This.Mod.Namespace, Debug.LogLevels.Exception, group = This.Mod.Namespace, owner = __name__)

	return eventArguments
예제 #8
	def __init__ (self, trackingSystem: ReproductionShared.ReproductiveSystem):

		self.SpermGeneratingEvent = Events.EventHandler()

		self.SpermGeneratingEvent += self._SpermGeneratingCallback

		self._spermObjectsGenerated = 0  # type: int

		self.RegisterSavableAttribute(Savable.StandardAttributeHandler("SpermObjectsGenerated", "_spermObjectsGenerated", self.SpermObjectsGenerated, requiredSuccess = False))
예제 #9
    def __init__(self,
                 currentVersion: Version.Version,
                 hostNamespace: str = This.Mod.Namespace,
                 alwaysSaveValues: bool = False):
		:param currentVersion: The current version of what ever will be controlling this persistence object.
							   This value can allow you to correct outdated persistent data.
		:type currentVersion: Version.Version
		:param hostNamespace: Errors made by this persistent object will show up under this namespace.
		:type hostNamespace: str
		:param alwaysSaveValues: If this value is true this persistence object will save all values. Otherwise this object will not save values that have not been
		set or were reset at some point.
		:type alwaysSaveValues: bool

        if not isinstance(currentVersion, Version.Version):
            raise Exceptions.IncorrectTypeException(currentVersion,
                                                    (Version.Version, ))

        if not isinstance(hostNamespace, str):
            raise Exceptions.IncorrectTypeException(hostNamespace,
                                                    "hostNamespace", (str, ))

        self.CurrentVersion = currentVersion  # type: Version.Version
        self.HostNamespace = hostNamespace  # type: str

        self.OnUpdate = Events.EventHandler(
        )  # type: Events.EventHandler  # An event that is triggered to notify listeners of a changed value.
        self.OnLoad = Events.EventHandler(
        )  # type: Events.EventHandler  # An event that is triggered when new data is loaded.

        self._loadedData = dict()  # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
        self._loadedLastVersion = None  # type: typing.Optional[Version.Version]

        self._alwaysSaveValues = alwaysSaveValues  # type: bool

        self._storage = dict()  # type: typing.Dict[str, Persistent.Value]
예제 #10
    def __init__(self,
                 currentVersion: Version.Version,
                 hostNamespace: str = This.Mod.Namespace):
		:param currentVersion: The current version of what ever will be controlling this persistence object.
							   This value can allow you to correct outdated persistent data.
		:type currentVersion: Version.Version
		:param hostNamespace: Errors made by this persistent object will show up under this namespace.
		:type hostNamespace: str

        if not isinstance(currentVersion, Version.Version):
            raise Exceptions.IncorrectTypeException(currentVersion,
                                                    (Version.Version, ))

        if not isinstance(hostNamespace, str):
            raise Exceptions.IncorrectTypeException(hostNamespace,
                                                    "hostNamespace", (str, ))

        self.CurrentVersion = currentVersion  # type: Version.Version
        self.HostNamespace = hostNamespace  # type: str

        self.OnUpdate = Events.EventHandler(
        )  # type: Events.EventHandler  # An event that is triggered to notify listeners of a changed value.
        self.OnLoad = Events.EventHandler(
        )  # type: Events.EventHandler  # An event that is triggered when new data is loaded.

        self._loadedData = dict()  # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
        self._loadedLastVersion = None  # type: typing.Optional[Version.Version]

        self._storage = dict(
        )  # type: typing.Dict[str, PersistentBranched.Value]
        self._managedBranches = list()  # type: typing.List[str]

        self._updateStorage = list()  # type: list
예제 #11
    def _InvokeOnLoadEvent(self) -> Events.EventArguments:
        eventArguments = Events.EventArguments()  # type: Events.EventArguments

        for loadCallback in self.OnLoad:  # type: typing.Callable[[PersistentBranched, Events.EventArguments], None]
                loadCallback(self, eventArguments)
                Debug.Log("Failed to run the 'OnLoad' callback '" +
                          Types.GetFullName(loadCallback) + "'.",

        return eventArguments
예제 #12
	def __init__ (self, trackingSystem: ReproductionShared.ReproductiveSystem):

		self.CycleStartTestingEvent = Events.EventHandler()
		self.CycleAbortTestingEvent = Events.EventHandler()
		self.CycleGeneratingEvent = Events.EventHandler()
		self.CycleChangedEvent = Events.EventHandler()
		self.CycleCompletedEvent = Events.EventHandler()
		self.CycleReleaseOvumTestingEvent = Events.EventHandler()

		self.CycleStartTestingEvent += self._CycleStartTestingCallback
		self.CycleAbortTestingEvent += self._CycleAbortTestingCallback

		self.CompletedInitialCycle = False
		self.CompletedFirstCycle = False

		self.CycleStartTestingSeed = None

		self.TimeSinceLastCycle = None
		self.LastCycleCompletionReason = None

		self.CurrentCycle = None

		self._cycleObjectsGenerated = 0  # type: int

		encodeLastCycleCompletionReason = lambda value: value.name if value is not None else None
		decodeLastCycleCompletionReason = lambda valueString: Parse.ParsePythonEnum(valueString, CycleShared.CompletionReasons) if valueString is not None else None

		self.RegisterSavableAttribute(Savable.StandardAttributeHandler("CompletedInitialCycle", "CompletedInitialCycle", self.CompletedInitialCycle, requiredSuccess = False))
		self.RegisterSavableAttribute(Savable.StandardAttributeHandler("CompletedFirstCycle", "CompletedFirstCycle", self.CompletedFirstCycle, requiredSuccess = False))
		self.RegisterSavableAttribute(Savable.StandardAttributeHandler("CycleStartTestingSeed", "CycleStartTestingSeed", self.CycleStartTestingSeed, requiredSuccess = False))
		self.RegisterSavableAttribute(Savable.StandardAttributeHandler("TimeSinceLastCycle", "TimeSinceLastCycle", self.TimeSinceLastCycle, requiredSuccess = False))

			requiredSuccess = False,
			encoder = encodeLastCycleCompletionReason,
			decoder = decodeLastCycleCompletionReason

		self.RegisterSavableAttribute(Savable.StandardAttributeHandler("CycleObjectsGenerated", "_cycleObjectsGenerated", self.CycleObjectsGenerated, requiredSuccess = False))

			lambda typeIdentifier: CycleTypes.GetCycleType(typeIdentifier)(),
			lambda: None,
			requiredSuccess = False,
			nullable = True,
			multiType = True,
			typeFetcher = lambda attributeValue: attributeValue.TypeIdentifier,
			typeSavingKey = "CurrentCycleType"
예제 #13
from NeonOcean.S4.Cycle import This
from NeonOcean.S4.Main import Debug, Language, LoadingShared
from NeonOcean.S4.Main.Abstract import Settings as AbstractSettings
from NeonOcean.S4.Main.Data import Persistence
from NeonOcean.S4.Main.Tools import Events, Exceptions, Types, Version
from NeonOcean.S4.Main.UI import Settings as UISettings, SettingsShared as UISettingsShared
from sims4 import localization

SettingsFilePath = os.path.join(This.Mod.PersistentPath, "Settings.json")  # type: str

SettingsPersistence = None  # type: typing.Optional[Persistence.PersistentFile]
AllSettings = list()  # type: typing.List[typing.Type[Setting]]

_previousValues = dict()  # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]

_onUpdateWrapper = Events.EventHandler()  # type: Events.EventHandler
_onLoadWrapper = Events.EventHandler()  # type: Events.EventHandler

class UpdateEventArguments(Events.EventArguments):
	def __init__ (self, changedSettings: typing.Set[str]):
		self.ChangedSettings = changedSettings

	def Changed (self, key: str) -> bool:
		Get whether or not a setting has been changed between the last update and this one.

		return key in self.ChangedSettings

class Setting(AbstractSettings.SettingAbstract):
	IsSetting = False  # type: bool
예제 #14
from __future__ import annotations

import sys

from NeonOcean.S4.Main import Debug, Mods, This
from NeonOcean.S4.Main.Tools import Events, Exceptions, Types

ModLoadedEvent = Events.EventHandler()
ModUnloadedEvent = Events.EventHandler()  # type: Events.EventHandler

class ModLoadedEventArguments(Events.EventArguments):
    def __init__(self, mod: Mods.Mod):
        if not isinstance(mod, Mods.Mod):
            raise Exceptions.IncorrectTypeException(mod, "mod", (Mods.Mod, ))

        self.Mod = mod  # type: Mods.Mod

class ModUnloadedEventArguments(Events.EventArguments):
    def __init__(self, mod: Mods.Mod, exiting: bool):
        if not isinstance(mod, Mods.Mod):
            raise Exceptions.IncorrectTypeException(mod, "mod", (Mods.Mod, ))

        if not isinstance(exiting, bool):
            raise Exceptions.IncorrectTypeException(exiting, "exiting",
                                                    (bool, ))

        self.Mod = mod  # type: Mods.Mod
        self.Exiting = exiting  # type: bool
예제 #15
from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import random
import typing
import time

from NeonOcean.S4.Cycle import ReproductionShared, Saving, This
from NeonOcean.S4.Main import Debug
from NeonOcean.S4.Main.Saving import SectionBranched
from NeonOcean.S4.Main.Tools import Events, Exceptions, Python, Types
from sims import sim_info

RegisteredReproductiveSystemEvent = Events.EventHandler(
)  # type: Events.EventHandler
UnregisteredReproductiveSystemEvent = Events.EventHandler(
)  # type: Events.EventHandler #The event arguments will be of the type RegistrationChangedArguments for both of these.

_reproductiveSystems = dict(
)  # type: typing.Dict[sim_info.SimInfo, ReproductionShared.ReproductiveSystem]

_fullUpdateTimes = list()  # type: typing.List[float]
_individualUpdateTimes = list()  # type: typing.List[float]

# TODO let the reset interaction to reset the save.

class RegistrationChangedArguments(Events.EventArguments):
    def __init__(self,
                 reproductiveSystem: ReproductionShared.ReproductiveSystem):
        if not isinstance(reproductiveSystem,