예제 #1
파일: Pinger.py 프로젝트: nelsonse/Pinger
 def PingClient(self, server, message):
     PingClient - Client portion of PingServer
     Sends a standardized message to the PingServer and deals with 
     dropped packets as defined by the timeout value passed to NetDefs
     (my standard network connection module).
     Right now, the connection timeout is set to 1 second...
     # Import the required classes
     from NetDefs import Udp
     from socket import timeout
     # Build the connection and write the message passed
     connection = Udp(server = server, port = self.port)
     # Try to read from the socket after we send a message
     # capture the timeout exception and handle.
         retMsg = connection.read(1.0)
     except timeout:
         retMsg = 'TIMEOUT: No return received'
     # Return any message received.  
예제 #2
파일: Pinger.py 프로젝트: nelsonse/Pinger
    def PingServer(self):
        PingServer - start a UDP server to listen on a specified port for 'ping'
        messages. Assumes a message input standard of:
        PING <seq no.> <client orig time> CRLF
        Returns message in format of:
        PING <client seq no.> <client orig time> <server reply time> CRLF
        PingServer simulates pseudo-random packet loss (via LOSS_RATE) and 
        randomized process/transmit delay (via AVERAGE_DELAY) for the packet
        # Import the classes/modules
        from NetDefs import Udp
        from random import random
        from re import match
        from time import sleep
        from Generic import Generic

        # Loop forever...or there about...
            # Establish the listener locally
            connection = Udp(port = self.port)
            # Generate a random number to simulate packet loss
            simulate_loss = random()
            # Read the port
            recvStr = connection.read()
            print('Got message ' + recvStr.rstrip('\n') + ' from ' + connection.serverAddress[0])
            # if the message matches exactly the kill string stop the server
            # If the simulated loss is below the LOSS_RATE, drop
            if(simulate_loss < self.LOSS_RATE):
                print('Dropping packet (on purpose)')
                print('\tDropped packet contained: ' + recvStr.rstrip('\n'))
                print('\tDropped packet was from: ' + connection.serverAddress[0] + '\n')
            # Sleep to simulate network delay
            print('Sleeping for ' + str(((2*simulate_loss)*self.AVERAGE_DELAY)/1000) + ' sec')
            # Instantiate a generic instance for all methods
            g = Generic()
            # Strip off the CRLF from the inbound
            sndStr = recvStr.rstrip('\n')
            # Write the original data back to the pinger
            # Need to set up the connection information from the received 
            # packet
            connection.server = connection.serverAddress[0]
            connection.port = connection.serverAddress[1]
            connection.write(sndStr +  ' ' + g.timeStamp() + '\n')
            # Notify that message was sent back
            print('Reply sent to ' + connection.serverAddress[0] + '\n')
        # Return if the request to kill the server is received